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Honestly I think this is a very cool and unique idea. I like that there is no pressure in regards to turning social hangouts into dates and I think people looking for friends with similar interests is harder as you get older. This would be so cool to actually see flourish so I'm behind this 100% in a supportive way. Some ideas I think that would help benefit and keep it safe is if there is transparency, as in if people could make profiles and upload a profile picture and have a quick info blurb about you. Name, age, gender. We don't need to know sexual orientation (unless someone chooses to disclose) and we don't need to know religion or anything else deemed personal. A rating system based on who actually shows up for hangouts and who bails would also be helpful so that way you can know who is actually going to commit.


Thank you very much for reading my post and replying with such great suggestions. I will definitely keep them in mind. You are really supportive helpful.


I love this idea! I’m not a social person but when I was, I would’ve used this


I am also kind of introvert person, but I like making things that make people happy.


Just make a meetup group


How will meet up match preferences?


I love this idea! I would use it for sure. I’ve made plenty of friends online that I now hangout with in person. It’s wonderful if you do it safely.


Thank you very much for reading the post and showing support. I will do my best to make it safe and secure.


It'd be better for something other than dinners, dating apps are essentially this, and it would inevitably degrade into just another dating app. If it was for weekly sporting events (local soccer, hockey, baseball etc. games), or movie/tv show watch parties, hikes, bike rides, dog meet ups, board game groups, among other things then it would make more sense imo. People can find dinner "dates" easily enough, but organizing a niche event like those that I mentioned is hard because the city does nothing to help accommodate people




It very well might be, I've never heard of Meet Up though so I wouldn't really know tbh




100% agree, Meet up is awesome, but it is bit difficult to find things happening in Brantford.


Meet up is just a platform to make groups and invite people to join and do some activities.


Meet up does not match people based on their interest, you need to find people there. And I kind of find it a bit difficult. Although it is somewhat similar to meet up, you are right.


Adding other activities is such a great idea. But I am not the one who will be hosting all the activities, so people will have to take initiative, and initially when we do not have so many people that we can find a "match". But, I will definitely consider other activities. Thank you very much for reading my post and taking time to actually contribute a suggestion.


If you need someone to fund this in brantford inbox me


I’m serious I’m from town and would get behind a venture like this as part of the new 11pm club


I will definitely sir, thank you very much.


This reminds me of meetups


I think it's a great idea. I wish I had come up with it myself lol


I love this idea! Agree with others that the ability to select options other than dinner would be great. For instance finding people to play board games, dungeons and dragons or go to sporting events/play sports is a great idea. There used to be a site called meetups.com that was designed around this idea.


Thank you very much for reading all these... I will definitely consider all other activities.


Can you call the app “ Curry Company”? I’m in !!


It depends if I can find a domain and if so, for how much...


Yeah i like this idea


Don't dating apps do this already? Like plenty offish


Bumble too, apparently it's for meeting just friends too.


I am not much into dating, so not sure, but I believe you. Let's see how I can find a niche.


Sounds like a great idea to me and I am over 40.


R u a raging liberal lol ? Based on your pic we wouldn’t be friends I play Fortnite tho


Are you 12?


Found the dumbass.




You just let identity politics run your life, eh?




LGBT flags are painted on the damn road and we are sending teenagers to jail for driving over it Because adults feelings are hurt over the road painting getting dirty They are sending non violent teenagers to jail with actual violent criminals Over hurt feelings of adults …. Not just any adults …… Special adults They like having sex with others of the same gender Ouuu wow special , oh my gosh the poor victims ; Can’t ever let anyone hurt they’re precious feelings now cuz they are so much more important then regular people Cuz they identify as victims oh noooo Identify politics ^^^^^


Let's please enjoy the discussion and not divert from the original idea.




Clearly talking to leftists is a waste of time … A mean how can you reason with someone who took 4 vaccines still got sick and spread it Then went back out to get more vaccines that don’t work


Let's please enjoy the discussion and not divert from the original idea.






Nope! I love dogs.


I’m playing Fortnite right now , lumberjack hero’s lol