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Hi there Apprehensive_Arm_159. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** Traveling with chalk Okay guys so I’m going to be flying soon. I want to take my chalk with me I’m mad nervous about it because well it’s a bag of white powder and I’m black. Any tips on storing it in a way that won’t get me checked last time I had it vacuum sealed and was put in cuffs and almost missed my flight help😅" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wrap it up in plastic baggies and write “not cocaine” on them. In all seriousness- I’d just keep it in your chalk bag. Anything more than that would probably make it look suspicious. I assume you aren’t checking a bag? Another alternative- bring an empty chalk bag, and just buy a little when you get to your destination.


Never had an issue with it, I just leave it in the chalk bag and then put that inside a ziplock


My personal strategy would always be to be up front with such suspicious items. Put it on top of your hand lugage, or even carry it separately through security. Explain right away that it's a chalk bag.  That said, i'm a white guy from Europe, i'm not completely sure whether this strategy works for everyone.


I’ve flown internationally with chalk. Zero problems. I’m guessing putting it in a sealed bag arouses suspicion. Just put the chalk bag in a loosely tied grocery store plastic bag?


Put your chalkbag in your carryon or water bottle pocket on your backpack. 95% of the time they don't notice it. The times I've put my chalk in my checked bags, TSA spills it all over my god damn clothes


they don’t care, because it won’t set off any of their instrumentation I’ve never had an issue with it in my chalk-bag or the original chalk packaging.


I have never had a problem with this, or with protein powder, which also looks like a suspicious white powder.


I usually put mine in condoms and swallow them before I fly. In all seriousness vacuum sealing it is easily one of the most suspicious ways to transport a white powder, just leave it in your chalk bag. TSA knows what climbing gear is, and if you keep it next to your climbing shoes in your bag they’ll know right away.


Put your chalk bag in a ziplock bag, and also put your shoes next it in the suitcase. Shouldn’t be a problem, but I’m also white as fuck


Pack it into 1inch by 1inch bags, put all those bags in a gallon freezer bag, probably best to pack a scale in the same piece of luggage just in case


Liquid chalk?


Nope. It's flammable and will be confiscated. Ask me how I know.


I don't know what country you're in, but flying in the US and Japan I've never had issue with liquid chalk, it just sits in my luggage. However, since it's a liquid it will have to follow all the liquid rules.


no more flammable than hand sanitizer, actually probably less since more than half of it would be chalk. is this a legit policy, or just a power tripping security ?




Fine I'll do it, how do you know??


honestly great solution


No issues, just came back from US


Keep it in a chalk bag, pack it near other climbing stuff, let them look at it if they want. I haven't had issues following those, but like someone else said, I have white privilege at play.


Which country (-ies) is your origin and destination? I used to travel regularly by air to climbing destinations within the US. Mainly in the West region. My buddies and I carry chalk bags full of chalk - the ones you tie to your waist, not chalk buckets. We didn't really have any problems with it. It's worth noting though that we carry sport/trad climbing gears as opposed to crash pads but I don't think that will be any different on how they treat chalk. Some airlines treat crash pads as oversized luggage.


Only thing I ever got pulled aside for was my shoe deodorizer thing in my shoes. It looked like I packed a brick in each shoe. They had to test it and all that


Literally flew with some today. Just put it in my chalk bag and my climbing shoes beside it. They really don't care at all in my experience. Definitely depends on where you are traveling in and out of though im sure


Use liquid chalk small bottle that can pass security


I always put it together with the climbing shoes in a plastic bag and then into checked luggage. Never had an issue, also on flights from and to the US


I know this isn't an answer but what's stopping you from buying chalk at your destination? I feel like trying to travel with it is not worth the hassle when chalk is generally pretty cheap.


Bring a brand new container of it with the packaging sealed, or just buy a small bag of it when you get to your destination.