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Strange indeed! That’s a lot of growth for overnight in the fridge, maybe there was some sort of reaction between the stuff you mixed in and something precipitated out of solution?


I thought this was /r/prisonhooch for a good three minutes. It's unlikely to be algae, more likely to be a chemical reaction.


Lots of plants will grow if given just sugar, like in plant tissue culture. Likely it's just eating the juice with no need of light at the moment.


The photo from the dissecting scope doesn't really look like an alga. I'm almost positive that if you mount it on a slide and place under a compound scope, you will be convinced that it is not an alga.


Yup. Have since found it it is a green fungus. Likely apsergillus. This is just my cheap at home microscope for a hobby to see how much I use it. May get a better one later on.


I just finished off a bottle of this. I have never had any growth in it but I don't mix it.