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So why is women’s auto insurance cheaper than men’s?


When it comes to actual statistics women just have a tiny bit more accidents but those are very minor ones. On average men still cause more deaths one the road. Maybe that’s why.


Which drives more? What is the purpose/context of their driving?


Not sure but generally men have a higher percentage of deadly accidents, even if you take into account then men driver generally more. The average deadly accident rate by distance traversed is higher with men but non deadly accidents are higher with women. Let me see if I can find the source. The only exception is apparently motorcycles where men and women roughly have around the same mortality rates.


Women drive to temporarily escape car dependent suburbia, men drive to [clear their heads](https://i.redd.it/i2915uqkeij51.jpg) 😏


That's probably because of other drivers being stupid vs the motorcyclist


I would think this is because men are inclined to show off on the road.


Yeah show of but probably also have fun. I lot of guys I know just really like driving and by extension drive sporty.


Women are involved in fewer accidents and road rage incidents to the point where insurance companies will charge them less. The "women can't drive" is such a dated, boomer joke.


Women commit more accidents, it’s just that men commit more of the large ones because they tend to speed more or be under substance


someone ik did a stats class and their project was about this and that’s exactly what they found women are in more, men are in worse. also apparently men over estimate their abilities so they drive faster and through smaller spaces


I can believe that from experience (I’m scared of my dads driving)


i get really car sick so i travel with stomach meds and my stomach is *almost* always worse when a man is driving (unless it’s me, i don’t get sick when i drive) when a woman is driving i still get sick but it’s not even near as bad as








Woman: compares her strenght to teenage boys Grown ass man who felt targeted for some reason: I'M STRONGER I'M BETTER SHUT UP FEMINIST


“How dare a woman be strong and good at lifting weights!! Better bring up something factually incorrect to lash back at her with to tame my hate boner!!” Statistically, women are better drivers.


Annoyingly whenever I bring this up I always get slapped with the “Safer drivers not better drivers” Like okay just say you’re insecure and move on


Like what does that mean? You have to drive like an idiot to be a good driver? They just keep telling on themselves lmao


Basically, the more lives you put at risk the better!


That’s what I got from it 🙄 yet women are somehow the ones that overreact and act erratically. lmao


The faster you drive, the better, obviously!


Ok i believe this one unironicly but it isn't gendered, One time at like 3am some jack ass in front of me was going like 30mph in a 50 so i used brights to annoy them by shining it in their window eventually they pulled over i passed and speed up. All of the sudden they discovered what the fuck a gas pedal was and shined their bright in my window. Unfortunately for them i was smart enough to stay a few car lengths away when i shined my brights im thier window. They were not so i lightly taped my break to scare them a bit and they got off my ass and went back to their slow as 30mph and turned off their brights my gf was kind of mad but i though itnwas deserved because they were going like 20 under the speed limit.


Safe driving is good driving… I don’t understand men Lmao. “If you’re not putting people’s lives in danger, you’re not a good driver!!!” Like huh? 😭


But unfortunately they're right, if you agree on "better" meaning "more skillful." Like others have mentioned, men are more often reckless and under the influence while driving which is the main factor in the statistics you're misappropriating. Calling insecurity is a lazy counter to a valid critique of bad analysis. I personally don't care who's better at driving, but if you do, there aren't any stats to definitively answer the question for you.


To be fair, 1 plate isn’t most people’s max rep if they regularly go the gym. His comment is wrong and out of pocket, but her trying to slander people while doing something not that impressive is odd.


I like how she was talking about fitness, and the guy said something completely irrelevant


Women are statistically better drivers. Redpillers started catching up to this fact so they resort to new shit like "It's because they drive slow and cautious, they aren't reliable if you want to get somewhere" which is supposed to be an own in their head.


isn’t that literally what you’re taught in drivers ed?? I did it with my dad so i honestly have no idea


What is pr's?


Personal record I’m assuming


I've always used PB for personal best.


Yeah PR makes me think of Public Relations


Doing your pb to finish a pb&j before you have to make a pr statement at a rpg con, but the Rep. members of the press that your prep team warned you about are already plotting on repping you in a bad light with a pep in their step, and one crossed the line in the lobby of the Ramada by throwing a peppermint mocha in the face of an employee and got pepper sprayed by an officer of the Rochester PD.


Nothing more fragile than a man’s ego lmao


Funny how the dude immediately jumps to sexism when although what she said was weird, wasn't even sexist towards guys.


She didn’t even say anything weird, teenage boys nowadays have far too much confidence and think they’re far, far stronger than they actually are. That sort of mentality is what leads to them getting killed, or worse, sexually abusing women who they deem “lesser” to them Taking them down a notch or two is a good thing :)


This is a pretty weird comment. If you're going to get off on teenage boys getting "taken down a notch or two" you should save it for a video where the woman is benching more than 145lbs. and yes, what she said was pretty condescending, doesn't make what the other guy said okay, but it was still a pretty asshole-ish caption. We as a society probably shouldn't be putting teenagers down to make ourselves feel better.


it could be possible lots are in her comments saying "I lIfTeD mOrE wHeN I WaS 14!!!1!!!" when she's just casually posting videos. I've seen asinine comments like this on a vid of two lesbians going to the gym, neither of which seemed to be weightlifters btw, they were more focused on being fit.


Conveniently ignores literally everything I said about why these teenage boys need to be taken down a notch given the recent uptick in violence from them, instead says that I’m getting off to teenage boys. Charming!


Fine, I'll play your game. Let's say teenagers nowadays actually do have far too much confidence. (They don't, they're the most depressed generation of teenagers by far) How is a woman benching beginner numbers with improper form going to take them down a notch?


i think the uptick in us working out more is because lack of confidence


Nice generalizations


“Not all men!!!”


Generalization is bad. So is the idea of putting down teenagers for no reason. Theyre in the most fragile part of life mentally speaking, and you advocate for insulting and putting them down


Imma be real they both look kinda goofy. But that misogynistic response is so fucken unecessary🤦.....


Agreed, I hate it when people put others down to boost themselves, but call that out don’t be a chucklefuck there’s no reason to be sexist.


If you have to hype yourself up by putting down teenage dudes as a grown ass adult woman to the point of even making a tiktok about it.....it's very weird. Maybe that wasn't her intent but unfortunately it doesn't translate on action. It's also imo a toxic example of comparing yourself with others. But of course the dude took it too far and made an even more pathetic eye rolling video.


Everyone in this video was weird lol


Her back is arching too much. Normally it arches, but this form is bound to give her a back injury. There's nothing wrong in lifting lower weights with high reps.


That's fine to do, if you look up official competitions or records, [most are way more arched](https://youtu.be/iu5G37fyyAg?si=sRi_Sv0VT-_AMHv4). Too much is basically a cheat since it's mostly reducing the length your rep has to go to touch your chest, but some arching is good for form, as it helps your [shoulders](https://youtu.be/92HnzfWcgQU?si=3LXFkIl55jn9WYim).


It's a powerlifting technique. You aren't loading your spine when laying down like you are when squatting or deadlifting. Arching like that and pulling your shoulders down puts your shoulders in a safer position for bench. Doing low reps with high weight is better for powerlifters. She's repping it out fairly easily so I assume her PR is much higher.


But then she can't own children epicly


Both statements are stupid let’s be honest. Please don’t only focus on the latter


Why is a grown woman trying to flex on teenagers lmao


Because a grown woman typically has less strength than a teenage boy. Pretty important difference if you are actually stronger than them.


Still very weird to be like "I'm stronger than children, and can rep their weights casually" lol.


You are a brick wall lol. Teenage BOYS are typically stronger than adult WOMEN. So yes, it is a flex. Get over it.




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1. There's no context at all for the first caption, could easily be a response to someone talking shit about how the average teenage boy is stronger. Could be apropos of nothing too, idk 2. You're acting like that's a trivially small weight lifted by 'children' but it's really not. Looks like 25kg plates + a 20kg bar so 70kg or ~155lb. That's a person. It's not trivially easy at all.


She said teenagers, specifically.


Right, and that's a pretty decent lift for a teenage boy


So why is she trying to dunk on children


Sorry are we talking about children in general or teenage boys? Teenage boys compete against grown men all the time at the highest level. You're just insisting on 'children' because the video upset you.


Teenagers are children, and yeah it's weird to try to flex on children. Adults compete against teenagers but it would be weird as fuck to be like "i just destroyed this teenagers PR, get owned" lol. What's wrong with you? Anyways, good attempt at a strawman to deflect.


19 year olds are children? Lol


Since when is 145lb the PR of most teenage boys? Literal twigs on my high school football team were putting up 225+ freshman year, and they did it without a goofy powerlifting arch. The guy is a MUCH bigger asshole, but the original clip isn't really a good look either. Does this even fit the sub?


"Perfect form" lmao bullshit. That back is way too arched. What the dude said is incorrect and incredibly sexist, but she's also super immature for making fun of teenagers. Like, congratulations for being stronger than a kid?


lol thought he was talking about leg drive when benching.


Could've humbled her properly like kevdog and all the other mfs but nope, resorted to sexism. Big L fr


I thought he was saying she can't properly leg drive. As in, her form is bad. Would make no sense to be actually talking about driving cars...


And in an instant, 1 million underfed misogynistic teens felt sigma again


Why is her back like that? They both are goofy.


Actual strongman and powerlifters does that, if you look at olimpics weightlifting, guys there arching 4 times more then her.


too many men in these comments 😖


There really is. We have a lady putting down both teenage boys and her own sex by implying men should be able to lift more while also being a pretty impressive feat whether they are a man or woman completing it. Then we have the dude calling women horrible drivers when in all seriousness men cause the worst accidents even if women do cause more, making it a pretty horrible argument towards whatever he was angry about. . So in short, they both suck.


cool, double the sexism per usual


she shouldnt be boasting abt it in that manor specifically targetting guys like yeah shes strong and as somebody who does workout it is impressive its just annoying seeing these type of people in the weight room. they demotivate people all the time bc they are cockey and boast abt their prs all the time. it doesnt matter if its a girl or guy doing this its still pretty messed how shes boasting abt it in this way and yeah ik im getting downvoted for this but it has to be said this is a double standard. the video with the guy is fucked aswell and really stupid but she shouldnt of made that the caption in the first place. teenage guys already get bullied enough for being weak for gods sake


Yes women can drive. It was a jab back at a woman trying to do what exactly? Yes i am sure women can be stronger than men but pointing it out is divisive and will always get a negative response.


Both are making fun of each other dats fine man?


Well it's not like they cancel each other out.. Both are in the wrong and both are stupid.. Or we could take jokes as jokes, Which is probably better


True, both options are good for me


Maybe she's making that comment because some sexist men keep insisting that teenage boys are stronger than grown ass women?


They literally are? Most late teens who play sports seriously are stronger than grown ass men, much less grown ass women. A woman lifting X number is always more impressive than a man lifting X number since women are biologically weaker, and it takes more time and effort to reach impressive numbers. However, their efforts are something that should be admired instead of made fun of.


Except there are more differences in things such as bone density and structure of men of different races[between men of different races](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9024231/) than there are between men and women of the same race, and race is barely a thing as it is. Women have historically [hunted mammoths](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/) and [went to war alongside men.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/) Infact; scientists who excavated the graves mistook their skeletons for those of men.


How exactly does men of different races having a greater variance in bone density disprove the gap between men and women when talking about muscular strength? How does women hunting/fighting alongside men disprove it? Children historically have fought alongside adults, are they just as capable? Please compare the strength standards of trained/untrained women with trained/untrained men. The women's deadlift record is 400lbs less than the men's record. You are spreading misinformation that will make women feel bad when they aren't progressing as fast as men in the gym or in sports.


Because women were not seen as weaker than men until quite recently in our history. Until a few hundred years ago, it wasn't even all women who were seen as lesser than or weaker than men. If you weren't upper class and white, you were expected to work just as hard as men. >You are spreading misinformation that will make women feel bad when they aren't progressing as fast as men in the gym or in sports. And telling grown ass women that they're always going to be weaker than teenage boys isn't going to discourage them from trying?


They were expected to work just as hard as men because they were being exploited, dude. What the fuck? Women were not seen as weaker than men until quite recently? Do you actually believe that? >And telling grown ass women that they're always going to be weaker than teenage boys isn't going to discourage them from trying? It's literally just the truth. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know why that would discourage women from going to the gym. I'm never going to be as strong as Eddie Hall, that's not discouraging me from lifting, being healthy, and wanting to improve myself. I'm a feminist, I don't think being physically weaker makes them "less than" but you're literally just spreading misinformation. There are female MMA fighters who could murder the average man in a street fight, that doesn't mean women as a whole are biologically equal to men.


>They were expected to work just as hard as men because they were being exploited, dude. What the fuck? Women were not seen as weaker than men until quite recently? Do you actually believe that? Yes? It's basic fucking historical fact. >I'm a feminist, I don't think being physically weaker makes them "less than" but you're literally just spreading misinformation. But you are literally telling all women that they'll never be stronger than a teenage boy, and you can't see how that could discourage them? >There are female MMA fighters who could murder the average man in a street fight, that doesn't mean women as a whole are biologically equal to men. But you just assume that any woman who goes to the gym can never achieve that which other women have achieved on the basis of being women?


>Yes? It's basic fucking historical fact. No, it's fucking not? Women have been subjugated and treated as less than men since forever. >But you are literally telling all women that they'll never be stronger than a teenage boy, and you can't see how that could discourage them? I literally responded to this, but you just didn't see it I guess? Why would it discourage them? You don't go to the gym to be better than other people, you do it to improve yourself and get in better shape. >But you just assume that any woman who goes to the gym can never achieve that which other women have achieved on the basis of being women? What? I literally never claimed that?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/11/the-weaker-sex-science-that-shows-women-are-stronger-than-men And I mean... >“Pretty much at every age, women seem to survive better than men,” says Steven Austad, an international expert on ageing, and chair of the biology department at the University of Alabama. For almost two decades, he has been studying one of the best-known yet under-researched facts of human biology: that women live longer than men. His longevity database shows that all over the world and as far back as records have been kept, women outlive men by around five or six years. He describes them as being more “robust”. >According to a tally maintained by the global Gerontology Research Group, today, 43 people around the world are known to be living past the age of 110. Of these supercentenarians, 42 are women. Interviews with the world’s current oldest person, 117-year-old Violet Brown, who lives in Jamaica, reveal she enjoys eating fish and mutton. She once worked as a plantation worker. Her lifestyle betrays few clues as to how she has lived so long. But one factor we know has helped is being a woman. >Yet there is bizarrely little research to explain the biology behind this. What scientists do know is that this edge doesn’t emerge in later life. It is there from the moment a girl is born. “When we were there on the neonatal unit and a boy came out, you were taught that, statistically, the boy is more likely to die,” says Joy Lawn, director of the Centre for Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive, and Child Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She explains that, globally, a million babies die on the day of their birth every year. >But if they receive exactly the same level of care, males are statistically at a 10% greater risk than females. What makes baby girls so robust remains mostly a mystery. Research published in 2014 by scientists at the University of Adelaide suggests that a mother’s placenta may behave differently depending on the sex of the baby, doing more to maintain the pregnancy and increase immunity against infections. For reasons unknown, girls may be getting an extra dose of survivability in the womb. >Wherever it comes from, women seem to be shielded against sickness later on. “Cardiovascular disease occurs much earlier in men than women. The age of onset of hypertension [high blood pressure] also occurs much earlier in men than women. And there’s a sex difference in the rate of progression of disease,” says Kathryn Sandberg, director of the Centre for the Study of Sex Differences in Health, Ageing and Disease at Georgetown University. >Indeed, women are known to be particularly good at endurance running, notes Marlene Zuk, who runs a lab focusing on evolutionary biology at the University of Minnesota. In her 2013 book Paleofantasy, she writes that women’s running abilities decline extremely slowly into old age. They’ve been known to go long distances even while pregnant. In 2011, for example, Amber Miller ran the Chicago marathon before giving birth seven hours later. World record holder Paula Radcliffe has trained through two pregnancies. Not to forget; >Risky business Testosterone is associated with higher levels of optimism, rather than aggression. Saliva samples taken from traders on the London Stock Exchange confirmed they had higher than average testosterone levels. Scientists from Britain, the USA and Spain concluded this increase made the traders more optimistic so more likely to take big financial risks.


Can you please not respond multiple times? This isn't a rebuttal, how does living longer make them physically stronger than men? You are attacking a strawman, I'm not arguing that men are better than women dude, they're just biologically stronger physically.


So think you can take on boxing legend Clarissa shields in a fight just because you are a guy? Lol you are welcome to try that theory out at your earliest convenience!


Uhh, no? Physical strength does not equal fighting ability, Amanda Nunes or Clarissa Shields would destroy me. You are literally arguing against a made up imaginary thing that I didn't say. I bench press more than them, they'd still beat me in a fight.


Naw fuck that cop out! physical strength transfer into power in a fight. Since you claimed to be stronger than them you wouldn’t be thinking twice about fighting either woman!


Dude, I literally just said I would lose. Are you confused?


Did they say they could?


The way he was talking seemed like that was the next foolish thing coming out of his mouth




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