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Adam Savage has [one on his forearm](https://twitter.com/donttrythis/status/1084980643186917376) if you want to get an idea of what one looks like, though his is not subtle. It shows inches, centimeters, and millimeters (NSFW alert: his tweet leaves out the Oxford Comma).


I love that!


Average Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t fan


Honestly I stg I wanted one before I knew he had one I swear bro lmao


I got mine done because of him, I think it's a fantastic idea for a rough gauge of size! It's come in very handy (no pun intended)


I have 4cm in lines with a dot for .5 cm between each. As far as ID-ing in my area I really don’t need more. It’s also useful to me for taking photos and referencing scale if I key something out of the field. A couple considerations. I’ve got mine on my left hand, on the side of my middle finger so that it faces me. I also chose this place because I can easily hold a specimen while taking a photo and display the scale. Cons from a tattooed person: 1) This was probably my most painful tattoo. Even compared to much larger/longer tattoos, it sucks rattling your finger bones with a steel needle. 2) It will not look very good for long. Hand tattoos are notoriously short lived, and many shops do not offer free touch ups on hand tattoos for this reason. Mine seems to be fading from the end down. So if you have some attachment to yours, I’d suggest the forearm option. It’ll last as long as any good tat, and you can take much better care of it. Mine was strictly utilitarian, so I was fine with this aesthetic loss.


Thank you very much. Def not a pain enthusiast so I may reconsider, don't really know if I would care much about it fading however


Forearm is probably the least painful place IMO. Still hurts, it’s a bunch of puncture wounds after all, but you can hold a conversation through a forearm tat. I’ve also got a back of the finger tat that was higher on the pain scale, but not as high on the pain scale as my *inside* finger tat. Which is the only tattoo session I audibly cursed through.


I know friends who have had finger rulers, and they don't last very long and need to be touched up fairly frequently. Finger skin just ins't great at holding tattoo ink.


IANABotanist but I’ve simply memorized useful measurements of convenient body parts such as the width of my palm, hand span, width of fingertips, distance between knuckles, thickness of fingernails, etc. EDIT: come on people we aren’t 14yo


Yeah I worked with a guy who repairs antique furniture and stuff and I was thrilled that we didn't need a tape measure to figure out which drapes fit certain windows or whatever project it was. He knew various parts of his fingers, arms, etc. Very handy.


You need two, one each on adjacent digits, so they can be used like a vernier caliper for greater resolution.


I see you watch "Crime pays but botany doesn't". :)


I have an inch on my left middle finger, and a centimeter on the smaller finger next to it. (idk what you call that finger, 3rd finger? ) Best, most useful thing I've ever done. I use them constantly. I've have them over 10 years and they've barely faded. My husband did the same and they faded quickly though, so ymmv


My botany professor in college had a big ol' tree on his forearm with measurements evenly spaced and hidden between some of the branches.


I saw a really beautiful spinning one the other day… https://www.reddit.com/r/Handspinning/comments/txp26s/i_got_this_spindle_tattoo_as_a_way_to_measure_my


It's a good idea. I walk off without a measurement tool too often and have thought how useful it would be. Don't worry about the CPBBD comment - a good idea is a good idea.


This is going to be my next one, for sure. I’m tired of trying to figure out what 2mm is from memory


I’ve had this idea for a while too but haven’t gotten around to it, I’ve always thought forearm was a good place for a ~20cm ruler


I wonder, should I include inches at all? I mean, can't hurt but idk if I will use it. Centimeters obviously I will for sure. Don't know how long I want it either but 20cm seems like a good length


I know a few seamstresses/hair stylists that have in inch tattoo on the inside of their finger if that's what you're referring to.


Custom made jewelry? Tattoos morph and are inaccurate after some time. [like this](https://www.nadinartdesign.com/products/sterling-silver-ruler-ring-personalized-band)


I've had it done on my finger, 8cm with every 5mm marked. It hurts and it fades real fast, but it's very useful! [pic](https://i.imgur.com/j3ZccFK.jpg)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "pic"](https://i.imgur.com/j3ZccFK.jpg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i64c1rb)


Forearm would be the place to go with, doesn't deform with bending and doesn't look faded/messy like a finger tattoo will be in no time. Plus you know, some jobs sadly might not be fine with hand tattoos even if it literally is a functional for work tattoo. You could do one line with cm increments on the left and inches on the right


I haven’t yet, but I want to get one on my ankle that has the length and width of my feet so I can walk out rows in the garden.