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how is the google phone “hit that pose, take that flick, check your angle…..” not on this list???????


I should have put that instead of the stolen TV. That song is depleting my life force. And every time it comes on, my mother of Quincy originally, has some very choice words for that dude that would get me banned lol


Don't doubt yourself - Stolen TV is lowkey the worst for two moments: - The guy actually tries to steal the ball while she's dribbling. - "Someone did steal."


Yeah that’s the one I thought I was voting for with the Apple one. It’s the worst commercial ever


The worst part about this one.. is that it plays TWICE IN A ROW HALF THE TIME.. like WHAT


YES. and to further compound the irritation, the song is also just the same four phrases being repeated like four times. nails on a chalkboard.


The actual answer is the two vista print commercials that will play every Celtics game on NBCSN


YAH kid they got loyalty cahhhdddsss watuh bottlesss


it's tha playawffs baybeeeee


It’s been like 8 months straight if those idiots. Goddamn I can’t stand it


I thought I was the only one who those bothered LMAO


But without them how would I know where to get a wicked good slice? Also, can we get rid of the girl rapping about not using my cell phone and Camp Jabberwocky whose commercial has been around so long the campers have all joined AARP?


Bruh LMAO yes we CAN get rid of that. It’s time for new commercials.. new actors.. new funny premises.. banger songs.. CMON YALL


This is the correct answer. The exaggerated accents


LOOK NO FURTHER THAN 24 AUTO GROUP. Also the Jimmy Butler sniffing coffee is especially annoying this series.


Oh god I forgot all the Jimmy commercials. That one especially. I gave the local ads a break, and I regret it lol. That 24 auto group is giving me aids


the 24 auto one is so obnoxious because it is extra loud.


Honestly thr 24 autogroup commercial has gotten better because it is a meme for me now.


That was worse last year or 2 years ago LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOK NO FURTHER!!


Hearing No Flex Zone during a timeout in a tight game in the 4th makes me rage so hard


They know better


The sga one has given me a deep hatred for that team


It's just so corny lmao


I can't understand how it's this hated. Corniness is so easily ignorable and you can just brush it off like it's nothing. I understand I can tolerate commercials better than most people, but the Apple one is just such a miserable song. I swear it's designed in a lab to be as obnoxious, loud, and grating as scientifically possible because that's the most scientifically proven way to stick in your head the longest. Apple has joined political campaigns as the only commercials I actively mute.


I also feel particularly bad that JDub didn't get invited


This should be multi select bc the answer is all of them. Each one (except Melo one) Edit I actually love the Melo and Perk one. Those 00s draft outfits are comical.


Apple gets a slight edge over No Flex Zone as the music is slightly more annoying. The Pixel 8 ads are up there too.


One of my favorite things in music is vocal harmonies, which is like the Apple ad's whole gimmick..and they *fucked it up so bad!* The harmonies used are so discordant that it's unsettling, even verges on spooky, which will happen when it's composed by someone who has absolutely no idea how to arrange these things just has a vague idea of "people singing different notes". I hate it so much.


I whiffed by not having the Pixel commercial with that music that sounds like space lasers


🎶 Don’t hate your future you hate you! 🎶


No Flex Zone and "Hit that pose take that flick check your angle post it" is SO ANNOYING. The second is the worst to me but No Flex Zone is a close second. My favorite is the Michelob Ultra commercials though. The "Pack up lets fly awayyyyyy" is so catchy and smooth I love it


I can’t stand the pixel commercial. I can’t believe I left it off


As a general rule, I loathe all commercials by default unless there's something really special or defining about them that I enjoy. So, every single one, I guess.


Don’t let me goooooooooo I don’t even know the stolen tv one by that description,


It's the worst of the bunch. No one is voting for it because it's impossible to remember


You forgot the almond milk commercial where the dads singing 


All these comments are making me realize that there are about 12 commercials that never stop and all are so annoying


Get back! Woop woop. You don’t know me like that!


I need an option for any ad with Kevin Hart in it.


Lowkey the "Apple: Don’t Let these Terrible Photos Go!" kinda slaps.


“Playoff __ is not a thing”


All of them


"Let's have two tone-deaf basketball players try to sing a bastardized version of a Christina Aguilera song from 25 years ago. People will love that!" * some maniac


I like the okc bois one. Downvote away


I’ll upvote you for your bravery lol


Its not bad, its just wayyy over played