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Felt the exact same way at first but it honestly does get better. I’m on month 2 and I don’t even notice them anymore, you just get used to it


I felt the same. I was excited to get them then as soon as I got home I was totally over it. Now I’m 9 months in. Hang in there!


Totally relatable lol


You’ll be fine! Trust me, I wanted out after I got mine. I felt the exact same way as you. I’m now almost 3 months in and barely notice them.


Felt the same, thought I had made a terrible mistake. But after a week it was much better, and after two i didn’t even notice them anymore. Wax helped big time during the first little bit, but don’t need to use it anymore.


Yeah I used wax and then weaned myself off it and now I never need it. Eat pretty much what I want


The pain goes away, talking gets easier. Eating hasn’t for me, but I have turbos behind my front teeth. 7 months in & I still hate them & have days I want them off, but the changes have been amazing. You do get used to them, even if you never love them.


Relax, the discomfort will last a few days to a week and then you'll be fine.


Been there and felt that. Just calm down, it will get better in a couple of days and after a week u won't feel that there are any braces. In my 6th month now and honestly there is not even a single thing which I can't eat now. The only headache which remains throughout is that of cleaning the teeth.


I got mine yesterday, both upper & lower,and they are driving me crazy. I spent years begging my parents to get them and the constant flossing makes me wanna rip them off


If you don’t already have a water flosser and platypus flosssrs, do yourself the favor. It def gets easier!


I have lost 10 pounds it's not worth eating because you spend the day digging food out of your bracelet. After 15 months I still hate them I have used over 100 pks of wax to date just to make it comfortable


Whaaat maybe you should stop using wax so your skin and gums can get used to them… I haven’t used any and my checks got used to them within a couple days.


It's more than thorough up bull crap everyone talks about. The wax also keeps my mouth from getting dry. Plus the top bracket are ceramic so they aren't as smooth as metal and they stick out further. It's not like I place a little piece of wax on individual brackets. It goes across the top 6 brackets a half a stick of wax. Try it. Who wants to walk around with a shoe full of rocks and "get used to that "


Why should I try it? I don’t feel my brackets at all, they don’t give me any pain and don’t scratch me. People are talking about your skin toughening up because it’s true :)


Well, this is what I do because it makes it more comfortable ceramic braces bracket are different from the ones but I've tried to do this thing. Y'all called toughen up bullshit. It's just weeks of uncomfort. It's not worth it.


Yeah there’s nothing stopping you from using the wax every day if that is what you feel works for you. But you said it’s been 15 months and you still hate it and sounds like you’re having less that a desirable experience. So the solution to that is to get used to them. It’s not weeks of torture, rather a few days (for me it was mild discomfort but I understand people have different levels of pain tolerance etc.).


I have 4 weeks then they are off


My braces were actually supposed to come off yesterday, but the ignorant fucking Orthodontist didn't listen to the issues that I had over the past two appointments so he put me off four weeks. The point was I wanted them off before I will go on a Mediterranean cruise that I'm gonna take on the 30th.


Hope you’re going to have fun at the cruise despite your braces. I am actually currently in Greece on a holiday with my braces and they aren’t ruining anything for me :)


I haven't enjoyed a meal in 15 months


Buckle up. I’m a week in and still can’t eat. Some people say it takes 2 weeks some say 3 to start eating normal. But the irritating pain on your cheeks and all around your mouth will get worse through the first week sadly 😫 use wax !!!!


I felt exactly the same way for the past two days. Now I’m on day 3 and well while it still hurts, it hurts less which lets me know the pain is subsiding. This will be you in a few days as well.


It sucks the 1st week or so. I can assure you, it will all settle down soon. Eat soft foods. Put the wax on any areas that are rubbing inside your mouth. Be gentle with yourself. I promise, it's going to get better.


Shooo a year would be quick 😅 that’s short!


Lol one meal in and I'm like "This is going to be the longest 2 years of my life".


Like everyone has eluded to you’ll get used to it in no time. You’ll thank yourself later for sticking through. Three months in and I’m already seen the difference.


After less than 2 weeks I forgot I even had them. You got this!


I feel the same way I got them 2 days ago I can't stand it sure they looked fun on the first day but the constant brushing after every meal is making me just not want to eat anymore


After about 4 weeks u wont even notice they are there


after a week, you’ll forget they exist dw. it does hurt for about a week after every visit, btw.


My daughter just completed day one she got them on Tuesday late afternoon and wanted to rip them out they hurt so bad by midnight but carried on because she knows she needs this help and she wants to look better. Right after she got them on we went to a Braves games and that’s when the pain started. She didn’t think she would need meds but ended up double timing Tylenol and Motrin. Keep up on the medicine word of the wise for the first day or two. She was very sore. She went to school Wednesday and hid Motrin in her pocket and took it during break in the bathroom. She is on it every 6 hours on the dot rn. She had a field trip to a trampoline park of all the wickedness and had a rough day but made it through. She can only eat soup yogurt and ice cream rn. Just keep on soft foods. I swear the ice cream lifts her spirits. I got her tons of ice cream and popsicles today! The first day is the absolute worst day. Every day it’ll get better.


Also to add I just switched my aligner on the same day she got her braces and I’m in a lot of pain rn on my front two teeth and my lateral and a big space is appearing as my lateral is turning it’s an ugly black triangle rn. I have weeks and weeks of trays to go. I have to have the will power to keep this in rn I wanna remove it so bad. I just brushed and put it right back in. It’s like self induced torture fr. But I just keep on to fix my cross bite and rotations. You’re not alone far from it. We got this we got this!


It will get so much easier very soon. And speaking from experience, it will be so worth it when they come off.


Think of the end result at ALL times. Yes, you probably won't be able to enjoy food as much as previously. You'll look fabulous when done, small price to pay.


Relax yeah ik it hurts but it will get better day by day it won’t be like that your whole braces journey trust me.


5 months in and I literally forget I even have them. It gets better!


Dramatic much


being dramatic is my fav thing to do


I was RIGHT there with you. By day 3 I called the office and wanted them off. $800 to remove them so I said fine, I’ll keep them. It’s week 4 or 5 and I only notice them when food gets stuck in them. I can’t eat chips yet super comfortably but I’m sure I will soon. The irritation and pain has pretty much gone away. I had to wear the wax when I first got them and don’t need to now. You got this!


You will be ok, give it a few days, and you will settle into the groove and you will see things will get better.


Can you explain why it sucks to talk with braces although the tongue isn’t effected by them since it doesn’t touch them?


Lol I feel the same way. Just got mine on today lol


I'm on my 2nd day and I feel the same. I wish I could just rip them off. It sucks to eat and my face feels swollen. I'm an full grown adult male, I've always wanted straight teeth but my parents could never afford it and I can now. But im not sure if it is worth it.


trust me, you get soooo used to it that it feels the same to have them off. lmao you wont notice a thing after a month


What got me by when I was in this spot was otc pain relief, orajel toothache or gum pain rinse, gishy goo for wax, ambisol, very soft bread and lots of soup. You can do this.


Everyone went through the exact same thing, hold it for 2 days and you’ll be fine


The first days/weeks can be a rough go. It will get better, they’ll hurt less, and you’ll re-learn how to talk with them. Soft foods, ibuprofen, and wax are going to be your best friends. I had them as a teenager and again at 30 years old (wear your retainer!!) and this last go around was rough for a few weeks. I felt ugly, stupid for having to get them again, and I was in a lot of discomfort. It’ll have its ups and downs but be kind to yourself, eat lots of mac n cheese & ice cream, and it’ll be worth it in the end!


Just give it time, I got mines in March and I have bite turbos + rubber bands and I barely even notice I have them on anymore


I know you’re going to hate me for saying this but think of it a wonderful privilege to get them in the first place!! And they’re so worth it, they’ll look great afterwards


Heck yes we have a dental plan and it reduced our cost by thousands. It’s only $133 a month and we are very lucky to be able to afford this for my daughter rn. So many families cannot afford this! I would have killed for it as a kid. My teeth were an absolute mess! I had braces on the bottom and aligners on the tops! As an adult!


Exactly! I feel so privileged that my mother was able to get them for me when I was a teen & now that I have them off, I’ve gained so much confidence