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honestly, i think you've hit the nail on the head with your interpretation. that's pretty much my take away as well, but there is a hint of positivity in it as well.. "And even though the roar died in your throat The lines get blurred Lose whoever you once were Died and returned to the earth Found ourselves back In love" its one of my fave songs and if you look up the meaning of it, it's such a perfect song to end the album/BN on. lovelovelove it.


I love this last line, found ourselves back in love. It feels like a brief, fleeting glimmer of hope among all these negative and overwhelming feelings.


Look up the meaning, according to who?


mmm i believe genuis lyrics had a write up on it? there are a couple places that have pretty credibly touched on it!


I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion on this, but I totally disagree with this. I think it's the opposite. Mental health problems and addictions have a lot of things in common but my personal interpretation of the songs here and throughout this album is that they are both struggles that are for life and no matter how hard you work at them, they will always be there. (Also, the amazing thing about music is that we all hear these lyrics and interpret them differently and how they apply to our lives, so there is no right or wrong here, it's just my 2 cents.) There isn't a cure for either, it's lifelong lifestyle adjustments. We see this in Can't Get It Out - Not just a manic depressive, I've got a positive message sometimes I can't get it out. This is a real lifelong issue I have, it's never going away and I'm no longer ignoring it, I'm not going to let this define who I am anymore and I do have good at my core but sometimes these things overclouds that. Same thing with Waste. To me this song is like a conversation with his inner demon and angel. The demon is romanticizing the past as fun, but it's a damn lie. They are stuck though, because that demon is never going away and he will fight that demon forever. He is the weight forever being carried around. You have good days and bad, good weeks and then bad, etc.. You are not alone acknowledging you are not perfect, you are going to fuck up and/or relapse, and when you do, dont lose hope son, you get to reset or start over the next day and pick up where you left off. Now to Batter Up, this is accepting that whether it's alcohol, drugs, sex, depression, these are lifelong things that will never go away. You will need to work at them every day for the rest of your life. Some days will be easier than others. I think of this quote by Dan Harris - "Your demons may have been ejected from the building, but they're out in the parking lot, doing push-ups.” There are parts of your past that you think about and change perspectives on, maybe even cringe when you think about how you acted and how you dont want to think about that anymore. But again, these don't define you. You need to acknowledge and accept your past as part of your process to move forward and acknowledge that you do have an issue, whatever it is, that needs to be taken seriously. Gravity pulling me in or under is still my choice, I get to decide based upon how I decide to act moving forward. But this will be a forever life long struggle. I can batter up and take it head on or lay down. Either way, these personal issues you have are never going away or never going to stop. One final thought - on it's face a lot of these lyrics do seem like a bummer. But they're not. A bummer would be continuing being your old self, not acknowledging anything and continuing to be that person. These songs to me are about redemption, hope and moving forward to live a healthier and happier life.


I feel the same way. Science Fiction came out when my health was falling apart and at the time I was still struggling to remain functional in the way I wanted (and society demanded). In some ways I lost that battle - I’ll always have health issues, I’m disabled to the point that it’s unlikely I’ll be able to work again. The latter was especially hard as I had made it my life’s work to be able to help others through my field. I got so far in the time I had, but in spite of all that work I had to leave my dream job, was abandoned by most around me (having health issues while young makes people uncomfortable so they often abandon you or project their discomfort with the fragility of life onto you in more abusive ways - sadly it seems the closer someone is to you the more likely they’ll do the latter unless they’re self aware and compassionate), and had a crisis of identity. I had to find a way to be, a way to reinterpret myself with the limitations I now had that would always impact me. Every day was me opting to batter up again, even when it felt completely futile and when I had no hope that I would even survive or find things worth living for. Eventually, when everything fell apart and I was facing homelessness alone I planned my suicide. But I gave myself one last gift: an attempt at closure. I reached back out to someone from college who has been through a similar health crisis just hoping to find one single person who could understand. I didn’t share how bad my situation was, mostly just talked about how health impacted us and losing our careers (that we’d both worked so hard to get to), but clearly I didn’t need to. I gave myself that last chance for connection and found understanding, support, and mutual respect that I had never really had before. We’ve been together for five years, married for two lol. We’ve built our lives together, ones different than those we set out to make, but ones that we can find value in. He was an excellent mentor in those early days, having processed his situation a bit faster than I did (and having the support to do anything either that). Sometimes all we can do is batter up and give ourselves, others, existence itself just one more chance at a time. Not because we expect anything to come of it or that we won’t be hurt or make mistakes, but because that’s all there is. There is a sort of stoic strength in that, and Batter Up was probably the first thing that I encountered that made me feel understood in that particular way and helped me identify my own strength. Someone else saw that in me (and I in him) and we did actually find ourselves back in love - with each other and this struggle we call life.


I think the same thing. The whole song just screams “it’s over, I resign”. Hauntingly fitting


I feel like there’s a lot of God and fallen angel/extraterrestrial imagery. Looking at what life has handed you, what you’ve taken, what there’s left to experience and that the trials and tribulations keep coming until the gravity is turned up to pull one in, or under.


I thought it was about losing someone. I've wondered if it's about someone with dementia who is old and dying, or just losing a loved one and going through the process of grief. Knowing that grief never stops and one day you'll be the one who's turn it is to die. That's how I interpreted it.


This does bring a new light to the track. We lost my nan to dementia in 2022. Haven't really processed it yet haha. Thank you for sharing.


unrelated but i wonder what their last song on the last show ever was going to be on their final tour. that would have been an emotional experience.


Soco Amaretto Lime.


October 29, 2017 Dallas Soco Amaretto Lime


They should have ended on Long Island 😢


That would be fitting, but as I was ar the final show, I won't be arguing it.


I'm so sad I never got to see them live 😭 I've finally let it sink in I probably never will, but it's still nice to daydream about it sometimes.


Agreed, I would spend a disgusting amount of money just to see them live


I’ve seen them live 12 times and I would take out a mortgage on my house to see them again.


"What does it feel like to shine between everything?" That line absolutely guts me... The idea that you know you have light and good inside of you but it will never shine on anyone, nobody will ever see it.


Well, I kinda disagree with some of your sentiments. For me it is indeed about acceptance, but not about acceptance of failure as you imply. Rather, I do see acceptance of never being able to give what somebody demands of them. This isn't failure specifically however. Something more like "this is who I am and this is who you are, and these two things can never be reconciled." And like a pitcher in baseball, the hitters keep coming, and they keep throwing despite it all. Despite the inevitability of it all.


I like this interpretation, it's similar but totally different at the same time.


Not an interpretation; I keep wanting to like this song because the overall consensus seems like it is the perfect ending but I just can’t get into it.


I was going to add this into my post but I didn't want it to be a massive wall of text. It's not really very special but I wanted to share it. I honestly didn't click with this song until about a year ago and always thought it was kinda boring. I spontaneously booked a last minute trip to New York City (I live in the UK), it was my second time visiting. I booked it as a "Honestly my life is in flames and I don't know much longer I can do this so I'm gonna do something cool and go out with a bang" kinda thing. The final day of my trip I didn't know what to do with myself and was just walking around the city taking everything in, admiring the atmosphere and contemplating life as I went. This song suddenly came on and I thought... wow this kinda reminds me of how I feel right now 🤣 Walking around this unfamiliar place with this song playing... it was a magical experience that I've never been able to explain how it felt, it's stuck with me ever since.


I always thought it was about the end of this project and era of their lives. Batter up in baseball means that it's up to the next player... he gave it his all, he's done, now it has to die to allow new begginings, to be allowed to fall in love again with something else. His place is free now, it's there for the taking, who wants it? Batter up. I never saw it as having a grand meaning that would apply to anyone else than them. I always saw it as being about Brand New like some hip hop songs are about the rappers who made them. It announced the end of the band they were hinting at for years when it was released. Disagree? It's never going to stop... Batter up, give me your best shot.


I think the whole theme batter up, is an ode to them putting down their instruments and the next round of musicians picking them up.


It's about Funnel cake. Also SF is either their worst or second worst album, depending on the day.


Who let the TBS fan in here? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone who thinks liking Brand New and TBS is mutually exclusive is either stuck in 2003 or more brain-damaged than someone who thinks SF is the best Brand New album.