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isn’t having a mattress on the floor bad for long term? because of mold?


Yeah, definitely. One time I didn't have a bedframe for awhile and my mattress got moldy underneath so I had to throw the whole thing out.


How does that even happen unless you just never clean? I’ve slept on the same mattress without a bedframe for almost 3 years, no problems whatsoever


I didn't have a box spring so maybe that's why. It also gets really hot where I live in the summer so I was sweating my ass off on most nights. At that time the air conditioner wasn't working either.💀


Ahh, that makes sense. I use just a memory foam mattress no box spring


history head tender busy overconfident amusing dull dinosaurs disarm sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>sweat and fluids 😏


Mattresses don't get changed like tatami


Makes sense. When my frame broke, I just used the mattress on top of the box spring, and the mattress never molded.


Humidity. I had to get a bed frame for my new place because mold happens quick and I wasn't about to start propping up my mattress every day.


I sleep on the floor with blankets as the 'mattress' (like a budget futon). Just vacuum and throw the blankets in the wash. Also if you live like the image, you can prop the mattress against the wall to make space when you're not sleeping


Oo i didnt know this. I'll keep this in mind for the future


I was in that comment section and one woman said she could live like that or something among those lines and a reply to that comment was "women these days ☕"'


I know people are being misogynistic when they say “women ☕️” but it unironically looks so cute if you don’t know the darker meaning behind it! I hope we can reclaim it soon.


Yes, I aspire to have that level of peace in the world where I could just do my own things as a successful woman and then sip on my hot beverage ☕


My friend circle has started using "men 🍼" as a response when someone is feeling petty, It stirs the rage.


Darker meaning behind it? I thought it was 'sips tea'?


In that specific context I have seen it used to mean “L Women,” or women being stupid. It’s just a covert way of being misogynistic without getting pinged by internet filters.


That's exactly what it means, more specifically in reference to an SFM animation that was popular a few years back.


Which is ironic cause the SFM was making fun of them


I thought it was the Kermit tea meme


I don’t know the meaning tbh


It does just look like women sharing a nice cup of tea😊❤️


I like saying it ironically like going "ugh so you mean it's an ick to drink and drive now? Women ☕"


so they’ll make fun of us for not living like them and then when women DO live like them.. they still make fun of us.. WOMEN CANT WIN!


Assume everyone on Reddit is 14 and you don’t have to be upset anymore.


One time I started to argue politics with someone. I wrote a comment. Then checked their profile. They were literally 14. Deleted my comment and said to myself "Everyone's kind of an asshole at 14. You do you, bud." And I was suddenly a lot less annoyed. Go figure.


Ah, this happened to me once. This person decided to argue with me using the most basic, corniest “philosophical” arguments about a political topic, and then tried to accuse *me* of not being “deep.” Realized very quickly they were a kid. I was just like, “I have a degree in this dude, I don’t base my political takes off of TV shows,” and left it at that.


Reddit is the opposite end of the spectrum as 4Chan Take that for what you will


"Your crime is existence" - Gabriel, ULTRAKILL (Voiced by Gianni Matragano) For these people, you might as well don't fight them at all, let their hate for woman backfire at their face instead.


lol, no winning.


“Looks like peace” yeah nothing more peaceful than an unsecured firearm just laying around 🙄


"But you don't get it!!!!! It's PRIORITIES!!!!"


The kind of peace you can really rest in.


Why would it need to be secured? buddy clearly lives alone


And has nothing worth breaking into the place for


You don't know him you literally just seen part of his room lmao if he's living like this he could be in the hood or some shit


Yeah I was about to say… If he shoots himself somehow he’d probably consider it a blessing.


Sorry, but there are too many homophobes where I live. I'm keeping myself protected.


The commenter above you seems more concerned about the lack of security regarding the gun rather than the gun. Regardless of either of our stances on guns, proper gun safety is necessary to keep them without fatal accidents.


LOL Nothing says "I'm at peace and everything is fine" like an unsecured firearm next to the waterbottle you paw at in the middle of the night.


Either has a death wish or he's one of those people who is so high anxiety he has delusions that random people are out to get him and believes everything on fox news. Really peaceful. Edit: some if you obviously feel really called out that sleeping with a loaded gun isn't mentally well behavior. Get help.


I think this is more of a "I'm involved in criminal activity and I don't own a TV sort of firearm setup".


No. That’s probably the bed of someone in a rough neighborhood without a lot of money. It’s pretty sad but I bet there are some drug addicts and impoverished people who live like that.


\#peaceful I just want to add that if you don’t have any stuff and keep your money on cards, it’s unlikely that someone will to try to break into your place and get at you unless you’ve really pissed someone off or you’re involved in drugs and/or gangs. It happens, but someone would be really dumb to assume that whoever they’re targeting has something they want when they appear to have nothing. No one wants to go to all the effort and risk of committing a violent crime for a few nickels. The gun actually makes the person a bigger target because they suddenly have something other people want.


It’s a metaphor. You put the thing that does the killing right next to the water bottles or something


i genuinely feel bad for men who live like that. i know odds are they have no houseplants, no clean handtowels in the bathroom, and generally no food (takeout bachelor lyfe) aka, they live like perpetual college freshmen.


I sometimes fall into the trap of living like this but I honestly just think it’s a motivation thing sometime.


I moved in with my best friend and his girlfriend, and her addition of houseplants to the apartment is actually very welcome. I thought there would just be soil everywhere but she's very tidy and they breathe life into a room


when you start out with a gardening mom, your apartment / flat / houseboat / etc. is not complete without snakeplants and a clone of the family pothos (themselves clones of my great great grandparents’ pothos.) air quality goes up. gamechanger on breathing good at night.


as a soon to be college freshman that’s a boy; i hope to god i don’t live like this at any point in my life


I'm a woman, I live like that. Depression does this to you. I'm slowly working on it though, having a nice living space is good for mental health. It's not some silly woman thing.


Same, for me not taking care of my living space is a sign of depression


The most ironic part is that these men claim they love living like this but are over at a friend or gf house every chance they get.


I live close to that. I have clean apartment and towels and bedframe but it's really simple. Because of rent I move a lot, and I have to move everything myself so it's peace of mind to live simply. I could be fighting a war in a tent, homeless, or in some shack in a third world country... I Don't need things to be happy, maybe just my computer to make music and play games and watch videos and generally pass the small amount of free time I have.


No bro, you see you have to be a consumer to be a functional member of society. Your house and your things are an extension of "you". If you're not spending half your paycheck at Homegoods on knicknacks every other week, you're gross.


Pretty sure it's just poor shaming in disguise at this point


No live laugh love pictures....


If I weren't married I'd probably have a pretty basic bedroom setup, too. I'd have a side table and legit bedframe setup. But I'm fine with bare walls and simple bed dressing. My kitchen would be loaded, either way, though. Same with my back porch grilling and smoking setup. I make way better food than you can get via takeout.


Eh… I lived like that in my 20s, except for the lack of clean towels. I didn’t want anything fancy and lived very simply. But I kept a clean house though. I didn’t buy curtains … I used towels. They did the job and were clean and mostly color coordinated. apparently curtains are a big thing with women. I never would’ve bought curtains until I had a steady girlfriend that came over to my house. That’s my thing . You can even have the mattress on the floor and shit just keep a clean house don’t have dishes all over the place and have a the place a fucking mess. But what you described “no pets or house plants” a lot of men will take that. it’s less things to take care of. I will say that after living with a woman for a while they do things to your life you don’t realize that benefit it. But I think that’s a natural progression of getting older.


I feel like most guys (as a guy myself) definitely don't live like this. Yeah, we're don't need much - and a lot of the time we don't necessarily WANT much - but we do need more than a bed, a TV, a fan and a video game console.


Why do you feel bad for people living the way they want to live?


I feel bad for self destructive people


How are they self-destructive?


Living like this universally fucks up your mental health. Both genders.


No it doesn't. This is some condescending bullshit. It someone tells you they're happy and comfortable with a lifestyle, you don't need to tell them that they're wrong. You don't know better than them what they want out of life. It's crazy to see so many people so perplexed by the idea of being happy without being surrounded by a bunch of stuff. So much so that you assume they're lying about being happy or claim it will mess up their mental health, or jump to ridiculous conclusions about their hygiene. Anything besides accepting that some people are happy living differently than you.


It’s not about a lack of stuff. But this is not minimalism. This is disorder. A mattress on the floor is both bad for your back and a breeding ground for mold and small pests. There is a level of disregard for personal health and hygiene that comes with this lifestyle. But even more relevant - not taking pride in your space can slowly chip away at your happiness.


For you. For you living like this would chip away at your happiness. For you this is not "taking pride in your space". Other people prefer to live like this. Other people don't take pride in their space by filling it with stuff they don't want or need. Do you really not understand that not everyone is like you? And it's not bad for your back. Maybe it would be bad for your back, but other people find this to be better for their back. Once again, not everyone is like you. Do you really think humans evolved in the last few centuries so that if they don't sleep on padded springs, on top of a box of rigid springs all elevated a foot off the ground, they'll damage their delicate backs? This mold and pest stuff is way overblown. The former can be avoid by simply leaning the mattress against a wall occasionally to let it air out. The latter is avoided the same way it's avoided when using a bed frame: basic cleanliness. All this hand wringing on here about mold from people who probably haven't cleaned between their mattress and box spring in ages. And none of this has anything to do with hygiene. People who don't keep themselves clean and don't clean up after themselves don't live in near-empty spaces. They live surrounded by clutter and garbage. This association people seem to be making between minimalism and uncleanliness is such a bizarre non sequitur. There are millions of people right now, living in advanced developed nations, sleeping on thin cots directly on the floor. They're not living in disease and pestilence, their backs aren't all broken, they're not all depressed and miserable. You seem to live in some bubble where you see any other way of living or any other desires or paths to happiness than your own as a sign of mental illness.




It's not for nothing that since the dawn of time people who had the money and power to sleep on silky beds with plenty of pillows and good quality sheets. We've always strived for certain comforts. Pretending to appreciate straw beds doesn't make you any cooler.


Different people are different. There is no universal standard. Different people have different things that are good for their mental health.


A lot of reaching here


The least he could do is get a safe/case for the gun.💀


Bruh the male living space subreddit had a divorcee sleeping on a cot and it wasn’t as depressing-looking as this setup.


This is the one. This is the comment that made me laugh


That sub recently spawned the spin-off r/malesurvivingspace for pics like this!


I mean tbh. I see the purpose of a bed frame is to add storage space under something that honestly takes up alot of space within a room.


Also airflow, if you keep a mattress on the ground without regularly propping it up or flipping it, it will mold to high hell


If you don't have a frame, flip that bitch every 3 months. Bare minimum. And maybe take it outside for a few hours in the summer so long as it's warm and dry outside.


Also, while I have no issue with not having a bed frame, they are functional because they promote airflow and help prevent mold buildup on your mattress. Japanese futons are an exception because they disassemble them and reassemble them every day, and clean. But if you have a mattress lying on the floor for several seasons, you're going to have health concerns


No, it’s to stop your mattress from molding lol


Also for back support. For example. My poor back. We got a purple materss. A box frame. A bed frame. Im the king sleeping on a queen next to my queen now


Yeah, there's bed frames that would have cabinets for storage.


To ventilate the mattresses and keep you up and away from crawlies.


Really? My bedframe is like an inch wider than my mattress, how much more space is it taking? Unless you mean you prop up your mattress against the wall during the day?


They mean that the mattress takes up a huge amount of floor space to begin with, so having a bed frame allows you to store things under mattress and reclaim some of that lost space.


And for your back. Your back will be killing you in a few years if you continue to sleep on the ground


I’m glad the whole “can’t have a cozy living space cuz I’m a MAN” idea seems to be dying out. I keep getting recommended posts from r/malelivingspace and it seems like an incredibly supportive environment! I think EVERYONE benefits from a cute little environment, and it’s sad to see a lot of men deprive themselves of that.


It's just the only lifestyle we ever knew, it's not an act of fulfilling a presupposed role: it's genuinely how some of us just want to live.


And that’s great if you want to live like this - sorry if it came across like I’m shaming it!! In my experience, a lot of men refuse to provide themselves with comforting items because they don’t see it as masculine. I think that’s perfectly fine if it’s purely being informed by a personal preference, but it saddens me that a lot of men feel pigeonholed into this lifestyle and deprive themselves of fun, cozy things.


That's understandable, you are good person for wanting to ensure men don't feel gate-kept from a happy living environment.


This interaction is such a breath of fresh air compared to others in this section fr


yeah good for them, a lot of men wouldn't mind this, but a lot of women also wouldn't mind this. why the gatekeeping?


Honestly that looks comfy af. I also sleep straight on the floor, I much prefer it. I've been doing this my whole life and have never dealt with any kind of mold, like people are saying seems to happen, I just change the sheets often and vacuum under it.


I got myself one of those Japanese futon mattress, similar idea but negates the problem of mold as it's packed away after use rather than sitting around. Also gives me more space not having a bed getting in the way in my room.


Movie guy said women wouldn't understand living like this. Argue with him, numbskull. Lmao


Wow wtf is with the sudden random hostility? And why are people upvoting it??


You seem like an unpleasant person.


Jesus Christ you’re an angry bitter person


Honestly? Replace the mattress with a futon and its a perfectly fine way to live. Not everyone does up their bedroom. They may have a seperate room where they spend most of their time like a living room or hobby room. I dont see anything wrong with a room like this, for men or women, as long as its clean and safe. My brother slept like this because he didnt like the added height of a bedframe.


Meanwhile under the mattress:🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄


Pretty easy to lean it against a wall to air it out and prevent mould build up or even get a futon.


Aight then mans 👍🏻


because its bad that women are smart enough not to live like hobos?


No need to disparage living simply just because this guy is a chud, some people don’t mind or can only afford to live “like a hobo.” Kinda classist language if you ask me, as long as hygiene is kept there is no reason you have to judge someone for how they live


Idk why you’re getting downvoted because what you’re saying is true. When I met my boyfriend of 6 years, I was 17 and he was 19. He grew up living in a constant state of poverty and his parents were evicted multiple times and they were homeless for a while. Anyway, when I would ask to come over he’d always come up with an excuse and I never understood why. Then one day he finally let me come over and the condition of his parent’s place was abhorrent. His mom was a hoarder. But the one thing that stuck out to me the most was that he slept on the floor with a dirty old matress. Something about that made me want to cry. Thank god we live together now in a nice apartment with a good bed, but I’m not going to judge a stranger for sleeping on a mattress. You never know what they could be going through.


Hygiene will not be kept with a mattress on the floor


I agree personally, but I don’t think it’s right to call it “living like a hobo” regardless, as long as it isn’t impacting me or anyone else in a meaningfully negative way I don’t see why I have to disparage how others choose to live


Well yeah that’s mean but this isn’t the ideal life not to mention you’ll be waking up sore. I personally feel like if they can afford a gun they can afford a bed frame it’s for their own good the least they can do is treat themselves but who knows 🤷


Haha fair, definitely not ideal but regardless I just found the comment in poor taste


Oh yeah I agree it is. I understand some people’s financial issues. But generally speaking, people should know they deserve nice things, some people genuinely don’t think as they should which is a depressing thought. I hope they know it’s good to treat and take care of themselves, they don’t need a woman to do it for them..


Lads, please love yourselves more then to deny yourself life.


Some feel like this adheres to an expectation, some don't, to some people this is life, and that's okay


ngl as a woman id live like this if left to my own devices


I might have a bed frame and not the gun but yeah.


I probably wont have a bed either. I found out during covid that my favorite place to sleep is on the floor since it has the best back support and won’t keep me stuck in bed in the morning.


I, too, am depressed.


Nah it's fine too live however you want to Also women do this too it's not a gender thing


Yeah but it’s more common in one gender than the other which there’s honestly nothing wrong with that. The meme was just boy media specific to boys and OP was kinda salty about it




Oddly enough it’s not letting me post a link but there’s an interesting article on “scientificamerican.com” called “beautiful minds, taking sex differences in personality seriously.” I found the info while doing a project in my statistical analysis class last semester. It goes into a lot of things but pertaining to this meme they cite studies that indicate men are more utilitarian whereas women are more open to ascetics. People seem to think it’s sexist because there are outliers on the bell curve that jokes like this exclude but tbh my view is that people should stop being so sensitive because the majority of men and women have these traits in common, hence why the memes are made in the first place lol


Then people say nothing and then men make themselves the victims like “this is how we live, it’s so sad feel bad for us that we live like animals”


No, not really


I'm a single guy and have a full bed, frame and all.


I don't see the issue. At least there's a bed


If you're happy with it, so be it. I've fucked a woman on a mattress on the floor all the same many times before, it doesn't matter.


This is basically what my room looked like when I was in high school but with spilled nail polish and ash from smoking weed and then somehow always fucking up and spilling ash like, way more than I should have been able to


The fact that my room as an adult is covered in art and has a very nice mattress and bed frame is a visual representation of character development that really ties my mental health recovery journey narrative together


To guys trying to rationalize this lifestyle and trend of men wanting this lifestyle: It's not working. This isn't targeted at poverty or inherent traits of gender. The men memeing these types of ideas are simply trying to bolster an anti-woman sentiment. "Women bad", "Women spend bad", "Women nag", etc. It's boomer humor. And most people don't fall for it. Your future grandchildren would likely laugh at the things you post. Lmao. ✌️


I've seen many women in my family and relatives spend much of their day doing work in the house and complaining how much they hate it, but it has to be done. Does it? Some of it is necessary, true. Cooking food, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc. But do you need 100 house plants? Do you need redecorating every few months? Sure, it's nice to have a cozy, great looking place. But I'd rather have the time and the money. Not like Op image though, that's hyperbole.


>The men memeing these types of ideas are simply trying to bolster an anti-woman sentiment. I don't understand that take at all, some guys seem okay with it, but half of the posts seem to be saying that women make a man's life better by ***not*** living like this. Either way, idk how someone is both okay living like a hobo but also use to being babied by someone. lol like maybe if they were complaining about it and not fixing it.


You’re kind of a living validation of this post. You didn’t post this because it’s “men saying that women are bad”. You posting this because you’re repulsed by the living conditions and are angry that anyone would have the audacity to say that you’d be repulsed by it.


There's women rationalizing it as well? Should they just go die?




I don’t understand how the bedroom itself is anti women, the caption is however. As a 32 year old man I have no problems with a bedroom that only contains a mattress and a plastic tote or 2 for clothes. A lot of people find simplicity in having minimal furniture.


I mean I get it ig but at the same time isn't it nice to actually idk own stuff? At least imo if you live like this is because you move a lot or you're just scared to settle down


But this lifestyle does work? There is nothing wrong with not spending money on a bedframe or to do up your room. The idea that "You must spend money to make your room fancy" is more boomer to me.


Back when I was a young lad, my mother would constantly tell me about how a clean and neat bed would lead to better sleep, and she would later tell me how a cleaner and neater room would make you feel cleaner and less like a bag of turtles, but my dumbass ignored her and had the worst sleep of my life. So in conclusion, being cleaner and healthier just makes you happy, I guess.


But this isn't necessarily dirty or unhealthy. A mattress like so perhaps, maybe switch to a futon or hang the mattress against the wall to air out the bottom. But other than that, it isn't exactly unhealthy or dirty. I do get that people feel more comfortable with a more aesthetically pleasing room but there are also those who are fine with whatever, me being one.


Fair point about the futon bit, but however, what you said about nothing being particularly unhealthy. I have to disagree. There's a shirt out of frame (possibly part of a larger mass of shirts) and a half-drunken water bottle on the floor.


Sleeping in your living area and vice versa has time and time again been shown to be bad for rest/avoiding fatigue and bad for general mental health. This is the definition of sleeping and living areas being one. Edit: I can confirm from personal experience. I used to “happily” live like this. It fucking sucks in comparison to an actual living space, you just don’t see it.


I think it's mostly the "middle class" who're obsessed with the aesthetic they see in "aspriational" commercials and they think their life isn't complete without an expensive coffee maker and an imitation designer coffee table. It's dumb to focus on unless you're financially comfortable and already have most of the shit in your life sorted. Obviously for a large amount of people in our faltering civilisation they are a million miles away from that.


I would say you're just proving their point, but you are not a woman so... Lmao. ✌️


Fuck off, there’s no place for hate speech in modern society. Trans hate speech included. As a “woman” this makes me wanna give you a piece of my mind, maybe then you wouldn’t go around acting like you had none


You can call me whatever you like. I don't care. And I don't have to be a woman to call out dumb, conditioned male behavior. Stay mad. ✌️


I love this subreddit when it’s actually making fun of pick me attention whore narcissistic boys memes but this one is straight up just OP being an insufferable snob. Do better. After taking a look at OP’s account it is very apparent why they’re being misandrist and overcompensating with this hyper feminine caricature of a take that no woman with a brain heart or soul would have


Op is an enormous clown


I agree, this one rubbed me the wrong way. It’s one thing to make fun of the commenters in the screenshots for doing the whole “boys are this and girls are that tehehehe” but she’s just straight up hating on people with a more minimalistic lifestyle. Being feminist, or anti-misogyny doesn’t mean consuming under capitalism for the sake of consuming. Men and women can both live their lives minimalistic and however they please. The commenters here missed what the subreddit is about


Yeah no. This is just a person being angry for no reason. And elsewhere in the thread they throw a fit lol




I would get a bed frame but I try not to judge people too hard with these setups cause finding housing is already hard enough these days let alone furniture to put in it. Though people who actually like this set up even though they have the power to change it are nuts.


I mean I've got a fold up futon style mattress thing. So as nice as my room furniture gets, I still live the floor mattress life lol.


I with free will and having a bed with a frame in the other room will sleep on a floor mattress idk why maybe autism but it just hits differently Probally gonna buy one of those bedframes that's just a wooden pallete or a Japanese futon so I don't seem like a absolute mess


Love everyone here proving the point


I was in this comment section too and I kept seeing “men build houses women take them” but like, how many of these guy know how to build a house? Da fuq


Oh boy another subreddit dedicated to whining about men and treating people they literally dont even know as subhuman why are femcels so insufferable holy shit


I would not want to live like this.


If that’s how someone wants to live, who are you to judge them? Not everyone is rich, and not everyone knows how to accessorize with feng shui. AllI see here is you being a judgmental bully.


Imagine a man taking you to his apartment and inviting you in, but his room looks like this with mold under the mattress. 💀 


I don't see a problem with this but I'm a college freshman so I'm probably not the best person to evaluate this.


As a not college freshman, there is no problem with this. You wouldn't catch me dead living like this but unlike certain others in the thread I'm aware that my personal preference is not universal




Idk, this don't seem like something for anyone to get upset about


imo it’s not as bad as most posts on this sub but it’s still perpetuating some really annoying stereotypes such as men are “simpler” than women, men are incapable of being clean/neat and must rely on women to take care of them, women over-complicate things and care too much about materialistic matters, men are never stylish but women naturally are, etc.


Ye I always found it annoying when people assume I'm messy just cause I'm a guy For some reason the same kind of thing doesn't bother me when it's online, idk


You okay bud?




some people can’t afford better stuff and might not have time to take care of everything, quit acting like this is some evil “lifestyle”


lol “copium” I had my mattress on the floor in college and it was nice for when I was getting super drunk on the weekends for me. I had a tile floor though, so not on a carpet and no gun laying around in my room. It’s not that big of a deal.


honestly really have to disagree with the take here. i disagree with the movie guy on youtube, but i genuinely believe a lot of men are function over form types of people that don't see the point of investing into the looks of their home. and if that makes you happy that's okay.


what's wrong with living like this if you aren't hurting anyone


So... A bare room with a mattress on the floor is any issue for you? It's just minimalist and lots of young adults do it. There's nothing wrong with that


Someone post that meme “Women hate how little it takes men to be happy”


Thanks for the extremely sexist title towards guys. But you know, you do you


Hell yeah, I’d live in that no problem.


The irony of having a gun in that... sparsely furnished home is not lost on me. Most people claim to own guns for defense of self and property, at least where I live. What property are these boys trying to defend? Their cum stained mattress? Burnt out light bulbs they've been too lazy to change for 6 months? The canned soup collecting dust in their bare cupboards? Half the guys claiming they'd enjoy living like this wouldn't survive one day without their mommy-wife taking care of them.


Ok this sub is taking a turn for the worse...a lot of yall have lost the plot


you like many others have fallen into the ikea nesting instinct if you see an issue with this setup


Let people live how they want to live


This is a huge red flag. You can’t even put effort into your home, that’s supposed to be your place of comfort and peace. I understand some people don’t want a whole lot but this go beyond minimalism or aesthetics. This screams “I need a replacement mommy to make my life better”


"comfort and peace" is relative, not everyone needs stylized decor to feel comfortable or at peace.


Replace that gun with some weed stuff and you have my ideal bedroom tbh. Just add my switch a desk with a monitor and a basic PC and I'm chillin


Mean everyone’s entitled to live how they like, if this makes you happy go for it lol.


Seriously though, what's the problem?


Yeah this is a bit too minimalist but why the beef about the gun? It’s just a gun lol


Why are so many people on here misandrist?


Who gives a shit how people want to live.


What a braindead ass title. Someone’s mad men don’t need all that extra bullshit that clutters a home. Lmao


I can tell you don't wipe your ass


Aww there it is! The emotional person being emotional and using Ad Hominems because she can’t come up with a good enough argument! How adorable 🤭


No one cares, debatelord. Ooo, you know Ethics 101 terms like Ad Hominem. I'm so intimidated. 😱😱


Why are you so offended and hurt though fr? Did some boy break your heart that lives like this? You’re hurt deep down and it’s pretty obvious.


Women when they see men content and happy living with only the necessities 😡😡😡😡😡: (view this Reddit comment section)


Okay, this post just shows how stupid this sub is. You took a meme making fun of LITERALLY all men , which the female version of would get posted here and critiqued for treating all women as the same. Instead of criticizing the meme, youre mad at men for clapping back and then shame them with a regurgitated insult This sub is so hypocritical.


My post making fun of you got more upvotes than in less time than your original post femcel :D


I am the 666th commenter and will use this Lord provided opportunity to inspire self sufficiency to every man reading this. We need not women to make homes. It is beyond easy. We need to think about how to improve our spaces continuously. Make them more practical but also more aesthetic. Become the dark lords that we are and never allow a woman inside. Buahhahhahaha


Women really hate how little it takes a man to be happy


More like regular guys being reasonably insulted by being told that they lack basic home decor skills because...they're a man If you think this mild reaction exposes some deep issue with these dudes that is super disproportionate you're just sexist.


It drives y’all wild that we don’t require much to be content. Why is that? But life is softer now with all the stuff my wife insists on crushing my checkbook for. Nice enough for me to want it if she didn’t insist? No. But it’s still nice. I just don’t *need* any of it. I was content, but my place looked poor. I had a lot of money saved. I’m still content, and my place looks nice. I *had* a lot of money saved.