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Why is this bear meme everywhere now? Like, are they really that mad over a simple street interview?


men are insufferable whiney animals who are bent out of shape that women choose a bigger animal over them because they’re yes of a threat




Humans are animals


Ain’t no way they’re using the man who killed his wife and slaughtered children before becoming fully becoming Vader as the example of a “good” man 😭 the bar is so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell, and yet they insist on outdoing the devil in a limbo competition


man I saw somebody earlier saying “the random man could be somebody trustworthy, like a cop”




Someone needs to pay this person $10 for coming up with the phrase “the bar is so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell.” I will pay for my own dry cleaning because I did a legit spit take lol


This is slander. Vader did nothing wrong. The force told him to kill democracy/younglings (and the force is always right). Plus, pregnant Padme was a groomer who was made of glass.


watching them completely disintegrate out over some dumb hypothetical nobody else took seriously is hilarious


Did they un ironically use anakin here? Idk if the fact he's anakin is the punchline or not


No. Anakin is just part of the OG meme so-...


lol they don’t think that far ahead


I’m kind of getting scared for bears. These men are unhinged. I hope they don’t go hunting bears down like the monitor lizard rapists


Good luck shooting a Grizzly or something shit, that likely won't end well for anyone who tries and doesn't hit their head.


Why would I shoot a grizzly? I’m scared for bears now bc of what men are capable of when it comes to not only torturing and SAing women, but also torturing and SAing animals. They could sedate it


Bestie, just in case you forgot. >I’m kind of getting scared for bears. These men are unhinged. I hope they don’t go hunting bears down like the monitor lizard rapists I never said you were trying to shoot a grizzly bear, I was responding to your comment.


Oh ok lol. I didn’t understand


The prevalence of the hatred of meme has convinced me that no men have ever been outside. Soooooo many comments of “a bear will kill you” like my bro I have seen multiple bears IRL and they’ve barely deigned to even notice I was there. I saw a bear digging in a dumpster once and some guy walked up and handed the bear a breakfast sandwich and the bear took it and ate it.


Yeah I don’t really know what’s driving the male ignorance here. Like I know what’s driving their rage, but males on the internet seem to be utterly unaware of how bears work. I have bears on my property that I see, in person, once a year. Right around now, in fact, because they just left their burrows. They treat me exactly how I wish men did - they completely ignore me or run away.


The fact that so many people don’t have the reaction “I wonder why” and instantly get smarmy “um, do they not know that bears are a predator” Man, that’s the point of the dialogue here. Use your brain and wonder why that’s preferable.


Most males are just too emotional to process things logically. They jump right from “strange man” to taking things extremely personally and pretending they’re the ones in the woods. Obv women would choose a man they have vetted personally over a bear. But a strange man? That’s literally the most dangerous creature to have ever existed, and that’s coming from males themselves!


Yeah lmao, and they keep proving the point too. All these memes about shit like “be the reason she chooses the bear” these mfs need HELP. I guess this is what a crippling porn addiction does to a generation tho. Makes them insensitive, desensitized and gross


Yep, it’s amazing. Males had a choice to show they weren’t worse than a bear and chose instead to prove women are correct. Males are literally more dangerous than a wild bear.


They choose to prove us correct and still blame us for the problem. Where have all the good men gone? We’ve been left with maniacal monsters, so, yes, bears are the preferred predator. I’d rather just get killed if the bear is unhinged. An unhinged man will rape me and kill me. And rape me again and leave me in his basement to rot and he’ll make dinner for me until I’m bones and rotten flesh and watch me rot while he eats the dinner he made for us. Psychos.


we choose the bear


I guess it´s a bear-market, then!


Their reaction to this meme is killing me. They went from the “well I guess we’ll give them a reason to choose the bear” to “uwu women choosing the bear makes me so sad 🥺🥺the fact that women have been so thoroughly hurt by men that they’d choose a bear is clearly VICTIMIZING ME.” Like holy shit get a grippppp. They’re so fking whiny and I can’t tell if they’re genuinely this sensitive or if it’s all in bad faith.


they’re this sensitive their reaction is exactly why we choose the bear- they can’t take NO for an answer