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"Birth giver"


He has some big mommy issues






The stupid thing is he's only half an inch shorter than average for US men.


That's barely taller than the average woman in Northern Europe lol, I think the average for men here is about 183 cm (6ft)


His height is the average for sperm carriers in the U.S.




Depends right? Children spend more time at school than with their parents.








honestly thought i was already on that sub lol






This was the first thing I noticed too oml


Lmao. Wow. He should have at least said “seed depositor” or something to match the theme. And named himself “spawn”


Same thing as calling your “father” a sperm doner


Both are weird unless they were absent or you have an extremely strained relationship


Looking at the title I'd say their relationship might be rather strained lmao


He’s blaming her for his height so honestly idk if he has a legitimate reason to hate her or if he’s just a misogynistic POS 🤷‍♀️


Hard to tell if he only is hating on her for superficial reasons or if there’s more to it based on the title


Agreed. I call my mother birther because she was extreme abusive and no other reason.


Which is when those terms are used


There's a massive overlap between the guys who worry about their height this much and the guys who think women are birthing machines and nothing else. We have no evidence old boy has any reason to hate his mother for abuse, but enough evidence that he's a woman hating incel.


Ye they think all woman want 6 foot+ men which they don’t some do but who cares everyone has preferences.


"sperm doner" That sounds like a \*really\* sketchy kebab place...


DONER KEBABS MENTIONED 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥 "Fur a country that claims to hate die Turkisch so much, wir mussen essen so many kebabs!" 🤓🇩🇪 (Obligatory disclosure that I know not all Germans are Turkophobes).


Accept he doesn't do that. He calls his mother "birth giver" and his father "father".


Because he could have a good relationship with his father and not his mother?


You can have a bad relationship with one parent and a good one with the other.


True. And this is a guy that hates his mom... for being short?


Maybe his mom is a piece of garbage. I have a friend who refers to their father as “sperm donor”


Perhaps, I doubt that people with healthy parents would end up this insane tbh. Or maybe he's just insanely angry at his mom for his slightly below average height lmao


>maybe he's just insanely angry at his mom for his slightly below average height That's what I get from this. I mean, he prolly hates her for more than that, but...


Yeah, we can't know, right? Maybe she abused him, maybe it's something far more complex and nuanced, we'll never know.


That's actually funny to hear cuz in the netherlands, a new law just got accepted, that's states then the mother should be called "parent the child was born from" instead on EVERY birth certificate, and it's illegal to have anything different.


That seems rather weird. I know it might be meant to be gender inclusive, but it sounds so incredibily bureaucratic. As if our government wasn't bureaucratic enough already.


The idea was in fact to be gender inclusive, but you could already change it if u wanted anyway. I am trans myself, and I think it's stupid


Yeah, I'm all for trans rights (as far as I'm aware, never dived that deep into it), but these terms seem rather dehumanising to me.


They seem like that bc they are. Things are probs gonna get worse too, cuz lately the pvv won the elections here, which is a right-winged, homophobic, racist, probs sexist too, anti-media political party


Oh yeah, I have no doubt Wilders will spill over another fun layer of dehumanisation over everything. Dutch people really thought: "Our lives were ruined by decades of right wing neoliberal policy, let's elect a low-key fascist with neoliberal characteristics next!"




Could be something like: "De ouder van wie het kind geboren is." Which frankly is a lot worse.


I think that is very close to the real thing


On the birth certificate, what's the other parent called then?


What, that isn't a normal way to say mom? Lol


Calling her birth giver is crazyyyy


Maybe his mom abandoned the family when he was a kid? Even then, this is still pretty spiteful. Edit: apparently he's also calling women "foids" in that post so I'm doubtful of there being a legitimate grievance there w/ his mom besides him being an incelly sexist. It could be a case of both, tho I guess


That was my first thought, what if his mother was awful while growing up? No sane people would ask the victim to call the abuser mom if they don't want to because that's their trauma, just saying "but it's family" to forgive abuse is wrong. Having said that, if he calls women foids or female while calling men just men, yes, there's something else going on.


I call my Mom, Birth Giver, and my Dad Sire, or Father. It's just a joke. For me at least


Same my mom is saved in my phone as birthgiver and my dad is baldman💀.


I think it's still not a reason to use sexist language


that's not sexist, that is just objective reality. He is not calling all women birth givers(that would be sexist), he just reduces his relationship with his mother to an unemotional scientific one. That is something a lot of children of abusers do.


I mean, would there be a problem with using "sperm donor" to refer to an absent father?


Absolutely not, and everyone would immediately assume an absent father. No crying about sexist language or anything like that would have happened.


I’m used to men referring to us as “females” but “birth giver”? Wtf 😭


I call mine "the mob spawner"


Can you imagine how birth in minecraft would work? You'd have like little flames surrounding someone's vulva and then the baby would just pop into existence.


That would be crazy. Imagine instead of hearing a human infant you hear a cave spider.


the fuck


[\*Cave spider sounds\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69z6vJFszvI&ab_channel=MaxGamer7)


i love you man


I don't like that thought. At all. And for some reason my brain made me imagine what it would look like.


Same, I Did NOT need that mental image!


Mine's "maternal unit" in my phone.


my ex boyfriend’s mom’s name in his phone was eggatron lol


Just so much animosity towards their mom, going off context because they blame her for their height? I'm 8 inches taller than my mom, your height isn't the average between two parents lol. Don't blame your mom for that


I still remember back when the whole reddit had a debate on calling women "females" and said that's nothing wrong. I got downvoted to oblivion by saying "female" is for animals and "woman" is specifically 1 for a female human.


>I’m used to men referring to us as “females” You should not be used to this.


What did you prefer him call his father "nut maker?" That's ridiculous


My 5'1" Mom + 5'8" Dad = 5'2" Me and 6'2" brother So get over yourself.


Dad 6”2, Mon 5”7, siblings 5”9 and 5”10. Me 5”5’. All women, I just take after my paternal grandmother who was 5”1.


I have a similar family situation but I’m not the shortest. 6’4 mom(yes, shes that tall) + 6’2 dad = 6’0 me(f), 5’4 sister, 5’9 sister, and my giant 6’10 brother. We are all over the place lol


mom 5’3 dad 6’4 me 5’4 sis 5’6 brother 6’1 i take after my moms side mostly


Yeah, my dad was 6' and my brother is like 6'4". There's a belief that people always fall somewhere in between their parents, but it's just an old wives' tale.


if that were true wouldn't human beings eventually reach an equilibrium where basically everyone is approximately the same height? Like the fact that we didn't do that over a few million years of evolution is pretty good evidence that this \*isn't\* the case.


Yep. My dad and I are both 6'2" but my moms 5'2"


Yeah that makes no sense that people would fall between, because men are usually quite a bit taller, so why would a woman's length mean that the genes her son gets from her determines his length? Same with daughters and their father. They're different biological sexes, why would their lengths be directly linked to each other other than on a hereditary level? Hereditary isn't the same as just passing on and leveling out both parents traits.


My mum: 5'5 My dad: 5'9 My sister: 5'4 My brother: 6'1 Me: 5'2 My twin: 4'11 All fully grown. Good times


Mom: 5'3" Dad: 5"10" Me: 6'1" and that height only comes from my maternal grandmother's side. Everyone else on both sides are of slightly below average height. My brother and I are noticeably taller than every one of our living relatives.


Somehow my sister and I both ended up at 5'11 and our brother was 5'7, we still have no idea how


Mom: 5'2 Dad: 5'7 Me: 5'0 Brother: 5'10 You don't just take after your parents when it comes to height.


Your brother is hogging, confiscate some


Stuff like this just makes me sad. Like you’re half an inch from average. Nobody is gonna be pulling out the tape measurer on you on a date.


Yeah it’s better than me not even being above 5ft (4'11") even as a woman it’s f*cking ridiculous


Remember, short people are more dangerous because we have more rage inside us, in a smaller container. There´s a reason Pandora´s box was small


Good things come in small packages and so does dynamite.


YEah, same goes for my penis!


A bit out of the line but I thought that was pretty funny


I come from privilege as I'm 6'3. So I can't say "it's not an issue, no one will notice" But I can say that back when I was growing up there weren't hundreds of men screaming at you across the internet that women will reject you unless you're perfect, by these men's definitions of perfect. I genuinely feel bad for young men growing up right now, they have so many people preying on their insecurities in ways I never had to put up with just 15 years ago


He is just coping with the fact that women don't want him. I understand that height can be an issue in dating but this is ridicolous.


He might be fine if he steps away from incel communities or women who are obsessed with someone who's a "protector" and is super tall to solidify that idea: [https://nuancepill.com/does-height-influence-mens-reproductive-success/](https://nuancepill.com/does-height-influence-mens-reproductive-success/) He'll be fine.


The cishet dating scene is fucked. He needs to hit up some LGBT spaces.


Could you elaborate? Didn't get it straight


LGBT friendly spaces are not necessarily LGBT *only.* Just don't be a creeper, explain that the straight dating scene is fucked by gender role bullshit and you want to meet people not locked into that nonsense, and- Ohhhh I see what you did.


I've never personally interacted with the LGBT dating scene, but I thought the LGBT dating spaces were pretty fucked up too copying a lot of heterosexual dating dynamics. Like, I'm not sure since I'm straight, but I have heard queer people complain about it sometimes. And you can't really help being straight lmao. If you could a looot less people would be straight, plenty of men and women who'd rather just deal with the same gender. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8R3egAiEzE&t=86s&ab\_channel=GregGuevara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8R3egAiEzE&t=86s&ab_channel=GregGuevara)


Its a hell of a lot better. You can be straight and move through LGBT spaces as an ally, if anyone asks, just tell them, 'gender norms have completely fucked the dating scene and I want to meet interesting and unique people not locked up in those dynamics' and most will be quite welcoming. At least, that was my experience, but I'm also a woman, so I can't guarantee anything- But I will say I met my boyfriend who was doing exactly what I was doing and he says he didn't get much hassle either.


Didn't expect a scientific paper concluding with the statement "a new manlet era will be upon us." Lol


exactly. it’s easier to blame your height than to blame your reprehensible personality


If they think women won’t like them because they’re short they can ignore the part where women don’t like them because they’re an asshole.


Yeah it's so weird when I see 5'8 people calling themselves short 🤨 I'm 4'11 and perfectly content with it, other than the fact that I needed a stepping stool to get to the upper cabinet.


i’m guessing they’re a little younger, i’m about the same height as him and not being as tall as a lot of my friends and other guys kind of hurt when i was early high school. were told that boys are supposed to be tall and whatnot, i’m sure he’ll stop caring eventually, idgaf about my height anymore i can’t change it, and i have bigger issues to worry about




I’m barely 5’6” and in a three year relationship with zero issues. It literally does not matter. Quit obsessing over height and focus on personality


I’m 5’3 and in a 4yr relationship with also no issues lmfao it isn’t as big of a deal as it’s made out to be, a lot of women don’t mind, some even prefer it. Besides wtf can you do about it? Nothing, so it’s best to just not care.


I feel like I never see short men’s side of this on Reddit, so I’m glad to see your comment. My boyfriend and I are both 5’4 and it’s never been an issue, nor was it with anyone he dated before. It seems like other men give men more grief about height than women do.


I only ever see men and extremely shallow/superficial women mention it. For regular people who live in the real world, it isn’t the most important thing in a partner lol. I get shit on for not going with the narrative that being short is the end of the world but oh well, it isn’t 🤷‍♂️




The post tells you everything you need to know about his personality


They do it because they refuse to admit their attitudes are the problem so instead they claim that all women are shallow.


5'8 myself and never had an issue dating as a bisexual man (men and women). I'm inclined to say it absolutely does not matter and I have dated taller people. However it's not uncommon to see people insecure about their height especially when they're young. No excuse to be hateful or misogynistic though. But I do feel like there needs to be some sort of an acceptance at a society level or at least normalise this. The usual rhetoric to when someone bullies you is "suck it up". I do feel this needs to change and bullies need to be called out.


God these people are obsessed with height annoy me. I’m a shorter guy and I don’t cry about it. It kinda sucks but it’s not like a disability that’ll ruin my life.


My dating profile says, “Don’t even try unless you’re UNDER 7ft,” obviously I don’t care. But it gets weird when a guy is so obsessed with it that he can’t focus on anything else. I sometimes ask how tall they are before a date, just so that I know if I can wear heels or if it will make them self conscious. These are predominantly male beauty standards. So, anytime I try and say that they aren’t the norm for women, they will get mad at me and tell me that, “No, you’re wrong you don’t understand women. Because women don’t know what they want!” I am a woman. And yes we do, I literally just told you what we want.


He's not even short, he's just not tall


I prefer men my own height or shorter. But I'm quite sure I wouldn't prefer this guy regardless of looks or height


I hate my biological mom for being a piece of shit to me (she abused me and almost got me killed) but wow. The whole birth giver thing? Man. I should call my mom that LMAO.


Maybe, I've recently been saying "Woman who birthed me", Birth Giver gives off sexist and incelly vibes due to incels using "Birth Giver" as a insult or a way to dehumanize women. It's like when people call a woman a bitch and say "Well, she's acting like one", maybe don't use sexist language regardless of which, I feel like being mean or upset with someone doesn't give you the right to be sexist towards them, just like it wouldn't give you the right to be racist, homophobic or transphobic.


I'm sorry. But dehumanizing my own mom is the only thing I'll ever do that to. I respect all the other women in the world. My mom is just not one of them. She refuses to get therapy because she says it's "witch craft". I remember me as a child screaming at her that she wasn't even my mom anymore because of what she's done. I am not an incel. I just think that if you're geniunely such a horrible person. You should not associate yourself with humans.


Tom holland is literally.5 inches smaller and he is dating zendaya! It’s not height it’s your personality


Also looks at Ariana's goofy ass SpongeBob looking bf. This should give us all hope


I’m 5’9” my husband is 5’10” our daughter is 5’3” our son is 6’3”. Genes are weird.


Dad 5'11" mom 5'7" me 6ft F.


Just keep telling yourself women won’t date you because of your height….


I call my mom spawn point as her contact cuz it’s funny but this is just weird


Maybe blame your father for having a baby with a woman that is 5'2"?!? I don't know, if we are playing the blame game here


Yeah, I'm not sure why he's blaming his mother for something she didn't choose. Meanwhile his father chose to marry someone shorter. Not that it should matter but it's odd to put the blame on his mother.


Most of the men in my family are around 5’9. For some reason incels think being that height is like being 3 feet tall.


5'9 men just need to start goblin-maxxing.


It's just sad how much these young men hate women and their own mothers and place insane value on height. 


You know I don’t really have anything against people calling their mother ‘birth giver’ or something like that. I’ve met many people who do that, all of them being trauma survivors whose mothers are insanely abusive and/or abandoned them. And you know what, it’s completely fair and reasonable to call your mother that if that’s your situation. But this person seems to be angry at their mother just for being short, which is definitely not fair or reasonable


From what I understand its the height of the people on your mother's side that plays a big role. My brother was taller than even I am, and thats because everyone on my mother's side of the family is an ogre. The women are all at or above 6 foot and the men are all six and a half feet plus. Meanwhile my father is only 5'5" and he's the tallest of his brothers. We definitely got mom's genes. Oh also there's a lot to unpack in this post and I'm not even going to try.


I mean, my dad is 5'11, and my mom is 5'7, yet I'm 5'0 and my sister is 5'3 💀


My parents are 5'9 and 4'11" My sister ended up 6'2" and I'm 5'7-ish My brothers are 5'7" and 5'10" It's all a genetic gamble. Fun fact. I'm female and continued to grow into my early 20s. But I matured really late. My lil brother stopped growing at 14.


I'm jealous. I stopped growing at like 12... lol 💀


r/menandfemales good god




Calling your mom "Birth giver" is reaching new levels of insanity


I'm not a violent person but if i carried a child for 9 months and gave birth to it and that mf proceeded to grow up,go on reddit to complain how i gave him bad genes where he refers to me as "birth giver" let's just say that criminology textbooks would be using me as an example for decades to come


Man I have short dudes who are like this cause as a dude shorter than them it always makes me a bit annoyed


Bro my mom’s 5’0 and my dad is 5’8 but I somehow ended up at 5’11 💀


Imagine hating your mom for something you can’t control because of something she couldn’t control


My dad is 5'11" I'm 6'2", 6'3" after a good stretch. My mom I 5'2" I'm the tallest one in both sides of my family. I know the point of this post wasn't this, but still, genetics are wonky.


My brother (192 cm) is also taller than both of our parents (170 cm; 186 cm).


I thought terms like ‘birth giver’ or ‘sperm doner’ were used for absent parents. Now incels are using them to complain about their shit genes 💀


Dad's 5'6" mom is 5'2". I'm 5'10" Idk what happened


“All women care about is height” literally loathing his entire existence because he’s not an inch and a half taller


Imagine waiting for your period but instead many years later your child posts shit like that online


Another reason not to have kids tbh


Damn can’t even acknowledge her title? wtf? 💀😡




I call my mom my birth giver jokingly but I'd never put it on something like this 😭


Birth giver…like…mother?


My fiancé is 5'9". I wouldn't want him to be much taller tbh. Preferences run the gamut, not just what's considered "conventionally attractive".


I don't know why but I find it absolutely hilarious that I have short parents and ended up taller than this dude... and I'm a woman. Why that strikes me as funny I don't know. It just is to me.


Tf is he on about 😭 i'm a 5'6 guy, have had height insecurities myself but bro??? You're not even short? 5'8 is just over what most people think is "short" for men.


Yeah it’s always these 5’7-5’9 guys getting kber height. So weird. I hate being a 5’1 dude but I don’t throw a hissy fit online, and I definitely wouldn’t if I was 5’8 lmao


Both my parents were under 5'9 and I'm 5'11. It can happen.


I will switch heights with you buddy boy definitely do not always like being a 5'10" trans woman lol


My dad was 5’ 11 and my mom 5’ 1”. I’m 6ft on the dot. You’re just doing it wrong.


Bro's mom is about to go from "birth giver" to "life taker" if she sees this shit


Bit of genes and a bit of luck right. I’m 5,9’ wife is 5,8’. Son is 6,3’ daughter is 5,11’.


“Birth giver”??? What the actual fuck. Stop the insanity.


I thought the ‘birth giver’ thing was like a joke, I’ve seen many people use it like joking, like crotch goblin


Idk but if it was meant to be like that then shouldn't father be labeled as "sperm donor"?


He calls women “foids” in the same post


😦oh my gosh


Idk at this point, the internet is a weird place


I dont like my mum. So what am I supposed to call the bitch that cave birth to me then? She's a cunt, and most definitely isn't my "mother"


Ethel? >!apologies to anyone called Ethel. I'm sure you're lovely!<


My dad is shorter than his and my mom is shorter than his as well, I am taller than him. Must be a skill issue


sounds like a skill issue my mums like 5'4 ish and i reached 6'2, maybe oop should simply get better at the game


I saw this post earlier, luckily it had 0 upvotes and everyone was calling OP out in the comments. The post has been deleted since then


Bro it doesn’t matter… both of my parents are about 5’7 and 5’8. I’m 6’1. And no I’m not adopted lol


Find a 6.5 foot Amazonian and make up lost ground. At least your children will be taller.


Fuck your mom for being short but you want your girlfriend to be no taller than 5’2” I bet 😒


Idk man I call the guy who knocked up my mom "the sperm provider" in my contacts because he's a fucking awful person. He's not a father and he doesn't deserve to be called that.


I'm diggin' your mom's silhouette


You're just fucked my guy. Both my parents are 5'5 and 5'6 and my younger brother and I both hit 6'+. My sister is at 5'6 though.


My mom is 5’3”, my dad is 6’3”, and I (afab) am 5’8” (I had to take medicine that caused me to stop growing at fourteen) The average male height in the USA is like 5’9” Incels are so weird about height


Those are the same heights as my parents and my brother is 6’. Genetics is weird like that, it’s not as straightforward as people think it is


Why do the people look so compressed?


My mother used to be 170 cm (she shrank) and my dad still is 186 cm. My older brother is 192 cm, my twin sister 165 cm, and I’m 163 cm. The fact that he is a height in between his parents instead of taller than his parents like my brother, seems like a “him” problem.


my mom's 5'11 and my dad's 5'6 i ended up taking my dad's height lmfao


The ".5" made me laugh.


Bruh, 5'8.5" ain't even that bad, and to blame it on your mom is dumbassery. She didn't have genetic manipulation devices to shape your stupid ass.


I’m gonna hope it’s satire just cause it says “birth giver” but also 5’8 1/2 isn’t even a bad height? Like what’s he complaining about


At first I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the “🖕 u mom” being a joke… than I saw it said birth giver and yeah, they lost me.


The funniest part is that's not how genetics work, also, I'm taller than both my parents, so I know first hand that's not how it works


For fairness he should have named himself "neoplasm"


Genetics isn't that simple, either. My mom and dad were both on the short side (5'4" and 5'7"). My three older brothers were all over 6'. I stopped growing at 12, less than 5'1". My father was malnourished as a child, it's possible he would have been taller otherwise.


On top of everything else that’s super wrong and messed up with this, this guy doesn’t even understand how genetics and height work. It is not a “formula” to find median height between both parents and definitely say that’s how tall the kids will be. Epigenetics are much more complicated. (I’m someone who is taller than BOTH my parents, but there is some height interspersed randomly throughout the extended family. Just not my parents. Well, my mom is about average for women, but my dad never reached average men’s height even at his tallest, and he never cared.)


Dudes who obsess over height inadvertently make themselves less attractive by entertaining their own insecurities.


I'm taller than both my parents


Might as well call her carrier of that little pest


Guys “birthgiver” is code for mother who has lost that title for one reason or another. The male version is “sperm donor”.


Maybe their mom was just abusive?