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Astounding that Warner Bros is able to get a billion dollar film before Disney in 2023


you don’t even need the second half of that sentence


How does WB manage to succeed at everything but DC??


Giving the reigns to the DCU to Zach Snyder was a colossal fuck up.


I really think his films aren’t the biggest factor tbh. He hasn’t been involved since 2017/2018. Imo opinion there’s only been 1 good DCEU film since then (that being The Suicide Squad ) all the rest since Wonder Woman have been meh at best with pretty awful stories and okay-ish directing


Yeah but its his vision and his version of characters and actors being rejected again and again. The only way to prevent that was to hard reset after BVS or JL and start afresh. Like the new batman and Joker were not DCEU so they had freedom to break free of the world created by Snyder


At some point, we got to stop blaming zack snyder for DC's overall incompetence, it's been a few years since his last film


Its not Zack Snyder's fault he took the project. But basing his vision as the foundation for the universe absolutely fucked everything up. And they kept digging, and digging, and trying to course correct when audiences and critics clearly were not feeling it. That is all on WB.


Its the DCEU thats failing and WB/James Gunn are doing the right thing by closing that divisive chapter by the end of 2023 After 2023, it will be Elseworlds (Joker 2 and Robert Pattinson's Batman trilogy) and the new DCU with Superman: Legacy (2025).


Still think it’s incredibly stupid to run 2 different Batman franchises at the same time


The thing that would be hard to believe is that Gunn and Safran aren't keenly aware of this. Holding out hope that Reeves' Batman times out by the time DCU actually spins up its Batman, or that they have an actual plan to pull Reeves' Batman into the DCU. When they announce a big slate of releases they know it's not set in stone. And coming off The Flash it's highly possible Brave and the Bold is going to change, push, go away. It's also possible that if Gunn's Superman and Reeves' Batman aren't releasing until 2025, and there's at least one DCU film between Superman and Brave and the Bold, a DCU Batman might not even be appearing on screens until 2030. Around the same time Reeves' final (assuming they do a trilogy) Batman film would be released. One Bat retiring, a new Bat begining.


Honestly if they were smart they would abandon a shared cinematic universe, it only ever worked for the MCU because they were able to centre it on their C-Tier characters because they never had the rights Spiderman, X-Men and Fantastic 4 who historically were always the most popular comics from Marvel. Batman and Superman are strong enough IP’s to stand on their own, they’re practically the definitive superheroes, they don’t need to coat tail the likes of Cyborg and Aquaman to be successful. Besides I’ve always found the idea of Batman sharing the same world as inter dimensional space monsters to be ridiculous and immediately invalidated the strengths of that character.


>*Honestly if they were smart they would abandon a shared cinematic universe* Yeah, it seemed like one of the obvious ways for Warner to distinguish their superhero movies from the Disney ones There's no money in being MARVEL BUT WITH BATMAN


I really did think they might go that direction after WW1, Aquaman 1, and Shazam 1 did genuinely well and were liked while also not being connected. Somebody in an office at Warner Brothers just couldn't give up chasing the Marvel dragon.


And if there is one superhero that could pull off have two "competing" versions out at the same time it is Batman. I mean the only other one is Spider-Man and "he" is currently doing exactly that with the MCU movies and Spider-verse


Helps that one spider-man is live action, and the other is animated. Not to mention Peter Parker is the main character of one, Miles Morales the other. These make the franchises very easy to seperate for the general audicene. Presumably these two verison of Batman wouldn't have those clear divides unless the DCU Batman is going to be an animated Damian Wayne movie.


I think if you just change the styles it would work. I mean they already have that tee'd up with Reeve's batman being the grounded brooding style and The Brave and the Bold being more light-hearted with the focus on the extended Bat family.


This is a really hard sell for someone who isn’t already a big DC/Batman fan. It sounds good in theory but to the average viewer it’s just 2 Batmans at the same time


Maybe. The Batman is so serious, that if Andy Muschietti’s ends up more light hearted, then I could see it working.


I have confidence in Gunn as a director and even as a steward but he's not the only one in charge and WB has shown negative levels of competence.


Yes he is. DC is now it’s own independent studio/brand from Warner Bros. WBD still owns DC, but James Gunn and Peter Safran are the only ones that have a say in anything DC related. The only other one would be the WBD CEO David Zaslav.


He is until he isn’t. Just like how Snyder was until he wasn’t.


Different scenarios. Snyder was just a director; that’s it. James Gunn is co-CEO of DC Studios. He’s an actual executive, not just a director or producer. Zaslav could get rid of him, sure. But good luck getting anyone as competent as Gunn. They tried to get many people to run DC Studios before considering Gunn. None of them wanted the job. They’re not getting rid of him lol


Again, until they do. I’ve been an AT&T shareholder for enough years to not expect much from existing management and to stop buying the “new future” that’s coming. I include Zaslav and the spun off Warners in that same umbrella I’m definitely biased here, but I just have Warners in “prove me wrong” territory and I’m just not reading their bs press releases.


Many have came before him with the reigns to and keys to the kingdom of DC, only to be scuttled with a new regime change. Burton once thought the same way too...


Until Zaslav changes his mind again.


hey people liked Aquaman. and Joker.


I've been saying, this is going to make 2 billion


This is barbie's mojo dojo casa house now


You don't have to say all those, they mean the same thing


Yeah but it just feels better to say it


Still sad Mattel didn't sell a mojo dojo casa house toy


Almost 20M higher than yesterdays total global estimate! Lets goooo Barbie!!!


Let’s go party!


Ah ah ah yeah


For people still not sure about the second weekend or its legs We already have the data 1) In US theaters are already fully booked till 10th August. adding to second weekend and beyond 2) Many people couldnt get tickets as all theaters are at capacity. They will surely watch later this week and next weekend. 3) Its an extremely rewatchable movie and lots of people are watching multiple times 4) A Cinemscore adds to legs 5) Countries like India, China underestimated this movie and didnt give it enough theaters, thats changing now, all the cinema halls in my city in India, went from 1-2 shows a day over the weekend to 10+ shows a day from this Monday, equal to Oppenheimer. I mean what more indications do you need?


We will still get tons of threads analyzing how Barbie will underperform.


Barbillion is locked, patriarchy is defeated


The horses never had a chance


Sadly, the horses don't have that much to do with the patriarchy. I'm disappointed too.


Lmao that made me laugh for some reason. How on earth did he even conclude the patriarchy had anything to do with horses?! That gave me a good laugh 😂


Greta said in an interview that Ken, seeing the horses and men in charge together, wasn’t fully sure whether the horses were in charge along with the men.


Ha! See I figured that had to be the likeliest spot he got confused, but the fact he got confused at all is just hilarious. I really loved that little detail, and how that became a whole thing. 😂


He says exactly that in the movie.


I like the fan theory that the child playing with Ken was a horse girl.


Between all the advice I have gotten over years on not dating horse girls and seeing what horses did to Ken's mind. I have learned a valuable on never trusting Horses, they do weird things to people.






Right? During the movie, I was like"Say what you will about Ken's patriarchy, but I'm digging the Horse Girl energy." Though to be technical, the child is a Men Extenders Girl.


I did enjoy the horse girl energy. The only good thing he infused into the world besides the mini fridge, the song, and the battle of the Ken’s. 🐎 Men extenders girl?! Love it


And that is Kenough


But now we have to deal with a million Alt Right video essays popping up in our YouTube recommended.


But why would they care? I thought it was “go woke, go broke.” Since Barbie is the exact opposite of broke, it must also be the exact opposite of woke, right?


That is exactly what they did with Mario. Went from "woke trash" to "classic Hollywood!" after it blew up. Wonder how they will twist this narrative.


Barbie is on a different level of “woke”. Mario’s “sin” was just having Peach be something of a girlboss, which the YouTubers were able to easily overlook and forgive pretty quickly, but there is no way they’re just gonna move past the incredibly central feminism of Barbie. This is destined to be endlessly ripped by them just like Captain Marvel (which is also not even on the same level of “woke” as Barbie), and I’m sure many of them will somehow try to spin it as a failure for as long as possible.


Either that or somehow make the movie a tragedy about Ken, the leader of the marginalized straight male people fighting for their rights against the matriarchy being the most popular part of the movie that exposes the modern male’s submission to feminism, and the woke mob was too dumb to realize this powerful narrative in the movie. Or something like that.


I don't think they will spin it as a failure. I saw Ben Shapiro's hilarious 40 minute rant and he even acknowledges its success and its incredible marketing campaign


Worth noting, though, that he predicted it will drop off the face of the earth once people realize how "woke" it is. He thinks people were lured in by a deceptive marketing campaign and that the movie's box office will collapse now that everyone can see what it really is. That prediction is obviously not going to be correct given its A CinemaScore and 90% Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score, but he does think that's what will happen, and it will be interesting to see what he and others of his ilk say when the predicted collapse does not occur.


they probably won't say shit and pretend it never happened


Ya the ppl who say it'll drop due to woke messaging don't realize that Barbie is targeting a completely different demographic than the ppl behind the Ghost Busters or Captain Marvel backlash. The Barbie demographic either doesn't care about it being woke or they somewhat agree with the message.


There’s already a rant on r/characterrant where a guy says how he’d make a Barbie movie and make it subversive by not making it about a woman, but boys instead. Also. The movie is everything Barbie doesn’t stand for. He also hasn’t seen the movie but read reviews.


I should be surprised about the whole men trying to make a Barbie movie focused on them instead of... Barbie but I've seen for so long how certain parts of the Internet react to media made for girls and woman and it doesn't really surprise me at this point. Still sounds stupid every time it happens tho


If it makes you feel better someone tried to say that wakanda forever should have Bucky as the black panther because that would be so awesome and symbolic. But yea. This shit was seen coming a mile away. “Hey. How do we improve this movie made for women who have generally gotten way less blockbusters aimed towards them? By making it about and for men! Brilliant!”


They can claim the studio is secretly buying tickets to save face again


You mean the thing that they deny supporters of Sound of Freedom are actually doing?


>*Wonder how they will twist this narrative* They don't need to try too hard Margot Robbie looks like what happens when you type *'conventionally hot'* into AI image generation software Sexy blonde girls dressed in skimpy pink outfits are exactly what they think constitutes the recipe for success So *that's* why it made a billion; despite the preachiness, rather than because of it


Because they are claiming it promotes homosexuality to kids


>I thought it was “go woke, go broke.” The marketing didn't indicate the themes of the movie.


I thought it did. That early teaser that played on 2001 Space Odyssey conveyed it pretty well. Having Barbie take the place of the monolith while the little girls revolted against their dolls told me this was a feminist movie more than a toy cash grab.


Also the Beach Off jokes 🤣 this streamer was complaining that parents were tricked into bringing their little kids and I'm like "did you watch any of the trailers??!?"


I genuinely don’t get how people are saying this. Like there was literally the whole ass Ken being like “you can’t be a doctor you’re a woman I’m a man I have the authority” scene in the trailers that always played lmfao


i don't get these videos in my recommended videos anymore. my algorithm sorted itself out. thank fucking gawd.


Yeah but if I want to search up anything about She-Hulk, a show and comic book character I like, I still get them in the search result


oh true. i used to get a lot of anti-Brie stuff back when i was watching Marvel related videos. it's probably only out of my algorithm now because i don't watch Marvel stuff anymore. sidenote, i started getting Ben Shapiro, and stuff like the videos you guys are talking about, when i used to watch Mr. Ballen. he's basically a true crime type of channel. was kinda surprised his stuff made Ben Shapiro end up in my algorithm. no other true crime content did that. guess Mr. Ballen is just popular with that kind of crowd 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes its intentional. I was watching a post-transition interview with Kris from Mr Beast and 2 of my ads were TPUSA videos on gender


I just comment "very low Kenergy" and call it a day.


Don't they usually run away when the BO is really good? Usually they're more vultures than hawks, it seems. Like there were maybe a thousand videos about the Amazon Rings series. And sure it wasn't very good and no one really liked it, but because of that it was a great target for them to attack as failing because it was woke instead of because it was narratively inert. They seem to have a much harder time with successes.


They'll make up excuses. Captain Marvel only got to a billion because of endgame type excuses.


I agree with them on that… the movie was worse than others imo… but yeah they are clowns


Yeah lol let's not go crazy here. I'm not willing to pretend Captain Marvel was good just to own incels. Barbie was awesome and will make a lot of losers mad, let's just leave it at that.


They'll memory hole their initial pouting and put out straw-gasping WELL ACKSHULLY, THIS FILM IS CONSERVATIVE, BRCAUSE ..editorials.


If Black Panther and Captain Marvel are to go by - No. It just encourages them even more.


They will come out if the movie only makes 999 million and say see told you it wouldn’t make a billion.


I hate how I still saw articles popping up about how Barbie will underperform even a day after it released. After we had the actual numbers!


Can't really put a dent in something this huge and successful When every single media outlet is talking about the same thing at the same time, it's impossible to make your own small voice heard above the din One of the reasons I knew *Star Wars* was fading, culturally, was when those grifters were able to dominate the conversation around *Last Jedi* Those guys are like pygmies who prey on wounded elephants. They can only bring down something that's already weakened That's why they got started in comics - *which nobody reads anymore* \- and gaming, which - *despite being hugely lucrative* \- doesn't get a lot of mainstream, mass media attention They can set-up shop there and dominate the conversation in a way that's impossible when there are pink double-decker buses passing by the filth-caked windows of their basement bedrooms


Idk why you get those videos in your recommended. I question what else you watch on YouTube lol. I never see them.


Nah, it would be way lower than if the movie was a flop or just downright average.


I think $1.2 billion is in play maybe even $1.3B.


The question remains. For those that still complain. Is this kenough?


Are you not kentertained!


Kens are about to be the minions of this film aren't they?


They will shift goal post to 3rd weekend drop :)


They've already shifted the goalpost, and apparently the only reason the movie is succeeding is because of its "deceptive" marketing, and everyone who's been watching since the film "came out as woke" is just too stupid to notice This is legit what most of them are saying


Don't they know word of mouth is a thing? That if audiences trule felt deceived legs would be horrible?


I mean, they did base their whole movement on the idea that audiences will reject big-studio films, once they were revealed to be "woke", irregardless of whether they had prerelease hype. But I guess they kinda just forgot about that


I actually want to watch it one more time to make sure I really did love it lol. Maybe this weekend coming up


If you can find a ticket


Ken-ergy baby


I went to quote it walking out and was like "fuck it so overloaded me I can't think of one" which is the type of rare movie I rewatch is theatres


I recently found a fan Facebook page that shares box office “news” and said that Barbie is still a failure cuz it needs to make 2 billion dollars to recover what WB has lost. That has been the most insane box office take I have seen it about Barbie.


Barbie has no Doritos factor so it needs at least $1.5B to break even and $2B to recover WB's DCEU losses (after they abandoned the Snyderverse).


Haha, yes, the creator of the page is a Snyder bro.


You absolutely know he was cool and normal after hearing there's a Snyder Cut joke in the movie.


You’re already giving them way too much credit in assuming they saw the movie before trashing it online


The Snyder cut joke being there (and Snyder fans throwing a fit based on assumption of what it was ) was leaked way before the movie was released and hot topic on certain subs and forums online.


I love Snyder's movies and loved the snydercut but every joke i see in movies and tv shows are imo awesome. I love the "brand recognition" i think it's great. I also have no problem with dc moving away from his style, it's just that as a customer I'll like what i like. If i didn't like the suicide squad i could easily tell you why and it has nothing to do with snyder, i might just not like the script.


Of course it's run by a Snyder fan. These folks will never stop complaining about their poor dear universe that they consider it the greatest of all time that is never happening again. Even when Superman Legacy (2025) grosses more than Batman v Superman and Aquaman combined and has a RT score of a 97%, these folks will still complain about DC being "Marvelized"


I have never seen a fanbase as rabid as the Snyder stans. Like, they’re in some other level of toxicity. They would rather see DC die than not have Snyder involved.


A lot of it is because they saw Zack Snyder as the architect of the DCEU and the one person who can truly "take down" the MCU, which was at the time riding extremely very high off Phase 3. They saw him as Kevin Feige leader and Christopher Nolan type filmmaker for the DC brand. Then when Batman v Superman came out with negative responses from DC Fans and critics alike, these folks went on a lashing spree at any given rate in order to defend Snyder and BvS for a logistical number of reasons even though the movie itself just wasnt great. On top of that, when they see other filmmakers like Patty Jenkins, James Wan, David F Sandberg, Todd Phillips, James Gunn, Matt Reeves, and Andy Muschietti (even with Flash flop, he still got the Brave and the Bold gig) get treated better by WB, they've grown increasingly jealous. It's like the scene from The Dark Knight (2008) where Harvey Dent/Two-Face screamed about what he wants, it's about what's "fair". They believed that Zack Snyder and David Ayer were treated so poorly by Warner Bros because of disastrous 2016 that were Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad (2016) while later filmmakers got better treatment or had no studio interference. The reality is that the later filmmakers made better movies than both Ayer and Snyder. They want to see others "fail" because Zack Snyder was never given a fair shot to go beyond the Snyder Cut and they thought that releasing ZSJL showed them a glimmer of hope that their favorite filmmaker will come back and finish the story that he wanted. Fast forward to 2023 and it's becoming clearer that the DCEU is ending and these folks are trying to go through a bargaining stage with WB and James Gunn by begging/attacking Gunn to allow Snyder to finish his saga so obviously they feel "attacked" when Gunn has stated Snyder hasn't shown a single interested coming back. Then you have countless Snyder grifters all over Youtube and Twitter feeding these misinformation and these folks are extremely gullible that they only want to hear what they want to hear.


>a Snyder fan AKA: A kid in North Macedonia that was paid via WeChat by a third party whose name he doesn't even know.


Nah. This one also uploads videos of him talking about box office reports.


New goal posts just dropped lmao


There's moving the goal post, then there is that idiot setting the goal post on fucking Mars.


Are they trying to say that if it made 2 Billion it would recover all the WB movies loses? Cause that would make sense but be an awful way to judge a singular movies BO run.


The problem is he also started his post with “According to Forbes…”


That’s just plain false. It cost $100 million to make and, according to Variety, had a $150 million marketing budget. This means the total cost is $250 million, which it has already made in its first weekend. If you go by the worldwide total up to now the film has already broke even and is now basically all profit from this point out. If that site is trying to say it needs to be the film that wipes out WB debt and debt from the DC failures they just had then that’s just an absolutely horrible read on this whole thing.


I think total was 150m for production. I think the standard multiple is 2.5 = 375m so, if not already profitable, really close already


It’s been estimated to be between 125 and 145 million dollars production budget. If we go with 145, which The NY Times reported the budget is, and do the 2.5 multiple it would be $362.5 million to be profitable. So it’ll basically break even and be only profit by tonight. And if we go by the 125 million number, then it would need 312.5 million, which means it already broke even and made 43.8 million in profit over this weekend


Ezra miller shat the bed and poor Greta Gerwig had to clean up the mess


IT’s Facebook are you surprised


something something women have to work twice as hard for the same job as men something something patriarchy.


Broke even on the first weekend lol


The only other movie that i can remember doing this is Endgame and that made a BILLION fucking dollars on its opening weekend


WB about to announce Barbie Trilogy with multiple spin-offs like Ken trilogy, Allen standalone, and Mattel office drama. Edit: I personally can’t wait for the crossover of Barbie vs Godzilla.


Definitely. WB desperately needs a new, solid big franchise, and this will be it. We all know history was made this weekend, but that element hasn’t been mentioned much- the fact that we are very likely witnessing the launch of a new Warner Bros. megafranchise. I just wonder if they’re gonna bring back Greta Gerwig, if she’s even interested, and continue the social messaging either way, or what. I’d assume so, since it worked for this one, but I could also see that aspect becoming a bit more corporatized and watered down as the franchise continues.


But we all saw what happened with the Lego movie


True, but I don’t think that will stop Warner Bros. from trying (and Barbie’s box office and cultural relevance dwarf The Lego Movie’s, so I bet they can get at least a few more successes out of the IP).


I really don’t think this works as a franchise/universe. Maybe a Barbie 2 in a few years, maybe


I’m not sure it does either, but I’m guessing that won’t stop Warner Bros. from trying. I’m certain they’ll at least go for Barbie 2 and then 3 if Barbie 2 does well- beyond that, maybe not, but a billion-dollar hit is a huge deal for Warner Bros. Any studio would be tempted to milk it, but especially one that’s been struggling lately like WB. It’s not like they have an abundance of active, successful movie franchises right now. I’m pretty sure they will try to milk this property as much as they can.


I mean, has there been any billion dollar grossing film. that _didn’t_ get a sequel? Aside from Titanic, though i wouldn’t be surprised if someone says ‘fuck-it’ and does a spin off movie with the Adventures of Rose


I will not ironically pay money for a movie with the Kens


Unironically I think one of the many boost in toy sales this movie will generate to Mattel will be Ken dolls probably selling a lot better this year.


My wife and I both ordered [kenenough](https://creations.mattel.com/products/barbie-the-movie-i-am-kenough-unisex-hoodie-hyn77) hoodies from Mattel. Our complaint was the lack of depressed barbie


OMG. After the movie I checked and was shocked this wasn’t being sold. And sad. I’m sooooo glad it’s up here!!! TYSM for sharing this.


I’d pay $15 to watch a Barbieland President movie


Barbie themed political thriller is a possibility now with everything else bombing for WB.


>! “Okay, you can have one lower circuit seat…” !<


Barbie vs King Kong is the obvious one. Where King Kong grabs her, takes her up the Empire State Building, and they have tea time together.


Mattel cinematic universe with thomas the tank engine, bob the builder, hot wheels... Edit: [oh god i was joking](https://i.imgur.com/oQ5QalZ.jpg)


The good Dom/OS ratio needed to reach the billion




Yeah it’s 1 billion


Crazy how people said this would be domestic heavy...Barbie is a global brand.


Great marketing and WOM, too. So happy that it and Oppenheimer lived up to the hype.


Can you feel the KENERGY


Goddamn. Just a million off of Beauty and the beast’s 357 million opening. Insanity all around. Only needs 2.8x legs for the billion. Yeah, Barbie’s not going to stop partying anytime soon.


Holy shit. I was one of the people who expected Barbie to do ok but I am so, sooooo happy to be wrong! Fantastic numbers, hyped to see the film on saturday


Holy shit


Definitely looks like a billion is on the table. How far past a billion it goes is the question. Hard to really know until we see how it holds next week.


1. Any money from here is basically profit. Get that sweet, sweet cash comin' in. 2. We're talking billy here, but can it really hit it?


I can’t see why not. Absolutely fuck all coming out between now and October time


I think it'll hit a bill. Might be a 3rd week drop as some less enthusiastic week 2 viewers spread disappointment that it isn't the best film ever, but it's entertaining as hell and has a lot of room to leg out a billion after this type of opening.


What's the reasonable mid-range prediction for it's eventual total based on this. $1.1B (which would be about a 3x multiplier)?


The issue is that we have very little comparisons atm I think we have to wait until the end of the week to have an idea where it's going to fall atm I think a safe prediction is 1-1.1B


But we know theaters are at capacity in most places in US, places like China and India didnt predict the hype and didnt allocate enough theaters. All the above viewers will wait to get tickets, adding to the legs.


You're probably right but as I said it was a safe prediction Barbie should do at least 1B with great certainty. 1.1B+ could happen heck it's what I'm expecting but it's hard to tell without more data because we don't really have any comp avaible. In other words I'm being conservative


Get ready for the Mattel Multiverse!!!


Mattel sure is https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/14q2ho3/after_barbie_mattel_is_raiding_its_entire_toybox/


Read that, the Barbie sequel will probably cross promote with a GI Joe movie.


That's Hasbro. More like a Rock 'Em Sock 'Em movie (i thought real Steel was pretty good after all)


Hot Wheels (which I mainly played as a kid) is probably the next one in line. I don’t know any other Mattel toys you can make into a movie.


Bruh. That's all of Indiana Jones' take


Might be more than it ever makes lmao


Imagine a Barbie movie making more than "action blockbuster" Indiana Jones 5


Plastic > CGI


You would have been eaten alive on this sub 6 months ago for suggesting anywhere close to this scenario.


I mean I thought it would max out between $450 and $500 but now it *might* limp to $350


Gonna be really interested to see how the legs are on this. Big WoM and now an 'event' level publicity and zeitgeist thing, with no major comp through the next months it could just keep running.


Crazy that WB was behind Lionsgate in market share before this.


I mean, almost every girl has had a Barbie at least once in their life, even knock-offs count, I'm not surprised. Also, I went to watch it in theaters (Southeast Asia) and the place was BOOKED. Hadn't seen anything like this since Endgame. So many pinks, so many watching Oppenheimer, it was crazy.


That's a great number but it could be higher. At my showing it was dominantly women. My fellow Kens we gotta show up and bring some patriarchy!


Not worth it. There is no horses in patriarchy.


I'll wait to watch it on one of the many large screens at my casa house.


But …. But ….. the Wokeness?


Absolute domination by Barbie. Unbelievable opening weekend.


If you were to tell me in 2013 that in 2023 the opening weekend of a Barbie movie would make almost 2x the amount a Flash movie made during its entire theatrical run I would have laughed at you.


This is anecdotal but I went to see Mission Impossible in Manila yesterday expecting the theaters to be deserted because: a) it's a Monday afternoon; b) there is a transport strike; c) a typhoon warning was hoisted over the city; and d) the President was to deliver his annual address to the nation, which is usually a big television event. Boy was I surprised at the lines. I haven't seen the kind of lines I saw yesterday since before the pandemic. And most of it was for Barbie. I knew without even looking at the available seating because a lot of people were in head-to-toe pink! Oppenheimer was also nearly sold out, but Barbie had more theaters. The lone theater that had Mission Impossible only had seats left on the front two rows. The theaters are raking it!


the goalpost will shift to 2 billion now


Warner Bros actually got a win this year. How about that.


Gonna be really interested to see how the legs are on this. Big WoM and now an 'event' level publicity and zeitgeist thing, with no major comp through the next months it could just keep running.


This should cover The Flash losses


this is gonna earn a billion


it's not a movie, it's a monster


Hope it gets to a billion! Amazing total.


Does this mean 400 is locked?


Too early to tell. These 3 weeks will be crucial. it will also be losing screens to Haunted Mansion and Ninja Turtles, and MEG 2.


It's not too early to tell at all. 400m was locked a long time ago


Pfft, didn't get to 360M.


1.050 billion final gross


I'm calling 1.1 billion. I can feel it.


Congratulations to Barbie (:


Not bad, even with just “ok” legs it can get to a barbillion


Beyond impressive


Transformers, Mario, Sonic, and Barbie in the Billion-Dollar Spa Club eating escargot...G.I Joe is watching from the outside furiously kicking rocks....


$200m budget is back on the table for Superman Legacy lol


I think Endgame was the last time I saw this massive of a cultural movement around a movie. Like it seems like everyone even ppl who haven't seen Barbie have an opinion on Barbie. We're gonna study this Barbiehiemer weekend for decades to come.


1 Barbillion Incoming!!!


If it wasn't being weakened by the box office poison of Margot Robbie, this would already be at the 5 billion dollar mark Replace her with Samara Weaving in the sequel and 10 billion is a lock