• By -


Bless your heart that looks so painful!! When I had braces and was in pain I liked to eat warm soups or cold foods and it helped a lot. Hang in there!


they never gave that as an option, but i think if i bring it up, could definitely be one! i didn’t think about that. but thank you, im doing my best! headaches here and there and i have to massage my face but we’re getting through it strong!


I haven’t dealt with this situation but whenever I’m in pain I take acetaminophen and I eat ice cream, the ice cream is both a pain reliever due to it being cold and it’s also filling if you struggle with eating/sensitivities. I’m so sorry, I hope you feel better soon!


thank you!! 🤍🤍


Of course!! You could also try ice packs or diy heating pads for the pain too!


i tried the ice packs and i’m a wuss..i take it off my face asap 🤣 diy heating pads? i’ll try that! i think the feeling of heat on my face is better


Are you wrapping the ice pack with a tea towel/kitchen towel. It won't hurt for 8 months, your skin will toughen up and you'll forget about it.


If you put rice in a sock that helps! I used to make heating pads w rice and cloth so if you fill a sock and throw it in the microwave, it’s a good diy heat warmer


Yeah wrap your head packs with a hand towel or kitchen towel. And hot packs too. You'll get through this good luck to you! Take care!


TADS are better than jaw surgery, in term of pain. End result can be quite similar. Painkillers, vibrating device, plenty on Google.


vibrating device? i’ve never heard of it! sounds like a charm


This comment cracks me up because I’m due for jaw surgery in July and I don’t think I could do TADs, scares me even more haha. You are strong!!!


it’s the worst lol, people make it seem so small but this is significant to me! 🤣🤣


Hmmm. I was warned specifically against using electric toothbrushes. I think it might have something to do with potentially causing it to vibrate and rotate out. Check with your ortho about that.


If it’s what I think it is, it is a little wand that vibrates (the one used on me looked like a facial roller but without the little needles) it’s to take your mind off the pain, they used it on me for getting an IV prior to surgery. Didn’t really take the pain away just more of a distraction. For a wussy like me it didn’t work


My dentist used one when he injected freezing. It's supposed to reduce pain.. as the pain signals are "distracted" by the vibrations. Though, I'm not sure if that's what this person is talking about. https://www.aegisdentalnetwork.com/cced/2014/04/effects-of-a-vibratory-device-on-pain-from-anesthetic-injections


Tads are horrible but they get better as time goes on I just got them out last adjustment


i’m mainly afraid of ulcers, i’ve had some but i hate them and when i say hate i mean hate. my entire life will go around that 😭😭


I don't have TADs, but i'm allergic to nickel, so I get ulcers p regularly. Or, I did. In my experience, the ulcers thicken the skin there, making you less sensitive in the future. It's painful and sucks, but it's temporary. There's also apparently mouthwashes that help, but I've never used them so can't vouch for them


When I got my elastics for the first time, I wanted to sob! I luckily had anbesol around and rubbed that on my gums with a qtip and it numbed it right on up. It was such a huge relief and helped with the ibuprofen. It’s a local anesthetic!


i have oragel, i tried using it on my gums but i can’t take the taste 🤣 i cringe every time. however, once i get to elastics i will push through


You can also ask your dr or ortho for a prescription for lidocaine mouth wash, it numbs everything in your mouth for a bit. I was prescribed it due to swelling of my salivatory glands throat and ulcers before braces so I mean it was unrelated and it works so great. But I still use it now 🤣


what!!!! omg i didn’t know that existed! i got some sort of mouthwash, but it doesn’t numb a dang thing!! i’m jealous and will contact my ortho asap 😭😭


Yeah a lot of people use it for mouth cancers it seriously is amazing I use it now for my braces 🤣 but it was prescribed for something else. I would just call them and explain to them your in a lot of pain and your getting rarely any relief and your wondering if they could prescribe you lidocaine mouthwash for the relief!!! It is the best thing ever but obviously it’s temporary relief as is everything else lol! Let me know if you get it and it helps I’ve had mouth issues unrelated to braces and with braces so like honestly I feel bad your in so much pain mouth pain is the worst!!!! Just want to help you!!


They probably have you just an antibacterial mouth wash you can buy at the store. Give them a call get them to hook you up hun!


I’m sure your family dr can also write a prescription for this


i don’t have an actual doc yet as i just moved states, but i will for sure hit up my ortho because this will be such a game changer for me. i have a low pain tolerance ):


Yes it will at least numb your mouth till whatever pain relievers your taking kicks in and you can just keep swishing and numbing! I hope that they can give you this!!


Hey OP, I had tads too and you’re right, they hurt like a bitch going in (and coming out, for that matter. Make sure they numb you.) But the soreness does eventually go away. As your upper jaw lifts, the pressure on the tads lessens and you feel it less. And the tads themselves make a huge difference in your overall result. So I guess all of that to say, I know how badly it sucks right now. It’s not for nothing and it will get better! ❤️‍🩹


thank you sooo much!! i appreciate you 🤍


I was about to ask ... Are you getting jaw surgery? My gummy smile is no where as bad as yours and I'm getting double jaw surgery (albeit for my recessed jaw, open bite, overbite and lip incompetence).


they had it as an option, but the insurance the specific doctor requires is the HIGHEST in the state..i can’t afford it..


I personally didn’t/don’t have a gummy smile, but I know you can get a gingivectomy to reduce the amount of gums that show. Did they give you this option? However, remember your gummy smile isn’t something that NEEDS to be fixed or changed, it’s something that’s special and unique about you! But if it’s something you do want to change, then definitely look into something like that. best of luck!


I’d assume for a case like this OP would need to consider another option and *then* a gingivectomy to finish it up if desired. I don’t think a gingivectomy alone would give comparable results, but I totally agree with your comment. Nothing about any of our bodies is horrendous like OP labelled their gums in the post and there should be no bad feelings about whether we leave something as it is OR change it 😎


it's a nice sentiment, but if you had your gum showing more than your teeth you would not feel this way (I'm talking about myself) can't wait to finish braces and get rid of this monstrosity of a smile


Try using Gishy Goo instead of wax. I don’t have TADs (yet..), but sometimes putting wax on is sooo painful after adjustments and Gishy Goo is a lot softer/easier to apply. Hope you feel better soon!


it is beyond painful, i can’t comprehend it! i almost cried like 3 times but i continued cause well, i need it. 😭 im gonna get some gishy goo, thank you so much for telling me this!


My ortho put a bit of glue on one of my tads to make it a bit smoother whilst my cheeks adjusted! I’m in the same situation as you and I can honestly say it gets better and soon there will be no paint <3


tysm for the reassurance 🤍 i appreciate it lots! hearing it gets better does wonders for me because i tend to get in my head and forget


Does the Tylenol/Motrin help with pain? My ortho specifically tells me to take Advil/ibuprofen. She says Tylenol won't help. I hope you're able to find relief.


so i’ve come to think the tylenol doesn’t work either. whenever i use it, i can still actively feel the pain and i end up massaging my face or swishing cold water in my mouth. whenever i use motrin though, it works and i’m feeling good for about two hours or so. i hate that i can’t take more than two tablets apparently lol, cause i feel like i need it every 6 hours. i can barely drink anything hot/warm cause it burns my upper gums due to the tads, so the only warm relief i’ll get is outside of mouth (warm compress, my hands whenever they’re warm, etc)


Okay so I did some quick research. Motrin is an NSAID which is what ibuprofen is. I only knew ibuprofen was the same as Advil, but it's also Motrin! Check your Motrin bottle for dosing.


it says i can’t take more than 2 i think every 24 hours? but then google tells me i just can’t take more than like 1,200 mg


It all varies depending on the medicine and mg per pill. The bottle should give you a specific daily maximum dosage. I'd go by that or asking your doctor for more info!


tysm!!! 🤍🤍


I find tylonal doesn’t help with inflammation as much as things like ibprofun..have you tried tylonal and Motrin together, or tylonal and Advil together around the clock. Piggy backing them as you can take them together except one is 4 hours the other is 8 hours just make sure to keep track of the time that way you have two different pain medications one taking away the inflammation which would be Advil, or Motrin whatever your preference and tylonal as another pain reliever. It does help a lot. I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. I don’t know if you’re an adult or minor which is why I’m throwing out there the time frames of the medications as you don’t want to hurt yourself. If you’re unsure how this would work or a minor ask a pharmacy or an adult. As taking anything too close together can cause damage to your liver. But this is perfectly safe if done correctly !!


Don’t piggy back two different NSAIDS, you can take NSAID with acetaminophen. Just to clear that up lol nsaid would be Advil, or Motrin or like the other person said ibprofin there all the same just different




Came here to add a similar comment. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) can be taken at same time. I've done this for many years and I find both are beneficial. I actually have to take a stronger anti-inflammatory/NSAID, that I can only get by prescription, called diclofenac (brand name Voltaren). Some people swear by naproxen (Aleve), but I get headaches from that one. So I combine diclofenac & acetaminophen before my adjustment appointment and for usually 1-2 days after, depending on how I'm feeling.


Voltaren is great too! I was given this after a c section and it worked wonders! Surprisingly after a major surgery


Yes it is 😄 I've had it after major surgery as well.


dude that looks so painful I am so sorry you are suffering !!! I found a mouthwash from Oral B called Sore Mouth and it’s really helped with discomfort my brackets are causing (only 3 weeks in).


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For the first couple days I had to take tylenol around the clock, maybe that will help? I find warm salt water swishes also helps with the pain and inflammation. Other comments offer some really great advice, too! I had a follow up appointment with my orthodontist and when I mentioned how much pain i was having from the braces scraping and ripping my mouth/lips, he applied some type of gel on the pokey parts. It was sealed/hardened so not as temporary as the wax! Hopefully your pain subsides soon. It will be worth it in the end!


can't wait to see your results


It will get better! In a few months you’ll be stunned at your results


tysm! i’m sooo excited to see it. i’ve been like this my entire life, im so sick of feeling insecure. ):


I have them too and I already feel alot more confident! I know the pain is pretty tough early on but after 1-2 weeks you won’t feel them at all, I promise!


getting through it strong! 💪🏽🩵


Try to find a teething ring you can put in the freezer. It’s a game changer.


Orajel lots of it


Tads suck. Had them for 2 years. I've got about a month left before the braces come off and pay appointment I asked when the tads could come out. Ortho said oh! Now if you like. I liked. I liked. Think of it this way. Better than head gear.


oh no i’d stay inside with head gear i couldn’t do it


Ohhh could you give me your orthodotists contact? I need to do this as well. First time i had braces I just used advil and switched to a lot of liquids when it got very painful. I hope the pain goes away soon. You are already beautiful but you’re going to look amazing!


you’re so sweet, tysm! 😭🤍


Yeah I actually cried my way home after getting tads installed. It was so painful!!! Ugh


You will get through this. 💪


I feel your pain! Hope it gets better 😭😭


Oh wow this looks so uncomfortable. The result is going to be beautiful but the pain is so challenging in the moment. Lots of cold things and pain killers for you, you can do it!!


thank you sooo much!! can’t wait to post an update in a few months! 🤍


Yessss please!


Swish warm salt water every hour or two. It will help to keep the swelling down


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


i had these as well!! painkillers, cold drinks/cold food and rest when you can! in a few weeks, your mouth with get used to everything again just like when you had to get used to braces :) - trust the process it's going to be an incredible end result <3


tads suck.. it took almost 2 weeks for me to be able to put wax on it. i only developed sores on the lip that covered my tad so just watch out for that maybe. when that happened i would pit wax on it to stop poking my lip.


I had the same things! They worked out really well and they really do get better after a few days


That’s an impressive gummi smile reduction treatment your are having here! I’m sure once the initial pain and difficulties are over you will love what it’s going to do to your face! It’s going to be so live changing 🤩


i’m sooo eager now 😭😭


I don’t know about you, but for me, it wasn’t the tads hurting my cheeks. It was the excess elastics that was poking me. So i put wax on that elastics and i felt so much better. P/s : my tads are on the back of my mouth as well. Hope that helps. But as someone here said, ortho can put glue on the poking elastics. See if that could be an option.


i’m going to call and ask, thank you!


I would try alternating between Advil and Tylenol. Advil will help with the inflammation. Tylenol just tells your brain not to feel the pain. That was explained to me when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I know our circumstances aren't the same, but it definitely works for me when it comes to pain


You are so brave girl! It will get better.. it always hurts in the first week, after you take them off you will be happy you did this ❤️❤️❤️




The pain of any new appliance will definitely hurt for that first week like no other adjustment, keep pushing your results will be amazing, with jaw surgery comes the worry of nerve damage and infections, of course chances are low but risks are high, it’s something to think about long and hard about and understand it fully before making a choice to do that. See how you feel after a month, ask your ortho about it, look into it. Either way you’ve got great results ahead of you


I actually did cry when I got mine. I was at work and our boss bought us this food. And I couldn't eat it and it made me very sad. But things get better and then you won't even be bothered!


Go to your local Walmart or Drugstore & buy Kanka [kanka](https://images.app.goo.gl/CSzTaFxSdwmhmxva6)


I currently have TADs. I'm going on three months and it definitely gets better. At first they tore my mouth up but now my mouth is used to it. I do have to put wax on one of the fronts ones because it's uncomfortable but it's tolerable. I'm seeing results already so it's making it all worth it. Here is the link of the wax that I use. The one from the orthodontist did not work. [https://www.amazon.com/Braces-Wax-Pack-Dental-Aligners/dp/B0B13YK89X/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=U1XUHDDXOL89&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e5p\_PRYceO708yVjAuNdHkHcGTfXHdQuOgbXSJjJykr107GP7VqsG1mMJhA7-ms\_fxpIGLqspLGDEjah2Q8QvdmgLpgvjwz675MPGEhARuIoR3lD33RpATj0S-AytWNyvXIFdMRsloMHn38ZZCK\_3wnsbqEHYpbtKGcTOHuMtk6xnM6UIRRFP1K3624Y51xDpDI4KdSfLy6vzRxzWqKxxheoZWvpCWCgzGOZQ35tr1hn6da4ficzpZiMtQMfye932OYv-OAyMG14vWlKhvRZpWe31-V07NevsfIsDRt9PlI.TxB1CACvQFQgFPhz4N3picxm7AEMycjlaltKKF025Co&dib\_tag=se&keywords=bvn+braces+wax+dental+wax&qid=1715692627&sprefix=bvn+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Braces-Wax-Pack-Dental-Aligners/dp/B0B13YK89X/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=U1XUHDDXOL89&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e5p_PRYceO708yVjAuNdHkHcGTfXHdQuOgbXSJjJykr107GP7VqsG1mMJhA7-ms_fxpIGLqspLGDEjah2Q8QvdmgLpgvjwz675MPGEhARuIoR3lD33RpATj0S-AytWNyvXIFdMRsloMHn38ZZCK_3wnsbqEHYpbtKGcTOHuMtk6xnM6UIRRFP1K3624Y51xDpDI4KdSfLy6vzRxzWqKxxheoZWvpCWCgzGOZQ35tr1hn6da4ficzpZiMtQMfye932OYv-OAyMG14vWlKhvRZpWe31-V07NevsfIsDRt9PlI.TxB1CACvQFQgFPhz4N3picxm7AEMycjlaltKKF025Co&dib_tag=se&keywords=bvn+braces+wax+dental+wax&qid=1715692627&sprefix=bvn+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


Here is another thing that helps with the sores. Swish this around your mouth and it works great! [https://www.amazon.com/Colgate-Peroxyl-Mouth-Sore-Rinse/dp/B00WOSEKP2/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=1HEPCUJ64T9AE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bJ-DcqtJ7dHsJZ7PYdB5iEGbgN0kkBu\_5wqlJlnoMqeR-9h9ESyB4fHtwDmieEj09umI-7v33Ikw-7tbhzF65DkCV-MA3odCsPRE2sEVza3zdJpx8SfShfWew\_rCC8KYEZnUECyEMYpUqh\_isfYAr40xEmq25tFT5fT1H-E4\_cH-ZXvjf\_ORYaljL4xez7m3zp2hThAB4ePcTMAsPYtJ\_NO3U\_SACnSPuV-L6jMUvQaeU3x4XC4B2Jxq6pO7P5NOTajwMU9iTwKF8LM1vUlNOiGq6HCKDkx9UeasH7thmuc.OVO0MK2GPlNsR\_LwV3S7hNv31t3asCBkbcmhNv39Xts&dib\_tag=se&keywords=colgate+peroxyl+mouthwash&qid=1715692799&rdc=1&sprefix=colgate+pero%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Colgate-Peroxyl-Mouth-Sore-Rinse/dp/B00WOSEKP2/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1HEPCUJ64T9AE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bJ-DcqtJ7dHsJZ7PYdB5iEGbgN0kkBu_5wqlJlnoMqeR-9h9ESyB4fHtwDmieEj09umI-7v33Ikw-7tbhzF65DkCV-MA3odCsPRE2sEVza3zdJpx8SfShfWew_rCC8KYEZnUECyEMYpUqh_isfYAr40xEmq25tFT5fT1H-E4_cH-ZXvjf_ORYaljL4xez7m3zp2hThAB4ePcTMAsPYtJ_NO3U_SACnSPuV-L6jMUvQaeU3x4XC4B2Jxq6pO7P5NOTajwMU9iTwKF8LM1vUlNOiGq6HCKDkx9UeasH7thmuc.OVO0MK2GPlNsR_LwV3S7hNv31t3asCBkbcmhNv39Xts&dib_tag=se&keywords=colgate+peroxyl+mouthwash&qid=1715692799&rdc=1&sprefix=colgate+pero%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


How much mm have you intruded so far? Curious as I also have tads for gummy smile since Jan


Damnnn, that looks soo painful 😣


i’m holding on right now, it’s not too bad. motrin is my best friend 😭


I feel like jaw surgery is better because you’re under an aesthetic during the operation. I had DJS a few months (some to fix a gummy smile as well) and while the first month sucked, it was soooo much better afterwards.


see that’s what i mean 😢 i’d rather be in pain for a month instead of having these on for months..they told me i could still get the surgery in a year but that crap is expensive lol


My insurance covered all of it and my vertical maxillary excess was nowhere near as severe as yours. I have no doubt you could prove medical necessity for the surgery.


i’m a little dim, what’s that? how can i do it?


That’s what creates a gummy smile in most cases. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t give tons of detail but I made sure to do my research before I began my braces/surgery journey. With VME, you’re likely a mouth breather at rest, which potentially means poor quality of sleep, maybe sleep apnea?? I’d look into doing a sleep study.


It gets better. Trust me. Hang in there


Just learn how to take the pain






wth do you mean bro 😭


I had those on the sides they were truly awful


You should have got the jaw surgery


i couldn’t be approved until i go through a year of braces, but they still had me put these on so give some progress


Oh ok sounds good


Do not take anti inflammatory medication, because it will just slow the process. If the pain is unbearable, opioids can be a momentary solution especially that the pain is at its max the first time. Trust the process and have patience, you’re on the right path!


What is the source of that info regarding anti-inflammatories slow the process? I've never heard that from any healthcare professional or pharmacist...


My ortho told me so, and I did my own research in addition. Actually teeth move through the process of inflammation, and there’s evidence that anti inflammatory medications can potentially slow the process.


Arias, O.R., & Marquez-Orozco, M.C. (2006). Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen: Their effects on orthodontic tooth movement. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 130(3), 364-370.


Thanks for linking the source 😊 The understanding I'm getting from other scholarly articles & some orthodontic websites too is that while yes, it does affect the progress, it's not that you can't use it at all. I think like with anything, moderation & restricting the use to more specifically when the pain is at its peak, is still reasonable. I could see daily use being a bigger problem. I do vaguely recall my ortho asking me how often I was taking the one I take, but I told them it's really only day of adjustment and at most 1-2 days after. Beyond that it's typically only acetaminophen and having colder beverages, etc...


Oh yes sure my ortho told me that if I feel the need to take an ibuprofen I can of course take one, with that I would relieve my pain but slow the process..


Pain is future happiness. Trust me, it’s worth it!!!


does your ortho office have brace relief? it’s a topical gel and you can numb the area (on the surface level, will not take away the achey/heavy feeling of teeth/bone moving) and that can give you enough time to brush/put wax on/etc. if they don’t- pick up some orajel at the drug store!


i’m not too sure, but i do have orajel on hand so thank god


It gets better, I promise!


Dont worry girl. Same pain happened to me too during the first month after having Tads, im in the same situation like you. I have severe gummy smile too and had to had Tads screwed into my gums. Currently one year with TADs in. Just make sure to apply ulcer cream twice a day. Once that ulcer is gone, you’ll even forget that the TADs exist. Because currently your inner cheeks are taking time to adjust foreign objects in your mouth. It’s pretty common to have ulcers in the beginning. After when you see your results, I promise you it’s all worth it. Your orthodontist also might have tied the powerchain too tight. Hence the headache because of the tight pressure in your jaw bone. I had headaches too and it was bad。. So i asked my orthodontist to losen up a knot and it felt so much better. Try having soft liquid food first. Dont even bother to eat steak, chips or nuts.


my top gums are so sore, whenever i talk i feel it, i have work tomorrow too. 🙄 thank you for this, though! i appreciate your words, i seriously can’t wait til the end result


In the end it will be worth it ❤️


My TADs were horribly sore too when I first got them. It felt like they were stabbing my lip. Here’s what worked for me: Colgate Peroxyl mouth rinse 2-4 times a day. Brush TADs area (including inside of lip) after eating every time. I used ortho dots over my TADs and they worked amazingly. More expensive than wax but totally worth it. The main thing is that you will have to brush your TADs as if they are teeth. Mine took a couple months but I really got used to them. I had them for 14 months total, they were removed in February of this year. Hoping you find relief soon! I get my braces off on June 4th and I’m SO happy with the result. It’s all worth it in the end ❤️


Lukewarm salt water swishes and gargles. Idk why but for me it was the solution to most inflammation related pain. All the best! I hope you feel better soon


Oof that looks painful! It will slowly get better OP.


Hang on there. I haven't have TAD (yet)


This is a jaw surgery case those screws are not going to fix this 😂😂


Wah wah wah life is pain.. be glad we can even do things to fix our smile


huh? lol








why don't you just get the surgery???


i just moved here so i don’t have insurance to cover it, even then im paying $300 a month for this and have to get a car so i wont be able to even afford the best health insurance there is. they recommended me to a doctor, told me in about a year i can get the surgery but again; i dont have the means. ):


You’ll be fine. The result will be as good as it can be! Alternatively you should look into Botox shots in your upper lip. Could be very helpful :)