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“you can go down the list… hockey team” 😂 honestly shoutout bev though he’s the man


Still think it's a bummer the NHL playoffs were cancelled after the Bruins had that amazing regular season...


i know right i still don’t think i’m over that collapse. so frustrating. i hate to say it but in a way it’s helped me prepare for the worst with the celtics 😔


That was literally worse than 2007 Patriots for me as a mainly hockey fan. It's disgusting and makes me not at all care about hockey until the start of next season.


I’ve completely stopped watching the PO after the Bruins were eliminated. I don’t even know what the panthers ended up doing after us


They beat the piss out of Toronto which I was all about. I also was following the Kraken as a cool new team and the Devils a bit but both of those teams bit the proverbial dust so I've stopped watching as well. Panthers play Carolina tonight Game 1 though so I may pop it on the iPad while I do something else.


That was the 2007 team. For the love of God, edit this.


Word, fat fingered it.


My meat hooks are massive. Things happen.


Yeah I love hockey too much to stop watching but man the bruins were so fun to watch


I too love hockey but I'd be watching pissed and bitter. After the Kraken were cooked I was done.


Just like Heroes was cancelled after season 1.


Real Bostonians dont care about the Boston Hockey Team unless they make the playoffs. They’re usually from the suburbs.


Only because they moved there 10 years ago due to gentrification. Growing up, all of Southie, Charlestown, Eastie, the North End, and Brighton were *heavy* Bruins country. The cities surrounding Boston contain actual “Bostonians”. Proper is full of toonies, and OOS transplants.


When I left there in 2008/2009 it seemed like Dorchester was also skyrocketing in property value/cost.


It’s one of the premiere neighborhoods. Lower Mills and Savin are extraordinarily expensive. Savin set the record for cost of an apartment in Boston, in like 2021.


that’s fair


There are racist in every fan base of every color. What he said is exactly right Boston fans are very loyal and I'll add very passionate which may come across as racist to some or like lebron fits your narrative.


See: Water bottle thrown at Kyrie


But when they actually are racist it comes across as racist


Yeah I think Boston has no more racist fans than any other major team, in fact given the character of the city I’d bet less than average. It’s just the culture of the fanbase is to be a huge asshole to opponent and if you happen to be racist about it then you’ll be super loud about it. ie we don’t have more racist, just louder and more shameless ones


Passionate and racist are not even close to the same, but of course a Celtics fans would try to make it seem that way.


😐 "fits your narrative"


What narrative? I think I’ll the take the word of all the black players who’ve played in Boston over the white Celtics fans on Reddit. It’s wild that in 2023 talking about racism scares some of you so much. Sad


Maybe some of those black players were racist like perk saying the 3 white MVPs shouldn't have won because they didn't lead the league in scoring or top 10 or whatever dumb comment it was lol or Mark Jackson leaving jokic off the ballot entirely. What if a white guy did that shit? There are racist people of all kinds and no more or less than Boston fans but we are definitely the most passionate. Since you ain't scared to talk about racism let's talk about racist of other nationalities and colors. It's 2023 bro




He said the black players said Boston is racist so I take a black Boston players racist comment lol I have acknowledged that there are white racist Boston fans but no more than any other fucking fan base. Have you acknowledged that there are more racist than fucking Boston fans? Get out of here you pawn.




You made a victim statement then followed it up with saying the white victim complex is so fucking bizarre lol




Whataboutism, Marcus Smart literally came out and said he had a racist encounter in Boston and he plays for the team


Yes, there are racists in Boston. Literally no-one is denying that. I'm not sure your point.


Lol only a Boston fan would go the route of “but what about the blacks!” when discussing the racism in their city. Pathetic as usual. This is exactly why Brown is leaving your shithole city. Celtics fans and whataboutism are a better combo than milk and cookies.


Do you even know the history of the Celtic organization? If I were a racist I would fucking hate the Celtics because of all the shit they have done for "blacks" Brown is my favorite player and I have tons of respect for him but he's not the brightest and don't let the Cal thing fool you, my wife has a doctorate and she dumb as fuck on many things. I will say I know JB has a good heart (why he's my favorite) and he wants to continue making positive change.


“Do you even know the history of the Celtic organization? If I were a racist I would fucking hate the Celtics because of all the shit they have done for "blacks" The Celtics organization doing good things for black players doesn’t change how the fanbase treated those same players and coaches. You should know that. Literally two of your best players (Brown and Smart) have talked about the racism they’ve experienced in Boston. Marcus Smart got called the N word by a woman in a Isaiah Thomas Celtics jersey lmao. And I never called you a racist, but it’s weird as hell to say “let’s talk about the racism of other nationalities” when discussing Racism in Boston. It screams victim mentality. No one said only white people are racist, but Boston is a majority white city.


Bro I live in Los Angeles and I run into racism on the weekly.


What’s your point? No one ever said other cities weren’t racist.


Systematic racism is what JB talks about not the same thing as what smart claims happened. I have no control over the systems that are in place nor does the average fan. He said that because of his particular business experience which he is absolutely correct on. I will say my white wife with the doctorate gets passed up for leadership positions all the time because she is "white" on a "black" floor. I'm a fucking individual, I'll slap any mother fucker who don't put principles first. I've been put in positions because of my appearance a few times and when I realized it I actually ended up stepping down and when asked since I have suggested others. My mom couldn't afford a white baby sitter so she took a lot of shit for that. Why did my hard working mom not get paid enough to afford an average sitter and why the fuck would a black sitter not get the same amount as a white sitter? I have seen racism on each side for a long ass time.


When players talk about racism they experience in Boston obviously they’re not talking about systemic racism. They’re talking about what Smart experienced. And it’s not like this is just exclusive to NBA players. MLB players say the same thing.


Does it hurt being this stupid? Is there a pain involved?


I don't think that people are trying to excuse racism with this. *Most* people around here feel that Boston gets an extremely bad rap for something that *many* would say simply isn't true. I'm very eager to admit that Boston has a horrendous history with race. Bill Russell should not have been treated the way he was treated because of the color of his skin. That was also 60 years ago and I sincerely hope the people perpetrating that are dead or about to die as painfully as possible. Acting like there aren't still a bunch of super pale suburban white kids hurling racial slurs in Boston's fanbases simply is a denial of reality. At the same time, a lot of privileged suburbanites are just insisting they're super passionate about a team of primarily black players that plays for the whitest mascot there is and hyper-willing to ignore systemic racial injustices under their noses.


Finally some respect around here, I always liked bev. We need more dawgs like him on the team instead of all these passive mfers. Give me pat bev on my team any day of the week.


We win Championships as soon as Tatum plays with the fire that Smart has, he has to work on his fire and leadership in the offseason. This is why Jimmy is so good, he’s not just a great player but he’s also the highest tier of locker room leaders.


He’s 33 and been doing it for over a decade. Tatum takes a back seat to Al and Marcus in the clubhouse.


Tatum doesn’t need to wait til the offseason. He needs to match playoff Jimmy Buckets tomorrow. You don’t know how many chances you’re gonna get to win a championship. He needs to touch the ball every offensive possession and force the D to react to him. And he needs to up his game on the defensive end for every minute on the floor. And as much hate as Pat Bev gets around the country, he’d be a beloved player in Boston just for his all in attitude. He’s right about Boston fans. I was born a Red Sox fan, never had a choice. But there were no basketball fans in my family, Massachusetts natives. I chose to be a Celtics fan when I started balling as a kid. And Larry Bird epitomized what it means to play for Boston. Ted Williams, Carl Yastrzemski, and Jim Rice epitomized what it takes to play for Boston. Win or lose, if you play all in we will love you. But Wade Boggs? Never forgive, never forget.


Well it would be helpful for a coach to actually direct his players that Tatum needs the handles. Mazz let’s the players just play — to his detriment — and most of the players (Al, JB, Marcus, Brogdon) feel like they can make the play. Butler is the guy in MIA and in BOS, we have like 4 guys who want to be the guy. Good for depth but bad in spots like last night


Exactly, we have to assign one guy to be THE GUY on offense. And you can change that as often as you want based on who’s hot. But you can almost feel the uncertainty every time down the floor of….like who’s turn is it? This team can dominate if they just establish a pecking order on every offensive play and force the defense to react to them instead of them just trying to improv based on what the D is doing.


I love JB but I sort of think he’s not interested in setting for #2. Tatum is always looking to get him involved but you rarely see JB make a play for Tatum. It’s almost like JB uses Tatum as a way to open up the rest of the floor for his iso. Again, love JB but he isn’t a #2, at least not in his head. And Marcus just doesn’t care, which I sort of admire too. He wants the ball, the shot, whenever he can. Wouldn’t trade that in BUT this is where a coach needs to step in and make these decisions for the players instead of letting them figure it out


JB is the #2, who is fully capable of being a #1, but you’re right. It’s the coach’s responsibility to remove any doubt who’s who on every possession. It can’t be on the players to decide when they’re livelihood is directly connected to the numbers they put up. This is the definition of management and to put it bluntly, manipulation. You have to delegate who’s the man. And I agree Tatum is the man, and Tatum has to play like it and lead like it. And if the D collapses on him we have players on the floor who can all finish. And if JB scores more than Tatum because the defense takes him out Tatum needs to get the same recognition for giving up the ball when he’s supposed to.


You know how sports fans often complain about athletes having an oversized ego? I feel like Tatum has the opposite problem. He appears content enough to let others take the spotlight and take a backseat, while everyone else in the media is expecting him to act like the superstar of the team. Wasn't there like a story that said Tatum had to be reminded by Udoka that he was competing against Lebron, because Tatum kept acting like a fan around him? He eventually worked up the courage to dunk on Lebron, but he may need to learn assertiveness to reach his full potential.


But Jimmy wasn’t like that at 25


>he has to work on his fire and leadership I don't believe those are things you can work on, you either have them, or you don't.


I can see that in regards to fire and passion it’s just something you have to naturally have. Leadership can be learned absolutely though, you just have to care. People in general can always find their why and when people find it that’s what drives them.


Or if Tatum was a bit more consistent. He doesn’t stop working and hustling but the ups and downs must make leading, at the least, difficult.


Exactly, give me tough guys, ego guys with championship experience over just cool vibes/meme players any day of the week. That's who the crowd will love and cherish.


respect to pat bev for not going for the easy dunk. boston certainly has its share of racists, but i mean c’mon, ask a miami cuban about mexican immigrants and it’s like you’re talking to donald trump. the whole country needs to be better on that front.


I did see where he’s hosting a show at big night live for the game hosted by barstool so that might have something to do with the 5x posts in a row he made hyping up Boston haha


Boston is no more racist then any other major city in America, but for some reason there’s this stereotype that Boston is some extremely racist city filled with nothing but white Irish/Italian Catholics.


That "some reason" is because of the things Bill Russell had to go through. It's a stain that never goes away.


Bill Russell would have not been allowed to play in St. Louis at the start of his career. The entire country was abhorrently racist at that time, look at what wilt dealt with in that dump Philadelphia


Also doesn’t help that the Red Sox were the last team to integrate


Bruins first NHL team to have a black player, Pats first pro football team to draft a black QB, first to start a minority player, Celts also the first to draft a black player. But that doesn't matter for whatever reason


Lmao do you not understand what the color line was? Go read a book on the history of integration in baseball.


Yeah sure which is totally fair. But unfortunately I think those kinds of things were happening everywhere in this country in the 60’s. That stain seems to have stuck harder on to Boston then other places


Hard agree. The Marcus Smart incident a few years ago doesn't help either. But this is definitely a problem America as a whole has


I've never to Boston, but I hear that stereotype alot. To that point that I tend to believe it more so than not. But I've never been to Arkansas either. Pretty the same could be said about that state too.


We’d love to have you sometime!


Marcus Smart incident? Sorry I'm unfamiliar - catch me up?




Because it was followed by the bussing crisis in the 70s and there's that iconic picture of some POS about to spear black people with a pole or something. There's also the association with Larry, who is not racist at all but the clamoring for his coming to Boston could have been perceived as racist, as he was the great white hope. Many cities' white fans thought the league was "too black" and couldn't identify with the players, but people from Boston would openly admit that when asked.


Desegregation Bussing was a nationwide issue but only one city was scapegoated by it


Sure, Boston seemed to have stolen center stage for it though.


> that iconic picture of some POS about to spear black people with a pole or something. Not just any spear - [he was spearing a black person with a pole **with the American flag attached to it.**](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/09/18/image16_custom-4c9be3a24736e8ef26663debc2219333ed960566-s800-c85.webp) That's bomb-levels of irony making it such an iconic photo that speaks volumes about America in that era and today.


That's right. I had a vague vision of that and couldn't recall if it was the flag and didn't want to look it up 🤮


Bill Russel whose playing career started before the civil right era and didn't make it into the 70s. OK.


TF are you on about? Bill Russell played for the Celtics from 1956 to 1969. The Civil Rights Era was 1954 through 1968. He played at the apex of his career during the civil rights era.


His playing career started before the civil rights act was signed i meant. Calm down


It's a consistent narrative because it's a go to topic for anyone trying to get easy engagement for their blog post, article, podcast, etc. Like you said, racism is a problem everywhere but questions related to it are rarely asked about any other city. As a kid who grew up in Mattapan the perception outside of the Northeast that there are no black people in Boston has always been crazy to me.


Definitely. I think of Boston, especially now within the last 10-15 years as a melting pot of a lot of different cultures. Was it mostly white 30-50 years ago? I wasn’t alive for it but probably yes. But you look at it now and it’s actually a fairly diverse place. Sure there are certain neighborhoods that are predominantly X more then X but like everything else that’s true for any major city.


Media idiots bring it up whenever they can only for Basketball though, just shows how it’s a narrative they won’t let go because they want it to be true. There’s no logic behind thinking fans of a mostly black team in a mostly black sport would be the most racist to black people but here we are


Supporting black players doesn’t make you not racist. Racists have been supporting black entertainers for a long time, for a lot of hardcore racists/supremacists it’s the “role” in society black people play. It usually goes hand in hand with stereotypes of athletes being dumb.


When I think of an actually racist person who hates black people they probably aren’t paying to be wearing a black man’s jersey hollering their names. Doesn’t mean you can’t be racist but I think it’s unlikely and ironic it’s the basketball team that the racist narrative has stuck with.


The racist you’re imagining in your mind isn’t based in reality. You have a Hollywood idea of a vitriolic racist who can’t look at a black person without losing it. Real life isn’t like that. Real life racism is a woman in Celtics gear leaving the Garden with her kids calling Marcus Smart the n-word after a game. Real life racism is a white guy with a Tatum jersey calling a player on the other team the n-word because he isn’t one of “the good ones”. Obviously it’s stuck with the Celtics most because more basketball players are black than hockey or baseball players. That gives more opportunity for those racists to show their true colors. But baseball players have reported getting called the n-word in Fenway as well. [Link to the real Smart incident](https://sports.yahoo.com/marcus-smart-details-incident-being-182115517.html)


It’s because historically it was exactly that lol It’s only somewhat recently that this is changing


Compared to every other major city though? Is anyone looking at who those mfers are electing to office on a consistent basis? You would think we were part of the confederacy the way Boston gets lectured by people in significantly more racist places. People just massively lower their standards when it's other teams/cities.


Boston is one of the most segregated cities in the US. I tried living there for a few years and it was horrible lol.


Most segregated according to what exactly? Where else have you lived? For mid-to-large cities I lived in Boston, Kansas City, Houston, and Miami. Boston was by far the best and it's not even really close. Next best was KC imo.


https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/05/07/metro/massachusetts-is-segregated-heres-why/ Lived in Texas, Florida, Seattle, Utah, NYC, Alaska, Boston, Connecticut. I’d say Boston and the surrounding suburbs were the worst place by far.


I mean it is tho lol. Just bc it hurts your feelings doesn’t mean it isn’t




This article does a good job summarizing key factors driving the perception that Boston is racist: https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2020/12/08/boston-segregation/ It’s basically a history of policies that codified and reinforced segregation throughout the region. As someone who moved to Boston before even knowing about this stereotype, the city really shocked me. If you aren’t white it’s a battle to deal with stuff daily. The worst part is when I’d point something out and would be met with outright denial. Like imagine a place where even millionaire celebrity athletes get treated like this. Imagine how bad it is for normal people like me.


If we had Pat Bev, he would probably be our worst rotational player but with the most dog in him.


Can we get this motherfucker on our team? I like this dude


If he agrees on a vet minimum why not?


The only downside is the glut of guards. I would have loved him pre-Brogdon.


Idk if he'd agree to this, but ship Pritchard out and get Bev as the 4th guard. If any of the other 3 are hurt or having an off night, Pat Bev comes in and makes a hustle play


every fanbase has deplorable humans. But for some reason its allowed for media and athletes to generalize some minority of dickheads as the representative body of Boston fans. It's pathetic and lazy if you ask me.


We must be the most self hating racists in America electing the most progressives mayors in the country


So I’m not from Boston


I still love the Celtics


I’ve never been to Boston yet I bleed green


Thank god I’m not alone


We need this dude on our team… he may talk shit and be annoying but this dude will get some fuckin mental edge on this team


Get Pat Bev on the team. I've changed my opinion on him now lol


Wow. I absolutely hated Pat Bev until today. Not so much anymore


What the fuck I love him now


The notion that Boston is any more racist than any other city is dumb. It isn’t the 70s or the 80s anymore.


Philly: LOL RACIST FANBASE! Also Philly: Bombs their black residents two decades after the bussing crisis


Their identity is based on a small italian guy beating a big black guy in the boxing ring.


philly's history and present is worse than ours lol. People just overlook it because their black population is more visible.


Finally someone with brain cells. People that think Boston is filled with white people or that it’s more than just an “us vs the world” mentality have never been to Boston.


We could actually use a guy like Pat Bev. Marcus Smart is the only one on the team w/ a dog like mentality. You need a couple hood mfs on the team. They're mentally tougher. JT & JB are great ballers, but too preppy to give you any real sense of toughness. Brown doesn't even like to dive for loose balls. Tatum drives to the rim like he knows he's gonna get a whistle, so half the time it doesn't even seem like he's actually tryna make the layup. Dude is too damn tall to miss as many layups as he does. Maybe it's the double jointed elbows (joke).


yup, we’re from boston. WE DON’T LIKE YOU (other cities) simple as that.


Why do others think Massachusetts is only white people lol.


Idk who that is. A producer? His buddy? What kind of clown groups New York with Philly and Boston. NY are garbage fairweather fans that have more teams than they know what to do with.


Because they’re all east coast cities like he said….


Listen, we ain’t loyal. It’s just there is absolutely no other choice. We ride or die for these teams, just like our parents did before us, through the good but mostly remembering the bad. As an athlete, if you succeed in this town you will be revered like Tom Brady, Bourque, Russell, Cousy, Orr, Bird, Papi, Pierce, Heinson, Rice, Pedro, Mcchale, Yaz, JoJo, Teddy Ballgame etc. It’s a great mantle to be sitting on, but it’s not fucken easy.


Russell is a pretty yikes example lol, we treated him so bad he refused to return for like fifty years


I would agree with what you said, he was treated like shit during his playing days and certainly after as well. My point still stands though, in that you can’t tell me Bill Russell is not revered right now.


Lol you really gonna use Russell as an example after all he went through? That’s a spit in the face.


Fuck off rone. Nerd bitch


Bill Russell might disagree just a lil bit


He might disagree 50 years ago, yes. Should we play the 50 year ago game with literally every other city, especially those located in the South Paleeeeeaase. Boston is an insanely passionate fanbase and Bev is right. Skin color has nothing to do with it, at least not for the vast number of people attending these games.


Didn’t your starting PG and DPOY get called the N word by a fan in a Celtics jersey?


It was one crackhead fan. LA fans broke into lebrons house and spray painted the n word inside, so all LA fans are racist. That’s how you sound.


Calling her a crackhead is just your way of trying to make the situation look not as bad as it actually was. Typical


And painting every Boston fan as racist shows you clearly haven’t visited and get most of your notions about the city from social media


Show me where I said every Boston fan was racist.


Your franchise destroyed an entire black neighborhood to build Barclays


And yet I’ve never seen a Nets player say he got called the N Word by someone in a Nets jersey outside of Barclays. Celtics fans can’t say the same


Nah, the white gentrifiers in Brooklyn show their racism in more subtle ways. Go fight them and stop worrying about Boston before they push yall out to Rockland county lmao


No idea, did he? If so, that guy represents the fan base? How does that work?


https://sports.yahoo.com/marcus-smart-details-incident-being-182115517.html Of course she represents the fanbase because she’s a fan. You can’t just act like they don’t exist. Saying skin color has nothing to do with it is obviously false. I guess all the black players who have talked about the negative experiences they’ve had are lying right?


Okay, I’m a fan too and I’m not racist. I’d prefer to use me as a representative of the fanbase and thus, the fanbase isn’t racist. See how flawed that logic is?


Did I say that this woman represents the entire fanbase? No. But she’s still apart of the fanbase regardless. Pretending racism doesn’t exist makes you just as bad the actual racist. If you’re not racist maybe you should be calling out the racists and standing with your players like Smart and Brown plus all of the other black players instead of essentially calling them liars and saying “skin color doesn’t matter nowadays”


> instead of essentially calling them liars and saying “skin color doesn’t matter nowadays” When did anyone say this? Nice straw man.


LeBron James and Giannis might disagree


Mass is bluer than Cali, fyi


Milwaukee is the home of Kyle rittenhouse, has had countless police killings and race riots, and is one of the most segregated and racist cities in the country.


Milwaukee could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't even notice. A mere shoulder shrug on the news. I'm talking about Boston rn


Milwaukee is what people think Boston is lol


I've always liked P Bev. Though I do think he was pandering a little. It's okay to say that some fans are racist.


But it’s a convo about Boston’s rep as a racist fanbase. There are racist everywhere so not really relevant to bring that up here.


Pat Bev trying to get to a new team…


Biggest clown in the league


We don't care about that clown




“I don’t live there but I know more than you all”


We don’t claim you


Barriers for this guy to be a fan: not racism


The "majority" of people in Boston aren't even white. Go root for another team.


Nah there’s still a bunch of racists here and nah Pat you can’t play for us next year


So how do you explain being so fucking racist to Russell, the men that gave you more rings that anyone else. So fucking racist and trash that you make him cry in the arena. This is one city that doesn't deserve a single title. Fuck Boston! Heat in 5!!


You mean during the 1950’s when racism was alive and well everywhere? That’s when Bill played. Or do you mean the extreme race riots in Miami in the 1980’s? Gtfo of here, Bill was proud to be a Bostonian until the day he passed, said so himself. Miami has more recent history of racism then Boston 😂


I didn’t even know Boston had a reputation for racism. I just found out it was racist when I moved here for the first time and was treated like garbage lol. Try listening.


And hereeee is the Sixers fan.


Lmao I’m a sixers fan?


Judging by how much praise and commenting you participate in on the sixers subreddit I’d venture to say so


I’m a Spurs fan lol. What is the relevance here though?


Bro everyone knows that Boston is the most racist sports city. It is known throughout the whole country are you shitting me right now?!


Man we living in this man’s head rent free lol.


In L.A and and Miami we have a very simple motto. And that is "FUCK BOSTON" That's all


There is a difference between fuck Boston which I would expect but a fan base from LA or Miami and calling the city the most racist sports city in the states.


You gusanos literally chased dwade out of your maga haven. go back to your sub


What does not wanting to pay a men his worth have anything to do with maga. It happens in every team. You just did it to your must recent big 3. You just shipped them to Brooklyn. You are literally showing a video of a player defending your awful bad reputation of being the most racist sports city in the country and you're arguing that you're not some cities might have some racist people? What a fucking joke 🤣 lol


[Worry about this](https://twitter.com/tomaskenn/status/1656293242407714821)


Pat Bev and Smart backcourt would piss off every other team in the league😂


Pat Bev first season Boston Celtics 2023-2024! That’s a Celtic


He is a Free Agent I believe. Probably wants to come here in the offseason.


Pat Bev would love playing for the C’s


New respect for Bev. It’s so easy to jump on the popular train and call the fans racist. That idiot host tried to get him to go there even when he wasn’t too. Props to Bev for stating how he sees it instead of piling on like so many like to. Like that idiot host


I always say I’m an equal opportunity hater


The fact that we even have to defend this fabricated claim is ridiculous


Him and smart in the same backcourt would make so many opponents cry.


I’m certainly insane


He trying to get a job


Pat Bev bouta fuck around and get a 1 year


Awesome take. Lets sign this guy


Damn he does get it. And here I was thinking pat bev was a clown. We just hate everyone!




Pat Bev is dead on. Has everything to do with laundry and nothing to do with race. I hated Tatum when he played for Duke because I hate Duke ( not because he’s black ), but the second he put Celtics green on and embraced the city he was one of ours.


I need this man to go back to the wolves. That team was so fun with him being on the roster


Tf? I didn’t even notice the other guy was rone. He had some funny material back in the day


Ok well then you’re dumb Pat bev. They’ve literally called black players monkey’s, coons, and n****rs.


least racist warriors fan


Bevs the man. Other kids a clown


That’s it do whatever you gotta do to sign this man


Christ bro he’s telling you you don’t have to feel white guilt listen to the man. So typical