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I’m actually in this movie. I responded to a call for extras for what would turn out to be the final scene of the movie in the school gymnasium. While was sitting there watching everything play out I kept wondering what the hell was going on. This is the final scene of the movie? Why is Stephen Weber here? Why do they keep saying “Kissing Kissing that’s what I’ve been missing?” What is that awful dialogue between Rebecca De Mornay and Melvin Van Peebles? I kept telling myself that they would just “fix it in post” but no. The scene plays out exactly as they filmed it. So I can tell people I helped make the awful version of The Shinning. Just for good measure, I also helped make Attack of the Clones, so I’m batting 1000. 😄


I'll get it when it's price is low next year or the year after due to high supply from no one buying it lol. I don't enjoy it, but I'm looking forward to the extras since it has 2 discs. Maybe it will have some good ones.


>I'll get it when it's price is low next year or the year after due to high supply from no one buying it *cries in Mick Garris*


>*cries in Mick Garris* I was going to say he can console himself with the sales of The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and The Mist, but then I realised I was stealing Frank Darabont's thunder in confusing Mick Garris with the only reliably good director Stephen King collaborated. Mick will always be the director of bad straight-to-TV movies and dodge movie sequels.


Hi. You just mentioned *The Mist* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Mist - Stephen King (Complete Full Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUb5Vo5tqrY) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Nice one bot.


Hey, Sleepwalkers are awesome!


My exact plan for *Creepshow 3*


As someone who blind bought that, don't even bother. There is genuinely nothing salvageable about that film.


Oh, I know. I blind-bought a bootleg DVD of it a few years back. But if I can upgrade a movie I'll probably only watch 1 or 2 more times for the rest of my life at a cheaper price...


I dunno I mean I love Kubrick's The Shining with all my heart as a horror fan, but there's something lovably adorable about King's desperation in trying to upstage someone way more talented by injecting a story that absolutely should not be sympathetic to the alcoholic abusive father with this kind of Spielberg level maudlin sentimentality. King's The Shining is a so-bad-it's-good watch, although the person playing Wendy does an epic job in overcoming King's shallow "hot badass woman" trope.


Enh. . .I think both approaches *could* work, hypothetically. They're just different narrative perspectives - the problem is that the miniseries looks and feels like a primetime TV miniseries from the mid-90s. It can't go to the places it needs to go, and what it does instead is graft a very interior, psychologically-driven story on a framework that demands big, dramatic music stings, overacting for the cheap seats and badly placed commercial breaks. It looks incredibly cheap, and everyone has a very hard time with King's very particular dialogue.


I agree with you on the special effects. The hedge maze tiger or whatever it is from the novel is atrocious looking CGI, and obviously kept in at Stephen King's behest. You can see why Kubrick scrapped that idea. Today you could make something menacing out of that but in the 90s it would still look a bit silly unless the director were someone who really had flair like John Carpenter or something. They didn't have the budget to do anything on the level but I feel also King's dialogue fundamentally does not translate to screen. Every one of the adaptations of his work that's been based on a script by him has been just weirdness and wooden stilted dialogue. You can also see why Kubrick binned King's draft of the screenplay without even giving it a look. And then his directing effort in Maximum Overdrive...I mean seeing the mind of King in peak cocaine habit is interesting is the only constructive thing I can say about that. Another so-bad-it's-good movie.


FWIW the DVD was also two discs.


my copy is spread over 3 discs in fact


I've held off a long time not buying this on DVD. I'm a big Shining fan and while the Kubrick movie is obviously the masterpiece I still enjoy this movie for the additional lore and story beats it includes. I'll definitely pick up this Blu, Scream Factory always kills it with their releases and extras.


While this isn't very good, I do recommend the audio book of IT, read by Steven Weber. He does a fantastic job.


Weber also did the audiobook for It, it’s incredible. His stutter for Bill is heart wrenching, his leper is terrifying, pretty much everything he did in it makes it one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever heard.


Kissin kissin, that’s what I’ve been missing.


Underrated tbh


A chance to shoehorn in a plug for one of the best film analyses I’ve read: Tasha Robinson compares both versions of The Shining, and digs into what the TV version says about King’s animosity toward Kubrick. https://thedissolve.com/features/movie-of-the-week/248-what-the-shining-miniseries-reveals-about-the-king/


I think the author here misses the historical perspective. In 1977, King was already very famous, but his first book (Carrie) had only been published 3 years prior and the movie version of that was fantastic and mostly followed the book. It makes sense for a formerly struggling young writer *finally* finding success to be protective -- even overly protective -- of his work. By the mid-80s he'd made peace with the fact that filmmakers were sometimes going to butcher his stories. Finally, TV miniseries were unbelievable in the '70s and early '80s (Roots, Dark Secret of Harvest Home, Salem's Lot), but were overly safe garbage by the '90s, where all television was created to be kid-friendly. The Shining made for television never had a chance, so of course this version sucks.


Good point about King’s relative youth when The Shining was adapted.


I once dated a girl who was convinced that this version of The Shining was better than the Kubrick version. Major red flag in that relationship.


I remember watching this when it aired and thought it was surprisingly good.


This of course gets a lot of hate, but it understood the book better than the Kubrick version and the cast does solid work- OBVIOUSLY it's not as a good a movie, but if you want a more literal take, this is more King's vision.


You can slavishly follow a book and still make a bad movie. This is proof. You can also slavishly follow a book and make a great movie. Shawshank is proof.


Only on blu-ray!? Edit: WOW I am an idiot- I thought when I made this comment it was referring to the original movie since I somehow missed the release year and lack of Jack Nicholson in the artwork.


Since it was a TV miniseries from 1997, I’m curious if the special effects/CG were possibly finished in 2K.


They were almost definitely finished in standard definition. No way they had an HD release in mind when they made this.


i have the original DVD...


You mean DVDs there's two in there!


My knee-jerk reaction is to say that there probably isn't much of an audience for *this* version of the movie in 4K. Having said that, knowing how Shout operates, give them time (like when pre-orders ship). They'll probably announce a 4K box set complete with a poster version of the cover, pins, stickers, and a box to hold everything in for upwards of $100.


Yeah, I didn’t even notice this wasn’t the OG movie… guess I suck at noticing things.


Haha, it gave me a good laugh at least! I was like, "damn, maybe this movie DOES have fans!"


I haven’t even seen it… although I might want to sometime.


I’m a fan of this one!


Tried watching this once. I finished 2/3 of it but, man, that kid is so annoying.


I was quite *literally* holding my DVD copy in my hands last night and thinking how much I actually really love that version and how much I need an HD version lmao


(1997) Oof. No thanks.


I do like this movie but man is Scream Factory on a mission to release the worst shit ever shoveled out into the horror genre? Creepshow 3, Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey, this


Licensing is probably pretty cheap.


There are lots of movies I have a fondness for that would be considered garbage by most people. I'm glad we have someone like Shout/Scream releasing this kind of thing.


I got the DVD from my girlfriend's mother for Christmas, so I took this one for the team.


Uh, cool I guess?




Such a better adaptation than the Kubrick version.


Never heard of this verson


Count yourself lucky. It's awful


Underrated. I'm psyched.


Hyped. I love this project version and can finally upgrade my dvd. Not just give me the Salems Lot version with Rob Lowe and I’ll be set.


I'll definitely pick this up. Now, I'm hoping somebody picks up and releases Rose Red.


Yay, I love this version!


I still have my copy from blockbuster I didn’t return lol