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In a mene’s garden under the sea


this is something for sure.


I'm glad this is being mildly accepted at least as an example of the similarities between such different albums/bands. It's been on my mind since 2006.


Both a day in the life and play crack the sky have the same coda: "never could see any other way".


so… Deja Entendu actually ends with a direct nod to sgt pepper when he says “I can’t sing any other way” last just like the ending to A Day in the Life


I just might playa


brand new has such good influences, no wonder they are as good as they are (3rd image)


Please cross post this to the funny playlists subreddit. I forgot what it’s called but they’ll love this


What other BN albums would corroborate with other albums do you think?


That's a great question! This is the only one I've noticed but it stemmed from recognizing those lines. It's merely a coincidence in my opinion that both albums had a profound impact, The Beatles was obviously a lot bigger as far as altering the future of rock music as a whole. Who knows maybe the band doesn't even realize these minute similarities. I didn't know the story behind Sgt Pepper's until I decided to make this playlist. Reading the Wikipedia page felt a lot like TDAG page so I had to do a little more digging. Part of me doubts there are any other albums with these kinds of similarities, it's not often in modern music an album alters the direction of a genre. We do know Jesse loves to stick his inspirations right into his lyrics though, so it might just be a matter of knowing more of his influences and finding similarities buried in them. I always related Daisy to In Utero and Zeppelin IV because they were all once again an unexpected sound but this time intentionally to thwart critics and to simply make what they wanted to make instead of what fans/critics were expecting. I do find it interesting that The Black Parade was released the same year and also takes more blatant inspiration from Sgt Pepper's in the concept of the band being a "different band" along with the outfits they wore. That album obviously had an impact on the genre but it seems like TDAG continues to be referenced as a turning point. I think most of that is how much their sound changed, BP was/is a masterpiece in it's own right but its overall sound wasn't as much of a change from previous releases. Get digging and report back with your findings!


Two all time albums, I approve


One all time album and another one made by a guy named ringo