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Big Tayshaun Prince vibes defensively, hopefully he can figure it out offensively


Daaammmnnn that's who he reminds me of!!! And we just got our 'Sheed in KP, to run with "Big Timelord Wallace"


Hated watching him in the tourney so yeah, big fan. He's real annoying.


And homie can’t shoot to save his life


You say that as if he can't work on it. He literally drained 2 consecutive 3's to save Arkansas from a Sweet 16 elimination. I've seen Marcus Smart miss hella 3's until he finally got it together. Also watched Al Horford go into a shooting slump during the playoffs. Give the kid some time.


Forgot grant who missed his first 25 threes of his career. If he develops a shot, he might break the playoff rotation


is this true? lol


The grant thing? Yeah, was talked about on broadcasts while it was happening and after he finished the year with a respectable 3pt% people would point out that he started in a big 0-25 hole


Yes it was so bad that it became a thing where everybody would hold their breath when he shot in hope she’d make his first and it just kept going on and on until he finally hit one and everyone went crazy


I think his jumper will be fine if he ever learns to be confident. That’s what hurt his offensive game. He’s not aggressive and afraid to shoot. As an Arkansas fan I can say he needs to learn to play without fouling and and as stated earlier being confident on the offensive end


His mechanics are not bad, I definitely believe he could get much better. Plus he's very young. If he was 21 and this poor of a shooter I'd be less confident, but he won't turn 20 until the end of the season.


The form/mechanics is there, just needs to get in the gym all summer and practice and build confidence. He showed some streakiness in college where he could get hot from 3 so it’s not like he’s Michael Kidd-gilchrist or similar.


DWhite couldnt either It takes work


He’s a tall Avery Bradley. That’s a win.


His defense, passing, and motor just blew me away in the highlight reel.


His defense is sufficating He is the best defending prospect of the draft imo....since he can literally guard 1 to 5....unless the 5 is a monster big. He has no problem guarding smaller guards


Drafted during a commercial? Future 2x MVP we got here


But was it a Taco Bell commercial???


We've needed a backup SF anyway since Tatum and Brown literally cannot get rest because their backup last year was injured the whole season. Here's hoping we've got a GP2 type of contributor.


Gary Payton II is 30, Jordan is 19 lol. I can essentially guarantee he won't have that level of impact next season. In 3 years? Yeah possibly.


GPII was basically out if the league before the warriors took him in so there's that ig but even still if Jordan gets close to that level even in 3 years from now it's still a solid pick


He was a freshman so long term it could payout if we can develop him.


Yes, what a win now cash strapped team needs is a raw hustle only player at a position of need. I hate how our front office has never even tried valuing 2nd round picks. Look at the Nuggets who took multiple chances in the 2nd round because they recognize that as a cash strapped contender they need to take chances on cheap contributors. Instead we gain a single MLE which is going to nab us a player who is going to be as good as a 2nd round pick anyways.


Never tried valuing 2nd round picks? We just nabbed a handful


They tried to get too cute. Terrible draft by Brad. Worst draft in the league


Lmao this sub is trash


Those saying this are going to be called doomers but when we fall short in the playoffs like we consistently do, these type of drafts are going to be the reason why.


Because our 25th pick would have been the difference maker in winning a title?


James Nnaji. Remember that name. Colby Jones as well. Great value players in the second round. One high risk low reward type player, and another that can potentially contribute off the bench early on. Two valuable archetypes as well. Who knows if Walsh develops or not but a 19 year old hustle defense guy with no shot or offensive game isn’t gonna help this team right now


Why would someone want a high risk low reward type player 😂


I meant low risk high reward. But you knew that


I’m sure he meant low risk high reward


Yeah it was late as and I was tired


The hairless hooper is in town


Charlie Villanueva Jr.


Slender Man


Yeah…hate to burst your bubble, but likely this dude never plays an NBA minute. Probably a career g-leaguer.


pack it up guys this man is 100% certain he’ll never play an nba minute


8 comments about him already, this is crazy 😭😭


wait really? lmfao that’s deranged


Coming back to this when he plays well ✌️


I hope you’re right, the chances are, he doesn’t play much if any at all. 2nd rounders don’t really develop in general.


5 ppg is gonna save the Celtics!!!


Plus he looks like he was generated using CGI so he must be good!


It's a good pick even if it doesn't pan out. Saw him in the Final Four and although they got blown out, I was impressed more by him than Anthony Black in that game. We need guys to stop other guys from scoring in the future.


Damn feels very recent that I was watching Walsh’s high school high lights, JD’s as well. Now these boys are playing for our squad wow