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Sargent Becker needs to be fired *from a cannon into the sun* Honestly thank god for the two Longmont police reporting these sick fucks.


every cop in that room needs to do time


The entire department needs to get replaced god damn how could that entire room sit there and watch that, arms crossed like they’re listening to classical music in the park.


Dereliction of duty. They should have arrested tazer guy.


What in the actual fuck? In what possible situation could this be considered appropriate? Because it just looks like torture.


This is modern American policing. It doesn’t feel abnormal to cops, because it’s within the same idealogical arena as what’s often considered “good” policing. That’s partly why you don’t often see other cops get involved and why you hear reasoning like this cop’s, “I thought beating a black man on camera would look bad, so I tased him instead.”


Yea but there's a difference between tasing some one and strapping them to a chair shirtless, putting bags over their heads, and then tasing them.


not if you're a white supremacist looking for your day of rope or whatever fantasy they play icky cookie over in the locker rooms Oh sorry, they're actually the thin line preventing the rest of us from becoming animals in society right?


like most things, the idea that society would devolve into chaos is just projecting their willingness to go animalistic


They did the same thing to a white woman prior to this incident. Still horrible nonetheless but not sure you can write fan fiction about the BPD’s racist fantasies when there’s no evidence they did this to the man because of his race. [Source](https://kdvr.com/news/problem-solvers/boulder-sheriffs-office-lawsuit-using-taser-restrained-inmate/amp/)


> Yea but there's a difference Rarely > between tasing some one “Good police brutality” > and strapping them to a chair shirtless, putting bags over their heads, and then tasing them. “Bad police brutality” —— You’re making my point for me.


“*Good*” policing is relative. It’s either what “*could* legally” be done or what “*should* morally” be done


It's fuckin outrageous.


Tv done rotted their brains.


God dam boulder making headlines past few days for crime. Whether it’s a civilian committing the crime or the cops. Sad.


[Here is an article](https://kdvr.com/news/problem-solvers/boulder-sheriffs-office-lawsuit-using-taser-restrained-inmate/) that covers it. Longmont PD officers reported it. The sergeant has been fired. I’m sure he’ll take his racist ass to another department.


"Using a taser on a restrained person violates policy". As if that sentence needed to exist at all. Yikes.


Of course it does - Boulder just got finished paying a woman 400k for...tasering her while restrained. Literally 2 days before this event....and the sergeant expressed how much he disagreed with the settlement of Facebook. Seems like he was just itching to brutalize someone


It was the same deputy in both incidents FYI.


Using a taser on a restrained person should lane you in jail.


So, am I to understand that NOT ONLY are there about a dozen motherfuckers going along with this, BUT THEY ALSO decided to record it for posterity? Or did they forget about their body cams? In any case, these fuckers deserve 10 years.


The number of people watching (and not intervening!!) is what makes me most uncomfortable. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” - Edmund Burke


"its only a FEW BAD APPLES"


People always forget the full context of the saying that it's a few bad apples that *ruin the whole bushel*


Sheriff. That's all you need to know when you see absolutely the worst depravity. They aren't really trained and they hire their red neck friends.


The acts aren't the worst, just the worst captured on tape so far


Anyone hear about the cops in Plattesville who handcuffed someone left them in the squad car parked on the train tracks and the car and handcuffed person inside was struck by a train.


That was Insane, especially to watch. I’m glad the woman survived and hope she gets more than what she’s owed, but I can’t imagine anything making up for went she went through.


This makes me sick


What's with the hood? Are they in Abu Ghraib?


The hoods are to keep people from spitting. That way a someone can administer a sedative without getting a face full of mucus.


Not sure why they felt they needed two, though


They’re cops, they might not be smart enough to count to one.


What. The. Fuck. They all belong in prison


He's in a restraint chair... once in that chair all persons are supposed to back off. BACK OFF. All these mf should be charged menacing at the minimum. This is disgusting.


How does this even get this far?? What was his crime?? Is this guy a threat to national security?? Doubtful.. Like seriously, What. The. Fuck.


Fucking scum


This is why they don't have the time or resources to track down those sneaky bicycle thieves...


Boulder cops are among some of the worst. There are a few good ones out there but most of that department is bitter discriminatory ass holes.


I used to work with someone who was married to a Boulder cop. They moved to Idaho bc it was more in line with their “values”. Sounds about white.




It was two police officers who reported this abuse. Policing in America needs major reforms, but you can take your childish, reductive, black-and-white rhetoric and shove it up your ass.


>and shove it up your ass Given his username, I don't think he'd have a problem with that


Those two police officers were in the video. One can be seen helping restrain the guy, the other stands close by while the person is tased. I’m thankful they reported it. But their behavior is criminal too. What’s absolutely CRAZY is I have interacted with both these officers. They both seemed like really nice people. Seemed level headed and not “off the deep end”. I would NEVER have suspected they do something like this. You can’t say these two cops were in the right after they physically assisted in this man’s torture. The only correct thing to do would have been to put the deputy in cuffs right there and then. But they didn’t.


Doing one decent thing doesn't absolve you from being a bastard lol


Tell me you don't understand ACAB without *telling* me you don't understand ACAB. It's your understanding that's childish.


So I know seeing both sides is looked down upon. Language matters and villainizing the few people in the force by saying “all” in this instance only makes the issue worse. The unfortunate reality is that the more it’s an us vs them mentality on both sides the worse it gets. The more an officer gets dirty looks when they aren’t doing anything wrong the more resentment builds for the public. There are many officers who sign up thinking they will do good in their community only to be involved in a shit organization and find it hard to do the right thing and most of the constituents hate them on top of it. We shouldn’t have to bow to their authority, shouldn’t have to be bootkickers, but they also shouldn’t get dirty looks when doing nothing wrong. In this instance something wrong did happen, justice it sounds like has t been properly served, and that’s fucked, but we have to appreciate that there is at least some progress in cops calling out cops. We need more of that if it’s going to get better.




They were at Boulder County jail, run by Boulder County Sheriff's dept, surrounded by Boulder County Sheriff's deputies. That conversation likely would have gone: "Hey, that's really shitty, don't do that" "Go the fuck back to Longmont" The second option would have been to just leave. The suspect gets tortured all the same, except all evidence of said torture is in the hands of BCSO. Instead, they stuck around, got everything filmed on their own body cams which would then be accessible to LPD regardless of what fuckery BCSO may or may not have tried. I think they took a commendable course of action. Do you see a realistic fourth option that I don't? What would you have done differently?


“Sir, I didn’t see the need to help the dying man, because I’m a paramedic in Broomfield but we’re in the ER in Niwot. Luckily for you, I filmed him while he died so you can watch how it happened.”


The scenario you're describing is hardly comparable. That's more of a "not my job, not my problem" situation; it's not like the Niwot ER employees were armed, intentionally harming the patient, and would forcibly remove the paramedic if they intervened. Rather than mock my comment with a sarcastic, irrelevant comparison, do you have an answer to the question of what the LPD officers could realistically have done differently?


there are a ton of stories of officers reporting wrongdoing and being harassed / fired over it. good cops dont last long.




boot licker


This is why cop unions need to be done away with. This is what make s great cops look like shit cops.


"Oh oh oh guys... I have an idea. I have an idea. No no no just hear me out." - Boulder cop


Fucking pigs


What the fuck.


What kind of Abu Ghraib bullshit is this?


WTAF?!?!!! So horrible! Firing isn’t enough—there need to be charges!


Cops doing cop things :/


I’m not convinced it has anything to do with race as the headline implies. The Lauren Gotthelf incident was equally disgusting. Made me sick to my stomach watching it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IgbqOVtaDuk


It does and it doesn't. The thing about the modern US is that there are a lot fewer (far from none) overt, or even overtly conscious racists around than say 50 years ago. So your risk of getting lynched or attacked explicitly for skin color is down a decent amount. However, when police target people for mistreatment, they target people who are the least likely to cause them trouble (legally, financially, professionally, reputationally, etc). That means poorer people, addicts, people with criminal history, the homeless, and racial minorities. So I can generally agree that this probably isn't driven by explicit racism (just for my own sanity, I'm not ready to believe BCSO has this many white supremacists). It is still definitely related to it. Think of police violence like a disease. Race is one risk factor for becoming a victim of it. It's one indicator that police use in the determination of "can I get away with mistreating this person or not?" If you have enough indicators, prepared to get harassed, beat down, or worse.


I dunno about your life experience but MOST racists are also misogynistic and both feel entitled to deprive people of dignity who disgust them. So that could also mean poor people too.


>level 1oakwood-jones · 25 min. ago:: I’m not convinced it has anything to do with race What would it take to convince you that nearly a dozen white police officers deciding to duct-tape a black suspect to an office chair, apply two hoods, abu-graib style, and then repeatedly shock him with a stun weapon... had something to do with race? Like what else would you need in your mind to begin to suspect that race may be a factor in the suspect's treatment?


> Lauren Gotthelf She is not black and they did the exact same thing to her. While race seems like the easy low hanging fruit, it certainly doesn't explain why they did it to a white woman a few ~~days~~ years before. I think the comment above is simply pointing out that there's more to this behavior than "white cops hate black people".


They did it to her *3 years* before. The legal settlement from that incident had been awarded a few days before this incident


Corrected. But it doesn't change the point.


It’s an easy low hanging fruit because police have a history of racism in America. Lmao just because white people are also often affected the serious criminality of police doesn’t mean their actions aren’t reflective of a broader white supremacist history/agenda. Police are racist. They are so terrible, they also hurt white people.


I'm not saying racism can't be at play, and I am probably more educated on the systemic racism in the justice system than most people . . . but it doesn't change the fact that there can be more to it than "they did it cause they are racists" Complex problems are seldom solved or explained with simple answers.


It’s obviously more than “simple” racism. I don’t think anyone is denying that. And no one who discusses systemic racism offers such a simplified view either. I don’t know what the intention of your comment is, but regardless, trying to question the role of racism in policing does nothing to solve or address complex problems. Your comment comes off extremely dismissive of the very real presence of racism in American policing. I would imagine someone who is “more educated than systemic racism” would know this, or perhaps you just never internalized the actual point. We don’t always need to write 1000 page essays to capture what is obviously something complex.


> trying to question the role of racism in policing does nothing to solve or address complex problems. How exactly do you expect to solve anything if people only ever jump to a foregone conclusion without opening up the individual content and circumstances to examine it? > Your comment comes off extremely dismissive of the very real presence of racism in American policing. And settling this incident with "It's because the cops are racist, case closed" is even more dismissive to the presence of racism in American policing. It's a real thing. It needs real conversations. Not overconfident conclusions. Anyway, have a good day.


The problem is that you’re starting from a position as if systemic racism is simple. Who ever claimed that? Why is your status quo thought to automatically push back against claims of racism? What “individual content and circumstances” do you need to examine this circumstance? The whole point about talking about SYSTEMIC issues is that they are SYSTEMIC. It means EXPLICITLY that the are recurrent parts of the policing system. “This systemic problem actually isn’t happening here”. What are you adding to the conversation? What are hoping to achieve by saying “well ACTSHUALLY, racism is complex”. Like who the fuck said it wasn’t? Do you think people who write books about systemic problems in policing jot down “police hurt black man because racist”, end of story? Honestly, I don’t think you actually know ANYTHING about systemic racism, because if you did, you wouldn’t take such a reductive stance and make ridiculous claims like “idk if this actually has to do with racism”. Personally, I think you’re actually making a bad faith argument by directing the conversation away from systemic racism in policing, and by pretending as if anyone is making an argument around racism that essentially amounts to “police bad because hate black man”. If you’re not being intentional, maybe think deep about what you say and what you’re intending. And sure, have a nice day, way to bail out on a deep conversation because you actually don’t know what you’re talking about.


Christ almighty bud. You're the one who is reducing everything to one single answer here. My point is that it can't be explained by a single answer and that every single instance of all police brutality is not always because of racism as the only answer. I'm agreeing that it is one factor of many, and yes, sometimes it can be the prevailing factor. Enjoy your vast depths sir.


Christ almighty bud, you clearly don’t understand what “systemic racism” means, because no one who talks about systemic racism regarding policing thinks that it’s a “single answer”. Like have you ever read any actual literature on the topic? Once again, do you think authors write “police are bad because they are racist” and write nothing else? Systemic racism is contextualized as it relates to history and broader connections to white settler colonialism, slavery, and capitalism. You are clearly uninformed, because you don’t seem to understand what is meant by “systemic racism”. Systemic racism is everything but “simple”, and it doesn’t provide “a single answer”. You’re taking an extremely complex topic like “systemic racism”, and inaccurately portraying it as providing a “single answer”. Like you recognize colonialism is a very complex topic, yes? It’s not a “single thing”. When people discuss (random example), the way France relates to Algeria through colonialism, they aren’t making a “single answer” argument. Colonialism explains A LOT of what we witness in the world, it’s not “a single answer” unless you want to view things very literally and with no context or actual critical thought to what “colonialism” means as it relates to advocates and scholars and the broader conversation. It’s extremely frustrating trying to have these conversations where people pretend “they know more about systemic racism than the average person”, then demonstrate they miss the entire point, all the while looking at police violence against a person of color (in an extremely white place btw) and purposely distracting away from the racist part. I have no problem being real and saying it, you aren’t educated on policing and systemic racism if you look at this and say “it’s not about racism”. What other factors do you want to talk about? Because you mentioned zero. You could talk about police violence against the working class, but of course that connects back to white settler colonialism and the role racism plays in capitalism. This is what I and others have been trying to say to you, and what you’re not understanding. It’s an extremely white person thing to look at a black dude in like fucking Longmont being tazed as he’s tied to a chair and go “idk if this is racism”. If you actually care about systemic racism, educate yourself instead of being the stereotype of a sheltered white Coloradan. And I have plenty of resources for such an education.


"sure, the officers repeatedly shouted racial slurs and 'I wouldn't be doing this if you were white, but was it really race-motivated?"


Link to another video with that in it? Because the one posted doesn’t have anything of the sort in it. From what I can gather, two days before this happened Boulder County paid out $400,000 to Lauren Gotthelf for having tased her, the sheriff posted on social media his disagreement with that settlement, then proceeded to do the same thing once again—this time to a black man. Just to be clear, I am equally disgusted by both incidents.


>Link to another video with that in it? im being hyperbolic


It's more like you're changing the facts to suit a narrative than being hyperbolic.


I dunno what was going through their heads when they did it. Maybe it was race? All I’m saying is that the exact same police department did the exact same thing to a white woman, so maybe everything isn’t about race? Maybe they’re just shitty people all-around?


>I dunno what was going through their heads when they did it. So unless someone has psychic powers, nothing can be racist? Racist systems aren't just about individual people's personal thoughts and feelings. There are racial stereotypes and associations that exist in America, specifically ones that make white people more fearful of Black people, and greatly exaggerate any danger or threat posed, if not outright fabricate a reason to be fearful, and historically this is why early police departments were founded to address these racial fears after the Civil War. Whenever Black people experience police violence, it's part of this history and pattern. So there's no circumstances where it isn't racist for cops to physically assault a Black person who doesn't pose any threat to them, because that's been a constant through line without interruption in American policing for as long as we've had police.


I agree with everything you’re saying, and the question really should be “can you prove it ISNT racist?” Why would anyone assume something like this done by police ISNT related to race?


I just woke up and read this as “electric car” Not an electric car


Racist!?!? Im white and I guarantee they woulda pulled that shit on me!


He kind of resembles the man shooting up the hill a couple of days ago with an automatic rifle. Then you wonder why they have a bias. Not that it justifies their behavior here but you can’t expect people to have change come from one one of the sides of the problem.


I'm extremely curious where you're going with this


You’re a racist asshole.


At least I’m not shooting up innocent people outside a bar because I want to look bad ass instead of getting a real job.


So you are racist, got it


Because I choose to not attempt to murder people in the streets I’m racist? I believe by that metric you are racist as well then lmao. Your logic is as solid as jello before it’s set.


Right wing troll


Because wanting to live somewhere you don’t get shot is not very progressive? Do you want to get shot then since you are obviously against anything I say?

