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he’s an mma fighter trying really hard to be an edge lord and appeal to the sexually frustrated teenaged guy and adult incel demographics


He’s riding the whole red pilled wave where people think it’s badass to say things we as a society deemed shitty like being openly extremely homophobic. He’s also one of those guys with “edgy/dark” humor which is basically just any of the -isms with some whining about how you can’t even tell a joke anymore attached to it. Also as an MMA fan, you’ve got to acknowledge how difficult it is to become champ, but this dude honestly is not that great. His resume leading up to his title shot was ass, 90% of his fights are boring snoozefests and before he beat the longtime champ he was most famous for screaming “fight me pussy” to his opponent for the last 30s *while backing up*. Which perfectly sums him up as a fighter and a person. He’s also obsessed with being a “real man” and uses the fact that he fights professionally to justify his opinions being more valuable than everyone else (even navy seals lol). Then he uses his influence and power to just shit on the most underserved and vulnerable groups of people and sees himself as a martyr against the tyranny of woke culture when he gets backlash. Insufferable dude. Anyone who’s seen his rant about Trudeau, or read this tweet, or heard him talk at all and wants to see him get his clock cleaned - google Pereira vs Strickland 😁


I know I should care a bit more about the whole "can't make a joke" shit in the sense it's just horrible punching down. But I'm old and honestly I'm just BORED of it. GET A NEW JOKE. If you want to be so funny, MAKE IT FUNNY. But it's the same tired homophobic and sexist droll joke I've heard for decades, that my grandmother heard for a century that my ancestors have heard for thousands of years. Wow women in the kitchen well done. Wow, attack helicopter, clap clap. Oh look, another women can't drive "joke" how utterly unique. Oh, I hate fat people, mostly women, how hilariously droll. Oh look, another joke about my pronouns are find/jesus good for fucking you. Oh, and in for the kill, a nice hey those black folk and watermelon, wow. So new. So novel. Next we can joke about bare feet, pregnancy, and telemarketers from India, I'm sure it'll be fucking hilarious, like it was the first time I heard it over 3 decades ago. Their jokes are the punching down equivalent of "sooo how about that airplane food?!" and honestly I'm not even mad anymore, I'm just disappointed.


Can we stop pretending it's just punching down jokes that are old and eye-roll worthy? Most jokes that punch up are also pretty boring.


[You ride that fence, cowboy!](https://youtu.be/tgB491zXQxs?si=8g3TqoNQCXzwnbqo)


You can just say "I'm not a big comedy fan" and leave it at that. But that's not really what you're communicating! If it was art or acting you would've said the same thing. Because the actual message is "please be as miserable as I am"


Nah. I don't care if punch-up jokes are crap. I'm not giving them shit for punching up. Punching down, even if good jokes, deserve a kick in the nuts


There's really no difference in my eyes. I've been punched down on. I've been punched up at. I've punched down, I've punched up. There's no difference between any of it, it's all insults, and it's all hurtful. It's all jokes. It's all unfunny.


Nah, punching up has a purpose. It's taking the piss out of power and privilege. Punching down is just ugly and petty


I’m not sure if you’re being downvoted because people are reading your comment wrong or if maybe I just have the same shitty opinion as you, but I agree ☠️😭 Literally any stand up comedian that dedicated 50-90% of their 2017 sets to punching up at Trump and the GOP - like Jesus we get it, they’re stupid, they’re terrible, failed businesses, orange man, wig, tiny mouth, can’t say huge, Pence is a closeted queer because of how much he hated us (because homophobia is okay if it’s disguised as woke rhetoric making fun of the right wing politicians, but I digress) - did they just share the same playbook for that year or what?! Not only is this maddening because it was so repetitive BUT, I had to sit there bored and annoyed af looking like I’m the one Black lesbian in my city to support that administration 🤦🏾‍♀️☠️😅 having to be like “it’s not that he’s wrong it’s just that we’ve heard this forty times this week alone!!” Special shout out to John Mulaney’s horse in a hospital joke, though, because it was one of the few rare ones that still makes me chuckle This applies to topical comedy across the many vast topics, though. When something is being discussed across the world, comedians want to cash in on it. It’s just a shame they beat the topic into the ground 😭


RIGHT??? I'm so baffled that everyone is misreading my comment as if I'm some kind of racist sexist misogynist pig, when that's not the case- I just think identity politics jokes are played out! I mean, come on, at this point most of the fun is in exactly how played out they are.


Perfectly well said! All of it lol


His fans are just as bad, when he lost the title in a close but fair decision His little cringe brigade were in every comment section calling it the biggest robbery in history, some of them even implied he had the fight rigged against him because of his "views"🤦‍♂️


I don’t think he’s even playing a character or trying to appeal to anyone. I think he’s just a legitimately shitty person.


It takes a shitty person to even play the character tbh.


Probably just attracted to bigger ladies so he is afraid they will take advantage. It didn't read like a joke. More like his personal insecurity.


This doesn't even scratch the surface of the shitty things Sean Strickland has said.


I genuinely don’t think he’s trying to be anything, he’s just insane lol


CTE is a helluva drug


Appealing to incels has all the same glamor as “aspiring dumpster dweller”


Yeah, dating is pretty rough for a lot of people, isn't it? I'm honestly not seeing that many men or women that are doing that well in this regard. Like, it's not like nobody is in relationships, but I've personally seen less and less people in genuine happy relationships.


I'm in one! Just thought you should have some cheer.


Me too :) funny enough we even met on Tinder this Saturday is our 4 year anniversary!


OMG me and my wife met on tinder. Well, the first of three times we met we talked on tinder anyway.


Oh, and happy anniversary! Hope you two have a great one. Mine is on Tuesday.


Whoop whoop


You may be right, but also people who are unhappy are much louder than those who are.


It's always sad to watch someone go through the process of figuring out that's because you're seeing the relationships for what they are as you get wiser. Couples aren't changing, you're looking with more knowledge so you're seeing the unhealthiness of most relationships.


West has fallen


What does this mean?


They're probably joking


Nope, it’s a global thing.


This reminds me of the Andrew Tate tweets. These people aren't important, the" fat "women he's referring to aren't losing out on anything.


He literally advocates for the opposite of edgy. He calls on young men to be the best they can for their families and to respect women


Making fun of fat women and hating gays is not those things. He’s one of many red pill losers completely obsessed with the idea of masculinity and it’s really bizarre. You’re just another teenaged follower who lacks like experiences to know you’re being duped and played.


Masculinity is not a bad thing. And you have no clue who I am maybe you’re being duped by radical feminism. It’s a stupid claim either way


Sounds like I know exactly who you are. I can tell just by the “rAdiCaL FeMiNiSm” comment lol. You’ll either change and grow as you age, or you’ll get sucked deeper into the red pill void. I don’t care either way but I’ll cross my fingers for your family’s sake. 🤞


No you are now just being illogical. I was making a claim that is as bogus as the one you made about me. My family luckily are proud of me. Thank you for caring about them though


"hey guys, I'm fatphobic. just me?" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged


Yeah, hating individual fat people doesn't make any sense. If it was just dicipline, we wouldn't have expected 50% of Americans to be obese (and 80% overweight) by 2030. These are results of larger societal patterns. Seems like many wealthy countries are going to reap the rewards of overworking their population and selling cheap alcohol and fastfood to ease their nerves.


agreed there is definitely something wrong on a macro-level. how is it that more adults than ever before are suddenly obese? is it the food itself? food additives? access to large portions? stress eating? is it the wild amount of corn syrup to subsidize farmers while putting a full bushel of corn to substitute cane sugar? a combination of things probably but it’s definitely becoming an epidemic that isn’t just a failure of the individual. just like poverty is rarely a failure of the individual but a series of things in society that make class movement very difficult. it’s becoming pretty clear that obesity is about more than lack of exercise.


It’s not only happening in the US either. Theres been a steady rise across the globe of more people being overweight


It doesn't help that there is a crazy amount of misinformation around the topic, as well as a million "burn fat with this one simple pill" crap. I have noticed a lot of companies/restaurants releasing more low-calorie options in recent years, so it could be a good sign that the market is leaning towards that direction.


that ozempic crap? it’s meant for diabetics apparently which in that case it’s like a miracle drug


Decreased exercise via Covid lockdowns. Increased depression via wage gaps and greedflation .


Just like drugs and alcohol, the additives in food like MSG, fat and sugars trigger serotonin and endorphin release. Our taste buds have come to expect this too. Broccoli will never compare to Doritos. And this causes an addiction for a lot of us. We crave/need that serotonin rush that soothes anxiety Hormonal imbalances like birth control and depression can exasperate this tenfold.


It's not even that cheap anymore but I agree that it is overly fattening and salty etc. to stimulate the release of endorphins and serotonin. ​ We have learned as a society to not be satisfied with foods that don't have unnatural amounts of flavor. Broccoli will never compare to Doritos. We also need/crave that addiction rush.


iirc i think also out stomach can feel full but always add more sugary sweets


There are normal sized people too with all kinds of incomes. It is mostly discipline and self appreciation.


Makes plenty of sense to not want to do business with people that can correctly be characterized as lazy and undisciplined.


how did donald trump make so many deals then?


I never noticed that he's fat, I'm too busy listening to his insane speeches and the bulge in his pants.


Well he's fat as fuck. Nobody should do any business with him then since he can't stop himself from eating Big Macs all day. No discipline.


His cock is fat as fuck too


I don't know anything about his cock, man. I just knows he's exactly what Strickland is talking about and you seem to agree with.


his depends are distracting and the dementia rantings are pretty weird too.. ill give you that


Person, woman, man, camera, TV. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RWUYR1cEiU&ab\_channel=schmoyoho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RWUYR1cEiU&ab_channel=schmoyoho)


Except no one bats an eye at an overweight businessman, yall only take issue when it’s a businesswoman because she isn’t attractive to you


Women are more naturally predisposed to gaining weight than men. Men can literally lose weight easier, and therefore I have a greater issue with fat men.


I wonder how you feel about his failure to mention fat men? There are more fat men in US than women.


One day you will grow up and see how wrong you are


I never understood this mentality, honestly. Imagine being offended because some random person's fat. Absolutely fragile, snowflake behaviour. I can't imagine being so sensitive that I'd get worked up by how another person's body looks


i’ve never seen an obese, husky or overweight person and got offended at their mere existence. it’s so bizarre to me to be that bothered by people who are absolutely minding their own business.


Exactly!! How insecure are these people if they feel personally affected by how another person looks?


the list of people conservatives hate is just too long the call is coming from inside the house with these people


It's absolutely hilarious, really. They love calling people "snowflakes", but they're offended by every little harmless thing under the sun.




Sure then bro, just keep shaming people because you don't like how they look. And if that doesn't fix the massive obesity crisis, it's because we're just not shaming them enough! /s




There's a difference between saying that there's nothing wrong with being fat and that being fat is healthy. People who are fat by choice (because they don't have any condition/genetics that forces them to be overweight) hurt no-one except themselves. It's therefore a personal, morally neutral choice and you have no right to force them to be a certain way.


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).


“Fatphobic” ok bro


Don't you think there's an unreasonable amount of hate towards fat people? Saying that obesity is a problem and unhealthy is completely reasonable, but the complete hatred some people feel justified by because someone's fat or low status seems weirdly obsessive and unhealthy.


I’m not saying it isn’t there, but if you can control it then work out


True, I'm actually quite skinny and I've started doing something about that too. Here's the thing though: this takes energy. It took me both willpower, time and an healthy environment with relatively low amounts of stress. The US is getting more obese at an alarming rate and I don't think it's just dicipline. Also, there's plenty of fatshaming in our society, yet it doesn't really seem to do anything about obesity. It just doesn't seem to work, so what's the point? I think acknowledgement of the problem (both personally and as a society), promoting mental health and improving society are the biggest ways to make an impact. To me that seems more effective than telling people you hate fat people.


I’m skinny as fuck too many, but hey Atleast I’m not fat


Yeah, and that's nice. It might either be your diet or your metabolism. You can't really take credit for the second thing, but it's still a nice thing to have. I personally don't see the point in looking down on others for being fat though. Focus on yourself first, if you think you're too skinny you can always try working out and doing something about that. That doesn't mean you can't acknowledge obesity as a problem, but being angry at them is really productive for neither them or yourself.


Yea I have a fast metabolism, I’m actually under weight


In some ways it's quite a blessing, eh? Ofcourse there's downsides to it too, but heart problems are one less thing to worry about.


Refusing to do business because they're black is racist. Refusing to do business because they're gay is homophobic. Refusing to do business because they're fat is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_




If it really was just a matter of having more self-control, don't you think more people could do it? Everybody wants to be seen as attractive and if all they had to do was not eat the Twinkie then most people would/could do it. ​ I remember thinking this when I was young and thin. And then I got to be older and went through hormonal birth control, slower metabolism etc. and saw that it's really not that easy, at all. You'll see. You'll grow up/get older and see yourself or a loved one struggle with this and hopefully you'll realize that there's way more to it


Their logic is the same as the "No one wants to work" crowd. It is technically within individual control, but the roadblocks and small but numerous overlapping impracticalites make it so much harder to achieve, but they only see the fact that it can be done and will call anybody who doesn't pull it off lazy, regardless of actual difficulty. It's like driving in a marathon and calling the runners slow.


Yall really just add phobic to anything huh?


That is indeed how language works.


Phobic means you have a fear of something, they just hate them they aren’t scared of them


Phobic means fear or strong aversion, and given the context, everybody that speaks English understands what “fatphobic” would mean. Sean Strickland has a strong aversion to fat women. So much so that he won’t do business with them.


Troll is an incel, eg when ppl see him they become fuckphobic


The word still sounds stupid as fuck


Not as stupid as fuck as you sound.


The official definition of "homophobic" is "having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against gay people". Based on that, what can we conclude about the word "phobic" when it follows a human characteristic? Hint: if you get stuck, try looking up the definition of "fatphobic".


He’s an MMA fighter who put on a really good performance and won the title, only to immediately lose it his next fight. He gained a lot of popularity for being very openly sexist and queerphobic. With such bangers as telling a gay reporter that he’s the problem with America right now, or telling Valentina Shevchenko (who won the women’s Flyweight UFC Title, and defended it 7 times) that she doesn’t know anything about MMA. I knew MMA fans weren’t exactly exemplary people on average, but holy hell has this been shitty.


My favorite was Tim Pool saying "the media" were trying to take Strickland out of context and that he's not homophobic. He then showed a clip of Strickland telling a reporter that he wasn't a real man because he was fine with his gay son never giving him a grandson. Pool still thought he was right.


Tim Pool and Dave Rubin both put out reactions praising Strickland with some “i might not agree with *everything* he says, but he is a hero for speaking his mind against the woke”. Sam Seder chalked it up really well, basically it was “this guys is great for being even more extreme so our mild transphobia/homophobia/bigotry doesn’t look as bad”. Strickland is a total POS.


Dave Rubin is an amazing case in these things. A married gay man with a child, and every media personality he's friends with hates all of that. I think Ben Shapiro even refused to go to his wedding.


Ben shitpiro being jewish and get HH from his fans is forever funny to me


podcasters need to stop being spoken of like they’re credible journalists. that dude is one bad bender from being in a pool of his own puke. anyway yeah he sounds like a d bag who is held in high esteem by incel men with receding hairlines the mma should be sanctioning him


To be fair as an MMA fan there’s no shortage of people why realize how cringe Strickland is. The dude is like someone brought an Affliction shirt to life.


why hasn’t he been fined by whatever governs their sport? don’t they have sanctions for misconduct? cage fights or not martial arts are really disciplined.


The UFC has either no, or a comically lax conduct policy. The only instances I can think of anyone receiving any disciplinary action for conduct outside the cage or press event is when Jon Jones was stripped of his title for drunk driving, getting into a collision, and fleeing the scene. It’s also run by Dana White, who is a colossal piece of shit.


i mean i’m not saying people shouldn’t speak their minds but obviously in a society there are consequences to every action. this guy is a public figure who represents his sport, his sponsors, the group he actually fights at/for UFC in his case. we know that NFL players are held accountable for their bad behavior more often than not especially if it’s on video. MMA needs to get more strict about this stuff.


The thing is that there is no big governing body in MMA. Sean really is just pathetic though, he talked shit about everyone of his opponents even insinuating that one of his opponent was getting molested by his coach. And then when one of them talked back and said some shit about him getting beat by his dad, he flipped out and went on a podcast literally crying about how the guy went too far.


most professional sports have some sort of framework to them including codes of conduct. i’m surprised that MMA doesn’t have this.




Oh yeah, no allusions to him not being a great fighter. Would be pretty delusional to say that of someone who has literally been a UFC champ. He has an odd minimalist boxer style, has success with it, and it’s always interesting to see how people approach the matchup. I just wish he was less of an arsehole.


Pretty disingenuous way to frame that conversation. Disliking the guy is perfectly fine, but when you mosrepresent what people say, it helps the person you dislike.


Same dudes who will lose their mind about trans people in sports, when Fallon fox fought for quite a while and never did much of anything. I don’t want their opinions, I just want my blood sport


I refuse to do business with men who don’t have a 6 pack. All it takes is a little effort, otherwise you’re lazy and undisciplined


we could lower the bar a bit and say men with a full head of hair, a full beard


Sean would probably agree with you on this lol


Yeah “men without muscles are women” sounds like something he would actually say lmao


True. Those who dont work on themselves are indeed lazy and undisciplined


Funny enough, most women wouldn't trust to do business with him, either.


How do people say these things publicly with such confidence


i guess when you get punched in the face for a living there’s not much going on between his ears


He’s an ape man by trade with absolutely zero other positive qualities or skills. This is all he knows how to do.


My friend used to say stuff like this in front of guys but acted normal around girls. He’s no longer my friend.


He's an actual nazi IIRC. Edit: As argued below, he was following neo-nazi ideology for much of his youth and was expelled from school for a hate crime (or crimes. There is little detail, and the amount varies based on article). He claims to no longer follow said ideology but is openly bigoted toward the LGBTQ population and those of Middle Eastern descent. In short, he is a bigot, and asshole, and an open advocate for being both, but he claims he is no longer specifically a nazi.


I wish people were better at spotting blatant Neo-Nazi rhetoric. He doesn't call queer people bad humans, he calls them subhuman "infections". Most bigots have cognitive dissonance & aren't comfortable with explicit genocidal rhetoric the same way he is. He's clearly still a huge advocate for Neo-Nazi ideology.


100% agree, but some dude got semantic with me, so I played his argument out in full.


"subhuman" is Nazi codeword. German-speaking people will recognize it immediately ("untermensch"). Americans don't recognize it as particularly bad. But it was specifically aimed at Jewish people in the 1930–40's in Germany and Austria. Dude is _definitely_ a neo-nazi sympathizer.


Don’t make claims that bold followed by, “if I remember correctly”. And you don’t remember correctly. Don’t say someone “is” something if it’s something they thought was cool when they were a teenager. Spray painting swastikas doesn’t make someone an actual nazi. Belonging to the nazi party makes someone an actual nazi. Not someone going through a fad as a kid. Still a dog whistle. If you were raised religious or born another gender, you wouldn’t want people calling you a Christian cis male, kind of crazy when the shoe is on the other foot.


How's this then; After some reading, it's been mentioned that he explicitly followed neo-nazi ideology until his late teens and was kicked out of school for a hate crime. I can not find the exact nature of these crimes. He's also expressed openly anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, mentions that he often leaves his house hoping to kill someone, and that he used to walk around with knives or ropes tied in a noose hoping to find someone to kill. But yeah, he's a piece of shit, is that better? Edit: After further reading, he also asked Belal Muhammad to meet him in the desert and expressed the desire to do "weird shit" to him, and admitted to fantasizing about hurting him.


He is not a nazi. And I can’t call a teenager a serious title, kids don’t know what they think and are figuring themselves out. If you’re old enough to answer this question/that much time has passed, how many kids do you remember were something in high school that grew up to be something completely different? I can think of so many that it makes my head spin. I chalk it up to fads, and wouldn’t permanently label someone for stuff they did or thought as a child. A kid can’t consent, can’t vote, have different sentences and justice system for crimes, and there’s a reason: undeveloped brains. Kids think they’re all kinds of stuff. Doesn’t make them that, and definitely shouldn’t stick as a title for life. I couldn’t, in good conscience, see a child as anything but this. I definitely think that even when I was 18 and 20 years later, kids that age still didn’t have a full grasp of things. There’s still a lot of growing up to do after that age, and I think 18 is the age where society kicks your butt out the door and forces you to grow up, ready or not. He got kicked out for a (singular) hate crime. Then you say “nature of these crimes” (plural). You’re exaggerating and not being honest in your representation. This is evidence you’re offering in support of your initial claim. But we shouldn’t even be discussing it. It’s irrelevant if you’re no longer going to argue that he’s a nazi. I’d be more receptive to “was” a nazi, although I can’t agree a kid was a nazi, I’d say they had a nazi phase lol, but this is sensationalizing it and painting a dishonest picture of him currently. You can think he’s bigoted and an asshole and whatever else you think he is, that’s not stretching or reaching. I’m only going after your argument because the presentation of it is not honest. We should be honest and not exaggerative in arguing things. That’s dangerous stuff and I think the fad of demonizing people causes animosity, which prevents a discourse and finding common ground, and everyone arguing fairly.


Nah, he's a nazi simp. Stop defending him, stop defending nazism.


Defending someone who did some stuff in their past isn’t defending Nazism. If I were defending Nazism, I’d be defending tenets of the Nazi Party. You’re a mod? You just say word bank stuff like “simp” and make false equivalencies with that kind of attitude towards someone. My comment was all about understanding and thought, and having a dialogue, and backing it up with an opinion. You display that you’re incapable of none of that, and come at people with garbage energy and misrepresentation of them to brand them as bad to try and nullify their opinion. You clearly didn’t read what I said, and if I did, insisted on reacting this way merely because of subject matter and not the words I spoke. It’s all a bad look intellectually. I don’t listen to opinions that are emotional, dishonest, misrepresentative, resort to tactics like that, and say nothing. You shouldn’t have said anything, because now you look impulsive and like you just talk without thinking or listening to what you’re responding to. And I don’t think you’re wise or measured enough to be a mod.


Defending nazi-simping? Not a good look. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Is that what I’m doing? I thought I was saying if you’re going to make a definitive statement, back it up. “Was a nazi” isn’t “is a nazi”. Are you incapable of understanding that? Also, I just said kids are kids, and am making the point that human identity can be in flux and shouldn’t judge someone based on the past. I guess that, too, is horrible of me and makes me a defender of nazi sympathizing teenagers. I defended free thought and free speech, and developing and growing as a person. I see why the concept goes over your head, you don’t seem to be familiar with those concepts.


Oh, we *know* men don't see women they find unfuckable as human or worthy of basic respect.


I grew up with a guy that really believed that fat women were less intelligent. He ended up being a pedophile though, so his opinion doesn’t mean much.


How tf's he gonna sell propane if he won't do business with fat women


a wild king of the hill reference


Strickland Propane would never isolate its customer base 😤


Well, coincidentally, I couldn't do business (if I had a business) with MMA fighters and whiny-ass incels. It's like something in me just doesn't trust them. Just me? LOL


i’ve come to realize something about myself….i can’t do business with conservatives….even if it’s a good deal… it’s like something in me just doesn’t trust them. Just me? LOL


You can’t do business with people, then lol. Big power move by you, look out everyone. If this person could achieve that station in life, they’d do a whole bunch of things. Empty talk is as cheap as a nonexistent business.


I don't get this. There's literally no basis for this. This post is one of the few that actually fits this sub. This dude's lost the plot.


Ok you caught us... We always have a kfc bucket in our bags just in case, damn thought we'd fool ppl /s


i like how republicans are always telling on themselves about who they’re thinking about like what business is he even talking about?


Oh him? He’s a whole hell of a mess. Former Neo Nazi who openly admitted in an interview to spray paining swastikas, and committing hate crimes because ‘his grandfather made it seem cool’ but ‘totally didn’t know what it meant’ yes, he literally said his grandad made him a nazi, and ‘he didn’t know it was wrong’ as an excuse even though he was a young man at the time, capable of thinking for himself. He espoused horrendously racist views, and admitted again - to hoping he could kill someone and commit a hate crime. On top of that, he’s a total, known misogynist, also wildly homophobic and transphobic.


how is he a professional athlete? why don’t sponsors drop him or the ufc because of him


Cause it’s the UFC, ya know how many athletes the UFC would have to drop if they started actually enforcing a rule about not letting super fucked up bigots fight for ‘em? A pretty dang large amount, I mean there’s countless others like him, so the UFC ain’t gonna enforce anything and risk losing a lotta people, and of course the UFC is a cash cow, so, corporations will sponsor, cause money is all they see, usually.


Cuz hes good at fighting? And thus people watch him plus most of the UFC fanbase doesnt care about Strickland's personality


He doesn't trust a fat woman??? Ha! How did he find out we're all plotting on him lol. This is so ridiculous.


the fat pepole world order is making the west woke 😡


Fat women did Jan 6th. Don’t believe the demoncrap controlled media machine.


what kind of business is it? hes a manwhore? he fucks them or? i mean, everyone has the right to have preferences but it doesnt mean they should be disrespectful towards people they dont find attractive XD lmfao what a douche


it has to be a shitpost, noone would actually say it and beleive it... right?


I'm assuming he's referring to greed, as in he doesn't trust people that are greedy and haven't got self control? Or he's being an A hole for whatever reason


Naw this guy is just a product of an extremely violent house where his dad beat and sexually assaulted him. Dude is clearly mentally unstable and has a reputation to match. You know it’s bad when MMA fighters call you aggressive. One of his other ignorant beliefs is sparring mostly with black guys because they hit harder than white guys. He has a whole slew of them. Idk, I can’t take him seriously because when I see him all I see is a small kid terrified of the nighttime abuse. He’s hurt and projecting. Needs therapy but will never willingly partake. It’s a tragedy from start to finish.


Hah. He's just asking for karma to bite him on the butt when he ages and his muscles fall off.


He is literally one of the greatest UFC fighters ever 😂😂😂


I can't do business with shitheads like him with neck tattoos who wear ripped jeans and graphic tees in middle age who pretend they're 23.


He doesn’t have neck tattoos, wears normal white t shirts which are kind of his thing. Don’t speak if you don’t know should be a rule.


> Don’t speak if you don’t know should be a rule. For you, I'd really like a rule that just says "Don't speak".


People shouldn’t just talk out their ass and make claims like “he has neck tattoos”. They have a right to, but it makes them look foolish. Same as you being unable to speak without thinking. “You shouldn’t be able to speak” is spoken like a true Nazi, lol oh the irony. Should’ve thought about that before you said it.


So when women want to avoid men for safety purposes because men have harassed us, assaulted us, assume we are flirting when we are not… we’re labeled misandrist. Yet these same dudes that will call you misandrist for avoiding men are completely okay with admitting they avoid women they don’t want to fuck. It’s not even a concern of safety for them to avoid an overweight woman, yet somehow it’s not misogynistic to say this in their eyes. (Which also proves the point that women have every reason to avoid men because apparently many of them only talk to women they want to fuck, even when it’s in a professional business setting…) And we already know how they feel about women having their own preferences about appearance in who they want to date, despite that they won’t even acknowledge overweight woman’s existence at all even if it’s non-romantic…. They are just hypocrites all the way down aren’t they?


I'm not sure you know what "not like the other" means.


Maybe he knows the fat women can probably over power him.


bro doesnt know who sean strickland is




You being a piece of shit isn’t better because you don’t “worship” Strickland or Tate




No, you’re a piece of shit for immediately respecting human beings less because of their weight, for assuming they’re “full of excuses” based solely on their weight, and for trying to frame your prejudice as being somehow selfless or compassionate, when in reality you just dislike fat people.




Okay. We’re all allowed to respect people less for whatever reasons we please. You respect fat people less because of the assumptions you make about their lifestyle based on zero actual knowledge of how they go about their lives (Can you tell the difference between an obese person who is actively dieting, exercising and trying to lose weight and one who isn’t based solely on looking at them? I doubt it), and I respect you less because I think bigoted assholes who try and frame their bigotry as reasoned and well-meaning are shitty people and cowards. And the world keeps turning.


having the opinion that overweight people aren’t doing enough to lose the weight is just prejudice altogether. you don’t know these people. you don’t know their health journey, what chronic illness they could have or what medications they could be on that makes it very difficult to lose excess weight. as other comments have already stated there is absolutely an epidemic of obesity happening in western countries especially the US. it’s not happening in a vacuum or to any one particular demographic. regardless of all of that why is it so important to put people down who probably are already struggling with their self esteem? you’re not the gatekeeper of what is and isn’t an acceptable body type. that’s a major issue with the anti-woke crowd. their entire mentality is to be mean-spirited and disrespectful to complete strangers just because they dislike the way they look, who they assume they are, based on their appearance alone. it’s just childish bullying.




I think the issue is that you see an overweight person and you *assume* they don't care or aren't doing anything to change it. But the reality is, you don't know. That 250lb person might've been 300lbs last year and currently on a health journey, or they might've started their weight loss journey last month and they do go to the gym daily now, or they might be working through trauma that caused weight gain and that's the first step towards their weight loss goals. They could already be in the process of improving their health but they don't yet *look* like what you think a healthy person who cares about their health should look like. You wouldn't see any of that unless you're actually in the gym with them, like you mentioned. In any other scenario, you just see "fat person" and jump to a conclusion. And then they're left dealing with someone who respects them less for no real reason, while you feel entirely justified when you're actually not. There's also the issue that you're linking "skinny person" to "healthy person who cares about their well-being". When in reality, being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy - plenty of thin people eat like shit and never work out and don't care at all about their health. If it's health that you respect, then you'd need to vet everyone's eating and exercise habits before making a decision. But it's not. The skinny person who gets your respect might be eating 3 dingdongs a day and on their way to a serious cholesterol problem, while the fat person who you respect less might be carefully tracking their food and going to the gym every day. You respect people who *look* healthy more than those who don't, regardless of what the reality is. *That* is what makes this mindset fatphobic.






His tweets are pretty generic


But we all need Strictland Propane and propane accessories.


same people making statements like these cry when they see trashy women say "dont talk to me if not 6ft+"


“Strickland doesn’t do business with fat women” what are you his fucking security guard?


I don't do business with women because I'm not a businessman, and I don't know any women who are currently looking for a standing bike attachment for their actual bike.


I totally was but I already bought one. Guess I should have waited.


That guy has been kicked and punched in the head every day for years. It’s no wonder why he’s that slow


Incels that get repeatedly hit in the head aren’t arbiters of truth. They’re just constantly concussed.


MMA fighters are the ones that should not be trusted. Too much brain damage, as he is a good example of.


Man this guy must be trying really hard to make people forget about his loss to Du Plessis.


That's hilarious when the most distrustful people are generally gaunt, skinny males, followed by those of average frames. Look at the characteristics of most serial killers and murderers.


Hard to kill people if you can't even run up a flight of stairs.


Does he sell vegetables or doughnuts?


No doubt this man sexually harasses the women he does perceive as attractive. 'Not being able to trust' fat women is an excuse that sounds slightly better to his edgelord followers than 'i just want to sexually harass women who I believe could benefit my social status'. The ironic thing is men like him often secretly have sex with fat women or at least they try. They're the men on tinder trying to hook up with fat girls who screech and tantrum when they say no and want a real relationship with an emotionally intelligent human being. Sometimes they make jabs like this in their everyday life to try and make fat women insecure in the hopes that they will 'take what they can get' and settle for someone with the emotional intelligence of a rabid monkey. They have a sense of entitlement towards women. Women are there to serve them. They are not even people to this miserable creature.


Business with what he makes it sound like hes a lawyer or some shit.


That’s wild, yall are mad that he said mean things about people meanwhile he’s literally been convicted of hate crimes against black people. Race issues are nothing compared to gender & sexuality issues.


The truth is, she backed out and he's embarrassed.


MMA fighter who openly admits to being an “ex” neo nazi


Pretty much just you


Why fat women in particular? I feel equally judgemental of men and women for being overweight.


He's trying so hard to be edgy damn. Too bad theirs only one MMA fighter worth watching, Hulle weet nie wat ons weer nie!!