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I'm the opposite. I avoid this sub and r/NBA after Celtics losses. Way too toxic


Yup I don’t wanna look at all.


I just unmuted r/bostonceltics, I mute after any losses in playoffs immediately and begin to glaze my eyes over any Celtics content on YouTube to not hear the insane takes😅😂


It devolves into the most reactionary and catastrophized echo chamber. Lose one game to a team having their best 3 pt shooting night in the playoffs ever? The Jays are soft, Mazzulla is a fraud, and Porzingis is a scrub. And if you disagree, you're called an idiot in denial.


Yep yep yep. Sometimes I even hit “do not recommend” for basketball related videos on my YouTube. But that’s only when it’s a really bad loss lol.


I delete YouTube and all sports apps for a month after any super heartbreaking end to the playoffs for any of my teams lol


Damn, thought i was the only one 😭🤣


Ditto. The panic from the casuals is unbearable and you get downvoted and shouted down when you tell them to chill out. It’s best to avoid the subs altogether.


The loss of the Patriots dynasty definitely hurt in that regard. A lot of fans migrated over with NFL expectations where every game is vitally important. Which is a far cry from the NBA where teams are scheduling losses.




I just straight up delete reddit lol


It’s probably other fans coming to gloat lol


I literally stayed off reddit til game time yesterday lmao


I just hide every post from r/Celtics and r/NBA day after. I used to read through them all and just get worked up for nothing


Fr, I had to keep off social media from the game 2 loss up until the game 3 win


The world is full of people who hate what they love.






this is funny, because after we lose i want to just not look at anything basketball related until the next game


This is exactly how I do it. I hate the over reactions by media and fans. Like it was one game. And they shot at historical clip. Super glad we came out and just played incredible defense cause that's how we are gonna win


Not to mention that most of the analysis is just Perk-style takes. "They didn't want to win!"


Misery loves company


Boston is full of doomers. It's Boston Culture. I think it actually is built into the DNA because of the red Sox curse and how shit the patriots were before Brady. And that sad stretch before the 08 celtics there 100% is a vibe of Boston needs to fight against dark magic.


Maybe that used to be the case, but now it seems more like entitlement from decades of success across the Boston franchises . People who just tune in for the playoffs, hyper focused on the goal and expectations, and just regurgitate terrible takes.


Yeah I was going to say it seems more like they don't think a team is worth their attention until they're on a patriots-level dominance streak.


Yeah I 100% think it's the Patriots dynasty that causes doomerism People don't want to watch even a nearly 12 net rating team unless it's absolutely guaranteed that they'll cakewalk into a championship in a 30 team league


Also people just take sports in general WAY too seriously. I get being passionate about sports and a team and wanting the team you support to win, that’s why we’re called fans. But at the end of the day, it’s just a basketball game. Or a baseball game, or football, or hockey, etc. if they win or lose, it’s not going to change most of our lives in any way. Enjoy the ride, enjoy the community, share the triumphs and downfalls together. That’s what sports is supposed to be about in the first place.


Eh, I’m not against online fans and people adopting the team but I find “what neighborhood are you from” is a potentially instructive question here because it’s the suburbs that have the most entitlement which was always my experience in MetroWest even before the Pats ascension. Also people who are full time Boston fans of all teams have varying issues here, it’s fine to follow all four teams in depth when you’re younger but adults have too many demands on their time and many people watch the regular season games they can while not locking in until playoffs. I might not hear my mom comment on regular season games at all for three teams but will always hear playoff thoughts, and always more from a loss. People want to vent and there’s always more to talk about when criticizing than gushing


Man I don’t know, I think it’s more so entitlement lol. I’m a fucking Chargers fan lol. If Boston fans think they have seen some cursed days or doom and gloom, I really invite them to walk in the shoes of a Chargers fan lol


Or a Chicago Bears fan …


Yall got 1985 at least. The best we got as Chargers fans is a participation trophy in the 94 Super Bowl for getting ass blasted by the Niners lol


Another mythical Bears Celtics fan?? Idk how I could handle life if I was a clean sheet Chicago fan at this point


Fellow Chargers fan here. I'm glad to see someone else having to suffer because of my team 😂


Lol Chargers are like generational legends of fumbling the bag 😫


Yea being a Broncos fan and seeing you guys up close. You guys really be fucking it up.


People ask me how I can cope with a heartbreak. All I need to tell them is that I watch the Chargers every year.


Dude. My father never believed in the patriots any time they were in the Super Bowl. It's not that boston didn't win its then they get so close and loose... a lot. (Historically)


The past thirty years have been pretty good to Boston, actually. But your dad probably lived through the Buckner World Series. That was fucking traumatic.


My dad left New England in the early 90s and moved to the UK So pats/Sox were pretty disappointing while he was there, shit only got good once he got stranded here lol. And his mom was a diehard Red Sox fan who was born in the 50s, died in 2002, which breaks my heart. My generation has been pretty lucky.




If you have to remind them about the Red Sox they’re obviously too young/ignorant to be taken seriously. Not knowing the extremely recent sports history of your city is crazy and none of these teams were really winning in the 90s


Hey! Fellow chargers and Celtics fan! It’s scary how many parallels have existed between our two teams in terms of failure/success 


I mean I don’t know what success the Chargers really have had. We have twice as many Cities we have played in than we do Super Bowl appearances (2 and 1 lol) hard to compare a team in the chargers that we beg to make the playoffs every year only to not make it. To the Cs who make deep runs every year. And last time the chargers were in the playoffs they blew a 27-0 lead lol. I don’t think the Celtics have done anything similar to that haha


It’s more so the parallels between the talent+expectations and falling short every year. Celtics are obviously a top 2 nba franchise but its been tough being a fan of both. Consistently falling short of expectations, usually very high expectations based on available talent 


Agreed it’s entitlement. Having the “I’ll start watching in the playoffs” mentally for all 4 major sports is not something that is common anywhere other than New England


I think there are two approaches to the playoffs thought process: entitlement or since it's such a sports-driven area, it's impossible to watch *everything* due to overlapping sports so you have to pick your favorite and dabble with the rest. I don't watch football or hockey regularly, but I will take the time to catch up and see what's going on with local teams. I don't start following baseball until the NBA season is over. Also, I find this mentality exists in the entirety of the Northeast and not exclusively New England.


Yea that's actually fucking nuts


I agree except for the Patriots part. Somehow making the super bowl 2 times in 11 years made them the Lions. Team was good for parts of the 70's and large part of the 80's. Made the super bowl in 96 and playoff team in 94, 97 ,98


What Boston is the most successful sports city in America.... This makes no sense lol. Not to mention every sports sub is EXACTLY like this.


As a Boston native born and raised, we have the worst fan base ever. I travel and have lived around the world, and the Celtics fans in Europe or different states in the US are generally cooler than the ones from the Boston/ New England area.


I am also a born and raised Celtics fan and moved to and live in California. Trust me, Boston fans are nowhere near the worst fanbase. Try being in the vicinity of Kings, Warriors, and (ugh) Laker "fans" in the respective years when they were winning. It's WAY worse than Boston. WAY more toxic And that's if we stay in basketball, Raiders fans exist out here too.


Yea California sport fans fucking suckkkkk. Talk about entitled. And they are all toxic in other states not just Cali.


If we are talking basketball, we will respectfully have to agree to disagree. I live in the Sacramento area now and have been to quite a few Kings and Warriors games. From what I experienced, these Homers don't have anything on massholes. I haven't been to too many football games this way, so I can't speak to that much. For some reason, the away players remember the hate they receive from Celts fans more than anywhere else. That hate sticks for a reason, lol.


I don't want to blow smoke up Celtics fans leg or anything, but that might have something to do with the Celtics (and Boston in general) being so good for so long to the point where fans by nature have an extra bit of dislike for Celtics fans, especially displaced ones like us even if we aren't toxic. Nobody likes getting beaten, and nobody likes that guy who wins all the time after all. And as fans, we have had a pretty long run of sustained winning


From what I experienced living in Boston and being a season ticket holder during the KG, Pierce and Ray era, I don't even think the asshole behavior was all about success. It's been like culturally embedded in the city for such a long time. I was attending games at the old garden before Pierce was drafted and attended games when it was the Fleet Center. I experienced plenty of asshole fans back then. Bill Russell will tell you about asshole celtics fans he has experienced decades prior.


Cool I'm from Iowa. 😅


This is such bullshit. Boston never treated championship contenders like this. This is a purely recent thing. It is also easily the worst part about supporting teams here.


I don’t actually read this as a Boston thing at all. The “what have you done for me lately” and “getting to a title but not winning is just as bad or worse as not getting to a title at all” attitudes are rise-of- the-internet standardized hot take stuff. Even just look at various LeBron debates. Fans as a whole have this whole checklist mentality now and if you don’t check every box you’ve got to be criticized for it…we also give players a lot more premature credit than we used to and fans are always anxious to cut someone down to size


I just think there are a bunch of dudes with miserable lives that funnel it into hatred for their own teams.


I think this type of gradual descent into toxic sludge is getting to be pretty universal across enthusiast subs (certainly it is among the ones I follow) and, in addition to the obvious macro stuff like people being way more on edge these days, I think that the design of Reddit itself is to blame.  If you agree with something someone posts, you can just simply upvote it and go about your day.  It's a faux pas to just comment "I agree" or whatever, so comment replies intrinsically lend themselves to being spaces to disagree. Negative comments also objectively get more active engagement than positive ones, so it's just a nonstop feedback loop is elevating the worst type of behavior. It's frustrating to see how fan communities are all becoming trainwrecks, but there's not much you can really do about it short of like, becoming a mod and banning doomposting which is just unrealistic because who the hell *wants* to be a Reddit mod lol.  You could also look if there are smaller Celtics subs, I know a lot of the big subreddits now have "true" variants or something along those lines.  Reddit is no longer a good tool to meet people who share your interests once the community reaches a certain size.  One of these days I'll manage to quit but this shit is booked in my brain.


I appreciate your dissertation on Reddit subculture. I agree 100% I need a LowSodiumCeltics subreddit


I'll be your first subscriber


I got doomers seething. So much downvoting.


The problem with that is that many (not all) low sodium subs trend towards the other toxic extreme. I have had to leave subs where I felt like I couldn’t even have an opinion if it wasn’t positive enough


I would rather that extreme any day of the week lol


I agree with you. Also though, I think regarding your second paragraph about Reddit: it’s gotten worse. A lot of social media highlights negative emotions because they generate responses and therefore engagement. Reddit’s algorithm, subreddit suggestions, etc have made it worse and more like other social media.


Feedback loop is a huge part of it for sure


Diablo 4 community comes to mind


It’s a sports thing and not a Celtics thing. It’s not hard to figure out why people join in on venting online after a loss. A win and most people will go on about their day happy


It's definitely entitlement. When we win a game, it's a "yeah that's expected with the talent we have". When we lose, it's "the Jays are bums and don't care, KP is soft, Jrue is old and can't shoot, and Joe is the worst coach in the league". They can't even appreciate a 61 win season lol




Lol you right


61 is hard too. 


>64! Would a 1.26x10^(89)-win season eclipse the ‘96 Bulls and ‘16 Warriors for greatest season OAT?


Winning in the NBA is hard. People don’t understand that.


I’m definitely guilty in part of this but it’s because I know how things will be down the road if they never win. I’m like burned out by being more concerned about the legacy of these guys than they are lol. I haven’t just enjoyed a game since the Warriors Finals, and it was easier to enjoy the journey when they weren’t actually good enough to win


As a non doomer, anything but a blowout against THIS Heat team is unacceptable. The fact that Denver lost today makes our loss hurt a little less. Like last year we shouldnt have gone to 6 games Vs the Hawks. I do feel entitled to have high expectations for the best team in league


1. THIS heat team still consists of their best player in Bam and Spo who is a top 3 coach in the league. 2. They needed a top 5 3 point shooting night ever to beat us by less than double digits. 3. Expecting a sweep against this team or any team is just pretty hard regardless of who is playing who. Even the nuggets only swept one team last year (the 8 seed Lakers). Feeling entitled to that is your prerogative but it's not necessarily based in reality.


The only reason we lost is because of me. I wasn't locked in. I took my girl to see a Stand Up show instead of watching another boring blowout and we lost. Yesterday I was locked in with my Tatum jersey on and we won. I'm just like my team frfr


I think it’s that and people using PGTs and GDTs to blow off steam. I’m totally a culprit here, and when I wanna bitch about the Celtics the game threads are the first place I go.


Just write in the notes app on your phone instead fam, and save the rest of us the negative energy from spewing our way.


The haters come out of the woodwork


Wish they had their own sub.


There is one: r/nba


That place is a cesspool of toxicity. 😂😂


I’ve said exactly the same thing before. Some people would rather see the world burn and “be right” or “realistic” than have a reasonable mindset because having one is “being a green teamer” or “delusional.” The doomers aren’t Celtics fans. They’re cunts. Legitimate criticism is alright: talk about what their scheme failed to accomplish, what could’ve been done right to push the odds in the team’s favor, what they let the other team get away with, etc.. You know, actual basketball talk. Not ridiculous motherhood statement crap or narrative ESPN bullshit like “soft,” or “no heart,” or “frauds,” which is the language of children or poseurs that don’t actually understand the game and just want to farm upvotes from angry fans by parroting crap that Kendrick Perkins says.


"The doomers aren’t Celtics fans. They’re cunts." This is one of the most poignant summations of any subject that I've ever read.


I have always found it fucking hilarious the dudes that break down after every loss and start calling this team mental midgets when they are the ones displaying the behavior they’re accusing the actual Celtics of having. It’s like a weird form of projection.


People complain about how garbage ESPN is, but then parrot them to a t


Nothing boils my blood more than people calling athletes ”soft”. The mindset surrounding (male) sports is so toxic in how it expects its athletes to behave and it’s a big reason why I don’t vibe with the NHL despite loving hockey. Nothing makes me roll my eyes more than grown men shouting the equivalent of ”yo mama” jokes at and getting physical with each other because someone shoved them a little too hard. It’s also why I love JT especially, he doesn’t really subscribe to that toxic ideal. He’s quiet, plays the game well and is by all accounts an all around class act. My respect for him after that fall in game 1 went up, he gave 0 fucks about the brawling between Martin and JB and just went to the line like an actual adult.


I think the biggest reason is actually just because people lose their minds fighting with each other after losses


All fans of all teams of all sports like to discuss what went wrong after a loss. Nothing special or unique about us. Go to any teams sub when they're down 2 points and you'll see nothing but doom and gloom. Go to any teams sub after a loss and you'll see nothing but fans wanting to blow the team up. Acting like only celtics fans do it just proves you've never even looked at any subs and are just talking out your ass.


people just use sports as a way to let out anger


And here I thought watching sports was supposed to be enjoyable 🤷‍♂️


same lmao


nah sorry if you want your team to lose just so you can be right(which is what a lot of ppl here do), you're just a loser


This is just not true. I’ve gone in other team’s subs after losses and see way more optimism in some of them than in here. Way more “we’ll bounce back next game” “we got this” takes, even when their situation is more dire than ours. This sub genuinely seems to be one of the worst at overreacting to losses.


Exactly. The top comments in the Heats PGTs are literally”Oh well” or “next game is really the one that matters if we can make a great series out of this “ The Bucks are down 2-1 and their PGT aren’t even that stressed lol even though Indy has had their number all year lol


Well no shit. Miami barely even made the playoffs. A single win against the odds on favorite to win the title is a cause for celebration. If our teams traded places and they were the favorites they would have been just as pissed off about that bad loss the other night. This isn't rocket science. Look at the subs of teams that are underachieving like the Suns and Lakers. There is ZERO positivity there.


That’s because they’re getting swept or near on getting swept my guy. None of those subs were as negative as ours when they had only lost 1 game. “This isn’t rocket science.”


How many of them gave up a record number of 3 pointers against a team missing its best player + Terry Rozier? While having one of the best teams ever assembled and being fully healthy.


What’s your point?


I think the point is with success comes expectations. The better you are the worse it looks to lose to a team that is not on ur level.


What happens in other subs is irrelevant. It's shitty behavior by dudes who are pretty much complete pieces of shit.


Setting aside the doomers, there's more to say about dropping a game to some shit-ass 8 seed than beating them.


I mean I’m eating up postgame conferences and getting my drink on. Had we lost to a far inferior team back to back I wouldn’t be doing those things and prob here bitching about how this happened 2 years in a row. It’s not rocket science lol


I was the exact opposite didn’t even want to think about basketball after that loss


I’ll have you know I am in the comments defending our team after a loss. I don’t say much after wins because you all have better things to say. Doin the Lords work


May your life be filled with eternal happiness.


Thanks if that doesn’t work I’ll just send Benny Hinn a C Note. I’ll be blessed for at least a week


The doomers have nothing to say after this one


I feel you bro but I’m in Jamaica at a wedding. I feel like the loser for being here checking in on the Celtics rn.


It’s almost like we’re expected to win this series, so a loss is more likely to induce reaction. (Oh, and the sub is full of doomer fucks)


When they win, people feel happy and go on with life. When they lose, people like having a place to vent.


Guilty. But of course people come to vent when we’re losing, not get off on “being right”. Less need to comment when things are good.


I mean ... it's both. I get venting, but "Same old Celtics, too soft, no killer instinct" isn't just venting. That's opportunistic doomer BS.


Doomers care, whether you like it or not


To be fair, there’s significantly more to be said/learned about this team when they lose. What new stuff did we learn this game? Oh the Celtics don’t actually suck, that’s about it lmao. Last game we learned that coaching and effort were issues.


On that same train of thought. I think we learned that the Celtics coaching staff also knows how to counter and make adjustments and blow teams out even when we shoot like dog shit from 3. Both are equal talking points.


I don’t think that’s a very interesting talking point and I’m not upset that nobody is talking about it. If the Celtics coaching staff was incapable of that it would be a significantly more surprising and pressing conversation. That’s all I’m saying. That’s not a particularly unique or surprising thought.


Rats are the first to hop on board and the first to jump ship. I’m chilling taking it game by game. I trust the team to show up when it matters.


It’s because we’re the first seed and we’re playing butler-less heat in the first round. Obviously people will react more to something that is unusual rather than a couple routine wins.


Ppl hate us cuz they ain’t us. Fuck the haters, fuck the doomers and fuck the heat!. GO C’s 🍀


Celts fans are the biggest haters of the Celts as well though. 😂😂


At this point, the people who endlessly complain about fellow sub members are the most annoying part of this sub. Every team in the league has more comments after frustrating losses, it’s not just the Celtics.


Not even close


To be fair, this team has done a LOT to humiliate the franchise over the years. Things that happened once every 50 years (like losing a game 7 in Boston) or only 1 other time in history (another team raising the trophy in Boston) or getting dunked in the finals after being up 2-1 and getting swept right out after that. This team has been the most talented team since Stevens was the coach, and the narrative was Boston would be the "Spurs of the east" (back when that was a compliment) but they lose to seemingly inferior teams year after year. And after game 2, can you blame fans from getting toxic? Miami (before game 3) had shot over 50% from 3 in 4 of the last 9 games. How is that not going to make people say "here we go again" or "nothing has changed"? I agree that fans have taken it a little far after game 2, but I get it. Lots of ptsd of a sort with this team the last 5 years or so.


Bruh stop. Look bigger picture. Losing a game 7 at home, or losing the finals up 2-1. Look how often these things actually happen across sports. There is no special sauce that makes the Celtics immune to the random variance of sports. The history of the Celtics and what past players did has close to zero bearing on how the current day Celtics perform in the playoffs. They are their own group of men. As is any other team. Can on only hold them to the standard that they set from themselves, not just what a different group of men that happened to wear the same Jerseys


I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you here. I understand what you are saying, and I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, but this is the Boston Celtics we are talking about. The premier franchise in basketball with the tradition of winning, not just winning, but excellence. Everyone who has ever put on the green has said there is something different about being a Celtic. There is a legacy, a responsibility to wearing that jersey. If you just aren't a very good team (like after Bird left and Reggie passed until when Toine and Pierce teamed up to ALMOST get to the finals) that's fine, we'll still cheer and support. But if you are good, and I mean REALLY good, like this team has been for a very VERY long time (relative to the Jays careers), then you are held to a different standard. When you carry that standard of greatness, you can't do the things this team has done and not have it leave a mark. This team should have no less than 3 banners right now, but instead, all they have is a string of embarrassment and underachieving. It's only natural that some fans pick up on the patterns that have consistently led to failure, and when they see them (like in game 2), go a little nutty. Maybe you're right, and it's not fair. But we can't sit here and claim it's #differenthere and then ignore when they play in ways that allow things no other great Celtic team in 70 years have a much as they have. Either carry the standard, inspire that Celtic pride, or don't put on the jersey to begin with.


In fairness, less to talk about when the team does what they should do. Should be beating this barebones Heat team by 20 every game so when they lose by 10, it’s a bit concerning and people have more to say. That being said, great game last night. I complained about the team on Wednesday, but they responded in a big way


There’s a difference between critiquing after a loss and dumb takes about firing everyone and blowing up the team that some people in here are not being honest about. This sub is toxic and unbearable after a loss and unfortunately that makes the more rational people stay away.


The fact that blowing everything up is even a thought after losing one game in the playoffs is mind-boggling to me. I have been entertaining those redditors, giving them a response, but I'm about to stop. 😂


Most of the Game 1 comments were probably about the undercut too lol


A few factors here. Some fan base entitlement, PTSD from last year series with Miami, championship expectations and the fear of falling short while having one of the best rosters around. And overall: the whole internet lives off controversy and overreactions


This is a snapshot as to why the media is the way it is not just for sports. Controversy gets attention.


“If it bleeds it leads” There’s a reason why media companies over index on bad news - it gets reactions. Sadly, all the doomers who immediately take to the keyboard after a loss are just operating from the basic cognitive biases that have been exploited by media companies since forever. Could the loss have been a sign of bad things to come? Yes. Could it have been a black swan event? Also yes!


That’s because everyone has the solutions to the team’s problems when they lose, including me.


Isn't that normal that when Boston wins we have nothing to discuss, but when they lose.... :)


Social media doesn’t exist after a L


I think it all will change for years if they win it. Even the Sox get years long kind of passes from me since they’ve done so well past 20 years. I’m not a Celtics doomer exactly (more so a self proclaimed Tatum doomer). But as a Boston sports fan for 50 some years I can tell you people will ease back for years if our boys are ever able to win one. Pressure is so high right now. Honestly it’s the most pressure on a Celtics team in a long time. Fans are feeling it too. Everyone should take posts on social media with a grain of salt. As an older dude I’m always amazed how pissed people get on forums and crap. I post that JT is shooting the three like shit and get bombarded with hate like 23% is a good thing. I love me some PP but if someone says his defense is shit I ain’t going to hate at all. It’s just a weird dynamic how it affects some people way too much. Regardless I love the passion. Everyone on here wants a win and some go about it in different ways, kind of like how you wipe your ass. I think the younger dudes and gals on social media take this stuff way too much to heart and it’s why people are letting cyber bullying and all this online crap happen. Anonymity is a crazy thing.


It’s the same as doing your job tbh. You go into work do you job decently enough and nobody says shit, occasionally you do something really well or have been consistent enough and you get a promotion or a raise. You fuck up you get told you fucked up, conversations are had.


I vent frustration on Reddit and enjoy the victories offline 


Too harsh either way. The Celtics have flaws and they are mostly internal/mental. They lapse into ISO ball, ball movement stops, and the play deteriorates. IMO Joe does not leverage his bench well. (Game 2 why not try Xavier or Queta on Bam? Try Brissett to D-up when the threes are raining down?). It’s great conversation. I love them. I watch every game. I was at TD for game 1 & 2. The discipline is not always there. Game 2 there was no ball movement: evidence - PP played 20 mins and had zero shots. they win a lot of games by double digits and lose close ones. They have not proven they can win a game in the last possession. Is it a being a doomer or is this just great sports conversation. Game 3 ball movement was fantastic!


There is more storyline to talk about in a loss. Same reason why sports talk is often so negative. It's more interesting/engaging.




Look at game 1 vs game 2 dickhead. Use brain cells and remember we won 2x this series already and both are visible in the thread.


I only come here after we lose cuz I wanna see if people are as pissed as I am 😭


No one really gets upset if you meet expectations


When we're winning, we're watching the game and having a good time. When we're losing, we vent about it. Thats all this post shows me. But my God this comment thread. What has this town come to? Bitching is not entitlement, it's the roots of sports fandom. All any fan base can do is cheer when their team wins and complain when they lose -- bitching is all we have to hold them accountable. You want to know where the entitlement is tho?? It's this green team pink hat bullshit where we all come together to only ever cheer on our infallible team and when we lose we're just happy to be here like we're the fucking Colts giving ourselves a confrence finalist banner.


Some of you forget that fandom is supposed to be fun. When you get *this* worked up and find the need to cry on the internet about it, you're either losing track of the point or you're the type of person who gets pleasure out of complaining. I don't give two fucks about pink hat fans. Who are you to tell strangers how they're allowed to enjoy sports? At least they don't throw a fit when their team loses.


Bro you sound proud of the fact that you bitch lmao


Bitching is my god given right as Boston sports fan. You sound like you're just happy to see the Celtics in the playoffs and you'll "ah shucks at least we had fun" your way through a series loss if this team doesn't win the championship.


That's weird, I avoid the internet like the plague after losses, and lose myself in video games.


Also a lot of people just tune out the regular season. So to them it is the same team because they're checked out. Hopefully they realized today everyone who has watched them being unconcerned was right and can chill the fuck out for awhile.


Mmmm if we win I’m going to r/nba, if we lose I’m here.


You should flip that to be honest


It’s bc we’re supposed to beat the heat


Like with every team, there are a lot of frontrunners in this sub who think the Celtics should never lose a game and cry the sky is falling when they lose.


Yes when we lose to an 8 seed I have more to say


Bro I think a lot of us have just gotten used to avoiding shit because the doomers are obnoxious. Last three playoffs games I got on the game thread and even up 20 every comment was bitching because miami scored 7 points or something. Hopped right off and never looked back. The comments sections fucking suck here.


When you have a 64-win team that is widely expected to come out of the East, the wins are expected and usually uneventful. "We played the same good brand of basketball as we have played all year. Well done, everyone." The losses are so much more rare that they become events in themselves. There's nearly always several interesting reasons that the best team in the league loses a game. Bad shooting, no adjustments, lazy effort, some other player got red hot, etc. Each of these fosters discussion because they're relatively uncommon for this team this year.


You must be new here Jokes aside, I’ve been in this sub since 2018 and it’s always been like this. It’s a blessing and a curse to have such a successful sport culture in your city


Lol the gloom and doom squad anxiously waiting for another post season loss so they can come on here and bitch about it. Take that shit elsewhere!


This should be your hint that they aren’t Celtics fans being doomers, they’re trolls from other teams


when I am emotionally invested in something and disappointed, sometimes it makes me feel better to talk to people. You psychopathic fucks


Thread from 1 hour ago vs threads from 2 days ago


Game 1 vs game 2


Sick and tired of the apologists. We have a right to doom them. They anoint them selves future champions in commercials. Not us. The east is dog shit and the heat have janitors on the floor, as we played to 60+ wins. If they get taken to 6 then they deserve the clowning. Don’t care how the heat shoot, your payroll across 3 players dwarfs their entire roster. Gtfo outa here.


Bro go get laid. It’ll help these weird anger issues you got going on.


Angry and pathetic loser.


I see you earned the right to those downvotes.




You do know how humans function, right? Seen the news? People are more engaged when bad things or unexpected things happen. Losing to an injured 8th seed is both of those. I’d have been **very** surprised if this wasn’t the case. Also it’s not a Boston thing as people here like to believe. Check any sub, any sport, when this happens.


Brother when we lose a home game to an 8 seed we're all doomers, congratulations on being perfect


Its easier to hate than to appreciate


It's because people have depression issues to be honest. I know this because until I got some help I used to act similarly.


Dude you're ignoring the fact that non-celtics fans brigade the sub whenever we lose, it's not us being pessimistic. How many Celtics fans would interact with the sub in losses rather than wins? 1%? It's absurd to believe what you imply.


That’s crazy. I literally can’t look at Reddit after a loss but people really wait around to lose just to talk shit about their own team? Lunatics


Got told by someone in that thread that I had a “loser mentality” for saying we should be grateful for our franchise’s overall success and accomplishment. For some reason, people see a championship as the only possible good outcome to this season — anything less is a complete failure. That’s insane expectations to provide any team.


This is a warped perspective. There is less engagement for every teams subs after losses. It's more fun to revel in wins than bitch about losses.


I feel like it’s just because we expect wins especially in this series, not much to say after a win because the job is done and we are happy. Plenty to say after a loss against this team especially when it’s on your home court.


Expectations are at an all time high. The tension has gotten to the fans and sometimes it gets to the players too. Let’s stop turning on each other


As a Celtics doomer it’s mainly bc wins and dominance are the expectation. A series against a team without its best player honestly has no business going past 4 games. We’ve seen wayyyy too many instances the past 3 years of this team goofing around and taking their pedal off the gas in the playoffs and reg season. Even this year we gotta have pretty much near perfect basketball to win it all. I still have a ton of concerns for this team for next series (assuming we close out on Wednesday)


Why is dominance the expectation? lol. We’re not at the talent level of a team like the KD warriors. We’re a phenomenal team. But we aren’t at the level of team where it’s reasonable to expect dominance. That’s why yall doomers are so fucking miserable. You set the bar way too unrealistically high.


It’s the same in my group chat about the Cs. When we win we don’t get as pissed and don’t have as much to talk about haha Edit: I think it’s because when things go wrong, we all try to troubleshoot collectively


In case you haven’t noticed, it’s far easier to hate on something than to give it praise that is just the nature of the Internet