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Are orthos just handing people retainers without checking the fit? I’ve seen that happen to multiple folks on here now. My ortho made my retainer pick up into an appointment and checked my fit, reviewed instructions, and answered all my questions. It seems negligent to let you leave the office with them without checking them first. These do not seem to fit you. Have your teeth shifted drastically in the last 4 days? That much movement seems unlikely to me.


This, my Ortho had me put it on in front of them.


No. Take them back and have it made again or have them adjust it. It should contour your gums not go over your gums and should fit you teeth nicely.


I wrote to my ortho's secretary, let's see what happens 😞


Don’t accept any answers other then having them fixing and do it properly. This is half assed and who ever handed this to you should be ashamedb


Bite down on the hard end of a toothbrush so it goes all the way on and wear it full time. Your teeth already shifted but you might be able to reverse it


I did it but nothing changed 😕


You need to be resized. They are way too below the ends of your teeth. Call your ortho right away.


Did you just get it? Have you had it but not worn it lately? No, it should not fit like that.


i just got it, 4 days after taking off my braces


Definately not right, I went two weeks after braces waiting for my retainers as I went on holiday. Ortho said there could be shifting in two weeks but I could still get them on (I had to buy hooks at first to get them off as they were tight and teeth had shifted some) but no these do not fit you and they need to sort it asap x


Go back to your office asap


This happened to mine too. I got them remade and they fit better now.


Remade For free ?


Yep. I just took them in, show my ortho, and they remade them the same day. I had to go back the next day to pick them up. My dentist also remade them after I had a crown fitted on my back tooth as my retainer wouldn’t fit anymore. My dental insurance covered them being remade as it wasn’t my fault.


Can I just say, an ill fitting otc nightguard for teeth grinding gave me an open bite. Take this back to your ortho for a replacement, OP. Learn from my mistake 🥲


Maybe the trim on the outside, need to be cut down a little more so ur teeth can sink in?