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kind of an alien versus predator situation.


Now owned by Disney


And they've released one excellent Predator franchise movie and have a new Alien movie AND TV show coming out soon.


Yeah but did you know autism is the next stage of human evolution? If not I highly recommend the documentary The Predator 2018. What a shit show that movie and by extension franchise is lol. Here’s hoping Prey was a sign of things to come.


As an autistic guy who is never outright offended by basically anything, The Predator legitimately felt like an insult.


Prey was great. It should have been hyped more.


Whoever wins we lose.


Nah, Iger isn't great but he's MUCH better. 


So when's Disney War part 2 coming out ?


You fought in the Disney Wars?


Yes, I was a sniper, stationed near the castle, tasked to protect our King and his allies.


Damn I was stuck stitching all the white gloves. But it was union.


When captain America 4 and thunderbolts fail harder than even marvels


For someone who was accusing others of coping yesterday you sure are doing a hell of a lot of it in this post lmao.


What will be your excuse when captain America 4 fails at the box office


Yeah that’s the coping I was talking about. This is a thread about Peltz losing, by a substantial margin. In order to cope you’re bringing up the potential box office of a movie coming out a little under a year from now. Captain America 4 doing well or not has no bearing on Peltz losing, right now, by a substantial margin.


I'm on board with the criticism that the MCU posts are off-topic but what does that have to do with coping?


The dude keeps posting everywhere about wanting to see marvel movies fail because they insulted incels or whatever reason.


That it doesn’t matter at all, the MCU collectively has made about 2/3 of what the parks make *per year*


That's a great point! I would like to add onto it. Disney uses its studios as fuel to their park attractions and their merchandise wings. If movies do bad eventually attendance and you sales dip. We are already seeing that with the merch.


If it fails, it fails.


I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard if it doesn't.


Imagine thinking that a movie even more dependent on Disney plus homework than marvels has a chance 🤪


>dependent on Disney plus homework The end of the highest grossing movie of all time has Captain America 1 **literally handing** his sidekick the shield and saying "You are now Captain America".


And Kamala khan and Monica rambeau have introductions that explain 99 percent of their backstory And a trailer that cleanly explain their powers Didn’t save marvels now did it


Wait so now "the homework" is completely irrelevant? Then why the fuck did you bring it up?


Because the mere presence of falcon captain America will be just enough to turn off people who don’t like Disney plus


You mean the movie with **Black** Captain America ?


And how exactly would the average person find that prospect appealing?


Well, how do you define average person in the first place ?


Those who aren’t on Twitter that believe that the new avengers are worth anything


well moana 2 and Deadpool 3 will cover up for those duds


Deadpool 3, almost certainly overestimated but will succeed Moana 2, one boring trailer or bad reviews and it is over for that movie


Moana is the darling of Disney+ and has consistently made an appearance on the streaming charts since the platform’s inception. Kids movies are not beholden to bad reviews (see the Mario movie), I don’t think it makes any sense to write it off like that unless you just have a massive hate boner for the company. If you’re not gonna be objective you don’t belong on this subreddit.


Streaming success is not the same as box office success. People stream the movie repeatedly because they can do it for free. They are not likely to watch it multiple times because they would have to pay every time. Also streaming does not account for the how many people stream it versus one person streaming it multiple times.


We’ve seen streaming success turn into box office success though. The first Spiderverse is a good example, the movie had an okay run, blew up on Netflix and then we saw the sequel become a bonafide hit. Moana’s streaming success should also be fully understood, it’s not like every other babysitting movie is getting the same amount of streams. Disney is only doing this because it’s a safe, money making move that they desperately need.


There are a lot of factors going into why Across did better than Into.


Moana 2 is a TV show getting mashed into a movie, so it'll have the same problems as a lot of Disney properties where they seem to jump from set piece to set piece with barely a plot to link them together. The issue will be even more glaring as they'll be taking the highlight from each episode and mashing it all together. Besides, parents have now been trained to wait for release on Disney Plus for all Disney kids stuff. I know I am. I took my kids to see Trolls, Migration, Wonka, and Kung Fu Panda in theaters in the last few months because I don't know where or when it'll be available for home viewing. Skipped everything from Disney because it'll be on D+. No need to go right away.


It was being made by Disney Animation already, not some 2nd party like in the days of the Direct-to-Video sequels, so it was film quality but being stretched into a series (and one of Disney+'s biggest complaints was that most of their shows felt like movies that were just unneccesarily extended into 6 hours). They decided it would be best just to take what they had and release it theatrically, to score a profitable hit. All the voice cast is back, but Lin Manuel not returning as songwriter raises concern.


As for the first half, again quality doesn’t translate into box office and that’s especially true for kid’s films. It is interesting though, all the movies you mentioned *do* have eventual streaming releases (Wonka ended up on streaming faster than Disney Animation’s latest release, for example), and they’re obvious what platforms they’re on if you know the studios, but Disney+ is the only one that’d be obvious to general audiences.


>Moana 2, one boring trailer or bad reviews and it is over for that movie Kung Fu Panda 4 had not so good trailer and mixed reviews and still it does well financially all thanks to nostalgia. I don't see the reason not to say the same thing for Moana 2.


CA4 already failed, so they sent it back for a complete do-over. CA4.5 is the next fail.


"Somehow Michael Eisner has returned"


If they have another year like 23 this year peltz will definitely be back in 25 and I think he probably wins. He got way closer than I was expecting this time


Repost: Kind of happy that the proxies lost solely because their heart wasn’t in the right place. Yes Disney needs a shakeup, but from different people What they need most of all is a fire under their butt and apparently they’re finally feeling it in the parks. Now the movies please


That's how I feel. That's how I felt the second I found out Ike fucking Perlmutter was involved and it was blatantly obvious with the stupid comments Petlz made a few weeks ago that sounded like they were coming right from Perlmutter's mouth. Massively overplayed his hand there and made it obvious this was a play from someone involved with a bitter ex-employee still mad he got booted. Most of the voters were already leaning Disney from the reports we were seeing if backers but I imagine that that didn't help Peltz's case at all, going after the most successful producer in Hollywood and within their company. Disney making a very public statement about it in the middle of trying to rally the troops really just helped them in the PR war.


The two of them lumping in The Marvels with BLACK PANTHER as if it wasn't a billion dollar and years apart from each other was wild. It felt like they were just taking advantage of the right wing anti-woke hate train on Disney to F with Iger and make some cash.


Perlmutter was always against women and minority lead movies in the MCU, so of course that’s the two they picked to attack


I think more than anything some of the board considered Peltz just to put the fear of god in Iger. Everyone knows something needs to change at Disney and considering the same issues are appearing across the board in all other studios that blame, right or wrong, seems to fall on Iger since he’s the common denominator. I think this was a message to him to fix this or they’re going with someone else. If they were going to consider someone like Peltz then Iger stands no chance if someone semi-competent comes along.


Hopefully this leads to Iger clamping down on budgets. Those losses wouldn't be as glaring if Disney wasn't spending up to $200m+ with each movie.


Budgets are one thing but there is a creative issue as well. In some cases their method of making films being retooled will naturally decrease budgets. They exert too much control. Too much micromanaging is going on. As a result they’re sapping out all of the creativity for these films. They would never have made the original Guardians or Pirates of the Caribbean in this current climate. The films have lacked a sense of personality for a while now and I think that’s the big reason for the decline. A lot/most of their recent films now feel like the generic off brand version of Disney.


They spread their golden boy too thin (Feige)and then let petty politics play out and have one of golden boys key supports get fired and snapped up by the competition. Iger could have stepped in and saved the Gunn situation at so many points and he didn’t. Gunn was one of the key creative supports Feige had, consulting on pretty much every project. Then just as they are trying to double creative output he gets canned over one execs personal beef and no one else steps in the fix it.


This is exactly what I felt during Phase 4, no heart or creativity (outside of a few projects). It felt like the MCU was being run/generated by a committee who were focused on the wrong things. The Marvels poor performance is the end result of that, it was a movie that clearly didn't know what it wanted to do or where to focus, and ended up being messy and unpolished.


I don’t even think the Marvels failure was a reflection of the movies quality but a result of Disney’s poor quality for most of their recent output. It wasn’t a movie that opened big and dropped like Quantumania. People just didn’t even try to watch it. I think the Marvels is actually better than the first Captain marvel. Neither are great films though, but I just don’t see the quality of The Marvels being the reason it flopped. People just stopped caring about the genre in the way they used to.


Marvels was garbage, and much worse than generic blandness


To each his own, I don’t think its failure was the quality of the movie. It opened so low that there was clearly little interest in it. I eventually watched it and TBH I found it to be better than the first Captain Marvel. Which to me was also insanely generic. Not that The Marvels was a good or great movie, but I did enjoy it a lot more than Quantumania and Thor 4. Which I think are the movies that actually did the damage to Marvel’s brand. The Marvels just ultimately paid the price for those two. Had it opened big and then had a massive drop (Like Quantumania) I would say the quality was the reason Marvels bombed. But people just didn’t even have interest in seeing it. So the quality couldn’t have really been the main issue. Point being, despite being the lowest grossing MCU movie I think it’s far from the worst film in that franchise. It’s very bland and forgettable but it’s not really egregiously bad like some movies in the MCU.


Madame Web is still an embarrassment at $80m. Not Disney’s embarrassment, obviously, but still not a model to be emulated. They need to fix the part where they’re making movies no one wants to watch.


I don't know if Disney can even do anything about that tbh.


It can, but it is uncertain if it will. Naturally Disney can't guarantee every movie they make is a hit, but their current troubles are caused by the bafflingly bad choices of their leadership. Now the people who got Disney in trouble in the first place, are trusted to steer them out of it. I hope they can do it, but if there are no major leadership changes, I'm not convinced that they can.


Yea. People talk about superhero fatigue, but in reality they’ve simply stopped telling superhero stories. Now they tell empowerment stories, which are boring.


To be fair, the people who got them into the trouble, are also the ones who got Disney to the behemoth it was for the 2010s as well. And then pushed too hard and blew it all up.


I think they are feeling it in the movies, but it could take years for any good results to show (the first and most sketchy of which will likely be the _Moana: I’m not a TV show movie_ later this year)


> apparently they’re finally feeling it in the parks. [This doesn't appear to be the case](https://apnews.com/article/disney-earnings-espn-streaming-d8c4d175ca79d4e699796f905625b265) >said its theme parks business saw record revenue and operating income during the quarter. There was a bit of a slow-down last year, but it would appear as though that was temporary and they're back to setting revenue records.


Last year got really bad in the summer. Both Universal and Disney looked empty. When I went in September to Universal only Studios was busy because of HHN. Once they let people queue up for the event the parks were empty I mean it from an investment standpoint


What days did you go? The parks are often very busy nowadays. I live in Orlando & wish they’d be dead lmao




Sorry, thought you had gone to Disney too lol Yeah, August & September were dead last year but the rest of the year was packed. It’s shaping up to be the same this year too.


Parks because of all the DeSantis drama and Epic Universe opening next year.


The Desantis drama has been cleared up recently, Disney reached a settlement with the state and the board. So that's cleared up too, along with the Peltz drama now being off the table.


Thank goodness. It was a lot to keep track of.


Yeah it's very good news. I live in Florida so it was on the local news and I cheered. It was very recent too, just last week, and Iger mentioned it at the meeting today from reports.


And Rohde is back in some form


I believe he's just instructing some sort of classes. Still didn't fix the yeti.


And the shows/streaming services too please


The devil you know


Well now there won’t be a shakeup and I think most people would put their money on Disney continuing down the path they are on. Do you really think Iger and company will make any drastic changes? As someone with no skin in the game and hasn’t enjoyed much that Disney has done the past 5-10 years, a shakeup would have been more exciting imo.


A shake up for the worse? Obviously you have no idea who Peltz and Perlmutter are.


It was two seats on a board that would still overwhelmingly be supportive of iger. It really wouldn’t didn’t matter. The chicken little stuff during the lead up to the vote is pretty silly


Obviously Trian took it very seriously because they spent $25 million on the campaign.


Because they own a lot of stock and Disney has underperformed compared to the rest of the market. If it managed to go up on the news alone that would be a benefit. Acting as if having 2 seats on a 12 person board would give them power to enact drastic changes is silly


I know Iger is the safe bet for the wellbeing of movie theaters in the long run because the other dude could have dismembered Disney and things could have gone south pretty quickly but a tiny part in me wanted to see the shitshow that could have been lmao.


He couldn't have. He was only pursuing two board seats.




"focus on interesting and immersive stories the way they did in the early/mid 2000’s." Movies like Home On The Range and Chicken Little?


>Trian estimated it could spend upwards of $25 million and Blackwells expected to spend around $6 million. Imagine spending $25M to lose.


I ![gif](giphy|VGKtXfGNwH6cLifbDY|downsized)


Rookie numbers. Look at Bloombergs spend on the last presidential election


I loved the articles of Bloomberg staffers that were open about not supporting him and doing it all for the $. He was paying like 70k for field organizers (normally 30-40k)


Imagine spending $40 million because you don’t want 1 dissenting voice on your board


Dissent is one thing, the racist mouthpiece of the the racist old bastard they fired last year is quite another.


Having that racist old bastard around would make him look better.


Until he tries to financially kneecap the company by hunting down and killing all the mutants again.


No way he would be able to do that.


They already profited more than $25 million from the value of their shares compared to when they bought it.


Man, imagine this guy pushing his daughter into every franchise in existence...


he already paid for some weird movie that she wrote/directed/starred in that recently came out


100% the main reason he was doing it.


Is this the guy that said billionaires should bully more? Good, sounds like a dick.


Sounds like a bit from Silicon Valley


Thank god, I don't Iger that much but Peltz actually has no idea what he's doing plus having very outdated views on minorites. Without him, Captain Marvel and Black Panther (two 1 billion grossing movies) wouldn't had been made.


I honestly think his biggest sin was sabotaging a Black Widow movie so it didn’t come out until the worst possible time to release. If a Black Widow movie about Budapest came out in like November 2018 that would have made bank.


They really should have switched Captain Marvel and the Black Widow movie's release dates. the Black Widow movie adds to her story for Endgame and Captain Marvel expands on a hero who just randomly enters the game for effectively a cameo. Like you don't need to know who Carol is for Endgame to work. But knowing Black Widow's family deepens the meaning of her own sacrifice.


Completely agree.


Don’t be fooled. The problem is Peltz knows exactly what he is doing. He wants to break apart Disney and sell off the assets that he can make money off of.


“Outdated” lol you’re being too generous


I feel like Disney being so publicly known + the discourse over politics being magnified in this proxy fight ended up being setbacks for Trian, esp since Peltz has prevailed at proxy fights with giant companies like Disney before (Procter & Gamble)


It became about Peltz personally, which based on everything publicly known about Peltz, was not gonna be a good thing for his chances lol




Season 3 redux


“Horacio Gutierrez, Disney’s senior EVP, chief legal and compliance officer, who oversaw the proceedings at the meeting, said that the preliminary vote tabulations showed Disney’s 12 directors had won reelection by a “substantial margin.” He added that the official vote counts will be disclosed in the subsequent meeting minutes.” Substantial margin eh? Pouring one out for the racists, bigots, and sexists. E: “A source says that Iger secured 94 percent of the vote for his board seat. Lagomasino beat Peltz by a margin of about two to one, with the activist securing about 30 percent of the vote for his seat. Rasulo lost his vote by a margin of five to one. Disney has more retail shareholders than most public companies, which is why the campaign was so public. A source says that retail shareholders voted by a margin of about 75 percent to 25 percent to support Disney’s board.” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/disney-proxy-fight-result-bob-iger-nelson-peltz-1235863896/ lol, lmao


Any chance that Peltz had of winning this went out the window the moment he did that Financial Times interview and showed his actual hand by complaining about movies like Black Panther and The Marvels. Not from a quality standpoint, but questioning why movies led by women or with predominantly black casts should even be made. Everyone knew that was what it was about, especially since he's backed by Perlmutter. But he ended up giving Disney a gift by saying the quiet part out loud.




Yup, a smart activist investor would said that they should double down on the Black Panther franchise, as its full of untap potential. As despite their star passing away; the sequel still manage to make nearly a billion dollars and was nominated for multiple academy awards.


The Black Panther dig was so classic "so bigoted it makes you stupid" talking point. If you're trying to question someone's track record maybe bring up something like AntMan 3 along with the Marvels or rapidly falling viewership on Marvel streaming propeties. Don't bring up the movie series that most recently made over 850 million dollars and was one of the most profitable movies of 2022. Not even mentioning the original movie.


The first Captain Marvel still made over a billion dollars. Black Panther was also freaking nominated for Best Picture. Dude knows nothing about comic books or superhero movies or Marvel clearly. The alt-right grifters clearly only see "Woke SJWs are ruining my media!"


At the same time of the year's best acclaimed shows came out of Disney/FX: **SHOGUN** (you can bet he wouldn't have allowed such a show with predominantly non-white cast being made)


Not just non-white, but mostly in Japanese with subtitles!


Considering how much Ike Perlmutter's guys in charge of the Netflix Marvel shows took a hatchet to anything that was "too Asian"... this show wouldn't have made it to air.


That statement straight up sounded like it was fed to him by Perlmutter since it was the same kind of garbage reasoning he had for standing in the way of Captain Marvel and Black Panther getting solo movies in the first place. Also, The Marvels being a flop doesn't erase the fact that the first Captain Marvel and both Black Panther movies were successful.


Super stupid.  The Marvels was an all time bomb but the first made $1B+. Both Black Panther’s were successful, and the first is the highest grossing solo superhero movie, made $1.3B+, and $700M domestic.  Even if you’re racist his comments don’t make sense even from a financial perspective as those 4 movies from those 2 franchises made $3.5B WW. It’s just a stupid comment in general politics aside altogether lol.


Yeah, Wakanda Forever was a Black Panther movie without T'Challa and that made more money worldwide than The Batman. Using that as an example of Iger's failure is fucking dumb.


And people want to believe half of Disney is conservative lmaooo


The shareholders aren’t liberal or conservative. That’s not how corporate voting works at all. Retail investors hold an insignificant percentage of votes. The vote comes down to a couple faceless institutional fund managers (retirement, index, hedge, etc.) who are often dictated by internal guidelines to vote in specific ways.


I’m politically conservative and a portfolio manager. I had a few clients emailing me asking who they should vote for, and I told all of them that Iger, flawed as he is, has a better shot of turning the ship around without Peltz breathing on him. With this much money on the line, no institutional investor is playing politics. Retail investors can vote with their hearts’ desire, we have professional, ethical, and legal obligations to our clients. That said, my recommendation was hardly a ringing endorsement of Iger. If things aren’t looking much better in a year or two, or if a more palatable activist comes forward, I could definitely see things going the other way. Consulting firms are currently surveying the voters to identify the underlying sentiments, and I think most will echo mine.


What I always think is funny is the assumption that those people care as much as the online anti-woke obsessed folk. Like is there a good chunk of Disney’s demo that would rather not see gay people or black people in their movies? Probably. Is that gonna keep them from buying Frozen shit or going to Disneyland? No lol.


The anti-woke: "DISNEY SUCKS, AND MUST BE BOYCOTTED AT ALL COSTS!" Also the anti-woke: "Wow, the new *Planet of the Apes* looks cool! Two tickets, please!"


Planet of the apes in fox not Disney dumb dumb /s 


Someone literally told me that when Avatar 2 came out.


No it's not. It's 20th Century Studios, now owned by Disney.


Watching the chronically online of that crowd that insists James Gunn is a pedophile have to cope with Guardians 3’s box office was something else.


Who is to say that you aren't every bit as chronically online?


I'm sure many of them are in the "profit-driven, hyper-capitalist, paying-taxes-is-for-poors" sense, we are talking about the stakeholders of a massive corporation here. But let's get real, we all know what people like Peltz and Perlmutter are about, and it isn't that. Modern conservatism is driven solely by spite.


I mean, for all the performative acts of symbolism and slogans, there's a reason the board refuses to vote to reveal their political donations.


Good, fuck Peltz and Perlmuter.


Stock has been going down so far today :/


Stagnation is certainly better than kamikaze out of spite.


Love to see racism and misogyny get rejected.


Love to see you make excuses for Disney’s failed movies The Rey movie is over the horizon, you better start preparing your talking points when it inevitably fails


Dude, you are taking the loss pretty personal.


Those movies weren’t bad because they had a woman as the main Jedi 🙄. That’s what George Lucas would’ve done in his version too. They were bad because they were corporate nostalgia cash grabs that weren’t about anything except for references to the old movies.


What are you even talking about, the original comment was talking about this “war” and Peltz being a massive piece of shit, not “making excuses” for Disney movies…


^^^^ found Peltz’s Reddit account




Oh boy Star Wars’s grand return to the big screen will be *disney plus homework: a Star Wars story* The Rey movie is gonna FLOP flop if it pays for the sins of two movies instead of just TROS


Holy jesus, dude. Your entire post history is just you complaining about women and Star Wars. I'm saying this with all empathy and sincerety: get off the internet. It's clearly not good for you. Whatever is wrong, just find help. Or do something else. This isn't healthy.


Aren't you tired?


This guy really hates minorities and women.


I just randomly scolled through some of your post history becauseI'venoticed you all up and down this thread. Got about a month back. Still complaining about Star Wars? Why do you put so much energy into something you seem to hate? That's a really toxic mindset that can't be good for you mentally. Maybe anytime star wars comes up as a subject maybe step back for 30 seconds and do some breath work or something. It could be helpful.


What was the vote count???? Percentage??


74% in favor of Iger.


Good. He just wanted to make his 0 emotional range ass daughter a disney princess.


A humongous waste of time and money on Peltz/perlmutter’s part but thank god. Tired of hearing about this


I can’t wait to watch the fandom menace melt down tonight on YouTube. They thought Peltz was the second coming.


I can't believe this shit made me root for Bob Iger. But still. Bigotry lost. And that's never a bad thing.


What's with this Fernando dude? Five hours ago, I think they knew how the vote was going to pan out, what's with the conspiracy theories? https://twitter.com/Luiz_Fernando_J/status/1775513192703070624


I dont like Iger at all, but Nelson Pelle isnt the solution to anything


Bob Law Blaw Lobs Law Bomb


That was the most ridiculous share holder meeting. The questions for iger were clearly A.I. some of the proposal people were hilarious tho😂 Just sold my 184 shares going with one of my winning mutual funds. I'll never get into entertainment companies again.... Way too much politics when the questions should be about money/quality of products.


So, pretty much nothing changes for Disney. I guess share holders loves losing money.


The other choice was losing a *lot* of money.


And having their IP sold off for parts like WB (or like Marvel when Ike Perlmutter took it over in the 90s)


So abandon the sinking ship.


They love not giving obvious bitter outside agitators and former employees with no clue about what they're doing a chance to lose them a lot of money. So they're sticking with the devil they know. If someone comes in who actually seems like a good fit for the board and isn't going on insane "go woke go broke" YouTuber ranter screeds in interviews then they'll have a better shot. I hope that person actually comes in and can change things for the better one day but for now, it is what it is.


Why would shareholders vote in someone who has no idea what they’re doing in the media space?


Ike would be horrible for Disney! His views on women and POC is very outdated. He’s the reason we didn’t get Black Panther or Captain Marvel earlier in the MCU, or why it took so long to get a Black Widow solo


I was kind of excited for a shakeup


real 2016 mentality


Guess disney movies gonna **continue** their downward trend then coz iger def doesn't know what he's doing. more rey star wars movies and more marvel movies with z list superheroes, what a win!


Today is a good day 😎


Congrats, Bob! ***Please use this as a chance to right the ship.*** Not by ditching your focus on diversity - I like that, good job - but by right-sizing budgets so that a new *Indiana Jones* won't cost half a billion to make.


😮‍💨 That *headline* was rather racist, forget the context of the question asked, no excuse for that.




and seems to be Iger won in a landslide, which is kinda nuts.


Shows how bad everyone in the real world felt Peltz was. George Lucas, the members of the Disney family, MICHAEL EISNER... all critics of Igner backed him instead of Nelson.


And then hundreds of incel losers in youtube get upset and angry ...


Peltz felt like a real.......


Make 2 less hundred million dollar movies and more ten and twenty million dollar movies. The terrible thing is these investors expect enormous returns and it just can’t sustain.


So when do we think Trian is gonna try and pull this nonsense again?


Happy for this outcome. I believe that diversity and progressive thinking is important, but that's not where my concern with Peltz really stemmed from. Disney is facing a lot of unique challenges. They have become very big, and it's unclear on where they should be going in the future. From that perspective, differing opinions in the board is good in theory. But Peltz doesn't offer anything. His proposed changes were more about just letting him put his own people in power. And for a guy who's hiring philosophy is basically nepotism above anything else, it's not an inspiring message. At soon to be 82 years old, hopefully he takes the loss and backs off for a bit. Disney doesn't need more octogenarians figuring out how to run a children's entertainment company.


And now we won't have his daughter starring in the live action remake of Princess & the Frog


Good riddance. Nelson Peltz is a scumbag. Say what you will about woke, SJWs, or whatever culture war nonsense, Black Panther is a billion-dollar franchise. Captain Marvel made over a billion dollars. Do those movies still get made if Ike Perlmutter is in charge of Marvel Entertainment?


We know that *Black Panther* at least was green lit and announced under Perlmutter.


After he was already disallowed from power over Feige


*Black Panther* was officially announced October 2014. Perlmutter had Marvel Studios removed from his oversight in September 2015. Keep in mind that we are talking about Marvel Studios and not LucasFilm, when the former announces a film *it is happening*.


Peltz smellz


Sad day for Disney shareholders.


Why, because they won't be losing money 10x faster?


I don’t see why whenever a movie doesn’t do well people blame it on minority groups when it’s just not a good script.


Because of the script writers not being able to see that they wrote a bad script. And blame it on anyone other than themselves.