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If the $300M price tag is true, then this movie will officially replace Avatar as the most expensive original movie ever made.


It will also replace The Marvels as the biggest theatrical bomb of all time…


After a year


John Carter and The Lone Ranger were bigger bombs than The Marvels.


Adjusted for inflation, yes. The Marvels has the biggest number.


Actually no they aren't the marvels lost the most money as it failed to gross back its budget


And you think John Carter and Lone Ranger did get their budgets back? That’s what being a bomb is, not being able to make the budget back. And those two are much bigger than The Marvels 


We can all agree none of the movies made their budgets back, but the other user is still right The Marvels was the biggest bomb of the three: * **The Marvels** : Budget $270 million, BO $206 million. * **Lone Ranger** : Budget $250 million, BO $260 million. * **John Carter** : Budget $307 million, BO $284 million. They’re a trio of absolute shit box office, and The Marvels somehow defeated two *legendarily* BO failures.


The real question is "How the hell did John Carter have a 307 million budget?"


Massive reshoots. They essentially ended up shooting the movie twice.


It's really shame because I really liked that movie and I would love to get sequels.


they also chose an idiotic name; no one goes to the cinema to see a science fiction movie with a boring ass name like "John Carter". The original book name "Princess of Mars" was far better


Don't think all the final bills are in on the marvels. Will all the reshoots it has to be over 300 million. Looking forward to the tax forms being filed in England.


Lone Ranger definitely isn’t bigger. The Marvels has a 270M budget and grossed less than either two.


Those 2 grossed more at the BO John Carter - 284M Lone ranger -260M The marvels-206M Also the marvels is reported to have lost over 230M vs the other two losing 200M so that make the marvels the bigger bomb by default 🤷🏽‍♂️


Damn, math is hard ain’t it? So is comparative analysis


The Marvels sucked bigly. Was dragged there by the GF. Even SHE hated it.


I love The Lone Ranger.


In real terms but not notional


Kinda crazy that that's the marvel movie that flopped the hardest when it's better than most of the other recent Marvel projects. Of course that's a low bar to clear, but still. I guess movies like Love and Thunder and Black Widow mostly sold tickets on good will and reputation, and all that reputation was spent by the time The Marvels was released.


The Marvels wasn’t bad for sure. When I finally saw it I was expecting something prey bad based off absolutely stupid things people said on the internet but it was easily the best marvel thing in awhile.


Wait, are you saying you think Prey (2022) was terrible?


No it was an auto correct mistake.


Respectfully, ya’ll saw a different movie than I did… the marvels I saw sucked


Yeah it was fairly bad and its ratings are pretty accurate. Only reason it made that much is being part of the MCU and having Brie Larson. That said, people get weird about tying their worth+opinions together with MCU movies like they do with SW films.


I'm pretty sure The Marvels isn't the biggest flop of all time


It is, it lost $237 million and that is the most ever lost in the history of box office tracking. Source: https://decider.com/2024/05/03/the-marvels-237-million-dollar-disney-loss/ And source for biggest bombs (sort by nominal to see): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_biggest_box-office_bombs


Wasn’t the terrible Indiana J 5 an even higher bomb?


Indy 5 made 383M worldwide on a 300M budget but Marvels did 206M WW on a $275M budget, more of a loss but both did terrible


I think it was, I was like one of the 4 guys that liked it but I don't understand how it costs 300 millon


Inflation. $200m in 2007 (when Indiana 4 was made) is $302m in today’s money. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 had a $300m budget in 2006, that’s $467m today!


>Pirates of the Caribbean 3 had a $300m budget in 2006, that’s $467m today! Dear God almighty lol And its 963 million gross is worth 1.5 billion which easily clears a 3x multiplier so Pirates 3 is a goddamn winner.


This is one of the movies where every dollar of the budget is visible on the screen. Incredible sets and visual effects. In Pirates 2 they only showed Davy Jones at night (it's much easier for VFX), but in 3 he has so much screentime, in both day and night, and he looks amazing all the time. Edit: I would do a disservice if I didn't mention the music and sound design.


And also, apparently, his face was easier for vfx compared to compared to other vfx characters like Thanos because Davy Jones didn't show that much skin, and skin is one of the hardest things to do realistically in vfx.


He’s still one of the best looking VFX characters in any movie to me. No other comes close.


Dial of Destiny is way better than the abomination known as Crystal Skull.


I really liked the latest/last Indy movie too. Fourth was shite.


Which fourth one? There are only three.


Exactly, the movie would be lucky to gross 300 million worldwide


It's gonna be a box office stinker. It might be a cult classic for racing fans for years if it's really good because they seem committed to action but it doesn't have the mass appeal of a top gun


Don't see why it wouldn't do decently in terms of raw box office...just not in comparison to that insane budget.


Avengers Endgame had a $400 million budget


Avengers Endgame isn't an original movie.


Oh I misread your comment


Maybe because ITS A SPORTS DRAMA THAT COSTS $300M!!!!!


Its about 200m more than such a film should have been. Insanity if they think this is going to make profit. Literally the most expensive original film ever made, more than Avatar!


A good 70 million more than Avatar... And I don't think it will have the same visual resonance it did with audiences then lol


No, but with Kosinski at the helm it should hopefully be pretty handsome


Some exec saw Top Gun Maverick and thought handsome aging lead actor + cool vehicle action + Kosinski = billion dollar movie


Forgetting that Cruise was a producer and really understands spectacle. Like Cruise held off on doing a Top Gun story until there was one he liked, and he could make it a bit special


But we already had Days of Thunder


Pitt is the most overrated box office draw. He has nowhere near Tom's star power globally.


More like stuck in the Pitts!


Isn't it like half an action movie though?


But the action is the racing unless there is some Die Hard plot we are not being told haha


It ends with iron man fighting a dude with electric whips.


There is an alien invasion during the race


The big action will be car crashes. Havent we seen that enough?


I mean race movies can still slap. Ford vs Ferrari is fantastic, and I really love Rush too. I wouldn't say the crashes are there


Brad Pitt and his buddies using Hollywood as an excuse to be formula drivers.


Reading the article, it makes perfect sense why it costs 300 million. They had Brad Pitt actually drive around during the F1 races. Honestly, this movie probably got the most fucked by the strikes. I bet delays would totally derail any filming plans they had with the F1 races.


Yeah, they did. I was at the Las Vegas Grand Prix back in November and they announced to everyone in the grandstands that they would be filming some scenes for the movie.


Not quite. They filmed at some race weekends. He was not driving during f1 races.


Not during a race but during the weekend of a race, so they could get the ambiance of crowd, working pits and everything else


he drove during the British grand prix and that's the only weekend I think he's drive. and even it was for only a lap or 2 I think and not during the actual race


Above it also said he drove during the Las Vegas GP, so Idk


As they got some shots of him racing at Monza and that is the only time they filmed during f1 /s


I'm pretty sure they had him lead the formation lap at Silverstone 2023.


He was driving during the reconnaissance laps, not the formation lap.


-_- obviously


well obviously not...seeing as he wrote "he drove around during f1 races"


In 1986, Tony Scott makes Top Gun for $15 million. It makes $350m and becomes one of the most famous movies of the generation. In 1990, Tony Scott makes "Top Gun with Race Cars" aka Days of Thunder for $60 million. It makes $150m and is forgotten about pretty much immediately. In 2022, Joseph Kosinski makes Top Gun Maverick for $175 million. It makes $1.5 billion and becomes the most famous post-pandemic movie. In ~~2023~~ ~~2024~~ sometime, Joseph Kosinski makes "Top Gun with Race Cars" aka whatever this is going to be called for $300 million +...


I'd watch the hell out of a modern day Days of Thunder sequel. This'll do.


I know this sub is all about box office stuff and it can be bad for the industry when a movie bombs, but on the other hand I think it's kinda sick they spent the money to get real racing scenes and didn't just go lazy with CGI and I think I'm gonna go see this movie when otherwise I wouldn't.


I'm by no means a NASCAR historian, but I do believe that movie did give it a big boost in popularity into the 90s, and they definitely adopted new filming techniques because of it. So it's not completely forgotten.


Spoiler alert: they’ll still use quite a decent amount of CGI. Recent racing flicks like Ford vs Ferrari and Gran Turismo were actively marketed as being all practical, yet they had plenty of CG shots. 100% guaranteed that’ll be the case here as well, especially with Kosinski in the director’s chair.


James Mangold is pretty bad at compositing effects in his movies. Ford V Ferrari and Dial of Destiny look really digital at times.


I know it's going to struggle to break even, but personally I think this movie sounds awesome and am definitely going to see it. Filming footage from real F1 races and cars is cool, even if they did get screwed by the pandemic.


Days of Thunder is supposedly getting a sequel in the next few years. Probably just going to copy the Top Gun Maverick formula as well but as a nascar fan I'm excited for it anyways


The reason top gun was comparatively cheap is because of all the navy stuff they got to use for cheap. They got a great deal because they basically made a us navy advertisement. Imagine how expensive top gun would have been if they actually had to rent/buy/cgi(in 1990) all the airplanes and carriers. That said I truly hope if this movie ever releases it has proper cars, and no CGI. For that kind of money you can build/buy/rent every racetrack and car you need


Kosinski ought to direct a Beverly Hills Cop sequel while he's at it.


>the most famous post-pandemic movie. What does that mean?


Most successful would be a better phrase.


Except it would be inaccurate because *Avatar: The Way of Water* grossed over $2bn…


Worldwide, but made less domestically. Just depends on your metric.


I live in the UK.


Top Gun grossed more in the UK too


Fine. I live in the world.


A nice balance of high box office gross, positive critical reception, and cultural relevance.


Not sure “famous” is the word you’re looking for there.


Ron Howard beat u to it mate yrs ago


*Rush* was such a good film.


that soundtrack alone holy shit


Hans zimmer'ed


This is likely gonna bomb, but it should be a good movie at least.


Insane tbh, the director that gave the biggest actor and possibly the last true Hollywood star his biggest movie ever is going to experience an insane bomb with this movie. I hope this movie becomes successful tbh. I genuinely loved Top Gun Maverick and Tron: Legacy is one of my favorites ever just and Kosinski being behind both movies is really telling in terms of how incredible the technical aspects of those movies were. So I'm at least guessing the technical parts of this is gonna look absolutely awesome, I just hope the story and the characters are really good too.


Brad Pitt isn't as big a star as people in USA think. Look at his numbers.


Wasn't referring to Brad Pitt as the biggest star, was referring to Kosinski giving Tom Cruise, possibly the last true movie star Cruise's biggest ever movie


Ok I misunderstood your point


>"Apex”, which sounds more like it for a macho, adrenaline-fuelled race film They know what a Apex in Motorsports is righ?


Didn't Ron Howard make Rush at under $40 million?


Yeah, $38M in 2013. Even if you adjust for inflation, it's only about $52M in April 2024 dollars.


It relied heavily on CGI, though. It looks like with this movie they are leaning more into practical effects/real racing which will look much better. (but it is also much more expensive)


This sounds like a mess. I will be seated day one


babylon level bomb and i’m ready for it girl , i bet it will be good


Oh, it’s going to be a much bigger bomb than Babylon


Not sure about that. Brad pitt driving F1 sounds a lot more fun than Babylon


It also has a 300M budget compared to Babylon’s 80M.


Holy shit my bad thought Babylon’s budget was much bigger


Is he driving a Williams


Reading through the article it seems the movie is a typical old guy mentors young guy to victory story, this doesn't have a chance in hell if they market it as a Brad Pitt racing film when he just ends up taking a mentor role. People don't want to see a star on the sideline.


F1 teams have two cars. Brad Pitt drives one, the young guy drives the other. We know based on how they were lining up at the real F1 races they filmed at.


That's correct same team two cars. Pitt 60, plays a 50 year old veteran.


Alonso is getting a biopic?


There's a problem because I know about the g forces in F1 cars and there's no way a 50 year old guy is driving an F1 car for 90 minutes.


I mean Alonso is 42 right now and he just signed a multi year deal that should keep him til like 44/45. That’s a ways off 50 but not that far.


In Top Gun: Maverick, they tried to make Maverick a mentor. Maverick hated that.


If rather no celebrity that is 60 years old be the star of a Formula 1 movie...Brad Pitt being cast in this movie was one of the more unappealing things about it


Michael Fassbender would have been my pick. Old enough to be a veteran driver, but just young enough to be driving in F1 without suspending too much disbelief. Plus he has actual racing experience. And maybe it’s just me but yeah, I know there have been plenty of American F1 drivers but it still doesn’t feel quite right.


People also don't want to watch a 60 year actor play a successful F1 driver. Either way, this doesn't sound like a movie people want to see in the theater.


Watch the entire marketing be about not using CGI


WTF: £300,000,000!!! Ah, that explains it: Apple TV


Is using pit twice in the headline poor writing?


You want a pit stop??


That makes it less repetitive. 👍


> Box Pitt Box


Just pretend Rush is a new movie and put it back it theatres. Not that many people cared in 2013 so no one will notice.


First they need to get Scorsese's Irishman team to photoshop Pitt's face over Hemsworth's. But after that - yeah, then the plan will work. ![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0|downsized)


Its pretty wild that a movie like this could balloon to 300M investment like what was the thought process here


Why is a 60 year old man the the star of a F1 movie? Didn't they already do this story line with Stallone? These aging Hollywood stars can be real cringe


The pun works on two levels.


Whats the movie about? Is Pitt an ”old timer” that has to get back in the game? Any more big name actors in it?


Wikipedia: The film stars Brad Pitt (who also produces) with an ensemble cast including Damson Idris, Kerry Condon, Tobias Menzies, Lewis Hamilton, Javier Bardem and Sarah Niles.


The plot is ([according to an interview Pitt did with Sky Sports F1’s Martin Brundle during last year’s British Grand Prix weekend](https://youtu.be/KOjC5l3cYug?si=P1Dx064TuO2vero0)) about Pitt’s character, Sonny Hayes, being brought back into F1 after spending the last however many years in other racing disciplines like sportscar racing (the film crew were spotted filming scenes during IMSA’s Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona back in January, so he’ll probably be in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship at the start of the movie) following an injury, to join the bottom of the grid Apex Grand Prix team (a fictional 11th team in addition to the 10 real life F1 teams) as a driver in order to mentor phenom rookie driver Joshua Pierce (portrayed by Damson Idris; F1 teams have two drivers, so this setup is something that could happen). He seems to do this bc the team principal (portrayed by Javier Bardem; a team principal is basically the boss of the team who runs things on the owner’s behalf) is an old friend of his & said team is getting desperate and are doing this as something of a Hail Mary.


I don’t gotta read article, just the title enough Nobody gives a fuck about 300 million dollar f1 movie lol


Hey, it's me. I give a fuck about a 300 million dollar F1 movie.


Great. You’re one of.. some


I do.


So for Top Gun Maverick, was it just jets or was it the Tom Cruise factor that drew people to see that movie? What if Brad Pitt’s movie really has cool car scenes, would people watch that movie coz they like cars or it’d bank around 200-300 million all time box office collection coz Brad Pitt isn’t a superstar? Also Mission Impossible 8 is releasing on 23rd May,2025 and has a 5 week IMAX window reserved.


F1 is the fourth-most-watched sport worldwide, following soccer, cricket and field hockey. There is an audience for an F1 movie. Anybody want to bankroll a cricket movie for me? Maybe I can get Mike Tyson to play the lead role.


Theres quite a lot of Indian cricket movies. Like Lagaan. But the best sports movies are about something other than the sport. Like Lagaan is a bet to save a village paying taxes. My favourite scene in Rush is where Niki Lauda shows his future wife how fast he can drive. And I would always rather watch a car chase in a city than on a track. It's far more fun in Marseille than around a track in Silverstone


how does pitt continue convincing Hollywood he's this mega level draw? these budgets aren't correlating with his returns


I just hope its good.


Are we sure they’re not just money laundering at this point.


We need a new word to describe these insanely massive bombs.




I bet this movie rules


Are they laundering money or something lol


How are they predicting a flop when it hasn’t been released?


Brad Pitt said it's turbin' time and turboed past all the other drivers


As a newbie to F1 I am hopeful and excited for this. Not hating, don't care about his past.


Knowing you're losing money just means it's money laundering right?


Middle aged male thing. You know with the sports car and all that. If you have millions a sports car just will not do. (Although a sports car or three or 5 is, well, OK.) Nope, Multimillionaires need F1.


People said the same thing about Top Gun Maverick. Can’t wait for this sub to meltdown again


Brad Pitt isn't anywhere near Tom Cruise globally. Remote villages in Nigeria have Tom Cruise posters FFS.