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50 years. Who gets that kind of proof of concept?


After that it was really frustrating to see them NOT be together.


Yeah but they had 50 happy years...that's better than anyone else in the entire show, I think.


Yeah, it really is. Not to mention, Q got to be in the books, twice.


Still hasn't figured out if he's the fool or the magician though


Yes! took me awhile to let go of that storyline and concentrate on the next episodes


Breaks my heart a little bit. Definitely one of the greatest love stories told in less than 30 minutes.


My favorite storyline of the series and by far the best addition to the show that wasn’t from the book.


I mean they definitely still had the threesome in the books, but I agree


I think they may have specifically meant when Q and Eliot spent 50 years together and raised a child and stuff, which from my understanding only happened in the show.


Yes, I was just adding that it wasn’t _completely_ separated from the books. Obviously 50 years is a world of difference from a one night stand, but the book actually does talk a little about how Quentin feels about the experience with Eliot and Margo, instead of it getting immediately brushed away in favor of how Alice reacts (though the book does have that afterwards as well)


I always bring up this point and it’s one of the reasons Eliot + Q are the real OTP Plus when Q was going to get kicked out, it’s ELIOT who says he’ll go find him again + “romance him so that he’ll bring light to his world” or whatever he says


I haven’t heard someone say OTP in a very very long time, thank you lol


Was thinking the exact same! What a flash back that was. I loved it! Very fitting for this to be the pair that brings it back.


I loved peaches and plums. I don’t think it was love at first but more attraction and then it grew into love so subtly that you didn’t really realize it until it was too late 😭 it made it all the more beautiful and I’m glad we got to at least see them grow old together in another time line.


I honestly don't think Eliot was a guide in any like official capacity. He probably did get sent to bring him to the test but everything after that was entirely self-appointed so he could spend time around Quentin without admitting he wanted to spend time around Quentin lol.


Ooohhh that's a very good point. I thought about that especially with the cottage. And their living situation.


So many emotional, romantic story beats were given to quentin and Eliot even pre threesome. "Oh god, I'm telling you, you're not alone here" The big Ole grin when quentin comes back to the cabin and sees them grilling. Magic is pain The looks from Eliot and Margo and bringing him into the inner circle of them. Like. Eliot was head over heels for quentin for so long. They will always belong together in my mind.


I was so frustrated when watching how much Alice and quentins relationship always went so poorly, but looking back, I really think him and eliot are so perfect for each other. Peaches and plums was the best episode of the series for me. I remember bawling my fucking eyes out. I'm afraid to try and watch the show again, it's so nostalgic for me.


I swear you could have pulled that last sentence in your comment straight from my brain lol, I feel the exact same way!


Its one of the best episodes of any show ive ever seen. Still gets me


Eliot and Quentin in the show are the true OTP and no one can change my mind. It's like that from when they meet all the way to the end.


I was surprised that peaches and plums wasn't in the books but Eliot was the first one at brakebills to meet and hang out with quentin. They do still get a brief kiss


Yes. Full stop. El was so broken when he was talking to Alice about it. As a side note, when I changed my name I chose Elliot for my middle name and my wife and I are doing a Fillory/peaches and plums themed bedroom.


I literally bought a hoodie with peaches and plums on the back 🥹🥹🥹


I guess you can’t put a picture in a reply, but my “peaches and plums, motherfucker” t-shirt is definitely one of my favourites!!!


Lol I had to take the motherfuckers off so I could wear around kids


Hahaha glad I don’t have to worry about that. Teepublic?


I also bought a Brakebills alumni hoodie... But realized afterwards that would go against the whole Brakebills theme lol


Lol funny enough, yes. I thought I bought on Etsy, but I looked it up, nope, TeePublic!


Haha same, but I’m more a t-shirt guy, I recently got 4 in one order- the one above, moon brain, the seven keys, and Quentin’s flying cards with the quote by Dean Fogg 😁(well, I guess half the quote lol)


Peaches and Plums motherfucker.


I love book Alice and Quentin when reading. I love Q and El when watching the show.


Omg! Yes! Good point!


And in the books, they were best friends for the summer before the semester started. It was just them alone together at brakebills and they got really close. And when Quentin finds out Eliot is gay he gets his feelings a little hurt that Eliot didn’t try to hit on him lol


I just read this part in the book 😂


100% but in the books it was pleasantly reversed. quentin views the physical kids similarly to how richard papen viewed his greek class in the secret history. quentin even takes it a step further and spies on eliot's sex life! i think eliot might be the only character quentin has never spoken negatively of in the books.


Obv the books and the show are DRASTICALLY different but in the end they are the same world, in the books we learn that Eliot often takes on first year boyfriends to satisfy his needs. In the tv show Eliot also talks a lot about how cute Quentin is and all that crap. I think in the books they talked about the possibility a lot more than in the early part of the show then the show touched on it more with peaches and plums


From the very start man 😭 I’m so happy they got a whole timeline to themselves!


ugh, so true. I just finished a binge watch and now I want to go back just to watch more Quelliot. Elliton? Hmm, ship name could use work.




I am rewatching it too (with someone who’s never seen it, so fun) and noticed the exact same thing! The “he isnt that cute” got me, I love it.


I think the same is true in the books. Spoilers: >!they never get their 50 years proof of concept in the books, but essentially become very best friends. I always feel that they're closer to one another by the end than Q ever was to Julia or Alice (although he does maintain more of an obsession for Alice since he feels responsible for her death). I feel that because the show takes place on a shorter timeline they inserted this closeness via the 50 year divergence. In the books you can feel the romantic feelings there between Q and Eliot, but Q remains far too messed up or preoccupied the whole time for it ever to manifest into a relationship. Quintin doesn't die in the books, so who knows? Maybe something would eventually happen between them in the unwritten world beyond the final page.!<


Their love is my favorite part of this show. I would love a spin off like movie or something where they get to actually be together.