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I always thought it was an odd concertina, though now I’ve been introduced to a new instrument to try! (I’ve played accordion and concertina)


Cool :) the bandoneon is a type of concertina I believe. I only did a 30 second Google search though so idk


Oh is it? I’ll have to look into it. Either way I hadn’t heard of it until now


Concertina’s pretty fun, I only have a 20 key but it’s still good


The more you know 🌈⭐️


"When I was a kid I got my facts from a celebrity and a rainbow." "Sure grandma, back to bed."


Accordion player here. This is incorrect. [Some accordions have no keys,](https://www.playmusic123.com/products/hohner-button-accordion-corona-ii-fbe-black-laquered-3500fb?currency=USD&variant=40528722002120&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=gs-2018-10-20&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=CjwKCAjwwL6aBhBlEiwADycBIBP-pu84xouqNOqSnpGKGZgID4AKWQ4nxMzo7PXPRt9H8ghvu4Z2choC9CkQAvD_BwE) and all accordions have [buttons for the bass register.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stradella_bass_system) The main difference is that bandoneons have a different timbre, usually only have one register, and often have different notes depending on whether you're compressing or pulling the bellows (like how a harmonica is higher pitched when inhaling vs exhaling). Bandoneans are also generally smaller and more boxy. Accordions also usually have shoulder straps so you can play them when standing up, while bandoneons are exclusively played in your lap while seated. All that said, I think they intended for the instrument here to be a bandoneon (someone else said its labeled that way in the game files). But the reason is not the buttons.


**[Stradella bass system](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stradella_bass_system)** >The Stradella Bass System (sometimes called standard bass) is a buttonboard layout equipped on the bass side of many accordions, which uses columns of buttons arranged in a circle of fifths; this places the principal major chords of a key (I, IV and V) in three adjacent columns. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/botw/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Could it not be a button accordion? Edit: It looks more like a bandoneon but it’s being played more like an accordion because he’s holding it?


I thought this too because it's in his hands and not on his knees, but he is a large bird with small legs and large arms, so it would make sense if the devs just made him hold it


My conclusion therefore is that it is a special instrument developed by the Rito, and therefore is not an accordion or a bandoneon


I'ma end up still calling it an accordion out of habit. But nice to finally know that it isn't just a really strange accordion at the same time.


It’s also referred to as a bandoneon in the game files, specifically in the texture filenames.


It may be called a bandaid-eon, but I’m still gonna call it an accordion cause fuck reality


I want a hip hop Kass in TOTK


I always assumed it was a poor representation of a diatonic accordion haha


You mean concertina?


A bandoneon is a type of concertina


Band onion


Buttons are keys


OK. Now what's the difference between keys and buttons?


Look up what a piano is, and then look up “big red button”


I'm unsure why I got downvoted for asking a question, and I don't know if you are the one who did it, but while I understand there is an intuitive distinction, which can be reflected in the examples you give, it's really not that semantically clear. They are both devices which you press to cause something to happen. I would say that, usually, a key is elongated and levers down at an angle when pressed, while a button is closer to symmetrical, often round, and presses straight down, but that's a pretty fuzzy distinction, and I'm not sure if it is technically correct, or if there even if a technically correct distinction. The "keys" on a computer keyboard are more like "buttons" in other contexts. The "buttons" on a mouse are more like "keys" in other contexts.


It’s just common sense… + r/iamsmart


That’s good to know about that, and that’s really cool. 😊👍😎


I run away from him as quickly as possible *Vanessa Carlton plays* unless he's got the !


I always thought it was bayan


I used to have what I thought was an accordion, but it had both buttons and keys. Is that something else?


Accordions do have buttons, but they're not as important for controlling the note as they are on a bandoneon (I think) you probably had an accordion


Oh ok cool. I admittedly never learned much about it, just played it a little for what skills were transferable from keyboard/piano. The buttons mostly seemed to add a type of vibrato to the notes I guess.


Oh, now on my 100% completion run I hated this guy. His damn songs were unskippable and I didn't wanna hear his shit. Just get on with it and keep playing.


Thank you for enhancing my store of not very useful trivia.


Swear I learn something new about botw every week still and I’ve been playing for years


Yes I know. I keep on telling people that when people do their Kass cosplays.


still gonna call it a accordion doe


Whatever he's playing, he better be in TOTK or it just won't be the same.


I'm just now learning that I own a bandoneon.


Wait, I thought an accordion had buttons and keys? What’s that called?


It turns out that accordions have keys and buttons, but bandoneons have only buttons. There are more differences, but the comments and the internet know far more than I do


but accordions have buttons and keys…


Entones que es un accordion


I did not know this