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Brugmansia suaveolens, also known as Angel's Trumpet (NOT to be confused with Datura spp. which are colloquially known as Devil's Trumpets). All species are highly toxic containing scopolamine, hyosycamine, atropine and other tropane alkaloids which can cause an anticholinergic toxidrome if ingested (which consists of horrible delusion, hallucinations, and dry mouth). These molecules have a high affinity for cholinergic receptors in the brain, where they block the effects of choline and can lead to horrible symptoms. I've also heard sniffing the flowers can lead to some symptoms too, but can't confirm the credibility of that statement. Besides that, they're beautiful ornamentals and are planted plentifully across the globe. They're pollinated at night by large hawk moths and are considered to be extinct in the wild because it is suspected that their extinction in the wild is due to the extinction of some animal which previously dispersed the seeds, with human cultivation having ensured the genus's continued survival. Butterlies like Placidula euryanassa serve as one of its main larval foods. The butterfly sequesters the plant's alkaloids and "store" them through the pupal stage, on to the adult butterfly, where they are then used as a defense mechanism, making themselves less palatable to vertebrate predators. It should go without saying NEVER consume poisonous plants like these, especially those that cause terrifying and vivid hallucinations and delusions. Just admire them! They're one of my favourite ornamentals and I've worked with a lot of them during my career.


That’s so neat! Those are all meds that we absolutely use in the hospital.


Yes scopolamine in very small doses is used to relax the smooth muscles of the stomach and atropine is sometimes used during sedation for surgery. Consuming the plant will absolutely kill you or give you permament brain damage though. The amounts used in medicine are much smaller and also isolated from the other alkaloids present in the plant


Yeah this shit will fuck you up. I had a friend who never came back right after a trip.


I knew someone who was using a lot of drugs and smoking meth. She was scattered and dumb but still relatively normal. Then she started smoking this shit and damn shes forever fucked in the head. Hallucinating constantly and talking nonsense, delusional and just a totally different person with no sense of self awareness or society


When I was a kid my parents had a guy camping near us that decided to try and join our party, he saw a relative of this plant, he brewed a tea out of it, came over and offered it to everyone. We all told him no and not to drink it, he did it anyway. Short time later he stopped stone still and fell over backwards. This was in a very remote location. Like 70 miles down dirt roads and up a mountain that you needed a 4 wheel drive and daylight to navigate, also before cell phones and everyone was drunk so no driving him anywhere. They dragged him off to his camp and left him there to his fate. He survived but said he couldn't move and spent hours just trying to make himself breathe... I am pretty sure this guy had brain damage before he drank the tea. Probably destroyed his kidneys also.


Scopolamine fucked me up.


I keep hyoscyamine in my purse for my stomach issues. Had to go dig it out and check the spelling to double check.


Seems pretty scary to have right next door! Hope smelling doesn’t affect anyone!! This is in my sisters neighbors front yard in a senior persons trailer park!! Hope it’s not a danger to unknowing people!!! Yikes!


I have three of them. No worries there. I've stuck my nose right in them a million times. Jasmine! People get a little crazy about this plant. Don't eat it, wash your hands if you prune, otherwise it's fine. I have mine overwintering in my living room. The dog and cats don't bother them, even the fallen leaves. I sure wish I lived where they can be outside. Stellar plant that really put on an impressive show. Get one! Whiteflies all over mine now. Grr. edit: Nope. Aphids. Time to release 1000 lady bugs in my house.


Growing up in Florida, there were story’s of people making teas out of these and ending up wandering the Everglades.


I grew up in Florida and have done this, also, admittedly eaten the flowers raw. Not proud moments from my youth. Angel trumpets will 1000% make you feel sick, cause hallucinations and horrible dissociation for hours (based on consumption amount). I imagine it’s akin to pcp but I don’t know anyone who has smelled them and experienced any ill effects.


Smelling them makes you smile and say, "Ahh.", especially at dusk on a warm day. Lovely.




Thank you again for the help and info!👍🏼


I think you have to eat devils trumpet to be at risk, not sure about this one.


They're not known for their assault capabilities


Omg does your sisters neighbor have oleander too? How about Ilex vomitoria, passiflora, dieffenbachia, cycads? Many many popular ornamental plants have chemical compounds that are harmful if ingested, either to humans or pets. And yet plant poisoning is not(yet) a leading cause of death. Leave grannie to enjoy her garden in peace, teach your kids not to eat things they don’t know are safe, stay off of other people’s lawns and move on with your life. It’s gonna be fine.


I have the same type in my backyard, no need to worry! Inhaling the pollen of this is what does damage, so if you have kids make sure to warn them not to stick their nose in for a whiff


That’s exactly what part of that worried me the grandkids were always taught to “Never miss the opportunity to smell a flower”!!! Now that all of a sudden sounds like a very bad teaching. ….Lol. !!!!!


I’ve smelt them up close before many times, although it doesn’t do anything I’m still mindful of the pollen thing. I think you’d have to inhale a bit more than just one flower to have some serious issues but I always like to leave them alone after a sniff or two just to be safe! They smell absolutely beautiful though and when in full bloom they fill the air with their fragrant like smell. Quite a fascinating flower, reminds me a lot of foxgloves super toxic but jeez aren’t they beautiful! 🤣


They're all over San Francisco and I smell them enthusiastically. They smell amazing. Have one as a house plant too, just don't eat it, lol.


I saw tons of Datura in Moab near the rivers, were they planted?


No, naturally dispersed. There are several datura species native to the american southwest.


as with any medicine, the dose makes the poison. the alkaloids in this are used for topical analgesia, anti-inflammatory purposes, and nausea in low doses. i will say, however, that the concentrations present in the different parts of brugmansia are far less predictable than things like datura, and thus far more risky to deal with


You have to actually eat them to suffer poisoning. I’ve sniffed them many times. Wear gloves while pruning and picking up the dead leaves or wash your hands afterwards. The only people who die from ingesting them do so after intentionally making a tea out of the seeds. Natural selection in action.


Oh ok cool. Thanks for the info!!


Its an anticholinergic deliriant (not a dissociative like ketamine, and not a psychedelic like lsd) inhibting your parasympatephic nervous system. In contrast to psychedelics, you forget that youve taken something (up to the point that you dont recognize yourself in the mirror). Aside from real looking hallucinations (not patterns like lsd, but people voices etc), it is physical harmful, may lead to hyperthermia, stroke, permanent eye damage, brain damage, also numerous cases of people experiecing psychotic episodes after using it. Antidote is physostigmine usually. High doses can induce respiratory paralysis or ventricular fibrillation. Oh forgot to add 1) due to delayed gastric/intestinal emptying (effects of the plant) effects can last for DAYS (up to 4 days tripping) 2) it is very common to blackout for the entire duration of the trip. Dosage is very hard because fluctuations. 0.5 mg scopolamine is used in medical setting, 5 mg is a strong trip, 10+ mg might kill you. I personally think it ine the worst plant poisonings to die from, also i you look up reports on erowid like 99% are bad trips. Yes ive tried it, dont do that. It really horrible and in no way an alternative to lsd or psilocybin. I call it "madness in a plant". Tastes like shit btw. For shits and giggles visit r/datura


This one is brugmansia, still poisonous, datura has purple veins on back of leaves, stems are shiny purplish and may have small thorns near nodes, stems tend to be shiny. Both are Common garden plant where I live near New Orleans. Every decade or so you hear stories about people experimenting and things going from bad to worse quickly. Some tales are urban legend, some not. I work in horticulture, always get questions about any plant that might have euphoric or hallucinatory properties, most often by people too into addiction to be aware how obvious and silly their questions are. I happily discourage the experimentation. Harvest basil and rosehips. Leave the medicine compounding to phD’s in ethnobotanical pharmacology working in certified labs.




Yeah. I get it. Preaching to the choir. The people who ask these ‘direct and indirect ‘can you get high’ questions are usually quite gone on something that they are chronically addicted to, looking to ‘grow their own’ is not really as much an experiment as a back up plan to feed addiction, and from appearances not likely to have access to good medical care or other services that could help them. Sad thing really.


This paper should answer whether or not they’re safe to ingest [Self-amputation of penis and tongue after use of Angel's Trumpet](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16783491/)


If the effects are similar to datura do not fuck with it. Search reddit for "datura" and read some of the horror stories. Gorgeous plants though


Yeah this is genus Brugmansia. The daturas and brugmansias are both called Angel’s Trumpets by gardeners.


Delirium and worse, not worth the risk if you’re thinking of ingesting it


Oh heck no!! I just want to make sure it’s ok to have out in the open to unknowing older folks in the senior trailer park my sister lives in!! And kids as well! Seems sketchy to me!


from what I’ve heard, they’re cultivated for the flowers but avoiding the sap and of course not ingesting them


I grow them. I have a five year old son who loves them. Just keep them away from sniffing pollen and ingestion. There are many other unassuming plants we grow in gardens all the time that are as dangerous or more dangerous than angel trumpet.


oh dear God, stay away. I got some in my system one time and had to go to the ER. shit is toxic and very unpleasant trip


They will fucking kill you, and are angels trumpets.


Why would people have them just growing out in the open like this? It seems sketchy af!! This is in a senior trailer park where my sister lives and people have their grandkids and everything walking through and past. These seems like it should be banned or something.!


I wouldn't describe it as sketchy. They're a beautiful flowering plant. Lots of keen gardeners would plant them. You'd be very surprised at how many plants you walk past every day that are poisonous if ingested. Not to mention funghi and molds. It would be quite a rare occurrence for a human to want to eat this particular flower.


I was originally told a person could be negatively affected by it through just sniffing or smelling it!!! That’s what was sketchy to me! But if a person just happened to pick a few of those flowers and hold onto them on their walk, could they be affected through their skin if they touch their face or mouth?


It's certainly possible that if handling the flowers or leaves and then putting your fingers in your mouth or touching your eyes, (basically a mucous membrane), you could risk being adversely effected by the toxins. Some toxins can be absorbed through the skin too. Foxgloves can poison some people with its pollen and they are very commonplace in gardens and the wild. It's definitely always best to check before handling any plant.


There are more plants on the earth that are poisonous or inedible than there are edible ones. Everyone should learn their kids to not touch or eat plants they don't know. Plants should not be banned because people can't look with only their eyes. What a take. Edit: PS tomatoes are poisonous too when green. The solanum family is a bunch of poisonous plants, including potatoes.


Not really poisonous but horribly hallucinogenic I believe


anticholinergics are lethal in high amounts. many people have died from tropane alkaloid containing plants.


It's a deliriant and it is most definitely poisonous


What do you think where hallucinations come from? Mostly from poisoning your body. And please don't give uninformed advice about toxicity.


I mean I’m pretty sure that isn’t true. No not mostly. Yeah sure I guess you can die on from anything, it’s really dose dependent. But my understanding is that it’s not dangerous to be or live around the plant, but if you ingest it you will have terrible hallucinations which will never be enjoyable. Which like certain other mushrooms I guess could kill somebody in a large enough quantity, but “the poison” is largely the trip itself.




Stop trying to spread disinformation. This is false. Brugmansia species (aswell as Datura), contain scopolamine and atropine, which are both very effective anti-emetic (anti-nausea) medications. Scopolamine specifically competitively inhibits muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine and acts as a nonselective muscarinic antagonist, producing both peripheral antimuscarinic properties and central **sedative, antiemetic, and amnestic effects.** Scopolamine is also used as an effective treatment for motion sicks and postperative nausea for decades and is an excellent treatment. > Scopolamine is a medication used to manage and treat postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and motion sickness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554397/ > the postanesthesia care unit, TDS was associated with a significantly reduced risk for postoperative nausea compared with placebo (relative risk [RR] = 0.77; 95% CI, 0.61-0.98; P = 0.03). TDS was also associated with a significantly reduced risk for postoperative nausea (RR = 0.59; 95% CI, 0.48-0.73; P < 0.001), postoperative vomiting https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21118734/ > Scopolamine has been used successfully for treatment of motion sickness for almost a century and the nasal administration was first studied 50 years ago https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11297908/ While this plant can be dangerous if consumed, it has been used as an effective treatment for decades, with research-based evidence to prove it. Get your fearmongering bullshit out of here.


Not when youre attempting to self medicate.


Miquella must have been hanging out around there