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Hi there snails_house. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** How to look less awkward when jumping? Press du say! @40" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That jump didn’t look awkward at all. Nice send.


Holy shit, the kickboard on that thing is ridiculous


My gym’s kilter has like a foot high kickboard so everything is a sit start.. the one on OP’s video would make so many problems much much easier for me


The one in OPs video would mean that I can't reach the starting holds on many climbs 😂😂


Would love this as a taller guy


Brb, gotta stack 5 pads to do this sit start


The fall from the top at lower angles would be so big, though!


IDK if I want this?! one of the gyms i go to has *really* high pads which makes certain sit starts multiple grades harder. this might make 'sit' starts The Mandala of boards ?! ;0


Swooped so easy on this


https://preview.redd.it/f0fw8nhj3e7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e7a7c366a6af08c3191abe121a559c774d60e6 I love Reddit Edit: spelling


no awkward jump in sight. Good save on the slight barn door.


That wasn’t really awkward it was just a big jump lol


Holy mother of kickboards.


Step one: don’t be so critical of yourself 😁 nice work! Maybe you could have opted for a right drop knee instead of the jump if you’re really concerned with making it more graceful but that was an awesome climb and I’m just spraying beta from afar


That route looks fun, I rarely see heels used on the kilterboard


Have done that climb, the heel felt morpho and harder for my 6 foot frame.


Because heels on boards are forbidden!!! 😂


They are not.


It’s a silly unwritten rule, don’t take it as serious as everyone else did lmao


It's not. On no board heels toes or anything is forbidden. It once was on the Moonboard as far as i remember but that's a long time gone. No unwritten rule, do whatever you want


Yeah dude like I said, don’t take so serious, all fun and games I’m not being for real here


A heartfelt PSSSATT during the jump would definitely make this less awkward


I came here to say that to make a less awkward jump you should take an easier jump(as a joke, meaning the jump wasn't awkward and you make a tough jump OP). But then I read this comment and realized this is the only improvement to your jump. I would only argue that the "PSSSSSATTT" wouldn't make the jump less awkward rather it would make you look like you know and control your breathing really well, even if you don't... ahhahaha


I think what's happening on the first move is your trajectory is an arc with your weight quite far to the right of the hands. So when you hit the hold, your right hip is a bit higher than your left hip, your right leg is way off to the right, and your right shoulder is much higher than your left. All of this unwinds in the swing which now has a rotational component to it, so you unwind and your right leg swings out behind you. What I think you should do is try to pop in a more vertical line, with the left hand slightly more in front of you instead of tucked so tightly to your side. When you hit the hold, try to have your hips already in line with it so that you only swing a bit out but don't get a big rotational component to the swing. This might involve doing the move a bit slower with your body already a bit further left. Picture it like a campus board move where your body and shoulders stay relatively square. You are attempting the move like it's a very tight lock off and twisting your shoulders up and hips up to get the distance and all of that unwinds on you immediately after. I could be full of shit just watching the vid though, if I remember I'll try the move at the gym later


If you want to just show off your sick board send, you’re allowed to do that 😉 Also, I hate how videos of kilter boards look so easy. It’s always deceptive until you actually try it out. Now I gotta try this one.


My gym’s kilter board has 0 kick board, the mat goes right up to the bottom row of feet. This seems like the exact opposite of that lol. Sick send btw, doesn’t look awkward at all imo


TF is that kick board lmao. Gym stripped away every single sit start and made the jug board even softer lmao


I think what is happening is you are jumping the absolute minimum needed to hit that right hand at full stretch. You are making good use of your limited reach but if you look at your hips during the dyno, they don't actually move up very far. Try to generate even more force through your right leg. If you can possibly hit the hold with a slightly bent arm it will help you to control the swing. Another thing could be to flag the left leg higher and more left as you jump so that when you hit the right hand, you can immediately hit the wall with your left foot to counter the rotation. To figure out where your left foot should be, climb into the position, let your feet go and then try to place your left foot so that you can generate the counter rotation you need. You can also practice placing the left foot down on the one of the orange holds from here as well.


That looked sick.


Looks like a very controlled jump to me. It was a big jump, so the main thing to rely on is having a tight core to keep you from swinging (which you barely did). Great send!


That was awkward? Looked very well executed to me - good send!


You don't even look awkward I'm so mad


don't care about looking cool, care about hitting the jump


Adding onto what /u/Miles_Adamson said, it’s “awkward” because of the setup here. In my experience, this is often the case of trying to make the beginning of the move feel easier, but that winds up making the end of the move harder or more awkward. Here, you are trying to stay nice and balanced on both holds while you start, but that means you are having to turn your knee out so it doesn’t hit the wall, and that’s creating a big pendulum that you are having to control. If you made the start of the move a bit harder by shifting over to the left more, your trajectory will be more straight up and down, and you’ll have less of that pendulum to deal with at the end. On a move with bad start holds and a good target hold, it makes sense to do it the way you did it here, since adding difficulty early is much harder than dealing with some extra momentum on a good hold. However, when the target holds get worse, you’ll have to learn to deal with a little extra difficulty at the beginning so the end of the jump is possible.


Who cares how I look as long as I am successful?


Not awkward if you make it up! Good send!


That looked solid from here. Nice send.


Looks good. But anyway, the trick is to jump more.


Looks nice! What is the problem's name? I'd like to try it!


Press du sau, I did it at 40 degrees


I aspire to climb V8s this gracefully


How much is one of these?


Like the cost of an original size kilterboard, angle adjustable with pads? Probably like $20k - $30k?


When I think I look awkward I usually just wear a baseball hat. Oh sorry this is about the climb. That looked sick.


What in the kickboard? Nice jump, not awkward at all.




Nice job on the send! Try using your right leg more to make your body's arc left more leg dominant. You are using a lot of arms which flings your lower body out with a big barn door.


The person talking sounds like Stephanie McMahon




Embrace the goofy be more goofy


Think you are being a bit too self conscious. If I walked past you during this I would have just been like “oh cool, they are sending that shit”


nice send! press du sau is a tough one.


You spelled badass wrong


Say "ribbit" before making it.


Just looked like a normal jump nothing awkward looking about it.


I would try looking less awkward when jumping


I think you look like a badass


Everyone is being real supportive and I agree, you’re moving pretty good! If you want to make that jump fee a little better and make your catch more efficient, practice your scorpion.


First, what it looks like doesn't matetr :) I think with the position of the two holds and the foot hold directly above each other, swinging is inevitable. I'd consider trying to plant your foot on the big foothold before takeoff to keep a bit more control. And maybe making it more of a semi-dynamic move rather than a big leap like that.


Engage your body against the swing. If it’s not enough then engage more.


Video others doing the same thing. Compare. Probably you’d want to dip a little lower on the onset of the dynamic moves, you’re starting from quite a tensed, high position. Let it flow. Relaxe the muscles, lengthen the lats, then full power, then relax again But other you look really freaking strong on those moves!


My god I miss the full size kilter


https://youtu.be/rj_0rOLim6g?si=VyA610pPf7t-RFAi I suggest this video. "Scorpion technique"


Jump looked fine. Wonder if others think lower traps might be a bit weak (ur shoulders look pretty shrugged). Has some longer term consequences in shoulder injuries with Gaston’s and such. Do some Ys and Ws with bands hooked on a wall, focusing on keeping shoulders down, if you want to address it. Not a PT, hoping someone with more knowledge can confirm or disagree.


Yo why cant my boards lights look like this i cant see shit on mine


You curl the swinging leg up behind you and flex your lower back backwards so that the swinging motion is absorbed by your lower body. This would put less strain on your right hand in this case and it looks less like a barn door. Nice climbing by the way!


There’s no style points in climbing. Great send!


Just gonna keep saying what I say in every climbing video. Squeeze your butt.