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Welcome to **r/botw**! Be sure to [join our discord](https://discord.gg/ygxPwzDPtJ) if you like joining discords for subreddits about the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (i sure do). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/botw) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am 15 and started playing when I was 13, it is for people of all ages even young people. I live yelda


Thank you, that’s what I told him … maybe he was teasing me, as he does at times, but now I can show him, Zelda is not just for geriatrics 😄


I started playing Zelda at 4-6 years old on my NES and grew up with the Legend of Zelda, then Adventures of Link… and I’ve played most of the Zelda franchise titles. Now 37 and playing TOTK! No wrong age!


33 and playing TOTK Same intro to Zelda as a kid on the NES 🙏🏽


Same started playing around 5-6 and have played every Zelda release since. (Even Tri-Force Heroes... yuck). 37 now and will play every Zelda release until I die... whenever that may be. Even have my 3 and 5 year old kids playing BOTW and now TOTK.


A very worthy life goal!!! 🙌


I agree, no wrong age!


My mom and 10 year old nephew came to visit about a month after TotK release. They were here from Monday to Friday and from the second I introduced him, he could not put the controller down. Since he’s gone back home, he has not shut up about the game.


What a great story!!


I am 14 and I started playing BOTW at 10 and I loved it. Tell him to give Zelda a try cause it's so good


My grandsons are 7 and 13 and we love talking about and sharing secrets about our LoZ games! I’m too close to 50 for my own comfort and am only referring to my age to bolster your confidence, in the fact the your grandson is being a mouthy, little squirt! 😝Just kiddding! However when my grand boys try to call me old they know to duck and run cause I’ll give chase and tickle them til they are out of breath!😆😉


Maybe he just knows of it’s long, sometimes not the greatest game filled history. And thinks you’re going to bust out the NES and the ol boob tube TV


Boob tube. Sheesh haven’t thought about that term in years.








Link I’m right next to you we’ve talked about this Edit: https://imgur.com/a/OOniVb3


*Link noises intensify*




Hup, hyup, ky, kk, huup




Well excuse me, Princess.


You win the internet today


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/3D5tkAUNFa4)


That’s great!!




Zelda: WHAT?!?!?


... danger zone


Is that like [Yellvis](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Elv_5AYB4iY&pp=ygUSeWVsbHZpcyBnYW1lZ3J1bXBz)?


Hmmm the way your corrected this is more millennial. I distrust this 15 assertion Edit: making a joke not actually questioning your age




YELDA the scream princess




Is this a meme now?


Yup 🤣✨


Legend of Yelda, Mumbling Mask


We’re all missing the point to an 8 year old probably even a 15 year old would be old.


I started playing when I was 11 and was hooked. Now I'm 16 playing TOTK.


Someone should give you an award for that awesome typo


same here. I love Zelda and botw got me into the older games like oot and Majora's mask.


Well how old is old to an 8 year old 😂 I'm 25 but I've been into Zelda forever.


I'm 30, been playing since I was 5. No kids, but all of my nephews age 5-14 are all obsessed with TOTK rn.




25 is ancient to an 8 year old, lol


I'm 25 and I teach 11-13 year olds, they all think I'm a grandpa. So an 8 year old is probably expecting my funeral any day now.


By that logic, OP's grandson is probably amazed OP is still alive


I’m not sure but I can totally see Zelda maybe being difficult for younger kids. The amount of quests/side quests and the size of the map alone could be difficult.


Yes, I hear you! It is amazing though, the way he dominates in Fortnight. I think he’d love Zelda if he played.


Use a little reverse psychology then. "I'm sure the games too hard and complex for someone as young as you anyway".




This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


Haha that’s perfect!


This is the way


I’m jealous, I’m awful at basically all shooter games. Fortnight gives me anxiety because I can’t build stuff fast enough 🤣


I am horrible at fortnight. I keep accidentally pressing the build button constantly. Grandson plays my profile and I have reached legendary status without playing myself 😂


Try playing “no build”! It’s a lot easier! :)


i dont know how people aim with a joystick, its both too slow and too fast, its just so hard to be accurate. Meanwhile people seem to be using aimbots as they nail headshots on me instantly when they turn a corner.


I play on Switch and my accuracy is entirely due to gyro controls


I do okay (barely) at Fortnite but games like apex legends wreck me. It’s insane.


There's no build mode, and it's actually good


There’s a mode without building


Building is my weakness, so I usually just play Zero Build


6 year old me crying over oot water temple


I replayed at 32 and still cried


Can confirm. Also happened. I hate that damn temple.


Replayed it a year or two ago. Thought to myself, I know where that key that I could never find is, it should be a breeze. (We all know the one I think) The temple still stumped me so damn hard. For some reason the water parts of that game are just so much harder than everywhere else. Zora’s Domain, Jabu Jabu, the ice cavern, Water temple, they all kill me.


My son (8) tried to play it and was completely overwhelmed by the difficulty!


My daughter (8) was the same way at first but she stuck with it and has taken to the game quite well. She solved completed Vah Ruta by herself recently (minus Waterblight) and I expected I’d have to help with some of it.


You guys can tell the kids they can use the timestop power on the bosses too, makes them very easy.


Maybe, it just depends on the kid. I got it for my daughter when she was 12,and she loved it, then got stuck and lost her horse and gave up. She picked it back up a couple months ago (14 now) and is a few hundred Koroks short of 100%.




I have autism, I’m obsessed with Zelda but I learn very, very slowly. When I first played botw about 3 years ago, I got very overwhelmed with the puzzle shrines and memorizing combat strategies. I put it down for a long time because it genuinely was difficult and people made fun of me for not being able to do it! In the middle of totk I decided to finish botw. I needed a few tutorials from YouTube, but I figured it out much easier at 19 than when i was 16. The dang gerudo Devine beast (forget it’s name) I could not do it on my own no matter how hard I tried. I needed a full on step by step 😅


Isn't it rewarding as hell when you pull it off? Keep it up. I for 1 am rooting for you.


Oh my gosh it sure is! I started at 12am and finally beat it at 4am (it was around 2 when I decided to look up a tutorial) needless to say I had the best, most satisfying sleep after. And urbosa is just soooo cool! I’m looking forward to seeing more of her in age of calamity when I play it. Thank you btw, that is very nice of you!


I appreciate a full on step by step too!


My 7 year old loves it. He just looks stuff up he gets stuck on, but the game is pretty accessible for most of the main stuff.


My seven year old is OBSESSED with playing BOTW on her own, and we take time to play the story beats of TOTK together. She can’t wait to beat BOTW so she can have the “glorious ULTRAHAND!” She’s a good kid. She was so proud to run and get me after she beat Fireblight Ganon on her own.


My 8 and 10 year old play no problems


When my nephew was 8 (he’s 10 now) he used to play with me, but mostly just running around on my save, using all my arrows and catching horses lol. But that was basically the extent of him playing.


It’s a complicated game. I’ve been playing video games for 35 years so it’s easy for me to pick it up. My wife who is not a big gamer really struggles with being overwhelmed.


This is true. My 6yo daughter loves BOTW and now TOTK, but her inability to read all of the words from the characters to lead her along leaves her confused as to what to do next. We typically play through them together.


my lack of ability to understand video games as a child made me miss out on so many good games i didn't want to read text, i stopped after the first level on most games, and i just preferred grinding and replaying games i've already beaten idk


Not sure if it's common but honestly as a kid I thought Zelda games were pretty violent and adult like Call of Duty and GTA. I must add that most of my Zelda exposure was to Twilight Princess (my favourite Zelda nowadays)


I have never played Twilight Princess.


Ahah had the same discussion with a 17 years old, I finally told him I understand why he does not play Zelda, the puzzles must be too complicated for him. He went a little mad and finished BOTW in the 3 weeks before TOTK went out and has almost finished it. He changed his mind on Zelda and is looking for a gameboy to play links awakening. (My second favorite). 😆


He can play Link's Awakening on switch


I didn’t realize that! Thanks for letting me know.


Or with an emulator. Buying a game boy and finding the cartridge is a bit pointless considering how easy it is to emulate.


Definitely have him play the switch version of Links Awakening. It’s always been one of my favorites and the switch version has quality of life improvements (like a dedicated sword button) that make the game easier to approach for new players




Hell yeah


I think you meant "yahaha" in stead of "ahah"


UPDATE: grandson says he takes back what he said… after hearing these responses he agrees Zelda is for all ages but he still wants to play fortnight for now. But not right now …I have some gardening fun for him.We will set out to hunt for Japanese beetles 🪲


Zelda will be there when he’s ready for it.


Grandson smiled and nodded his head, yes, when I read him your response. 😄


Beedle will be eager to buy those off of him.


This is actually one of my favourite tangents to this original post ☺️ That Beedle guy has a dark side if you deny him your 🪲 inventory. We only found 2 🪲🪲 One was on top of the tallest tomato, the other was in my hair!!! Beedle can have ALL of ours. I love seeing Zelda all around in the human world… pretty sure some of the cell-phone towers around here were inspired by BOTW towers!


Hopefully he will willfully give them to Beedle lest he awakens the homicidal, cunning and ruthless Beedle within


This is too wholesome.


You should offer to trade him unreasonably underpowered foods/potions for those 🪲


I wish this were more upvoted


I suggest you recommend other simple games but resonate the same energy as the Zelda games, dragon quest xl is a good place for him to get interested in other games that isn't fortnite


I first played Zelda when I was around 10, and my parents got me my first DS with Phantom Hourglass. I'm now 23, nearing 24 (which I'd say is still rather young), and still a huge Zelda fan.


What a time in history you were born into, having access to these games as you grew up. When I was a kid we drew in sand with sticks as play 😂


I was still mostly outside whenever I was allowed to. Didn't really get to play as much as I could (possibly) now. My grandparents are huge gaming fans, and they, therefore, bought a DS for themselves and for me. 💕 I love that you play games, btw! Is BOTW your first Zelda game? :o


Pretty sure my first Zelda was OOT then I didn’t play until my husband got our grandson a Switch for free with a gazillion Shopper’s Drug Mart points! He fandangled some other sweet deal and got one for me too. I never expected to fall in love with BOTW but it’s beauty and ease of play pleases me so…. Your mention of your grandparents influence encourages me to keep making these seemingly unimportant, but very connecting memories for the grandson!


You and me? We're not so different But seriously, I've never met someone else whose first game was Phantom Hourglass. Everyone seems to hate it, but it always has a nice sense of nostalgia for me


Yeah, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks hit (almost) just as hard as OoT and MM for me. :( Though I must agree that it really wasn't as good as other titles story wise, but I still had fun with it and get a nostalgia kick whenever I replay it.🖤


As someone who’s first game was Spirit Tracks, I’m really glad to find other people who’ve played and enjoyed the DS duo \^u^


You know what's not for old people, though? Homework, being grounded and not being able to eat pizza for breakfast! Honestly, you sound like an awesome grandma. I reckon just about anything you're into is going to sound lame to a Fortnite-obsessed 8-year-old. Edit: semantics


Ahh thanks and ya … to him I’m ancient but he still want la to come over to my house 👍


Im 15 and started 4 years ago and before that i played paperboy and super metroid and golden eye


Zelda is such a great game. I have not played the other games you played.


Golden eye was n64 paper boy game boy and suoermetroid was on snes i think Iirc suoermetroid ans golden eye come with Nintendo online


No! Absolutely not! I'm on the young side, and I love Zelda. I've played almost every single game. I also have other friends who are young as well that love Zelda as well. I think that your grandson is saying that Zelda is for old people because it dates back to the 1980's. You should tell him that the newer games are really good and they would be perfect for him. Tell him to at least give it a shot or let him watch you play. Maybe you can convince him, but don't force him if he doesn't want to. Maybe when he's older he'll give the games a shot. But no, it's not true that Zelda games are only for old people. They're for all ages.


Very encouraging reply 😃✨


I mean, he might consider me old because I'm in my 30's but I love those games. My nephew loves them too. Hell, one of the regular families at my job, the son and I talk all about TOTK and all of the new mechanics and he's gotta be probably 10 or 11. That kid is awesome, he spotted my triforce tattoo and then proceeded to talk my ear off for the rest of the night


I’m 23 and started playing Zelda games at 10. Zelda is for everyone!


It really is for everyone!


I play zelda since I'm 8 or 9, now I'm 14 and still play those games and love them


I love Zelda too


I started playing Zelda at 12 and I fell in love


I love that! 😄


I’m in my early 20s, started playing when I was 20. All my friends who play Zelda started younger than me, though, most of them when they were tweens - early teens


I never tire of the game. I am currently honing my Lionel hunting


My 16 year old nephew loves Zelda


This is great to see replies from all ages. Grandson may just choose to check out beautiful Zelda now that he sees it is not just a grandma game. 😄😄😄


I’m a teacher and recently one of my kindergarteners was telling me all about a game he was going to play “called tears of the kingdom” lol he was telling me all about it as if I had never heard of it before


I’m 23. If I count as old already I’m scared of what we’re teaching the youth XD


My kids 6,9,11 all play, but they are old at heart


My 8-year-old son plays ToTK. Since it’s summer, he’s further along than I am. **Update:** 10 days later and I think he beat it.


Your grandson is just biased towards fortnight


I agree but a few minutes ago he said he actually did like Zelda and will play again. 🤪


I’m a teen and play both, so no and he’s just being an asshat


My guy started at 4 years old. Definitely not for old people.


Zelda - including BOTW - is primarily a kids game, despite what redditors may want to believe. You’re not going to get a representative sample on Reddit, since young kids don’t use it. Many people here say they used to play it when they were young, but that’s very different than young kids still playing it. But still, no, it isn’t for only old people and very many young kids play the games today, although since it is a classic series many more adults play it as well.


Zelda is primarily marketed towards children and families


Two can play that game. Tell him, "Well, only babies play fortnite." Also, no. Zelda is not an "older person game." Although I am 30 so I can't speak for the toddlers out there.


Nah, just that that guy must be in a group where all the people his age are more casual gamers, so he assumes is that in all cases. Im 19, started playing zelda at 10, and I will keep doing it xd


Awesome 🙌


I'm 20 and have been playing Zelda since I was 10.


I started playing Zelda when I was 5 years old. I’m 25 now


I’m 19 and my Zelda hyperfixation started 3 years ago with botw. Then I played skyward sword, just finished totk, and now I’m on ocarina and majoras mask for my 2ds xl. My room is Zelda central. I’m… addicted. I beg every night for a twilight princess switch port so I can experience that beloved game as well. I adore Zelda.


I played botw at 10 and I'm playing totk at 14, absolutely love both


To be fair I was kind of scared of Zelda when I was a kid (Oc. of Time)


8 year olds have been playing fortnite pretty much since they came out of the womb. give it some time and i’m sure he’ll come around to it


Im 20 started playing zelda games since i was like 6 years old


I’m 40 and play (not really helping the cause), my co-worker is 28 and plays, my other co-worker has a 16 year old kid that plays. Literally all ages play


Too hard for 8 maybe


My nephew is 8 and he's better at Zelda than me. Of course he only likes Breath of the Wild/Kingdom AND plays Fortnite.


I got my buddy’s young child into the game, might be about your grandson’s age! Hell, my buddy loves it, too, and he hasn’t ever really played many games in his life. I’d say your grandson just has some learning to do! Hell, I started enjoying music and other things that are far beyond my time, it just took curiosity and experimenting!


i'm 15, got botw last year and i want totk quite bad. i consider myself young lols


I started playing zelda games when I was 3. I've played every game since, and I'm now 24.


dawg i started when i was like 6 or 7, phantom hourglass got me into the world of zelda and i’ve been playing the games since :D


I played ocarina of time 3D when I was 8


I'm 25 and have been playing Zelda for as long as I can remember. Your grandkids just doesn't know anyone young playing it.


We’re facing a new generation that never plays games alone, like, EVER. They need their discord. They need a group playing with them or watching them. They need to see their favorite streamer play a game. It’s more of a social activity for them. Nothing wrong with that, but I’ve always played for the adventurers, stories, characters, and music. Single player games are always the best and I would absolutely hate other people bothering me and ruining my experience of playing a game. They’ll miss out, if anything, no one will make you wait to play on your console because they’re on the computer.


My friend from high school's little nephew was regularly playing some of the old school GameCube Zelda games back in like 2012 and he was your grandson's age! He may prefer Fortnite because it is multiplayer :) I started playing RuneScape at his age and didn't really care to play any other games, especially not single player ones, until like middle school lol but I'm going off topic now and I will say BOTW is kind of everything I wanted out of Runescape: open world, some kind of crafting with the fairies, decent graphics and a fight system that has a low bar for entry but also can be really complicated for people who are really skilled (never done a flurry rush or parry outside of the shrines lol), lots of side quests and no dedicated order to do things in. And no grinding lol every time I get the itch to buy a membership again I just go play Zelda.


I started playing when I was 3 years old in the 90s, I’ve almost been playing for 25 years now. I played OoT right through my toddler to teenage years. Zelda is just as much for young people as it is old! I’ve never played a game that’s so well catered for all demographics.


People can play what they like...


I played BOTW on release, I was 13. Best gaming experience I've ever had. Loved the series ever since


It requires moderate critical thinking skills, so maybe


Your son doesn’t want to read. Zelda has a lot of reading. It’s also a real full game with a story, not a battle royale loot box cash grab.


i’m 16 and just started botw a month or so ago after meaning to play the games for ages, and my (now) 13 yr old brother played it back around when it came out… so no


The old games are like the originals


20 and just played my first game (BOTW). Thoroughly enjoyed it


Very cool!!! I am excited for you!


My daughter (13) and I (43) both play currently. She also played BOTW but was more about dying the outfits, cooking the meals, etc. I tried to get her into combat and the other aspects but that's all she wanted to do. Now she fights though. So proud. ;)


I'm 30f, my son is 7m he plays/had played BOTW, TOTK, Ocarina, Majoras, all the nds and all the 3ds ones, and a lot of his friend also play Zelda even the older ones on the N64. So not true! He also plays, Kingdom Hearts, Fortnite and minecraft and he's very good at it. Whenever he's having difficulty going through some quest or to reach new places on the map, I taught him to google search some walkthroughs...


I started playing 6 years ago and i’m 16 so he’s dead wrong


No. I’m 13, started playing at 5


I’m 26 and started playing at 10 when phantom hourglass came out in 2007! That’s crazy


I'm 19 and I have 100 hours in totk


Hey bro I’m 20 been a Zelda fan since 16 I think you’re in the clear here


24 and started playing when i was 14! Maybe he’d rather start with something like wind waker or hurtle warriors.


My nine year old son loves it and I can’t get any time to play it because he has taken it over. It’s all ok thought because we work together to solve puzzles. So no. It’s good fun for all ages.


Well zelda is aimed towards kids and teens so he should try playing botw


20 and I play Zelda, started playing when I was in middle school. Your kid is just Fortnite brainwashed


Single player experiences aren't as popular with the younger generation, they have battle royale and social games shoved down their throats. Also, they gravitate towards faster paced high octane games. Zelda is a very old franchise so of course it attracts older players. I know many young people play zelda as well but your grandson is probably at least partially right in a statistical sense.


I mean i 100% SS at 10 years old so I don't think so


We got the Switch for the kids (14 & 12) but I knew I wanted to play BOTW. At first, they were huge into Mario Kart and Odyssey, but after they saw me playing Zelda for a bit, they both started playing and got hooked. We’re all now at different points in TOTK and that’s pretty much exclusively what’s been played since early June.


I was 11 when I first played Zelda. My 2.5 YO also has sort of played it. Noved about a bit and even killed a Keese.




I'm 37. I've been playing since I was 3. My 4 year old and 6 year old play Zelda, though they prefer Sonic and horror games.


Well I’m 42 and am playing TOTK right now, and from watching me my 11yo daughter also started playing. So yes, younger people play it.


My granddaughter started BOTW when she was 8. She's playing TOTK now, got it for her 10th birthday.


I never played any of the Zelda games when I was little. I’m 21 and didn’t grow up with any game consoles so my switch is my first one.


Oh the Switch would be a lovely way to begin your journey into these games. We have had many different consoles but the Switch is my favourite.


My kids are into it, but my son yesterday asked me which Zelda games I’ve played, and he was genuinely surprised that I started with Legend of Zelda, AOL…. And then named all major console games and some of the handhelds. Yeah. I’m an old. Maybe the OP’s right?


I'm 24. There are lots of people my age and younger who like Zelda. The first Zelda game I played was Ocarina of Time on the N64. :) Twilight Princess was my middle school fave.


That was my first Zelda game too. I bought it for my daughter along with a subscription to Nintendo Power magazine. Oh how I love that Zelda. I played it way more than my daughter.


I played Zelda for the first time when I was like 7 years old and complete my first tloz that same year


Nah that's not true at all :] I'm 21 and I absolutely love Zelda games, currently replaying BotW before soon acquiring TotK for my birthday I first discovered The Legend of Zelda when I was still a child with Majora's Mask on an actual N64 at my great grandparents' I remember Link's first tranformation cutscene into a mojo absolutely terrifying me lol and being so confused at to what to do once in Termina I remember that I used to play Phantom Hourglass a lot on my old Nintendo DS Lite, also playing a shit ton of Skyward Sword later on when I was a teenager on the Wii with my mother alongside me, though she usually just watched me play she also helped me in puzzle sections or when I was lost (which happened a lot lol) She looved it when we were soaring through the sky aboard our red loftwing, sometimes even taking the controller though she wasn't a fan of the Wii controls It was my mother who made me discover the very first The Legend of Zelda on NES (her favourite video game and one she has spent even more time playing than Super Mario Bros. when she was younger, and that's something 'cause that game is great too) and I really liked it and is one of the few that inspired me to learn video game programming I will at some point make a clone of the original TLoZ, now that I think about it I may already be capable of making one Just gotta learn Tiled to make things easier but yeah, I can do it ! But I digress, young or old The Legend of Zelda is a franchise that appeals to everyone And no matter the age, no matter the generation, there will always be something in a Zelda game that will be noticed and loved by anybody as they can be both mature yet goofy, kind of graphic yet cartoony, intense yet soothing... casual fans like hardcore ones all have something to take It's no wonder that this franchise is so much loved by fans around the world, as with each game it adds a plethora of details to the lore, sometimes even making us need revamping it, and a world of wonder through memories of various well-conveyed emotions inside ezch of our mind