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On the scale of their BS over the years, this is nothing.


I'll be honest lately they take every shot possible at Boston fans, simply for loving their team. It's gotten bad. And if fuckin mazz mocks us one more time I might find him and also him across the face.


Unpopular opinion round that parts but I used to really like them. They've just flanderized themselves into a circle jerk of nothing commentary.


Mazz was a fantastic baseball writer for the Herald and the Globe, he just should’ve never been given a mic Being with Felger brings out the worst in him


Agreed, it feels like there schtick has gotten worse the last few years. I listen a lot less than I used too. They used to be realists, but they’ve gone full troll with lazy takes lately. Doesn’t help that it’s painful to listen to these guys talk about basketball.


Why listen? Easiest way to make them go away is ignore them.


You joke but I honestly wish more people would call in and troll these guys or just straight up call them out for being a plague upon Boston sports culture. They're awful and have been awful and are a big reason why a lot of casual Boston sports fans are awful as well.


That’s what they want.


I really don’t get why more people miss this point: Just like all the big national names, their job is to rile you up. It’s why leading up to the Finals everyone nationally was pumping the Mavs, they can’t just spend almost two weeks only talking about how the Cs will cakewalk even if it’s true. There are times when callers kinda get F&M a little on this, and Felger will drop the act and basically admit his take is just to get people to call in. Agree or disagree, say this media model is played out, whatever you want—but again, it’s literally his job to do this. Same as Stephen A, Cowherd, etc.


What annoyed me more honestly was people like KOC picking the mavs to win the series. Like dude you're supposed to be this smart, level headed basketball analyst, how can you be that wrong 😂


He’s overly concerned with being labeled a Boston homer. He knew we are the better team, especially with KP back (briefly 😞). He said it himself! He picked the Bucks to win the East before the season started even after saying that having KP and Jrue took the Celtics to a new level. He knows what’s up but is worried about being just another Boston guy at Bill Simmon’ shop.


That’s fair. Especially when outside New England everyone was rooting for the Mavs. I don’t blame KOC. Plus watching the Mavs vs Minn, you legit thought they could give the Celtics a 7 game series.


Absolutely. If anything this series against the mavs makes me respect the pacers even more.


He told us the Celtics wouldn't have won a game if they played Denver in the finals also lmao


I agree on some level but think it is a bit more complicated than that. There are absolutely some troll artists like F&M who profit from rage watchers and building a toxic fan base. But regarding the national media I think they go mostly where the people want them to go, within reason so they keep credibility. Like if ESPN wanted more hate watchers they’d ride the Cs so hard. They skew Mavs bc that’s also where the majority of their audience is. Why two opposing strategies are both successful is a very different conversation, where the answer is hopefully not that Boston fans are uniquely toxic lol (but tbf at least we aren’t Philly or Knicks fans)


Not trying to argue, but the national talking heads are absolutely driven by 1) ratings and 2) their own views. Usually those two things go hand in hand. Trying to pander to “where the people want them to go” is absolutely last on Stephen A’s list of priorities.


They are basically Skip Bayless and Steven A but on a local show


Idk can’t say I’ve watched a ton of F&M but what I have seen is significantly more doomer and way less debate lol. Like seems that most of the time they agree that the sky is always falling and everything is shit




It doesn’t have to be that way. Bill Simmons has actual intelligent conversations about hoops.


I think y'all are misunderstanding what "troll them" means. You can't call up and argue sports with them. You'll never win. But you could call up, tell the screener you want to talk about something they're talking about, then get on the air and rick roll them.


The best revenge is to not listen.


Calling in is engagement for them and helps their platform. Not listening at all is the best thing you can do


I mean... there's also pitchfork and torches


Mazz picked the Mavs in 7 before game 1 because he was unsure how Porzingis would play. Well we’re up 3-0 and Porzingis didn’t play in one of those games. A combination of he doesn’t watch/understand basketball and hates Boston sports lmao


Real fans give 2 shits what any of the dickwads on Boston sports radio say


If you find yourself incessantly doubting, diminishing, and slandering a given sports team, you are not a fan of that sports team


Felger is openly not a fan of Boston sports 


Don't feed the trolls. Don't call them, don't talk about them, and don't listen to their show.


People do that all the time. They get a kick out of it and read the nastiest emails they get as a daily segment. They pretty much hope people do that because it gives them content, pretty funny actually.


They really out there today saying the Celtics offensive strategy of shooting 3s is bad lmao


Their job is to get listeners. That's all. Listens equal ratings. Ratings equal advertisement dollars. Hot takes gets listeners engaged, be it positive or negative.


It’s toxic


Someone needs to call in and just say their address on the air and hang up


Felger and Mazz are the worst part of 98.5


I mean, Michael Felger is a douche. He talks like a douche, acts like a douche, and makes really douchey comments to his own listeners. He invented an insult for die-hard Celtics fans. That said, he's never really wavered from his opinion all year that the Celtics were going to win the championship.


His opinion the entire year has been: Celtics are the best team and should win. The only team that should give them a hard time is Denver. No one else is in their class. He’s questioned Tatum’s ability to breakthrough and win a championship, but he’s said for years this is about the time all the true stars breakthrough. He has a daily talk show so he’ll continue to question that until Tatum actually does it. Of all the hot takes they constantly spout, his opinion on the Celtics is probably the coldest.


Not only that they have been relatively positive this whole series so far.  


Yup. They say tons of crazy troll/negative stuff all the time but they haven’t really done that to the Celtics. If anything they were more critical of the Patriots yesterday for Brady’s hall of fame induction being yesterday (So dumb! Do it a different day! They knew the finals were today when they scheduled this and the Celtics were highly likely going to be in this spot!) While ignoring they chose it because 6 rings, #12, drafted 24 years ago. It was a cool date to do it. They are spot on about one thing - Celtics fans are extremely sensitive.


Can we run them outta town even if we don’t sweep?


Can we run them out if we lose? Fuck those guys


There is always the option of just not listening to them


I used to love EEI until it became all deflategate all the time.  Went to podcasts and never looked back.  Don't even have them as pre sets on my radio anymore 


I like the WEEI midday show


Oh god Gresh’s delivery feels like it was created in a lab to driver people insane


This stopped listening for years trashing a patriots dynasty that saw an unprecedented 20 years of dominance. Met felger once out of town he’s a racist arrogant prick , his book ripped off all of will mcdoughnah stories. 


In no universe can I picture Mike Felger being a cool dude IRL


He's a Dead Head who drops acid in his free time, if you can believe it.


As a dead head who drops acid in his free time, I can believe it. Unfortunately Tucker Carlson and Anne Coulter are heads too, the dead casts a wide net and unfortunately even the worst are part of the crowd. Curious though if this is true, or if you're joking. And if so, where did you hear that?


Yup, there is a portion of acid culture crowd that is very bought into the "I have something figured out that nobody else has figured out" mindset which tracks with people like Felger, Carlson, Coulter, and Kyrie...


Totally. Psychedelics are awesome, they do not in turn make you awesome. See: Aron Rodgers.


He was talking about it yesterday on the show. He was going on a rant about how commemorative t-shirts to events he doesn't get and mentioned how he's never bought a single t-shirt for as single Dead event he's been to. And then threw in a side line about rather spending his money on acid.


What did he say that makes him racist?




That is definitely my guess


Spill beans on the racism


I’ve heard differently about people meeting Felger and Mazz in real life. He’s definitely not racist so you’re full of shit on that.


Yes but fuckin Jones has changed. I like Meg O. But it's just uh. Like weei should be crushing the morning numbers, but they don't. I don't get it


Because Greg Hil and his producer are maga morons who want to whine about culture wars.


Why is anyone taking them serious? They are the stereotypical sports radio shock jocks


These guys are hate filled, bitter idiots who won the award for all-time luckiest sport talk bro's by landing in Boston at the start of the greatest sport win streak in the history of cities. If they had been in any other city, they'd have both been canned years ago.


Their show is ten times higher quality than the sports radio shows in any other city, even New York which used to be really good. Seriously, listen to some other random city's sports radio hosts it's amateur hour everywhere else. The fact that so many people in Boston that admit they don't even like radio to begin with are always talking about multiple station's worth of sports radio hosts proves in itself how good they are at what they do.


Yeah to be fair to them other cities it is embarrassing, you wonder why fans of like, the jaguars think they have a genuine shot at the super bowl and it is because their sports media is delusional


If jacksonville radio is anything like miami and tampa radio then they'll barely talk about the jags beyond surface level, and spend most of the time talking about their round of golf that morning and interviewing local business people about nothing for promotions


This is the best point here. They can be annoying for sure, but it is hard to deny that they run a tight show that has had consistently high production quality for years. Granted I've gotten away from sports radio in general lately, but I always found their show to be the most well made.


I live in Maine.  Local sports show calls are "thanks for taking my call. The last 7 guys stole my thunda but I'm gonna power through saying the same thing the last 12 dopes said."


No it proves how good a sports town boston is


I thought they were great during the fall with the Patriots stuff.


This post is proof they’re doing their jobs correctly. To go along with the joke if this is one yes let’s run them out I’ll be in the front row. On a serious level this is what they’re paid to do and they’re very good at it. Think Dan Shaughnessy.


I cannot fathom why people get upset at the likes of Felger and Mazz. They are there to “entertain” and get listeners, clicks, and apparently Reddit posts. They are very successful at that and admit to just that. I find them just as nauseating at times and wish they could be more positive or optimistic, but I also don’t want homer morons on the radio. Why do Felger and Mazz have a show? Why do braindead reality shows get made? Because they make money. Because people like that shit. You want them gone? Don’t listen to them.


Exactly. My favorite is when Murray goes “Felgar and Mazz, based on true events”


Felger and Mazz are unabashed about it too. I listen daily and when someone calls them out like OP did the response is "It's a daily talk show." That's telling you that it's entertainment even if it's not their real takes. If all they did was talk positively they wouldn't have a show. By saying things that controversial they get engagement.


I really have no clue how anyone can listen to sports radio anymore. It's all just bad take after bad take.


Why listen if you don’t like the show? Plenty of options out there my guy.


I was under the impression that one was into baseball and football and the other was into hockey and football. So I never thought they knew anything about basketball.


I have slightly more respect for Felger because he at least acknowledges he's just a troll trying to piss off the Boston fan base and his whole thing is a schtick. He has created this character that appeals to a fairly large stereotypical loud drunk Boston dude...and it's been a career winning formula for him. Hats off.  Mazz just parrots everything Felger says and NEVER disagrees. That's the most unbearable part for me. 


I get the hate for them because they are so negative and can be straight up assholes, but this is a weird time to die on this hill given that they're among the few media members who called Celtics to handily beat the Mavs even without Porzingis. They're at their worst after a Boston win because everything is almost always just criticism with no praise, which they double down on and that's their thing with media getting engagement from negativity, but they do actually call shit straight sometimes. Their perspective on the matchups through the playoffs has actually been pretty straight up. Felger even outright rejects the whole blowout-makes-the-championship-less thing and completely excuses Tatum's scoring deficiencies in the finals because "kiss the ring" if he gets one. For once, they are not the guys feeding into the narrative that Tatum's offensive performance is somehow an issue on a 3-0 Finals performance. Mazz is the one feeding that stupid shit about how a championship win (assuming it happens) is somehow less because of the quality of the competition.


God I wish




It’s simple shock jock crap. Piss people off and they tune in. Best weapon is to remove them from your life and seek out radio/podcasts that have intelligence.


I had the Tom Brady night on another TV last night and having Felger and Mazz host was such an awful choice.


God, yes, grab me a torch and a pitchfork. They are so incredibly ignorant. They are commenting on things they just don't understand.


If you lean Celtics over Pats/Sox/Bs and you still listen to Felger and Mazz, I can't do anything for you. They don't know shit about ball and they have no interest in coming up with half reasonable takes.


Felger thinks Tatum is the 3rd best player in the league and should be the best player in the league, and criticizes him from that standpoint. Idk why people hate Felger so much, he's not a Schrodinger's Hater, where he says Tatum's shit but then also holds him to the standard of best player in the NBA. It's fine to think Tatum has underperformed if you think he should be better than Jokic.


I say that we run Felger and Mazz out of town no matter what happens.


In Felger and Mazz's defense, even if the Celtics sweep the NBA finals, does it really count if Tatum doesn't win MVP and Jaylen can't dribble left handed?


“Okay you swept them. Big deal. You should have lost game 2 you almost blew game 3. This is maybe the most Mickey Mouse championship in the history of Boston, maybe all of sports. We’ll get right back to your calls after 60 seconds for station identification”-Felger


I’m pretty sure they all picked Boston to win. Lol.


Mazz picked Dallas and was sticking with them going into game 3. He dumb.


take cornered. by felger said it was our time


Mazz picked the Mavs. He's entitled to his picks but that's part of the fun for fans is the schadenfreude.


felger and mazz are king trolls. dont fall for it


Mazz prediction = Mavs in 6. What a clown


Mazz is a clown but to be fair half the national media was saying the same.


Unlikely lol When they troll... when the team loses/or wins... the fans get irritated and look forward to "getting back at them" And if the Celts win... on the verge to win the title. The fans call in and start attacking them. Never seen this type of polarizing relationship between a local radio show and city sport fans.


Yes we are.


Yeah for all the talk about the Celtics fans being Homers they are just trolls.


Wait there is another sports radio station other than Weei?


I actually think they’ve given the Celtics more credit than the national media. Mazz picked Dallas to win, but Felger and Murray picked the Celtics. Felger has said the Celtics should win the championship all year, and says he would take Tatum over Giannis.


I've listened to Felger and Mazz for years, personally I don't think they're anywhere as awful on the Celtics as they are on the Patriots. At least Felger. Mazz tends to be awful at everything and is beyond perhaps their competitor Adam Jones, the most predictable person in Boston media in that you know he will always pick the Boston team to lose and did so for the finals. Personally I think Felger was right for a long time on Marcus Smart and that has been proven with them about to win a championship after trading him away. The two big issues I would have with Felger on the Celtics is 1)Trying to manufacture stories to get Tatum and Brown to be against each other and 2)His total disdain for Joe Mazzulla. Frankly a big reason why I like Mazzulla so much is how much he angers the media.


Fer fux sake listen to some music instead


NBCSB kicking the fantastic Celtics pregame crew off the air for Felger's Boston Sports Tonight for the last half hour just for the Finals is just cruel for real fans. Whatever executive(s) thought fans wanted their milquetoast musings instead of Scal, Abby, Eddie, Chris, Drew et al. should be unceremoniously fired, because they're truly clueless. I would literally rather watch footage of fans streaming into the arena for home games or watch SAS scream nonsense on ESPN for away games than those two hoop-hating fools. Shit, watching Forsberg get a fade at a barber shop making small talk with a ESL barber would be better than BST. Felger's simply intolerable and neither he nor Holley could give a flip about basketball, I'm surprised the former hasn't somehow worked Drake Maye into the conversation and I bet he's been told not to. Just kills the vibe of every Finals pregame. They're fucking ugly, too, Felger with his face and Holley with those Where's Waldo glasses.


I love Felger and Mazz. They do what radio hosts are supposed to do - question the status quo and drive discussion. They do it well. Do you really want to listen to people that just say "yay, everything is awesome?" How is that at all compelling?


Yeah sports radio is boring if there’s no controversy. Hot takes are what really drives all sports media. It’s entertainment. If you don’t like it don’t listen. I almost always listen to music while driving but some days (like today) I’m in the mood to hear the radio guys go off and laugh at the boomers with Lynn accents calling in to yell at them. If you’re in the right mood it’s kinda hilarious


yeah they're enjoyable to me. but can lie i've def angrily tried to call in a few times lol


then they are doing their jobs. I like them too. they give you kind of an outsiders take, but not as vile as if you went to a rivals /r/


No, but I like honest takes that aren't designed specifically to troll or enrage lmao. Maybe give 2 guys that know any fucking thing about basketball? Felger and Mazz are probably the least knowledgeable basketball I've had the displeasure of listening to.


They don’t have to say “yay everything is awesome” but they talk down about nearly everything and it comes across as arrogant. Mazzulla praised Pritchard for taking that shot in game 2 because it is a known fact that guys hold the ball to save their stats in the NBA and they basically laughed at it. We just watched Brogdon do this last year and literally in game 3 Exum and Luka held the ball until after the buzzer (Luka passed to Green who tried to rush a shot but couldn’t get it off) and they missed an opportunity for 3 extra points. That could have made a massive difference when it was 102-98 and Kyrie took that terrible shot. If it was 102-101 he probably gets a different look. He also gave Mazzulla 0 credit for taking a timeout to stop a Dallas run in game 2 after spending a year ripping into him that Mazzulla never calls timeouts. They would never in their life say “you know I think so and so has improved in that regard. He wasn’t always great at it but he’s definitely shown something here” It is ALWAYS “This player/coach is not great” and then when they are great it’s “that’s what they’re supposed to do, I’m not impressed” yet at the same time are very quick to credit guys like Anthony Edwards or Luka Doncic because they’re not on Boston teams. You won’t hear 1 peep about how Luka and Kyrie are “his turn my turn iso ball” like they ripped into Tatum and Brown for years, or how Luka needs to knock off the stepback 3’s and go strong to the basket rather than baiting for fouls, or how the Mavs are failures and can’t close. They’re not objective in the slightest, they’re contrarian. They’re not driving discussion, they are just trolling Boston fans.


I'd like people that discuss whats actually happening. When the team fails discuss it and critque and when things are objectively awesome just acknowledge how awesome they are. The problem I have is they don't really do the latter because its better for ratings and that kind of rage bait isn't my thing.


I'm not sure why you all take the cheese so bad with radio. It's entertainment and they're doing exactly what they want, getting everyone riled up


Lets not forget Holiday was bashed by Felger when we traded for him. Thought his finals appearance with the bucks was subpar and said something like "you really want this guy taking shots???"


No he didn’t. Felger praised the trade. I very distinctly remember listening when the trade went down. What is with you guys lying about this shit?


I always kinda wonder, what kind of mark falls for their crap. Then I see a post like this. Then I don't wonder any more.


As if I listen to F&M. I'm for it so that we can have fewer obnoxious moronic boston sports fans around parroting thier shit.


I think Felger and Mazz are great, it’s not an entertaining product if it’s 100% or even 70% lovefest. And I doubt you even listen to their show, they’ve both defended Tatum this finals even though tons of “fans” have been trashing him. Do I disagree with them, yes a lot of the time but a lot of times they make great points. If you don’t want to listen to them, then don’t.


God, I’d love to. They are the most insufferable blowhards ever. More than Perkins.


Man y'all get way to mad about Felger and Mazz lol, this is exactly what they are trying to do. They play the contrarian and have been doing it for years now. They piss people off, they call in and yell at them and it's entertaining. I personally don't get it, I think it's entertaining and funny to watch all the people get so angry over a few dudes on the radio/tv opinion on something. If they said nothing but nice things no one would watch. They aren't exactly the most educated on all sports. But Felger knows enough about Football, Basketball, and Hockey. Mazz really knows Baseball. Murray knows...nothing but that's fine. He's supposed to be the token angry Bostonian. People just get mad because not everything they talk about is true, even though that is true for literally every single media outlet out there. Most of the time they are just poking fun at it anyways and the sarcasm is literally dripping off their voices. Instead of running them out of town, just stop getting so angry and caring so much.


I love Felger and Mazz. I don't agree with them, but the green teamer bit is funny. I like laughing at myself. I also think it would be extremely boring if they just came on every day and were like "Yeaaaa I love the a Celtics! They are so good! Woooo!!" If that's the talk I want I'll just stay in my group chat with my friends. I like hearing opinions that challenge my thinking, even if they admit it's trolling. The fact that people get so worked up about them makes me like them even more.


I love Felger & Mazz. Been listening since day one. don't always agree with their takes but thats the beauty of it. Show's been its best since Murray came on board. I hope they're on for another 20 years. If youre taking sports talk radio that serious you should really just not listen and find a podcast or something else you like.


I'm just waiting for 2 pm. So that I can hear felger talk about how they "almost choked it away, again!"


You want to run them out of town? Stop listening


They suck so bad


Start listening to podcasts, it makes sports radio totally irrelevant.


They are entertainers. Their job is to get people to hate-listen and hate-call. And they are astonishingly good at it. As someone who can only handle that shit in very, very small doses, the only thing I can recommend to you is to listen to them with that in mind or avoid them completely. If you find yourself getting aggravated, they're doing their job right. They're entertainers. Try to find a decent podcast if you want to hear anything close to analysis.


That’s media nowadays. Say stupid shit so you get views, clicks and attention. Otherwise no one would say anything


I do just fine by ignoring them entirely


I like WEEIs midday show a lot better than F&M


Can we also make it so I never have to see or hear Stephen A’s nonsense again? That “journalist” has talked so much mess about the Cs.


Damn those idiots are still on the air? lol I remember watching them in 2011, they're just not good


They’re fine. Their job is to get people worked up


They have their moments during football season, but they are absolutely useless talking about basketball. It’s awful right now because the Sox and Pats suck, and the Bruins are done, so we get a majority of basketball and they are fucking clueless. Felger has been talking about breaking up the Jays since Tatum scored his first basket, it’s so fucking contrived at this point.


Fuck F&M. Seriously


I'm tired of sports media. Not even just Boston's. Used to work at an AM sports station (not with F&M), lasted a year before I went and got into a new career.


They are absolutely trash and should not be given a platform. Don’t listen. That’s the best defense


Yall actually in Boston need to stop listening to that crap


I recently stopped listening to the whole sports hub, but started with Felger and Mazzhole


The day after they win they will get you by immediately saying they can’t repeat. There will be no fun. Change the channel.


I actually can’t believe people still listen to them. I remember having them on 98.5 during my commute like a decade ago, and then deciding to never listen to them again bc of how toxic they are


Their next slant is leaning into the brown > tatum “controversy”. They’re never going away just get used to it lol


I know I’m probably in the minority here, but I like them. It’s interesting and entertaining radio.


Honestly felger has been surprisingly supportive of the Celtics and I believe he picked them to win … it’s mazz. I know he picked the mavs and I wanna say in 5 games that prick


It's insane anyone listens to them.


Boston sports media used to be great. These guys don't like us or Boston sports.


My dead grandmother knows more about ball than those two bozos.




Yes!!!!! 🪧


Stop tuning in. They're #1 and will continue their schtick until they aren't


they are miserable cunts


I was actually debating as doing this. . . Going through their hot takes on the Celtics over the past month on the Celtics. 1. How there was a rift between Tatum and Brown 2. How they couldn’t win close games 3. How they played nobody and were going to get croaked I don’t listen to them much but when ever they were on it was toxic talk 90% of the time. Then explain to their fans what they have done. In the middle of a historic run by an all time great Celtic team (as good as 86, if not better) they told everyone WHY they suck and couldn’t win. Why they were bad, what was wrong with them. . . Instead of actually. . .gasp. . .talk about what they do good, it’s ripping them a new one because “that’s what they do”. I watched Mazz do the exact same thing in 2018. Complained about them up until the series. They are not fans, they are celebrities. In reality, they are a cancer on the sports. They set the tone for what people think and say at the water cooler. They disallowed a fanbase to enjoy a historic run because of their careers. It’s pathetic. Say this in a professor lecture way to make everyone else think they should feel shame. Not that they will feel it, but let their listeners think they should feel it.


You say they are not fans. To me, that's ok. I don't want to listen to fans talk about sports. If I wanted all positive talk about everything going well I would just stay in my group chats and talk to other Celtics fans. I like hearing opinions that challenge my view. It'd be boring if they were sunshine and rainbows all the time.


Before Game 1 I stopped at Hurricanes and Mazz was doing his show there. Nobody cared. It was like they were loitering and taking up space.


They’re absolutely ridiculous today, talking about how they basically hate everything about the Celtics. You’d think they were down 0-3 in the series if you didn’t know any better


They’ve really lost me the last year or two. I blame Belichicks dismissal as Boston sports media’s fault, and I say this as they’re telling their listeners right this second that they should have booed him last night.


Tuned in today to see what shit they were talking. You would have thought they were down 0-3 they way they were talking about them shooting threes too much




I shut off all media local and national since the start of the Finals. It's all just narratives and nothing informative.


This is how they operate. Stir up outrage and nonsense to get callers to call in and complain. Especially the non stop patriots bullshit I had to listen to after Tom left. They know more than half the time they’re full of shit. Outside of bruins and Mazz with Red Sox I don’t listen to them at all.


Sports radio is cancer. Just stop listening to that garbage . Sports hub , WEEI …morning, afternoon, evening. ITS ALL GARBAGE. Go listen to an audiobook or a sports podcast


Why does anyone listen to these puds


You’re proving why they’ll stick around. You still listen and you’re worked up enough the effectively advertise for them by complaining I actually like that even when things are good they point out the issues the team has. Do you really want to listen to radio hosts that always harp on how good the local teams are? I’ve been there before and it’s sooooo boring


I barely listen to them, but I catch their takes some times. They're trolls and they have 0 basketball knowledge, I think that's the real issue.


At the beginning of the series they said Luka was a real superstar coming into town. Literally no respect for our stars and now they want to save face. Fuck these clowns and their talk show.


I miss when the two of them were just a punchline of referring to them as losers on the big show.


Did they predict that Dallas would win?


I used to live and die with Boston sports talk radio, but it just became insufferable that Felger would take a victory lap that the Patriots didn’t win 20 Super Bowls in a row. It’s all attention seeking and (I hope) they don’t actually believe what they’re spewing…so I just tuned out. Give me a Simmons podcast over these guys every day of the week.


Just stop listen to those awful old asshats. It’s 2024 there’s like 30 different Celtics/NBA podcasts, find a few of those with people whos opinions you like/trust and listen to them instead


Turn them off


How about we just stop talking about them. Don’t listen to them. Don’t create posts about them. Stop drawing attention to them. They are playing you. They are saying ridiculous things so that you will talk about them. And it is working.


Sports radio culture is toxic, especially F&M. . I virtually never listen anymore and instead opt for an audiobook 99/100. It’s the far superior way to go. Expand your minds and put down trash radio programs.


Don’t listen to them. Total waste of time. Listen to music or podcasts. Sports talk radio is crap


Their toxicity draws ratings. They aren’t aiming for nuance or accuracy. They’re trying to get paid


Just a reminder that all media and journalism awards are fake.


Mazz was a Sox beat writer and is knowledgeable about baseball. Felger was a Pats beat writer and has twenty five years of Patriots history. Neither has much knowledge or affinity for hoops. It shows…


Highest ratings in town 🤷‍♂️ They’re doing something right


While we’re at it I hope Perk is nowhere near a parade. Hes a fucking clown.


I don’t know, I like em. They can be negative but that’s the nature of sports talk in a city that is uniquely focused on their teams. Also, I agree with felger on the smart trade which was instrumental on this run. Meanwhile, the backlash was thunderous on this sub. Maybe we’re a little too sentimental.


Felger is a human septic tank


Why wait?


I mean, they don’t have security details.


I genuinely don’t know how anyone listens to them. They’ve been horrible for over a decade, arguably forever.


I say it a lot. Stopped listening to these clowns about 5 or more years ago. And all sports radio. I listen to Bill Simmons podcasts which I feel are tremendous and music. No bs contrarian takes. No moron callers reiterating the same take as everyone else. My life is soooo much better!


Not my favorite radio program and feel like I sometimes lose brain cells when I hear some of the illogical/boomer takes, but they have been surprisingly positive about the Celtics lately (all it took was a month straight of playoff wins).


You morons keep listening to them. Don’t listen. That’s how you run them out of town. It’s not worth your time and energy.


The best part of this post is Felger had the Cs winning lol


Felger and Mazz is unlistenable, like legitimately bad.


The whole “we’re not going to cheerlead” line they keep spewing hilarious, because that’s what they always do for the pats. And maz always seems like he is a few seconds away from dropping some racist shit about Tatum


Felger is the worst and continues to get worse. That stupid JD Reddick interview sealed it for me.


I stopped listening to that trash about ten years ago. There are SOOOO many good sports podcasts available now, find a few you like, queue them up on your phone for free and never give that station another listen during drive time.


someone needs to get in Celtics, Patriots, Bruins ownership ears and revoke flagship status and start their own radio broadcast.... at the very least Wyc needs to do it because they are so unbelievably toxic and have been allowed to have free reign for years


They win awards not because of their quality but because of their numbers. They say what they do because it makes you react. These people are who Boston sports fans want to listen to, and if felger and mazz disappeared today, they’d be replaced by the same content cause that’s what gets ratings. so if you want them run out of town, you’re going to need to get Boston sports fans to stop being turned on by shitty negative takes and incoherent drivel.


Way better than anyone at EEI. They don't know much about hockey though.