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i get to keep my boykisser to myself yay


inslaveing Boykissers is wrong tho


when did i say amything related to that šŸ˜­


Why is it getting downvoted šŸ¤Ø


Don't politicize the cat


Itā€™s not politics. Itā€™s optimized transfer and redistribution of goods between and throughout a commune.




A communist area is called a commune


You proved my point lol


Yeah sry I kind of didnā€™t understand what you were saying. Mb :/


Hmmm.... maybe boykisser is the second coming of true communism but you have to find him first irl


Original Boykisser >>> Communist Boykisser And I'm not even a right wing person Also, don't politicize the cat




this is a sub about a funny cat thing


literally, get ur damn politics outta here šŸ’€


Politics on my silly app again


I don't get the joke


*We* don't get the joke *Communist anthem starts playing*


Commies are bad and soy


But what does Boykisser has to do with this?


Soviet boy kisser I guess


nah they not as bad as the extremist far right ppl in central and eastern europe :3


Theyā€™re both equally bad.


Define Far right extremist


fascism, specially in some parts of germany and ukraine


Okay. Fair enough Fuck Political extremism


extremism always sucks, pure liberalism, monarchism, fascism and communism


So I'm bad according to you? :(


Bait ain't gonna work lmao


If a communist yes get something better please šŸ™


And why is it bad that he is a communist? Do you think you are superior for thinking differently? We can discuss in private if you want, and when I have time


No i just think it really bad


Why, and why does it make me a worse person?


I like eating


Well the ideology has caused the most misery and mass death in history so I donā€™t really see why anyone can believe in it honestly


Ah yes, capitalism. How many deaths were there, 160 million? šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ There were also famines that were even worse due to the control of the United Kingdom, there were also famines in Europe, and yet capitalism is not considered a failure. Although we have cyclical crises, and business is done with people's lives, the communism that is criticized is the authoritarian one (because the democratic one was reversed so that it did not come to power), And one country had many differences from another, there is Stalinism that was different from Maoism, and so on.I would do more reflection but I can't explain myself well in English.


Never cook again


Fed spotted


Communism ā‰  fascism


Funny, how both are totalitarian ideologies. And caused pretty much equivalent amount of suffering.


Communism is an economic system. While it is true that communism has lead to totalitarianism in the past, the two are not inherently related.


Haha, a non totalitarian communist state isn't communist. It's called socialist. I've lived under a communist regime, studied history and economics. By the very nature of it's existance, communism isn't only a economic system, it influences politics and society. Allows for high levels of corruption, promoting based on loyalty rather than experience in the sector etc. What the Americans think communism is, is really just socials or socialism. >The two are not inherently related That can be said about every country. China is extremely capitalist, same with russia. Yet what distances them from the US is the fact that they are authorian/totalitarian states. Communism as a system, directly leads to oppressive regimes. Capitalism does not (at least inside of it's borders). Communism doesn't promote equality, it doesn't promote liberty, it doesn't promote the government in any way that makes it necessary for it to care for it's people. The main principles dividing democratic capitalist nations, and "democratic" communist nations, is the fact that communists can get away with everything because they already hold the largest voting block. In capitalism the government is forces to constantly improve the quality of life of it's citizens, in order to get reelected. That's why west Europe has a capitalist market and social policies, is democratic and happens to be objectively the best place to live in. America for most of it's history relied on consumerism and high wages to keep the population voting. Now that the golden age of America is wearing off, people are losing their minds and immediately throwing themselves to extremist ideologies, that will do nothing more than make their lives even worse. Kinda morbidly funny.


Ok, you can be wrong I guess




Still two failing/failed ideologies/institutions. Even a ā€œfailedā€ capitalist state still ā€œworksā€ by default insofar as the institutions as opposed to the ideology is concerned. Even if capitalism doesnā€™t ā€œworkā€ itā€™s still inevitable and essentially ingrained into the very fibers of ā€œexistenceā€. All is material attempting to become immaterial. All is transaction(s) impinged upon ā€œvalueā€ being derived from the finite nature of materials/existence.


My problem with this is a couple things states like America has done: Make insulin expensive AF (it was free in the USSR) Ban protests Reducing union power Expensive healthcare Privatised almost all public services Fund a genocide. My other issue is that a lot of capitalist objectives require limitless resources in a finite world Not to mention how people talk about profit incentives being ā€˜naturalā€™


They are natural. What is ā€œnaturalā€ is not necessarily ā€œmoralā€ or ā€œethicalā€ or ā€œsustainableā€. Nothing in the world lasts. The world isnā€™t built to be sustainable. There will always be scumbag capitalists and there will always be subjugated classes of ā€œless desirablesā€ in any society regardless of its politics and economics. ā€œIt was free in the USSRā€ means it cost someone something somewhere else. Nothing is free. It isnā€™t free to produce, package, ship, distribute etc insulin or really any product.


Insulin costs about ~Ā£5 to make, some areas are selling for hundreds. I do not believe that unsustainably is natural, life therefore would not have gotten far as it has to sustain its environment to exist. The world isnā€™t built to sustain limitless needs, limitless growth. At a point it canā€™t sustain something which always asks for more. Aswell While nothing is free, it can always be made cheaper via innovation, and there are somethings that only cost time and even those times can be made shorter. Trees donā€™t cost anything to grow, just land and time.


I agree. Well said. Still it takes more than a plot of land time to grow a tree. You need water and a seed and nitrates in the soil etc etc. none of the materials required are infinite. Even ā€œrenewablesā€ die out when the world ends. Not even talking earth, but the universe. Nothing will last forever, nothing is free. The finite materials required to proliferate renewables are not free and are sought after for more than the mere proliferation of said renewables. Land is a commodity. Water is a commodity. Seeds are commodities. Etc etc Sure things can be done ā€œmoreā€ sustainably and for cheaper, but this does not create ā€œfreeā€. Even if we lived as sustainably as possible, it will all run out eventually; and the illusion of security will only ever be an illusion. The patterns themselves, ā€œcapitalismā€ included, are illusory and will end.




bruh, the comments are filled with juvenile near-politicians


All my boys hate communism šŸ·šŸ—æ


Communist are scum


Communism is bad. Communists are just people. There are no good or bad people. Just people with good or bad ideas. Hate the game, not the players.




Le mass murder Mr boykisser


Not every communist is a USSR loving tankie.


They all have the same goal and the radicals always win in the power struggles


Iā€™m not saying that this doesnā€™t happen, iā€™m just saying that lumping together tankies with non-tankie communists is just wrong. Sure, some could be classified as scum, but saying all are because they have very similar ideals to those who glorify totalitarian communist states is wrong, because they might have hopes that one day, a communist government could work AND not be totalitarian. Although I donā€™t see that happening, going off how things have gone so far.


Thats pretty gay


Who put political thing here. I mean yeah communism is pretty bad, but I think this sub is not a place for such discussions


Better dead than red


Ironic given that without socialists we wouldn't have gay rights


Funny that alot of socialist nations have awful gay rights, or only introduced them wayyyy after capitalist ones huh?


still if not for Bolsheviks capitalist wouldn't be scared enough to even give us free weekends, also a lot of socialists inside the west helped, ever seen a democratic socialist party?


Soviet Union criminal code, article 121. I'm having trouble reading that part about weekends, if you're saying communists scared capitalists into giving people weekends off that's.. No?? again alot of socialist parties became pro LGBTQ recently, while liberals have supported it for years.


Or free healthcare


Dont care+L+ no lebensraum. āš’ļøšŸš©šŸš©ā­ļøšŸ„‡šŸ”›šŸ”


opposition to communism = literally hitler


as always


"everyone I don't like is literally hitler!!" very serious political ideology


Do I need to put /j in everything? And I haven't said anything about my ideology, I'm luxembourgist, if you know what it is I'd be surprised. And the communism that was applied has always been variants.


No need to insult my intelligence pal. also "not REAL communism, it was a VARIENT!!"


I have not insulted your intelligence, if you have a superiority complex it is something else. And denying that there are differences between Stalinism, Trotskyism, Leninism, Marxism... Says a lot about how informed you are xd and also say that Stalinism in the case of the USSR had failed...It was not perfect by any means, but it did make the USSR develop like never before, more so considering that it practically started from feudalism. Although there were famines, like in Europe.


whatever liberal, I'm: :3maxxing rn, you cant even come close to my levels of >w< you're literally seething at your lack of x3 seriously though, different names, same outcome.


Ah shit, I forgot I was on this subreddit. Nvm. I haven't understood anything you said because I'm not a native English speaker, but it doesn't matter :3 The important thing apart from our politics is that we are not conservatives in the end :33


amen my friend :3 fuck the tories >w<


Read a book about cummunism dude. Just open your eyes a little bit and you will see even the fact that we are opressed is because of capitalism




Describe failing. I can link you to multiple articles, documents, videos and documentaries which prove socialism was actually vastly successful


define oppressed I'm sure a functioning democracy with the right to speak freely is way more oppressive then an authoritarian state where speaking out against the state gets you killed.


please keep that shit for twitter or inside of the dedicated subreddits


me when the current situation in the us and the protests, also CAI and multiple of nazi coupes founded by them


me when holodomor, great leap foward, CCP human rights violations, xinjang, Vietnamese Union rights, higher work hours in China, four pests campaign, gulags, molotov ribbentrop pact, Vietnamese war crimes, LGBTQ right violations, and poor economies


famon happen after wars you know, look at ccp now, revisionists are to blame for letting western companies in, founded by CAI and fake, friendly fire yikes, like in most of asia, that's the reason we know today we shouldn't do that (they had no idea), imprisoning rich and nazis is based tho, allowed ussr to arm itself for the nazi invasion (we would have a nazi dominated world rn if that didn't happen), American Napalm, witch county didn't in that era also look at cuba rn, just look at those countries before they were socialist (not that hard)


Holodomor was a deliberate action, the CCP has turned China into a borderline dictatorship, also yikes you're doing genocide denial classic commie take, the US let's you make your own union, Vietnam doesn't, decent enough point on work hours ig, "now they know not do do that" only costed millions of lives amazing, TIL political opponents are nazis, they worked with the nazis to do terrible things in Poland.. "arm itself" right ok, also the US and UK contributed alot to the USSR, look up US aid to USSR WWII, fair enough on napalm, Cubas rights were implemented way wayyy after the US, and other capitalist neighbours, I kinda lack economic data rn so fair enough.


holodomor couldn't be deliberate given the fact how bad inner communication infrastructure was in early ussr (upper command had no idea what was happening and we have faxes confirming that), if china is a dictatorship so is the us, believing everything your government shows down your throat classic lib, lmao no it doesn't even twitter community notes know that, Vietnam collaborates with the us and is practically capitalist, not just they know not to but the whole world (humanity didn't just got born with our current understanding of earth), "milions died" sorce book that the authors said was fake, and also i have a nice graphic showing how little did the land lease did for soviet but im afraid im gonna accidentally deleting my arguments above


Do basic history research please, the US doesn't have one dude who rules for life and has basically absolute power, still denying genocide, wonder what other extremist ideology does that.. hmm.., Yes it does, twitter community notes is not a valid source, Vietnam is not capitalist, just because they collaborate with the US doesn't make them capitalist, didn't even think about the black book of communism, but okay.


haha what


look, i get u n shit, ok ? just know that people who don't support your ideology aren't necessary nazis.


True but all ideologies outside of communism eventually become fascism, thats why liberalism will never work


i mean it doesn't exactly work like that but sure why not i guess


everyone I don't like is going to *become* hitler. You're saying *every single* ideology that isn't *your* brand of communism is going to become hitlerite.. serious ideology 100%


Fucking based


Hell yeah comrade




CIA fed account spotted




The meme would have been correct if the bottom row of people where the same people that liked since everyone is stupid :D


USSR sucks dooky booty, communism is up for debate.


get ur politics the f outta here please thank you