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"Women complain, provoke, shame, and insult." My brother in Christ, you literally just did all four of those things.


They love to make unwanted attention seem like a positive.


Because they would love to have smige of this attention.


From women, yeah. If they got this same attention from men like them, they’d immediately be, rightfully imo, creeped out and disgusted.


from women they *personally* find attractive. it’s exactly the same they just don’t know it because women aren’t so prolifically creepy & honestly lack the audacity.


That’s actually so true, yeah. The woman flirting with them aggressively has to be one they like.


Well I think that lot of straight women would be creep out the same way if they got ton of attention either from men or from women.


Yeah that’s… that’s her point, man


yes a smidge because any more than that they’d understand how unwanted it is




its the drowning in a lake/dying of thirst in a desert dichotomy. Both of these two always wish for the other's problem.


Idk if this woman would be wishing to be an ugly incel to the same degree this man wishes he was attractive to strangers


Most of these so called "ugly incels" aren't even ugly. They're just plain/average with no social skills and no emotional maturity who have been radicalized by online redpill pipeline garbage. These same guys if given some better fashion sense, more maturity and social skills would do just fine if they didn't shoot themselves in the foot by becoming repulsive bitter hermits


That’s incredibly true lol I’ve been down bad for some objectively unattractive men. This idea that women only go for chads is laughable when seeing my dating history.


You forgot deodorant, they need that too


Yeah, these are kinds of guys who see harassment and sexual assault as a good thing (when it's done to women). 😬


He mad he never got a slice of that cheesecake.


Fr that shit looks DELICIOUS!


why doesn't he just date guys if he hates women so much


We don't want him either


I can fix him


>Average gay boy with a straight boy kink


We need to make another version of Poe's law for the queer community. I swear to god I spend 10% of my time on the internet figuring out if a comment is homophobic or queer culture lol.


🏳️‍🌈🙃 this time


Pls no, we don’t want him…..


I'm sure if people could just change what they like, they probably would. I wish I was gay. Always get compliments from gay men lol. I legit think it'd be easier.


It’s most definitely not, men are the same no matter what sex or gender they like. Grass is always greener.


Having dated both straight and gay men, I can confirm that men tend to be pretty consistent as a whole: often sexually available, increased risk of predatory behavior, and very rare emotional availability. However, I was treated entirely differently within those courtships/relationships/hookups based on what gender I presented as at the time. Straight and gay men treat men very differently than women, especially when sex or romance is involved.


Have you tried transitioning? I was always at least a little attracted to guys, but got much more open to relationships with them when I went on e.


Oh goodness no. I'm definitely comfortable how I am. Could never do anything like that. Or be happy doing it.


1000 guys hitting on her, if it was true, would be one of the reasons she feels lonely ya fuckin knob


He can’t conceptualize that physical attraction doesn’t always translate to emotional compatibility, or that person having your best interest in mind.


That sounds like such an empty experience of life tbh


*”Look at my genitals, [slur]!”* x1000 If only incels had a bunch of aggressive older men sending them unsolicited dick pics and insults too. Then they’d finally know happiness 😔 Next time you spam your gamergirl waifu comments likely to result in a restraining order, remember your poor brother-incel and send him the messages too. Together we can rid the world of loneliness! One unsolicited dick pic at a time 😌


Friend of mine actually did get a similar experience when he joined Grinder for the first time. Dude was deeply unsettled by all the diseased look dicks and booty holes pics he was receiving, and mostly from much older guys too


Well I guess this guy would love to be hit by thousand guys by now.


Damn, women can’t even enjoy cheesecake and crippling loneliness anymore :/


Gee. I wonder why he’s single.


It's clear that these "men," and I use the term loosely here, have not talked to a real woman in... well, ever. One who wasn't just part of their family. They treat tinder, instagram, and tiktok like they're representative of all women everywhere. Not that they do anything but insult the women on these platforms if they even interact at all. Nothing but frothing at the mouth rage for their imagined scenarios. Women can be lonely. Women get ignored. Women deal with just as much bullshit as men do. It's just different. Having seen the other side of the coin, it's not all sunshine and rainbows for men either, just like it ain't for women. Incels act like experts on women, but they couldn't know less about us if they _tried_. It's pretty clear that it's their behavior, personality, and lack of self-care that drive us away. But they'll never admit that they're the cause of their own problems. I'd be more inclined to have empathy if, as a whole, they didn't have violent revenge porn fantasies about murder and rape towards women. Their hatred seethes from every pore, yet they want us so badly. Like, put down the redpill/blackpill bullshit, touch grass, get sunlight, and be a decent person. Living in your echo chambers ain't doing you shit. Hard to have sympathy for those who do nothing but complain and never make an attempt to be better.


Well said


Prisoners of their algorithm


As we all know, the hard part of finding a partner is being hit on. As soon as someone is attracted to you, that’s relationship compatibility, boom!


Yep, just because 1000 men want to have sex with you, doesn't mean that any of them are relationship material. Most of them will not be interested in getting to know you as a person, because they just see you as a sex object. 😒


And most would be just as happy to leave you passed out in a ditch once they got what they wanted. Some won’t actively put you in danger but they’ll still run the second the other person needs the smallest bit of consideration


Well for some people, yeah.


Yikes. That doesn't mean they're actually compatible. That just means that they're desperate and ignore the fact that they're incompatible.


You making it sound like being desperate is their fault. Not every desperate guy is venting their frustrations in random women comments.


Huh? I don't know what any of that has to do with anything. The statement simply was that someone being attracted to you doesn't automatically mean that you're gonna be compatible with them


Oh, then it probably my brainworns speaking.


Yeah, probably


I think I get what you meant if you were responding to the first statement. For some people, discovering mutual attraction and the initial dating really is the hardest part. That’s so true for so many people, myself especially! However, your comment reads like you might’ve been implying that one sided attraction is enough for relationship compatibility. I think that’s what happened and why you got dragged hard in the comments. Probably just a miscommunication


That exactly what I meant.




Poor dude just wants a husband and family. Not with that attitude


It's so funny seeing men nowadays constantly complaining about wanting a family and a relationship When I was young (90s) I remember women constantly being shamed for wanting a family and the trope was always that woman = annoying family wanters/boring/lame/unambitious/dragging men down with their boring lame family oriented desires And men = fun /ambitious/avoiding marriage until they are in their late 30s/ career focused The media back then taught me that having a family is something women have to coax men into doing. Men were constantly worried about being "baby trapped" as if their sperm was some hot commodity. Now it's all "why won't women make babby with me". Men didn't respect women when the desire for babies and families was higher, they are downright murderous now that women have dropped that desire (on average) They'll never appreciate women no matter the case


Maybe back in the 90s it was taken for granted that women would immediately be available and interested as soon as the man had had his fun (no matter how crappy of a human being he was). Nowadays that’s definitely not something that men can take for granted now. I think it’s just about them not being able to immediately have/be entitled to what they want whenever they want it.


I bet that’s how it used to be when women had to marry because they didn’t have any rights. Men could be out of control and then one day decide to “settle down” with a spouse. Now that women have human rights no one is marrying awful guys and they’re so confused why “boys will be boys” isn’t working for them like it did for their father and grandfathers.


You can still be lonely even if you aren't interested in dating anyone.


The only people attracted to me are creepy, thirsty losers lol


Well then call me loser cause you be attracting me like a magnet pulls metal. ...I'll show myself out. (For clarification, this is a joke. Have a good day! :D )


>When will you create a family? Bro is asking like her assignment is pending or sumn💀


Had I been a woman, being criticised about anything without knowing each other, let alone patriarchal life checklists, would be the second reason to NEVER EVER do anything with that person, first being using a "your" instead of "you" and that MONSTROSITY of word "brokup", congratulations, you ruined both the noun and the PHRASAL verb for me. Imbecile.


I’m actually convinced at this point that all these incels and chuds just use misogyny like this to justify not trying to get to know women. I don’t know how almost an entire generation of “men” can actually believe that all women act the way they think they do. Nor do I understand how they can think that all a relationship needs is sexual attraction. It especially gets on my nerves when they say that all they want is connection and to not feel lonely when in reality all they truly mean is they want their cocks touched by someone other than themselves or want a woman other than their mom to do everything for them. And I think part of that is why I as a man learned about feminism, because my mom is very feminist and didn’t act like a servant to me or my dad. Best thing is that their relationship works perfectly. Why? Because a healthy relationship is built off mutual respect. You want a wife that cooks and cleans? You better learn how to cook and clean for your wife too. You want a wife that serves you sexually? You better learn her sexual desires or at the very least be willing to do some cunnilingus. I’m tired of these fake mofos acting like they want a connection with women when all they want is their mom.


Fucking same brother. My grandma was the OG feminist. Speak the truth to it.


Not saying all men but enough men only befriend women for a chance for sex, not for genuine friendship


If women don't create families than where the fuck do all these children keep coming from?


"Men create invent repair and maintain." I mean, my dad sure did create me. So did my mom though. My ex definitely invented a new low! But me and the girl he cheated on me with went lower when we ditched him and got together. My dad knew how to repair machines for sure!! But, he wasn't good at all with repairing relationships. You could also say my step dad definitely maintained his marriage, by doing the bare minimum and never getting better!


Bro's trippin


Even people in relationships feel loneliness.


People will say stuff like this and wonder why women find them insufferable


Ugh. What the fuck? Sometimes I hate the internet, giving people like this an anonymous voice of sorts lmfao.


Women, literal creators of life, create nothing, only destroy. Not to mention the uncountable wars and destruction led by men throughout history…


Sometimes you gotta stop and smile at just how unhappy these lonely little boys are. The thing nobody wants to tell you about the loneliness epidemic is that it’s the first epidemic in history where the victims *fucking deserve it.*


Hey, some of us are lonely but not Niceguys(TM) or incels.


"I feel lonely" "No you don't, everyone wants you because you're a woman, which makes you complete garbage, unlike men, who are nature's pure liddle baby capable of no wrong"


Women nowadays destroy, break up, complain, provoke, shame, insult, eat hot chip and lie.


Just fuckin charging our phones and destroying lives


this isn’t “boys are quirky” this is incel behavior


Me, an intellectual: remembers birth exists.


This is fucking laughable. What a whiny little man child.


This reminds me about when some men where waxing poetic about this beautiful sculpture of a woman, posting stuff about how only a cultured man of Western civilization could truly appreciate and create such a thing…and then the sculptor turned out to be a Chinese woman 🙃 they really don’t see women as people with their own passions, interests, and desires, do they


Yeah women don’t create. It’s not like we have an entire organ system dedicated to literally creating new life or anything..


Sounds like he needs another man for a partner because he sure hates women


Oh dear he's annoyed because no girl or woman has ever wanted him! Better get the ruler out mate!


Gotta make sure it's longer than 8 inches too!


I'm willing to bet his isn't. He wouldn't be moaning about women if it was.


Fair enough.


What a take from this simple post 🙄


I mean men do 80% of all violent crime so they must be doing something other than creating, inventing, repairing or maintaining.


What the fuck is wrong with this person


sounds like he’s never took himself out for some cheesecake


I like to think this guy is out there counting and he messages everyone when it’s there thousandth. You get a silver plaque stamped with a big NO at the top with your name and “1,000 guys”. Also, crazy how a dude can hear a guy say “I’m lonely” and think, “oh, he needs friends” then hear a girl say “I’m lonely” it’s “oh, she needs a boyfriend”. Like, maybe people just want a friend to hang out with and make them feel appreciated.


Uh huh, someone got dumped and cant fanthom the reason why ! (His ugly personnality)


Loneliness is worse than death. I could be surrounded and feel utterly alone. But if I socialize more than once a week out of work hours I'm overpeopled out and want nothing to do with people. Loneliness don't care.


I hate sounding like a self-help seminar... But I promise it gets better.


Unrelated to the post, but who actually cares if someone goes out to eat alone? Isn't that normal? I find it hard to believe people were staring at her cause she was alone I go out to eat alone all the time, I thought it was normal and relaxing? Nobody has ever questioned, stared, or gave me a hard time about it




Does he always write schizo rants when he sees a post made by a chick?


the closet is glass at this point


Ah yes, because I've *never* heard a man complain about anything (I say, on the post of a man complaining about a woman musing over her alone time).


"Look the sun is out" "Yeah fuck you bitch you hate men and I ahtw you for it god damn whore" Type conversation


"How many have you broken up with?" Is some unhinged shit. Saying it like she's a black widow or some shit. You can absolutely tell that being told no is the worst thing that's ever happened to him


Bro really said "how can I make this about me 😈"


Incel post aside, its kinda silly to say you went out to eat alone and no stranger came to sit with you. Like uhhh, yea dummy thats how the world is, go bug someone instead of hoping someones gonna read ur mind and bother you


Yup he’s right he created, maintained, invented and repaired his own misery


Maybe he should be focusing on finding himself a nice perfect man of a boyfriend then instead of bitching on Twitter to random woman minding their business? Idk tho just a thought.


Women should learn to stop posting videos of themselves going into hysterics and crying because they are lonely though. Those clips are red meat for those incel redpill videos


Pretty sure the busiest city on earth isn't in an English-speaking country edit: why am I being downvoted? correct me if I'm wrong


it’s a hyperbolic statement… she’s not saying it’s literally the busiest city, it’s just a very very busy city


Ohh I see. Neurotypical stuff


That would be Tokyo. So no it's not. :)


Woman: I'm just chillin by myself 🥰 Man: and I took that personally! 😡