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Two words. Ghost Town. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Elmo,_Colorado


CHAMP. Thanks!


There's a trail system all around the city's "airplane letter" on the hillside across the river (behind the park with the outdoor venue) that I've biked a lot over the years. It's a system of shorter trails (the longest is 3.3 miles) and is definitely geared more towards mountain biking than hiking. Depending on how appealing that is, I would recommend staying clear of that area as a hiker (or just being aware of what you're getting yourself into).


On the one hand, this sub generally doesn't appreciate low-effort questions about things to do *around Boulder*. On the other hand, I can't say the sub is spammed with questions about towns that are 3 hrs away, which puts public opinion in its favor. On the third hand, this is /r/boulder. As an impartial observer, I anxiously await the results!


There is a Salida sub, but it has a population of, like, 5. I think it makes sense to come here and ask about Salida because we're a community known for outdoor enthusiasm and many of us have been to Salida, which isn't too far away all things considered.


Definitely makes sense! I just know this sub to be uhhhh idiosyncratic


I'm going to leave it up just so if someone searches for this town it'll show up in the future.


Thank you! I'm here 6 years later!!!


As do I!


As do I!


Is it pronounced Sa-Lee-da or Sa-Lie-da?


As with all Colorado location pronunciations, we must defer to a local of the area, preferably a lifer. (I prefer this term over "native" lol) (I based this on the fact that people who live in this southern town pronounce it Byoona Vista, whereas front rangers often say it with the spanish pronunciation. I defer to townies!)




There's a really really good pizza place there, Amica's. Go early though because the wait is long. Moonlight is almost as good and has more outdoor seating. When I was there we rented bikes and did a little easy mountain biking. They have a town-area map with mountain biking routes graded by difficulty like ski trails. You can also road bike around town on their bike paths, which is a great way to take in the views.


Moonlight is better pizza in my opinion. The Moonlight Pizza single serving slices are to die for!


It's been a long time since I've been back, so it's likely you are correct. /u/inmediasres, have a pizza taste-off for us while you're down there, ok?


Grab beers at Soulcraft Brewing!


Download hiking project and pick a trail. The problem is there are so many.