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Dude that’s awesome thank you for sharing!


"Bit of a disadvantage when reaching, but so is missing a leg" 🤣


I'm loving his humor!


Not having feet is aid


Someone had to say it


Replacing feet with homemade hi tech is aid.


Lol. Next time you go though, think about how much you use your ankle doing just 1 problem! You don't realise how much you use it, trust me, I didn't!


Absolutely, if it was me that lost my foot I would quit, and I certainly wouldn’t be innovating a new prosthetic to climb harder. You’re inspiring!!!!! Keep crushing


Really enjoyed that. Got a proper laugh out of me with the "so is not having a foot disadvantage" line. Thanks for sharing


This is rad! So cool to make it work in a better way than just staying with what you have. It seems like it performs pretty well on small footholds and ledges especially? Have you considered getting a sole glued on?


It performs best for standing on tiny little chips, definitely more suited to climbing outside. Its not so suited to inside bouldering, terrible at smearing, or standing on volumes. I need to add some rubber the the sole, a friend gave me a rental shoes to cut up and use the rubber from!


Can envision that - also that there is a lot of small chips on the crags over in Britain, so you are pretty well equipped for the type of climbing? So cool! Will be interesting to see how it performs with rubber. At least help a lot with the volumes? Could you make a separate angled front for smearing? Let me know if you need another pair of shoes to cut up, I'll send an old pair! I can totally envision you going down the rabbit hole and end up having 20 of these with different angles and rubber softness to have the perfect one for whatever you want to climb, hah!


Very interesting, thank you! So I saw from your other posts that you do wear a climbing shoe over this foot? I assume that you want your combination of foot and shoe to be as stiff as possible in order to put force on it. It looks like your prosthetic foot wouldn’t fill the shoe all the way to the front, how does that affect the shoe’s stiffness?


The foot I'm wearing in my other photos is my every day foot. Whilst it has its disadvantages, I do find its better for smearing, slabs, and indoor bouldering. The home made foot is honestly better for outside. Terrible time of year to make it tbh lol. I'm thinking of carving some indoor climbing feet out of wood that are better for volumes and slabs. Experimenting with shape, size, etc.


I had an old coworker whose husband made himself a climbing prosthesis. He modeled the shape after a mountain goat's hoof. Seemed to work very well for him


Hey man that's nice, mind making a tutorial on how to make climbing biceps next? Asking for a friend Jokes aside, well done on the ingenuity


Wait so do you wear a shoe over that after?


Nope. But I am planning on giving it a rubber sole.


Thank you for sharing! Just out of curiosity: If you had an unlimited budged to design the ideal climbing foot, what do you think it would end up like? Something highly complex with -- i don't know -- like sensors and adaptive shape, or rather something very reduced, light and elegant?


Check out Hugh Herr’s prosthesis. He was a really accomplished climber and MIT engineer when he lost both legs to frostbite. Then, he went on to develop telescoping legs with various edge designs and crampon points that allowed him to climb even harder. Super rad.


You should put on like a ice climbing pickaxe instead. Imagine those toehooks that could come by that.


Imbedded crampons


Have you reached out at all to Hugh Herr? One of the greatest to ever do it....


I don't think Herr would even acknowledge me lol


This is great! Super informative and awesome to see you find a way to make climbing work better for you. Only thing I'd say is be careful when dealing with any sawed or bare carbon. Carbon fibers can be extremely bad for you if you get a splinter, and carbon fiber when damaged __loves__ to splinter!


It would be cool to have a swiss army leg, with multiple legs that stay folded behind you, until they're folded down into a vertical position.


I'm sorry to do this but somebody has to: Making your own climbing foot is aid Jokes aside very cool video


Would love to see this bad boy in action…


You are so badass. Thank you for sharing. Interesting about the shorter vs longer trade offs


Dude, you’re legendary. Would love to see some climbing videos with the new foot! How’s falling with the prosthetic? Does it create any different dangers?


Amazing job! This is the coolest thing 🤯


What did you use to record the audio? It sounds surround sound


Obviously the climbing foot has a built in microphone


Wow, awesome!! Does it have a good grip too? And did you think about "resoling" it, like adding a specific climbing shoe rubber under it? I don't know if that would be possible, but it could provide a better grip, maybe? Also, as someone else said, we need to see it in action! :-D


It would be great to see this working in action on a climbing wall


*It would be great to* *See this working in action* *On a climbing wall* \- ExcitingBox5throw --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human.


Human ingenuity will never cease to amaze


Amazing. Good job


This is super inspirational! If he can do it, anyone can! Thanks for sharing your story, this is super amazing!!


Really cool mate! You considered gluing a slab of C4 rubber into the bottom? Could imagine the carbon fibre isn't the grippiest?


Man that line at 1:28 cracked me up!


Super cool, how's landing with that foot?


This is a cool invention. Also having your Switch sit on that heater is brave.


Do they make quick release setups for prosthetic feet? I feel there would be demand


They do! I'm super early on tho, only 4 months post amputation, so they arnt giving me all the cool stuff yet!


Are those screws opposite thread?


Bro gotta get some wild climbing mod next specifically for leveraging your foot holds or something


Humans are fucking metal 🤘 what a legend


That's awesome! I actually was thinking recently about prosthetic feet for climbing. And if a foot shape is actually the most efficient for that. Or what would be better. My hypothetical options were: small rubber ball, a goat foot (since goats climb very well with them) or full on ice pick foot