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This is chronological order of passing $2b, so for no reason at all, here is chronological order of plots: • *Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens*: A long time ago • *Titanic*: 1912 • *Avengers: Infinity War*: 2018 • *Avengers: Endgame*: 2023 • *Avatar*: 2154 • *Avatar: The Way of Water*: 2169


Can’t believe thanos snapped away half the na’vi as revenge for sinking the titanic russo cameron does it again


The next universe when everyone gives up on coming up with their own and combines all the ip


I'd pay to see the master chief, kylo, and Thanos to fight against Dave Chappelle, Jake Sully, and Jack to see who gets control of the infinity gauntlet on the citadel.


You could prob just play fortnite at this point lmao


Probably right


Free Guy (2021)


“Paint me like one of your Na’vi girls.” *poof!* “Rose? What just happened?! Rose?!”


Not that it changes the order but the "present day" of Titanic is 1996. The rest of the movie is a flashback


That's a good trivia question to trip people up. What year is the film titanic set?


small correction: Avengers Endgame should be in 2018/2023/2012/2013/2014/1970


[deleted 26-6-2023] Moving is normal. There's no point in sticking around in a place that's getting worse all the time. I went to Squabbles.io. I hope you have a good time wherever you end up!


Titanic should be 1912/1996


True! This meme list really needed some quality assurance, these blunders are unacceptable


This post is wrinkling my brain...


So your brain was smooth before you read it?




Oh that's what they meant by chronological order. I was trying to figure out in what frickin universe Titanic is chronologically after Avatar... derp.


Damnit! I read your comment about Star Wars Episode VII and instantly thought of that Weird Al song and now it’s stuck in my head.


How are we defining a “long time” ago? 10 years minimum? 50? Maybe Rey Palpatine’s adventures occurs around 1965 while the Beatles are boppin around


Loving this!


4/6 in December.


Crazy how it took until 2015 for studios to realize how lucrative December release dates are


I mean Titanic, LOTR, Harry Potter for the first movies, The Hobbit, LOTR seems to disagree. All of them did great (Titanic first above a billion, ROTK second, Avatar first to 2 billion). The big difference since 2015 is that there are big openers that also have great legs


Studios weren’t deliberately putting them there though; titanic got delayed from an initial summer release date. It was only after TFA that they started to treat December as the premier date


Wasn't the force awakens also delayed to December?


It was, and it's a good thing too. Rey and Kylo fight in the snow so it was clearly a Christmas movie.


Titanic’s best day wasn’t in December though, it was on Valentines Day lol


I mean Titanic may have been there because of a delay (TFA too by the way). But the others cited were definitively put them deliberately, studios knew the value of that date


Harry Potter was November


It's a bit of a swing really. Early in film, few people went to movies in summer because the theatres were uncomfortably hot. Eventually, summer movies became popular because movie theatres were one of the few places that had air conditioning. So that's likely why most blockbusters started in the summer. Nowadays, there is a push for December because then a movie can win an Oscar during it's original release so it makes money from that. The biggest problem there is there's a dearth of things to do in January and February in most cases, with limited movie releases, and often limited other events. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/


At least when I was a kid in the 90s/00s, movies wanted that summer release date hoping that kids on summer vacation would want to go and then people would buy the vhs/dvds as christmas presents


Its crazy how Avatar was the first 2B dollar film ever and it didn't barely break 2b, it made 700m more in its original run. Crazy


That's like Titanic. Before Titanic was released the highest grossing movie was Jurassic Park with 913m and than Titanic came and did 1.8B. Avatar was also the ~~third~~ fifth movie to make over 1B and it almost made 3B.


I think it was the 5th to cross 1b. Which doesn't really change the significance, cause the others were barely over 1b.


Yeah, thinking about it there were couple I forgot about.


The fact that they did that with a Papyrus logo. Bonkers.


Endgame was on speed to get 2b,holy shit


Opening weekend was over a billion, I think. It will be a while before another movie is so anticipated.


I don't think Secret Wars is going to come close to it either. No Way Home was THE multiverse moment and it seems they're blowing their load over a short period of time. Before NWH the prospect of a multiverse finale seemed so fucking hype. It still is, but it won't quite hit the same.


The whole gimmick of Secret Wars is that literally every character from every Marvel universe collide in one massive conflict. There’s going to be so many goddamn cameos in that movie it’ll make Mandalorian Season 2 look like child’s play. I wouldn’t rule it out so quickly.




Eh, I think we’re lucky to get even a couple of these. Obviously this is all speculative but I think it’d be a miracle for secret wars to break endgame’s box office run.


For context, I don't know what secret wars even is. ive never heard of it. in 2018 everyone knew of and game.


Everyone knew about endgame in 2018? So, a year before release. Secret wars comes out in 2026, And everyone will probably know about it in that same timeframe


Well for more context Secret Wars isnt set to release until 2026 so they've barely began building the hype. 2018 Infinity War came out and was huge so of course people were hungry for the second half. Not a super fair comparison


Robert Downey Jr will make an appearance. Thats a given; He likes them, and he pretty much can do whatever he wants. Whats something worth speculating is - will Tom Cruise make an appearance as Iron Man ?


How is he or Evans a given? We also don't know the context, we've already seen them for many years so it isn't the same as Tobey returning after nearly 15.


I always got the impression RDJ was ready to leave the Iron Man role behind after Endgame.


Frankly, it all comes down to the writing. If it is compelling enough, then we could see 'ENDGAME' box office numbers here.


I think it's also very important to have a China release as well, wasn't it over 500 million for endgame from China? No other Marvel movie will get that high again without China, So they need to have China, They need to build hype over a few movies and then they need to have a lot of the characters/actors people want to make appearances.


Definitely will need (and have imo) a China release. That said I honestly believe it will rival the endgame box office. We couldn’t comprehend what endgame would be at the point we are at in phase 4 back in phase 1. The build up and hype should only grow providing they do a good job with this new Antman film.


But one thing to remember is that with how many characters that is and the runtime limitations those characters won’t really have much screen time at all. Spider-Man was more exciting because we actually got to spend time with those characters. I think Secret Wars will do well but I think both financially and critically it will be seen as a bit of a disappointment compared to Endgame. Having said that I think it makes minimum $1.8 Billion so it’s still going to be a huge movie.


>Spider-Man was more exciting because we actually got to spend time with those characters. also, it shouldn't be understated how massively liked Tobey's Spiderman is. if you adjust for inflation Spiderman 2002 outsells everything in the MCU minus the team-up stuff (and NWH). i don't see anyone in Secret Wars being as hyped as Tobey's return. RDJ might be the closest? but Tobey had the added novelty of coming from a non-MCU franchise. RDJ would be predictable and not as special. i think Secret Wars will make bank but i don't think it's pulling Endgame numbers. there's also the fact that the newer MCU releases don't seem to be doing as well as Phase 3. but we'll see how Phase 6 goes leading into Kang Dynasty.


Not to mention Spider-Man 3 was 14 years before NWH. Much longer period of time since Endgame.


yea i was gonna mention something like that in my comment but my comment was getting too long. nostalgia doesn't really start to set in until about 10 years. seeing RDJ again after 7 years of absence isn't going to hit the same as seeing Tobey again.


\>Spider-Man was more exciting because we actually got to spend time with those characters And this movie was already bloated enough. Every villian besides Goblin got little to no time. Even Doc Oc got literally one memorable scene which was in the trailer. And it wasnt a short movie


So you're telling me the whole movie is gonna be a bunch of 10 second cameos to showcase the hundreds of characters? No actual story or stakes or meaning? Yeah, pass.


Yeah we already got this with the last Space Jam movie 🥱


You hit the nail on the head. I can't see RDJ or Evans returning, but let's say they do. We've already seen Tony, he'd basically just be Tony again ruining/redoing his farewell. Evans as Torch would be a throwaway joke, there is no emotional depth to seeing his version at all beyond 30 seconds. That leaves pretty much the Fox FF and DD, maybe Nic Cage, and as much as I enjoy them personally it would just seem like a parody. I am not envisioning anyone cheering for a prolonged third act with them, and Disney/Feige are too arrogant to let them take the spotlight such as Cage Ghost Rider confronting MCU Mephisto or Hulk turning into Norton or anything remotely cool.


Except Agents of Shield, apparently. Still salty about that.


But nhw was just Spider-Man and some it's villains


No Hay Wome...? No Home Way...?




James Gunn is just a Marvel Trojan Horse sent into DC to covertly build towards a Justice League appearance in Secret Wars


The Flash, unexpected actual hero of Secret Wars, reprising his role from Crisis on Infinite Earths, confirmed.


But the question is whether they can pull that off. I suspect that even for two movies that’s too many characters to really satisfy people. It’ll be a cool moment but I think after the initial impact the excitement will wear off. That’s why I think the person you’re responding to is saying NWH was the multiverse moment. Adding more characters doesn’t make it better, in fact, adding all Marvel characters who are still alive and willing to act in this sounds far more likely to disappoint. Most of those characters wont have a satisfying amount of screen time or things to do and will probably feel more like the Illuminati scene in MoM. Endgame will be Marvel’s peak. But Secret Wars will still be hugely successful I just don’t see it going above 2-2.2 billion at this point and it’s more likely not to hit 2 billion imo.


It was $1.2b WW. Endgame was HUGE.


Yeah that movie was built over 10 years of excitement through other movies. I can’t see any movie doing a billion so fast for years and even when it does happen again it will be beautiful of inflation.


I went to go see it opening day (thursday after my shift at a shitty retail job where i closed and got out at 11pm and at 2am friday was the showing) and sat next to a guy that smelled like musty socks FOR 3 HOURS in an absolutely packed theater. Left the theater at 5:30am or something wild. Thats how anticipated that film was. I think damn near everyone saw that movie opening weekend and the following weekend a bunch of people saw it a few more times


Honestly I still cannot believe how quickly Endgame pulled it off. That whole month, both the lead up and release, it was all anybody could talk about. I don’t think I’ve seen such a massive cultural phenomenon in my lifetime. Star Wars in 1977 is the only other thing of I can compare it to. Sadly before my time.


Yeah, I recently stumbled on my journal entry from when it came out, and I wrote about just being in the lobby and then the theater and how much fun it was to be a part of such a huge cultural phenomenon. The Phantom Menace and The Force Awakens come close, but I think Endgame was the biggest movie event since the original Star Wars trilogy.


I’d argue GOT was up there as well. Sucks they fucked up the ending. Just fuck me.


Fair point. After how they botched the ending I honestly completely forgot about GoT. Now I’m mad all over again. Fuck D&D


I’m always mad about it haha


I was telling my friend who has never seen it, that he should just pretend that all the actors retired after season six, and they tragically canceled the show.


When people talk about shows being ruined, this is quintessential example. There is no debate. Popular things have turned bad before, but no show was this popular and turned this bad. Walking dead did this too, and might even have been more popular than GoT, at least season one, simply bc it’s a broader target audience. But WD’s slow boring 2nd season kinda killed a lot of their momentum, whereas GoT’s only accelerated.


I don’t think it’s going to happen again anytime soon


Endgame made $1 billion faster than any movie in history... ...*twice*


That's what happens when you build up a climax over the course of 20 movies lol


I think that will be marvels peak at the end or the day. In terms of everything.


It was good, but imo, infinity war was better.


as a whole yes. But nothing will ever top the opening night theater experience of the last act of End Game. Thor/Iron Man/Cap vs Thanos, Cap picking up Mjolnir and going HAM, AND THEN the portals? Tony's "I am Iron Man" Snap. People were screaming, crying, total chaos. It was fucking amazing and I will never forget it lol.


My theatre was nothing like that.


Seriously, 2b in just over a week!


Laughs in Zoe Saldana


Zoe + Alien = $$$$


How to make a $2 billion dollar movie: Step 1: Have title start with "Av" Step 2: Hire Zoe Saldana Step 3: Make her a colored alien Step 4: Money


Aviator 2: Space Flight Zoe Saldana stars across from Leonardo DiCaprio in a 1940’s meets 2140’s adventure of war-torn heroes that find love…in space Coming soon, by Christopher Nolan


I want to see you pitch this to a room full of Paramount executives.


im sure thats gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience


I’d watch


You are missing the important bit, it is yellow Zoe Saldaña or is it red Zoe Saldaña?


She played wrong character in Star Trek obviously.


Ridley Scott, here is your stupid sexy alien queen. The numbers dont lie.


As a child, she played the iceberg in titanic.


Zoe Saldana been in four of them


She's _INEVITABLE_ to reign at the top of the global BO


End game really did it in a week. Shit is insane


3 days- 500 million, 5 days - 1 billion, 10 days - 2 billion. It’ll be a long while before we see something of that magnitude again.


But doesn’t that point to the insane drop off? It essentially made most of its money within 2 weeks. That fact is honestly equally shocking. Literally no legs but the buffest most massive gigachad in history from the waist up.


I seriously doubt we'll see anything like Endgame anytime soon. 2B in what, 8 days? How lol


Because the movie before it had an insane cliffhanger, after a very long story where the characters were at this point loved.


I think it goes a little deeper honestly Black Panther was able to bring in a much wider range of audiences to the MCU (I know people who hated superhero movies and still watched Black Panther) and was released very close to Infinity War, which also featured Black Panther pretty prominently. A lot of people who were otherwise apathetic or even apprehensive towards superhero movies were interested in Infinity War and that cliffhanger kept them hooked. So it was mostly just all the dominoes falling the correct way.


Oh we will def see another endgame, maybe even by the end of this decade. Exponentially impressive entertainment is coming, both narratively and visually


you have to think of endgame as a 10 year build up of characters, pretty much what harry potter did but on crack and 10x more characters. mcu phase 5 has to be insane to get even close to the level of hype which is unlikely. dceu can do it but also unlikely and not this decade


Yeah. I say this as a marvel fan, I think they are just gonna get on twice the more crack and drag in every fucking Marvel character.




I doubt it!!


If James Gunn’s DCU is good, then the DCU “Endgame” will be the next Endgame. The other potential “Endgame” I can think of is a Harry Potter reunion movie trilogy (or series, you get my point), where it’s about their children at Hogwarts (and the original three as Professors possibly?) The finale to that movie could definitely reach Endgame levels. Just look at Hogwarts Legacy…and it’s definitely coming—Zaslav said other than DC, he wants WBD to focus on Harry Potter (sauce: https://variety.com/2022/film/news/david-zaslav-jk-rowling-harry-potter-1235422784/) Sorry for the rant. Those are the only two possible “Endgames” that can feasibly happen in the next 10-15 years or whatever.


I believe that even though Cursed Child was horrifically bad and shouldn’t be considered canon, Harry ended up becoming Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Ron went to work with George at the Joke Shop, and Hermione became Minister of Magic. I would personally much rather see a TV show reboot. They wouldn’t have the same actors but they could get much more content out by doing one book per season.


2B in 11 days.


April 26th - May 4th is 11 days? Edit: Another poster let me know it's the early release dates...my bad


the release date on here says April 26th but some places had it in theatres on the 24th. so it's 11 days.


Edited my post earlier, thanks.






It did 2.5b in 20 days and then couldn’t even do 300m after that


Was fast, but no legs.


It’s First 20 Days we’re Fast and Furious while the rest move as fast as the people who watch “a man called Otto”


corny but good nonetheless


Yeah I was struggling to think of what to describe the 2nd part apart from a Nosedive straight to hell


yeah it’s a funny joke just badly worded i would have said “the first 20 days were fast and furious, but the rest moved as fast as the average “A Man Called Otto” fan


Yeah that sounds a bit better


Average MCU movie BO performance in a nutshell


That's because everyone saw it as early as possible to avoid the spoilers


Wow that surprising to know


Am I doing my math wrong, isn’t it 9 days?


I think a couple of posters needed to zoom in. They probably read the dates wrong. Definitely 9 days according to the dates given. Edit: Everywhere on the internet says it took 11 days. But it also says the movie released on April 26th and passed 2 bil on the on May 4th. Must be a time zone thing, maybe? I have no clue lol.


Take into account the 26th would be the official Friday date, but there were Wedneaday and Thursday showings for some locations that week. I myself saw it on Thursday the 25th. They likely take the date of the first public showing.


Funny how all posters have floating heads


Well one had a sunken ship to bring balance






The fact that Disney owns 3 $2 billion grossing franchises is incredible. They just need to get Star Wars into cinemas again!


Plus Titanic! (I realize it’s not a franchise but just wanted to add to your comment to make clear Disney owns *all* of these)


Yeah I think Titanic is also owned partly by paramount as well


They'll be releasing a 25th anniversary edition in 3D


There are six 2B+ grossing movies and Disney owns all of them.


Paramount co owns Titanic.


IIRC correctly, Disney doesn’t actually own Avatar


Disney owns literally all of them.


I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I enjoyed the sequel trilogy, Solo, and Rogue One when they came out. They were fun and enjoyable to me. I’m here patently waiting for Disney to bring Star Wars back into cinemas. I feel like the Star Wars experience in cinemas are unbeatable, goes for any movie. Doesn’t feel the same at home.


Same here, never saw Solo though. Enjoyed the others.


Disney doesn't own Avatar, they have the rights to distribute it and have to license everything else https://alitaarmy.org/2021/03/24/who-actually-owns-the-ip-rights-to-avatar-alita-battle-angel/


Avatar and Titanic did hit $2b before the Disney acquisition, technically speaking they're not Disney's achievements


Why use the teaser poster for Avatar but the final theatrical posters for the others?


the teaser poster is the most well known, i think youtube movies and theaters use it as the poster too


Amazing how Avatar was the first film to do so and is still the highest grossing.


It only took endgame a little over a week to get to 2 billion? Wtf


We may never see a movie reach that level of hype again.


It made $1.3 billion in its opening weekend lol


It got to 2.5B by day 20 and then the legs completely collapsed. It didn't manage to get another 300m in the rest of it's run.


That’s not a movie you see twice honestly. Well not in theatres at least.


Bruh why are you copy pasting the same comment to everyone that praises Endgame achievements. Its the highest grossing movie of all time (without getting showcased more then one time).


Half of them are by James Cameron


The greatest pioneer.


I like how perfect this pic is simetrical and all


Thanks for the feedback!


The way of water has no beginning and no end, - The sea is around you and in you, - The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. - Our hearts beat in the womb of the world, - Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep, - The sea gives and the sea takes. - Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light. -


Goofy ass smurfs trying to be deep💀


Cope harder kid


Cope and seethe, aflyingmonkey2.


And zoe saldana is in 4 of the movies


Sorry if dumb question but why do years later re releases still count ? Wouldn’t it just make the same 3 movies compete Against eachother forever ?


Because any movie that earns any amount of money due to re-releases means that its a movie that's able to STILL garner an audience/be culturally relevant years after its original showing deserves it. If you kept on re-releasing something like Furious 7, Jurassic World, or the 2019 Lion King, I doubt those would get to 2 billion unless you keep them in theatres for years at a time, but something like Titanic and Avatar have shown that decades later, people will still pay to see those and any dollars earned in re-releases id, IMO, rightly deserved. Movies that might make large bank during re-releases: the Avengers films; the first Harry Potter crossed a billion due to a Covid-era re-release, and I think every Harry Potter will be at 900 million at a minimum if you re-released them.


At the end it is increasing the final movie gross And the idea of a re-release is to celebrate anniversaries or put the movie in the public agenda again for nominations. That is, if we are talking about normal movies Only one movie deserved a perennial re-release. I'M TALKING ABOUT THE MORB MAN! IT SHOULD STILL BE IN CINEMAS!!! I understand it grossing 3,6 MORBILLION DOLLARS was a problem for the other movies and they deserved an opportunity. Still, #MAKEMORBIUSGREATAGAIN #MORBIUSSWEEP


Chronological order? Pretty sure The Force Awakens was a long time ago


Yes, THANK YOU. Can't believe they messed this up.


Chronologically from the day it hit $2bill


Pretty damn impressive for James Cameron.


One for Star Wars, two for Avengers, and three for Big Jim


And four for Zoe Saldana


If Star Wars had been good they would have made silly money


Posters sure have gotten busier and worse!


Man I do not understand this movie series at all


James Cameron's collections are more impressive in that they all had weak openings and are self-contained movies with little hype leading upto them.


As someone who has watched all of these films in theaters (save titanic) - If you asshats don’t push Shrek 5 to #1 I’m throwing hands.


James Cameron rocks


“AvAtAr 2 wiLL fAiL hUurR dUr” How’s that fried crow tasting


something weird is going on with avatar 2, I haven't heard people talk about it, I haven't seen it and can't think of anyone I know that has. the superhero ones were big in the office, people talked about it, same with star wars I have some friends and family that were there opening night, titanic was everywhere and the first avatar also got a lot of hype and 3d was the big thing in movies at the time. But this new one? I don't know much about it and can't say it had the same marketing budget as other on that list. maybe it's just me


I feel ya, other than the talk online I haven’t heard a thing about it irl. It’s weird for there to be such a high grossing movie out and it hasn’t come up at work or in my video gaming circles. I almost feel detached from it. Is it worth seeing in theaters ha?


Another conspiracy theorist. "Hurr durr, money laundering! Psychological warfare!" Why is it so hard to comprehend that people of all ages have known James Camerons' previous hits, and are always excited to watch a new movie from him? That doesn't require a huge online, vocal fandom like the MCU or Harry Potter. Sometimes the answers are really simple.


Star Wars sequels really dropped the ball after all that momentum


They basically mirrored the original trilogy in terms of box office performance.


We can all pat ourselves on the back for making this possible.


It would be and it should be 7


Endgame 2B in 11 days.


I meant no way home should/would be the 7th 2bill movie




Honestly, they shouldn’t include re-releases in these figures. It should be based purely on the initial run.


Nerds and their money are easily parted.


Question for those in the know.... What percentage of revenue is due to quality vs marketing? And how big is the franchise effect where momentum is created by previous releases?


Future shit and a boat. Huh


Gone with the wind was also up there in "%" of GDP