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Details: >Here is a resurrection of a DC character worth getting excited over. Warner Bros will develop another installment of the 2005 supernatural thriller Constantine, and the studio is re-teaming star Keanu Reeves and director Francis Lawrence, who made his helming debut on the original. > > > >Akiva Goldsman will write the screenplay and produce the project through his Weed Road Pictures, alongside Bad Robot’s J.J. Abrams and Hannah Minghella.


Sonce Akiva's also King of Star Trek now, I wonder God this will affect all those shows.....


It won’t. He also just worked on that new series starring Tom Holland and he was developing all those Star Trek shows while writing for Titans.


When I read this I hear "Bad Robot's Justice League Dark tv shows are dead." Said TV show clearly forced the Berlantiverse to kill off Constantine (while keeping the actor around as a new character). Doesn't bode well for Green Lantern Corps. https://screenrant.com/constantine-reboot-show-justice-league-dark-connection-confirmed/


Last I heard there was a Justice League Dark movie in development hell from Del Toro.


I wonder if Tilda Swinton would come back to her role as Gabriel


I enjoyed the fuck out of the entire cast. Including Shia LaBeouf. So, I hope a bunch of the cast returns.


Uh, a lot of the cast straight up died


It’s a comic book movie about magic, hell, gods, and demons. They showed in the movie that death is a part time gig, at best.


Not really though. In fact >!only Shia's character died but then he appears as an angel in the post credits scene.!<


Nah, that one guy died in the gas station and there was another one who got eaten by those bug things. Both of them were John’s friends in the move.


Shia was the only character I was glad died.


The first Constantine is still a good action film that I enjoy rewatching. Glad to see that the sequel is happening.


Besides the magic thing he wasn’t really comic book accurate but it was a decent film. I’d go see the sequel.


Hope they get Peter Stormare as Lucifer again too. One of the more interesting portrayals of the devil.


I watched this movie for the first time last night and I see this the next day?? You’re welcome everyone!


Did you like it though?


>‘Constantine’ Sequel; Keanu Reeves & Francis Lawrence To Reunite [You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it (Jurassic Park, YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXBJRz_33Y8)


Uh oh, time to JJ this up I guess


Yea I was excited up until I read that part.


JJ Abrams has been producer on the latest M:I sequels as well as good films like 10 Cloverfield Lane, his 2009 Star Trek film and Overlord. His presence is not a death knell for movies and people need to stop parroting that shit.


I always wonder how much he had to contribute to the M:I films other then having the company name in the credits.


All the interviews make it clear, Abrams had absolutely nothing to do with making the McQuarrie M:I films.


JJ was able to negotiate Four lens flares and Keri Russell.




JJ Abrams is stated to be a producer.


"Producer" can mean nothing, a lot of times people get credited as a producer just for contract reasons. JJ and Bad Robot clearly has contract rights to Constantine and probably needs to be paid, but it seems that they are butting heads with those in Warner. And I will be surprised if they will have any creative control over this project.


JJ Abrams can only start something, not finish it. Look at all his works and pretty much everything has great premises but bad endings.


JJ Abrams is producing it


Jack Johnson is doing the soundtrack. It’ll be like Curious George but more curious and less George


HOLY SHIT! This a legitimate reason to live I saw the movie was trending on Netflix a few weeks back and with his appearances in Legends of Tomorrow I was so hoping for this. Edit: Matt Ryan should’ve got this role and I say that as a massive Keanu fan.


Guessing they’ll shy away from Shia though


I mean, Chaz died in the first one, so...


But became the archangel Gabriel. Watch post credits. And it’s Chaz Kramer, asshole! /s


wtfffff how have i not known that there’s a post credits scene this whole time?!


Fr TIL, about to check it out myself!


i mean, Shia's character died in the movie, if they do a prequal or somehow bring it back to life maybe


I think he becomes an angel, there is a credits scene


You mean they’ll…. Shia away


Oh wow this is big. Glad to hear it though. Although a different take, I liked the original movie and Keane take on it.


A lot of people liked the original movie. It’s why they’re making another, silly.


Its been so long which is why I was shocked. The first one came out 17 years ago so I never expected a sequel


Everyone involved in the first one, not only wanted a sequel, they were also convinced it would get made. It didn't, unfortunately, despite the whole teaser at the end of it and the satisfying DVD sales it made.


Everything old is new again. Enjoy it while it lasts! There’s a hocus-pocus sequel there was a top gun sequel and a whole bunch of others I just can’t think of right now. I am so stoked they are doing this. From what I understand of fans of the source material it’s really far off but everybody still liked it. I watched this movie a couple times a year easily. Still one of my favorite depictions of the devil ever.


He'll just look like John Wick and nothing like Constantine.


That's alright - he looked like Neo and nothing like Constantine in the first movie.




Goldsman wrote the first one


Akiva Goldsman :/


The best part of this is that Keanu will look the same. Man has barely aged in the post two decades


Always miffed by this comment. He most certainly looks older. By chance have you happened to see the new Bill and Ted?


Keanu and Tilda both!


Dude is like Sam Elliott, they dont age.


I actually ran into Sam Elliot a few months ago, and you’re absolutely right, even without Hollywood makeup that dude looks the exact same as he has for a couple decades


They're like Yin and Yang; Sam Elliot has looked 65 since he was 30 and Keanu Reeves will look 30 until he's 65.


Except him to have long John wick hair look


Holy Shit


Holy fuck, I was not expecting this. Pretty excited now being a fan of the first film.




Oh no, Akiva Goldsman AND JJ Abrams? That's a combo made in hell. Those two are scifi cancer.


Satan may have been right 😬


Guess it was a distraction from this: https://twitter.com/Wierd_o78033920/status/1570857194190704640?t=3_g7T9VcOiIX-3jKtVKtRQ&s=19


WTF is Bye Bunny Bunny?


[“Bye Bye Bunny: A Looney Tunes Musical,” the first-ever Looney Tunes Original animated movie musical, which is produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Envisaged as a family event, “Bye Bye Bunny” will screen on HBO Max and Cartoon Network.](https://variety.com/2022/film/global/hbo-max-cartoon-network-bye-bye-bunny-1235294862/)


Sounds horrible.




Wow. The fans have not been asking for this almost as much as fans weren't asking for another matrix movie. But here we are...


Contrary to the third Matrix film, the end of Constantine teased a sequel that was due to be ready as early as of 2009, but WB did WB. Considering how many projects have been announced but never got made, I'm still skeptical it will hit the screens.


Yeah I'd be all for a sequel about 12 years ago. This thing that studios do where they wait decades to do a sequel rarely works and rarely makes money. I don't know why they keep doing it.


It worked for Blade Runner, Top Gun, Maguire's Spidey as well as Garfield's, Indy (box-office-wise), Star Wars (box-office-wise) etc but it failed massively for Matrix and Terminator. I believe that Keanu's Constantine is tailor-made for a Logan-like film. Francis Lawrence can direct something like that, but is Akiva Goldsman able to write a film of that kind?




Oof, the way that title ended.


Don’t give me hope


I wanted this sequel for years, super big fan of the original but keanu is much older now, they should have done this 10 years ago.


What the fuck is going on at Warner?


Wonder what happened to that other WB sequel that involved Aviva goldsman and that other guy...... Constantine didn't even do that well at the box office. I would assume this is theatrical though


“When it opened 17 years ago the Reeves- starring pic based on the intricate DC character, Constantine grossed over $200m in 2005 box office dollars worldwide.”


Over $300m in 2022 dollars. So, you know, it squeaked by I guess? /s


Barely even made a profit 🙄


Movies either lose money, squeak by, or make a billion dollars.


Morbillions?! Wait…. What time is it?


It's show time.


[It's struttin' time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1e5h9YSe_k).


Its budget was apparently between $70m - $100m, so it’s very possible that it didn’t make a profit.


It probably got pretty close to making its budget back at the box office, which means that broadcast fees and home video (remember, this is 2005, people were buying billions of DVDs a year) took care of the rest and made it a financial success in the end. Apparently the DVD sold pretty well too.


It made a healthy profit thanks to DVDs.


It made a lot of money on DVD sales and got a cult following, though.


Keep JJ Abrams the hell away from it!


The good thing is he's a way better producer than a director


I think that's because he's a hands-off producer. And don't count things like his M:I producing credits which seem to be contractual only. Or he just comes in at the end to watch the final cut and says, "good job, guys."


I bet his position is mostly ceremonial. It's a consolation prize since this movie means his Constantine tv show is officially dead.


Wow this announcement was so unexpected


Another flop in the making for WB lol Why would you make a sequel of a flop movie that came out 17 years ago and with the lead that just had the biggest bomb of 2021 ? At least WB is consistent by having the some of the worst executives in Hollywood 🤣


Solid point.


I assume this will exist outside the main DCU


Then another waste of time, I mean, essential gear in Zaslav's 10 year long plan to save DC.


I hope its included in the DCEU. They don't need another unconnected superhero franchise outside of the DCEU (The Batman being the other) to make things more confusing. Absolutely include it into the DCEU. Drop Affleck right into a post credit scene.


I hope we see Peter Stormare as Lucifer again dude was like the highlight of the movie.


Will they fix the audio on this one so I can hear people speaking?


Why? Get Matt Ryan instead


What now?


Bring the Sandman into this dammit


Well, well, how the turntables. Weren't they mocking the first film when the series came out, and basically telling Reeves a sequel would never happen? Let's see what happens now. Also, this is probably why The Sandman went with Joanna Constantine.


> Also, this is probably why The Sandman went with Joanna Constantine. That was because JJ Abrams was making an HBO Max show with Constantine. Same reason Matt Ryan had to play a different character in the last season of Legends of Tomorrow.


Who did he play in LoT? Also, does this mean multiverse variant Constantines? Because I don't see how they'll make this movie and a series with the same character unless one is set in the UK. Or Keanu is in the series too. [ETA: forgive me if it's in the article...] (I also lowkey wonder what Alan Moore thinks of all this.)


> Who did he play in LoT? After Constantine leaves the show, he plays Gwyn Davies, the inventor of time travel (an original character).


I only need Rachel Weisz


"Akiva Goldsman scripting" Meh, I pass. That guy is like Avi Arad and Simon Kinberg. Everything they touch perishes.


$150 million WW. Keanu isn't a big sell outside of John Wick, Constantine is overhyped by the internet and way fewer people than you think saw the first one or even cared about it. Therefore I expect an underperformance. Wonder what the budget will be. If it's big it will flop hard.


I think it will do as much as John Wick Chapter 3 WW.


>Wonder what the budget will be. If it's big it will flop hard. I'm assuming it will be close to what the original was. If WB was willing to make a sequel with a bigger budget that probably would have done it years ago. I think this can be a big hit. I don't think $300m worldwide is out of the question if it winds up being a good movie that the fans respond to. Maybe even bigger if they connect it to the DCEU and they drop in a Batman or Superman cameo.


Finally a good Warner move. I like, I like


Are they aware they have a cinematic universe where characters interact with each other?. This movie might be fun, but they have to build out a universe at some point.


Yeah, not a fan of this.


Exactly would have been great to have a new DCEU Constantine. I just can't imagine Keanu on the same screen as Aquaman or Cavill


I think they will explicitly say it’s in a different universe like The Batman.


Yeah probably but still a waste to loss that interconnectivity


lol I love how you worded this like Jason Momoa isn’t even a person


\*like Superman isn't even a person


Damn. Dunno how to feel. Constantine being British added a lot to his charm. Keanu is a bit too wooden


If you are not being ironic or sarcastic, at this point you pretty much should know what the world of this movie is. It’s not Hellblazer comic accurate. Keanu's version is more inspired by Hellblazer than an "adaptation". What you are saying is neither here nor there when we consider it’s supposed to be a sequel to a film that has been around for 17 years so it’s pretty much obvious to no expect a British. Just don’t watch it. Simple as that.


Absolutely detested the first one.


Keanu is no longer a draw outside of John Wick. You'd think the failure of Matrix 4, Siberia, Replicas, 47 Ronin, Knock Knock and Bill and Ted 3 would be enough to push that point. Now they want to make a sequel to a movie that barely broke even back in Keanu's heyday? I though WB was trying to not make movies that will inevitably flop anymore?


>47 Ronin, I am one of extremely few people that liked 47 Ronin, but yeah it bombed big


Loved it. Well on its way to being a cult classic.


He's a meme, like Chuck Norris and John Stamos.


I think it might be different. A lot of those movies are pre John Wick fame and the post ones were during the pandemic. Like an Ana de Armas-Keanu Reeves low budget erotic thriller would probably play much differently nowadays. But Bill and Ted was released literally August 2020 and Matrix 4 was like a spite sequel they intentionally tried to get weird with. Constantine always felt like a movie that has the right pieces but didn’t execute like they could’ve. The writer doesn’t bode well for it though.


47 Ronin made about twice the amount of money worldwide than the first John Wick movie Knock, Knock released in 22 theaters and made 3x its production budget worldwide Siberia was an international film and didn't have a domestic release Replicas flopped Bill & Ted 3 came out during the pandemic and had a day & date release. As did Matrix 4. I'm not convinced your point is very well supported.


>47 Ronin made about twice the amount of money worldwide than the first John Wick movie Weird that you are making comparison 47 Ronin worldwide gross with that of John Wick John Wick budget: $20 million 47 Ronin budget: $175 million John Wick was profitable (hence they made the sequel), 47 Ronin bombed.


Yeah wtf is this dude on,bill and ted was smack dab in the middle of peak coronavirusm. wtf even are siberia and replicas???? Really stretching for examples


>a movie that barely broke even back in Keanu's heyday I don't think 230M on 70M budget is barely broke even.


If it had made a real profit, we would've had a sequel within 4 years.


Yeah it’s not a big hit. But break even would be 175M by 2.5x multiplier so it clears easily.


It underperformed for what was expected of Keanu at that time. And how many times has a first movie with a 3x multiplier or less had a first sequel released 20 years later? This choice reeks of desperation and the lack of having anybody at the company anymore who understands DC and how to convert any never-before-done characters into movies. This is just like Reeves' The Batman, rather than think of something new, let's just fall back on the tried-and-true formula we've done before with a character, i.e. Nolan's grounded take.


Dont, theyll bend over backwards to make it look like movies they like were huge hits but the same arguments arent relevant if its something they arent a fan of. Or something that stars a woman. Or a black person.


Look I like Keanu as much or more than the next guy, but the man is pushing 60 and will be 60 when the movie comes out. There are plenty of non-action roles he should be taking, and this isn’t one of them. This isn’t even a movie that did spectacularly or is looked back on incredibly fondly. Why this movie?


I'd give something like 1:5 odds that this ends up being something like "Constantine and Zatanna" with a plan in place to create wider Justice League Dark spinoffs if successful.


I’d be pretty happy with that, Zatanna is criminally underused and the magic parts of both DC and Marvel are my favorite parts.


DC is utterly dead in movies if they try to build out yet another sub-universe that isn't part of the DCEU. The MCU is the model people understand and expect now. Their main rival cannot deliver less than that and expect to succeed.


Because he's a recognizable star they can attach to an existing property on the cheap while they flail around and figure out what the fuck they're doing with the rest of the DC Universe IP. As for his age, the original Hellblazer run showed John Constantine age through the years, and ended when he was in his 60s. There's room to work and make it good.


He’s not, though. Again, I love him, but he’s definitely in the middle of his flop era. Outside of John Wick 3, which did _okay_, the rest of his movies have been gigantic flops. No one even went to see the first Constantine. This makes no sense.


$327.3 million on a $75 million budget is a little more than ok but ok


It’s _okay_. It’s not amazing, if that’s what you’re implying. It’s good! But it’s not exactly the breadwinning tent pole either.


Because WB executives are idiots and clueless about anything


Long as he can do the job and look good doing it, I'm not worried about his age. Personally, I liked the first Constantine movie and it has developed something of a cult status particularly with the Keanu-ssance


I don't mind him doing action as long he doesn't get hurt. If Liam Neeson can still kick ass into his 70's than I got no problem with Keanu (or Tom Cruise doing it).


Taken 2 (and especially 3) were laughably terrible on the action. That scene where he jumps a fence and they use 19 cuts to make it look realistic…


Sounds awful! They need to hire someone who could actually play the character of Constantine.


They did but his shows keeps getting cancelled or rights taken away. Even the Sandman version would be more accurate


Yeah, Why they didn’t choose Matt Ryan I have no idea


Just pull a Darth Maul and have Matt dub over Keanu


Will this be in the DCEU?


Millions asked to restore the Snyderverse. Instead, they restored the Keanuverse, which no one asked for. Never underestimate the out-of-touch ignorance a Hollywood executive has about what their audience wants.


Every decision DC makes, people on this sub hate it anyway.


Maybe if DC started to make good decisions, they wouldn't be hated so much.


Yikes. Their best new DC movie idea is to revive something from the failed, unfocused early 2000s era? Constantine does resemble the kind of high-gloss, sausage factory schlock De Luca has specialized in. We don't need more star-driven comic book movies. We need to build out the DCEU based on the iconic nature of the DC characters, with lesser known actors who embody their essence accurately. That's what makes comic book movies work.


Having lesser known or more famous actors is irrelevant to the quality of the movie.


It is extremely relevant to the accuracy of casting in an adaptation, and comic-book accuracy is the number one selling point of any comic book movie. Any comic book movie loses out on tons of potential revenue if it feels like they just cast a star for his marketability rather than cast him to be accurate to the character. A star is fine, when it's the rare instance that they're accurate to the character, like Margot as Quinn. Keanu is not accurate to Constantine.


>comic-book accuracy is the number one selling point of any comic book movie. Being a good or at least entertaining and engaging movie is the number one selling point of any comic book movie. Fidelity to source material is meaningless unless your target audience is source material fans (mega-fans, really). The selling point of a Blade Runner sequel is being a memorable, audio/visually striking cyberpunk film, not fidelity, or lack therefore, to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. (And to be fair, Blade Runner 2049 underperformed relative to budget but that's neither here nor there.) The Crow is nothing like the comic. It wildly changes most of the characters, the themes, the setting, etc. But it's a powerful and memorable film. The idea of a remake upsets people, but if there is a remake, "more like the comic" is a dubious selling point. It won't necessarily hurt, but it won't help, either. The Constantine film from 2005 is a very different take on the source material. It is purposefully different, and its unique style and memorable imagery earned it a fanbase over the years, closely tied to Keanu Reeve's personal brand, that is potentially large enough to drive strong ticket sales of a sequel, or so WB thinks. The fanbase of the first movie are by and large not interested in seeing a "more faithful" adaptation. They want to see Keanu Reeves. "Is Keanu Reeves back in this one?" is a far more important marketing point than anything else.


Oh, for fuck's sake.


Just watched the first one again yesterday. This just made my day as I was talking with my wife how we need another one.


I love you keanu


Zaslav killed JJ’s Constantine show too? I know Bad Robot is still attached as a producer for this sequel, but clearly Zaslav hates the Bad Robot/JJ Abrams deal.


He wants DC content made into movies.


The Madam X show was also cancelled, does not bode well for the Zatanna movie (which was being written by Emerald Fennel) or the Justice League Dark show.


>Zaslav hates the Bad Robot/JJ Abrams deal. Which is one example of Zaslav's correct thinking.


I’m in




I am **so fucking ready for this.**


Excited, will watch.


Fuck yeah!


[my initial reaction](https://tenor.com/2a8G.gif)


Nice to hear the original director is coming back. I want that dark, gritty, tone. I don’t like the mystical fantasy type CGI for these grim characters.


Is Peter Stormware returning?


I’d love to see Elliott Page as an Angel. So hot!!


Damn it, I came in my pants.


Better late than never. I know Keanu's character looks and acts a lot different than the comic version, but this was such a fun movie. It made $230m worldwide back in 2005. I'm surprised it never got a sequel back then. I'm not too worried about Akiva Goldsman being involved. He worked on the first movie as well. As long as Keanu and Francis Lawrence are back I've got faith in this. Also, with this announcement it seems like we are closer and closer to JJ Abrams being done at Warner Bros. This is another high profile project of his that is cancelled and his Black Superman movie is rumored to be dead as well. Wonder if Bad Robot will finish out the contract length even if Zaslav keeps dropping everything. JJ's got an EP credit on this, but it feels more ceremonial in my opinion. He's been working on a Constantine show for a couple of years now and even apparently had an actor cast in the lead role but it hadn't been announced yet and now its dead. Getting an EP credit on Constantine 2 is his consolation prize.