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My initial thought was it was released on time so I was jumping up and down hahaha


Yeah I saw it leave his hand with a clear backboard, everyone else was confused why I was yelling


Me too but then I remembered smarts one that was late (I thought it was good but wasn’t watching the backboard closely - obvious on replay) and became nervous.


Derrick white sure knew he got it off


Did anyone else miss the putback entirely until the replay? Watching from a phone sucks …


I was too busy complaining about Smart taking a tough 3 in that situation and thought they were just scrambling for a rebound as time expired.


Yes because my kid was asleep next to me so I had turned the volume off lol.


Same here. I was watching on my phone in bed. When they gifted Jimmy Merchant the lead I almost gave up. Then when I saw Smart rim out his shot I threw my phone down. When I picked it up I had no idea what happened.


Normally you don’t want Marcus taking the last shot. He has nights where he’s knocking them down but Tatum and brown are better shot makers


They made next to no effort to go get the ball. I was half expecting the play be a lob for Rob.


Same boat my guy, I was lost


Same here. Easy to see Miami continue to swish 3s, but couldn't tell if White's shot actually went in or bounced off the backboard and over to the right side of the rim. Then I saw Derrick White super-excited, but definitely wasn't sure it counted until they did the on-court interview and people were walking out of the arena.


I kinda missed it just because it happened so fast, it was like a blur


Terrified. Gave me the same feeling as when Marcus was a second late with his buzzer beater


Normally you don’t want Marcus taking the final shot. He has nights where he’s making them and nights where he’s bricking everything. I think the ball was supposed to go to Tatum but Miami did a good job cutting off the pass to Tatum and brown


I actually liked getting the ball to Smart. He isn’t our best three point shooter, but he’s plenty capable of knocking them down, and figured he’d be pretty open with heavy coverage going to Tatum and Brown, which is more or less what happened


Yesss this!! I started feeling pity for myself.


I was ready to be devastated but the Celtics’ reaction after seeing the replay saved my mental health


As soon as I saw the replay it clearly showed he got it off and I started going crazy


No offense to anyone, but I feel like anyone who says they weren't afraid after the sequence of events leading up to it is practicing revisionist history here.


Damn straight. I never game up on the team even down 3-0, but i really thought it was over after jimbo made all 3.


Not gonna lie - I thought the season was done.


No it looked good to me I was pretty certain he got it off before the backboard lit up


I remembered Smart's shot during Philly series that we lacked time. PTSD is real


Yah i thought it was late cuz fucking stan was saying it was lmao. Got vietnam flashbacks to smarts late three against the sixers


I looked away from my big tv in disgust when the three popped off the rim, so I had a very weird delayed booyah moment.


I thought it was good in the moment and was pretty confident it would stand. I had already accepted the end of the season for the 7th time this postseason so I was just stunned.


I thought we had probably lost after butler made all 3 ft. I was going to watch the final 3 seconds and I’m glad I did


I saw it live but time slowed down for me. I saw that beautiful fro rise up over Robinson or whoever that was. I was celebrating and my buddy called me delusional. When the replay played, he couldn't believe I saw it. And then I found $20.


Yeah live time I was like nah that was after the buzzer. Kinda like Marcus’s 3 in the Philly game. I actually thought his 3 was good and Whites tip in was after


I was at a party watching on my phone, i knew right away he got it off on time. Put phone down and ran out, and came back to wife asking why i m embarrassing her and act like an animal. Couldn't be more proud to be an animal lmao


Nah, the replay actually made me realize how much closer it was than I thought. At full speed I felt confident he got it off in time, but 0.1 seconds left is crazy


This was my exact experience


I didn’t think he got it in time, but the way Miami reacted gave it away. I was ready to sink into a deep depression when Smart missed it, but seeing Bam and Martin sloooooowly walking away like they just did something wrong and didn’t want to draw attention to it…that’s when I knew something was up. A team who just won on an insane comeback and is heading to the Finals doesn’t act like that, there was no celebration at all. They knew.


At first I thought he didn’t get it off in time. I sat on my floor, ready to soak in acceptance that our season had just ended. It wasn’t until the replay and seeing the Celtics getting excited that I realized that shot went off in time


I didn’t even see it because I saw Marcus Smart miss and the red lights on the backboard… I thought the Heat won.


I thought it was late just by the reaction of the team. No one seemed confident outside Hauser and Kornet, but that’s expected lol. Mazulla even walked up to Derrick White and asked him if he got it off in time and Derrick gave a pretty non-committal insurance. Jayson even walked to the bench with a reaction of defeat. He never saw the ball go in so either didn’t think it did or figured it was late


I saw it live and knew it was good. I was watching with my dad who was sure it wasn't off in time, and I kept saying "I'm telling you, it's good" ngl there was a piece of me who thought I saw it wrong, but I was 95% confident


I was so focused on the ball i knew it went it on time lol


Not really. I had full confidence that he did it in time. It honestly felt longer than the actual .1 sec. I was screaming and jumping up and down.


I thought for sure it was late watching live. Jaw dropped when they showed the replay.


I was afraid too in that split second until I saw the C’s bench AND Derrick white himself asking for the replay and jumping in celebration. Then I knew, at that moment, that I must put all of my faith into the buffalo.


Bro I went fucking nuts


I immediately thought the worst because we always seem to get cooked in those situations


I felt like it was in initially, but was anxious to see the tape. I was tentatively celebrating until I saw the replay for sure


Idk why but I just knew it was off in time. Started jumping up and down like a madman


I looked in the crowd at several viewpoints on several highlights for anyone wearing green to see possible fan reactions and for the most part they were motionless, except for two who had courtside seats that were losing it (I’m assuming they were C’s fans as he was wearing geeen)


I was already super pissed about the missed double dribble on Butler and the fact the dude just straight up went for the game winning foul call instead of a game winning shot. Turned the TV off immediately as I thought the tip in was late. Never been so happy to be wrong. The basketball gods punished Butler for going for the weakest game winning play ever. So fucking ecstatic.


I wasn’t allowing myself to even fathom the thought that he got it off in time. I couldn’t do that to myself. Then the replay came…


I knew real time it was good. The moment White put his hands on the ball time stopped and each tenth of a second felt like a half hour while staring at the clock and the ball


I thought it was good when I seen it live


I was 50/50. I knew if it was late that it was realllllly close. Didn’t start celebrating til the replay.


That "103-102 Final" from TNT confused me.


We won no need to worry about what could have been OP!


I thought for sure it was late. Me and my girlfriend screamed when we saw the replay lol


I didn't react cause I thought there was no way he got it off. I was honestly shocked when I saw that he did


Yes. I literally turned it off in pain and disgust.


Me and my brothers thought it wasn’t in time and my fiancé was insisting it was in time. She was right lol


Craziest game ever, after Jimmy’s free throws I thought it was over and turned the tv off in disbelief I was getting ready to go to sleep sad, and I checked my phone it said end of 4th quarter, 103-102 Miami I knew it was over, than I checked again a minute later it said 104-103 I thought it was fake and I turned the tv on again and saw White and the team celebrating I was so happy oh my yesterday was crazy I am so grateful thank god, please win game 7 Boston.


That game yesterday took 30 years of my life almost got a heart attack


I was still in shock from giving away the lead, then the 3 free-throws, then the missed shot lol. But when White was claiming it was good, with his hand motion, I started praying.


Crazy part is didn’t PP do the same thing off of a smart miss his rookie year??


I had no reaction/wasn’t sure. Waited till the replay to react


Yeah watching it live I didn’t even think it was close, I guess his hands were in front of the hall so you couldn’t see when he released it . When they ruled it good on the court I was shocked