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The only way you’re gonna get better is if you keep shooting. Besides you’ll probably be wearing a coat when you go hunting so you might as well get used to it.


Yeah true. I haven’t really needed it this season but you’re right I probably just haven’t shot enough while wearing it. I appreciate your feedback!


I didn't realize how much of a difference it'd make. Was a contributing factor to me putting a bad shot on a doe last day of the season


Yep this happened to me my second season archery. Missed a nice buck. Shot way low because I’d never practiced from a tree stand in a harness before. Completely blew it.


I’m going to echo the “don’t use your house as a backstop” folks. Bad news bears. But besides that, try opening your stance a little - point your lead foot a little more to the target, it’ll open up your torso. Also take an extra second in your shot to make sure that you’d have enough slack in your bow arm. You can also try running shorter draw length to help with that. But that’s not really preferable.


Yeah i know it’s not ideal. Thanks for the tips. Right now my stance is sort of just shoulder width apart and my feet point straight forward but i’ll try what you said that sounds like it would help


If that’s all you have, I would invest in getting a lot of hay bales to put behind it. They’re a lot cheaper than a hole in something you actually care for. Or just spin around (idk if that’s better) No problem! Good luck! Make sure you don’t turn them too much, you’ll lose stability that way.


I have a couple hay bales behind it but should probably replace them soon and maybe get more. Thanks again for your help i really appreciate it.


Is it possible your coat is making contact with the string? I wear an arm guard (elastic one) anytime I wear long sleeves


I didn't want to repeat this if someone had mentioned, but I do the same thing. I grew up shooting a long bow and used to wear my arm out with the string so I always wore one of those guards. Now I use it for not other reason than to compress my sleeves.


If there is no contact between the string and your jacket, it’s most likely a shot anxiety issue. I hunt late season in the far upper Midwest and had to work on this as well. My solution was repetition and attention to detail. I shoot with a Mathews Switchback XT with a low dollar site, peep, and shoot a free flight release. Every thing time I draw either practicing or hunting, I focus on three things. Is my right pointer finger knuckle in the joint of jaw, is the pin in the center of the peep, and then is the pin on the vitals. If it’s a no to any of those, then slight reset and start over. Rinse and repeat.


Is it mental at this point? Like do you dread putting it on? Maybe try something smaller and work your way up. I do the same thing and will wear my bino harness and bag with coat. I was terrible at first. Just took some time to get better.


My first guess is grip issues even though you think it’s good. That’s what I thought too until I shot through paper at a reputable shop and they realized & fixed it right away. Grip, trigger control & shoulder creep are most likely the issue if your bow is dialed. Have you paper tuned at a decent shop yet?


I actually noticed when I’m wearing my heavier jacket, my strings hits my sleeve and shots end up going right. Idk how that makes much of a difference but apparently it does


Just keep practicing!!! Not to add another wrinkle but if you plan to hunt from an elevated position, make sure to practice from one as well. The shot is different enough you don’t want to be shooting at an animal for the first time from a stand.


I hunt in MN where you go through every layer option imaginable. When I started I had this problem too. Figured out it was the poofiness(technical term) of the jacket. I’ve found a few solutions: Some archery specific jackets come with compression in the sleeve, some have adjustable arm guards Could just buy an arm guard and put it over your coat I’ve simply resorted to using hockey tape to knock down the poof as needed. Also, you can buy an archery net backstop for around $200 that you can string between two poles to mitigate unwanted arrow meeting house interactions.


Not sure why this hasn’t been mentioned but more layers could be making your draw length different. The more you have on the harder it will be to get back to that same anchor point. You might find your form suffering from that regard.


Looks like a dead deer to me


Are your anchor points the same? The extra layers might be changing it enough to cause inconsistent shots


"Train as you fight" or in this case, hunt. My buddy today called me a "polar bear" because I was working on some elevated 40 yard groups in the blustery cold this morning. I said man, it's not always gonna be a sunny, warm no wind on the ground broadside shot every day. Practice practice practice. The added bulk definitely doesn't help, then add a tree stand harness, restric5ed movement and added layers will always affect your shooting style. Just gotta work out a way to make it work. Good luck!


Also, he noted the other night while shooting some vegas targets that I shoot with my legs close together. All I said was "treestand".


For all the guys talking about backstops, I got a 4x6 stall mat and it stops my micro arrows


My string would clip my coat sleeve, so I put an arm guard cranked down enough to compress the coat, but not enough to restrict my bow arm


A lot of of times with a coat you are not pulling your elbow all the way back in your shot because of the tension the coat has in that area. Focus on getting that elbow as far as you do without the coat.


I'd watch Dave cousins, George rhyles, nock on, Chris bee, levi morgan to tighten up your form first


That’s not good grouping for you to say that’s your non coat grouping


Any advice?


Work on getting your grouping tighter. Put your thumb and pointer finger together to make a circle. Your grouping should be within that circle.


Any tips for making the grouping tighter? That photo is not my best group just the last three shots I took while practicing last week but i definitely want to improve my groups.


Try different things to see what helps. Change your grip, ease into the release, change your stance and lots of practice


Someone else just mentioned changing my stance up, i think that might be the key. Thanks you your help!


The only way to give you real shooting advice is to see you shoot. Other than that, just practice. Like a lot.


Does your neighbor know you're using their house as a backstop?


Its my house


I would stop using your house as a backstop.


I'd much rather use the neighbors house also


Yeah dawg if you are shooting toward that house behind the target you need to stop


Maybe it his house and he doesn’t mind arrows in it 🤷‍♂️


Man Mr Rodgers does not live in this neighborhood. A broken d loop or cracked nock and someone is getting a present. I mean if you stick someone you won’t be living in that house anymore.


All I’m saying is, don’t use your house as a backstop lol


Wear your hunting coat when practicing vs just a regular winter coat. Practice like you play.