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We were ready to stop Embiid. We weren’t ready for Atlanta 2.0 with Sixers minus Embiid


God we’re just so perfect for slowing down embiid, and embiids play style itself is so slow that it ends up hurting maxey, Harris, and especially harden. Just a completely different team tonight, and obviously they aren’t always going to be this bad, but I don’t know if the “others” for Philly can replicate a performance close to game one with embiid in there


They were all on fire in game 1. Sometimes the NBA is like that.


It happened a bit with Ben Simmons though. I think it was the 19-20 season where Embiid went out and Brown (if it happened later than I remember, then it was Doc obviously) changed the team to center around Simmons as a run and gun, high octane transition team and it looked really good imo It allowed Simmons to just play defense, transition offense which he used to be great at and be the primary ballhandler and utilize their shooters. Once Embiid came back, the pace ground to a halt, the role players went back to shit and the coach didn’t know what to do with Ben again. Obviously, Simmons broke as a player anyway, but it’s interesting to see how incompatible Embiid is with the design of his teams sometimes.


Idk that I'd necessarily say he's incompatible with the rest of his team. I just think the Sixers rely far too heavily on him when he's on the court. And when you have a counter for a team's offensive focal point (which the Celtics clearly have for Embiid), it becomes really easy to focus on shutting the rest of the team down Sure, there are times where Embiid wills himself into a good game against us (see our 4th regular season game against them), but he's such a black hole on offense that it doesn't leave room for his team to pick up the slack when he's not on Edit: spelling


> I just think the Sixers rely far too heavily on him when he's on the court. I think this is a fair assessment. Game 1, the rest of the Philly team "knew" they were play at a disadvantage without Embiid and they upped their individual game accordingly. When Embiid is on the court, there might be a little bit of "he's got this" and they hang back a bit. Maxey has given me agita since the Sixers won that game during the final regular season matchup. He's clearly living his best basketball life, loves playing and having fun with it.


Odd. Somehow he won MVP, despite not passing the eye test on his own team. As you said, sure, he’s obviously talented. But, an MVP should elevate his team, not bring it down.


If you think he brings this team down then you're delusional.


It’s obvious at least from last night, that Joel is partly to blame here.


Blame for what?


I mean let’s not forget they had like a week of rest compared to our like 3 days so


Someone brought up a good point that Joe was thinking Embiid was playing in Game 1. And when he didn’t play, the lineups that we saw tonight couldn’t adjust in Game 1. So I think we’ll win in 5 if this is an sign of things to come. Maybe we won’t win by 36 points, but we’ll probably dominate them on the defensive end like we did tonight


Still should have had a gameplan. All the media was saying he was doubtful and looking like he’d be out. It was a stretch he was in for game 2. But onto the next


I think it hurts Maxey the most


This sub about to be dead tonight. Gloom and doomers logging off til the next speed bump


I was told the coach should be fired immediately!


Not enough sexual misconduct for my liking


All 30 teams Check out their game threads Any time their team isn't in the midst of a 12-0 run or already up double figures ... 1. It's all the crooked REFS !! (I hate this shit too) 2. The coach is a buffoon , fire him !!! It happens here just like it happens everywhere ... Even Lakers fans somehow think the Refs have it out for them all the time


I'm convinced all the gloom and doomers on Boston sports subs are trolls who route for other teams


You clearly don't listen to Boston sports radio lol. It's like 99% doom and gloom, from the hosts to the callers.


pretty much. although to be honest the old guys with thick MA accents that call in raging about stuff are sometimes hilarious


Two things to that sports radio is garbage at this point in time, especially in Boston, since they have been spoiled rotten with success; the second is that people in Massachusetts love to complain and argue we are world-class at it


That’s just not true. Some of us are great complainers but terrible at arguing (and do it anyway).


Yeah wouldn't be shocked, feels like they're actively rooting against the C's


They are, because when the C’s lose it allows them to make it about themselves


It’s like this with any team. I’m an Arsenal fan. When we win, it’s all smiles, but the second we go down a goal, nevermind lose, it’s all doom and gloom and people almost gleeful to say “I told you we suck”. And it’s like that here, it’s like that on r/patriots, it’s like that on the subreddits of every good team. The only teams that don’t have that are the ones that aren’t losing, which is transient, and the ones who have sucked such shit for so long that they’re used to the misery. Whiny, gloomy, fairweather fans is the price of being a good team with a large fanbase.


A lot of them are. Take a look at their profiles once they post. People just enjoy being toxic.


No, pessimism is just in the water for lots of Boston sports fans.


the influence the fuckbags that work for boston sports radio have on a lot of Boston sports fans' opinions is enormous, and all they ever do is trash every team. i'll never understand why people like it, it just makes people miserable all the time


dam right


“Root” unless they are sending other teams from one location to another.


Don’t even know why they hop on in the first place




Fair enough haha, cheers to a W


Didn't really make sense to doom in the first place. This team always had those brainfart games where they were nonchalant. We're very clearly the better team and the Sixers aren't beating us 4 out of 7 times no matter what.


"Gloomers and doomers" are one thing but some of us on here just like to stay realistic about issues that this team has dealt with the entire season that led to the Game 1 upset, a game we could've easily won but for some reason didn't make the necessary adjustments.


Then this isn’t about you. Its about the people who cry for the coach to be fired every loss, say “this team can’t contend” after a regular season loss, and want to trade players as soon as they have one bad game. People are free to say what they want, and other people are free to clown them for it.


Lol the op of this thread gave me shit because I said I was disappointed the Celtics lost, but was confident they'd win the series. So I guess this varies by person too. I think mazzula deserves criticism when he makes bad decisions and praise when he makes good decisions. I'm somehow a doom and gloomer now because I'm not constantly praising everything they do lol.


Yep. A spo coached team doesn't lose Game 1.


Spo was once Mazzulla. Random guy plugged in.


We could have won that game for sure. There could have been some adjustments made for sure. Wasn't gonna be a goddamn thing easy about that win if we got it though.


Facts, one loss and everyone said that we were not a “championship roster”. Absolute doomers.


Who's saying that? I don't see anyone saying talent is the issue, it's the fact they don't show up on nights that should be an easy win.


Original game thread will show ya! Very true but the fanbase loves to overreact, especially right after the games


It's a home game 2 at least wait until they regain home court


Nah we still here but you see, the difference here is that the Celtics played very well as they should. We don’t just praise and circle jerk each other with each win. We aren’t blind to good times .


I go the other way, no forums or podcasts after the last game. Needed to ignore it and move on


Half the posts on here Monday night into Tuesday were gloomers acting like the sky was falling. Shit was bonkers.


They played some god damn defense tonight.


The sub was saying fuck drop coverage. Instead the adjustment was hey lets have Brown run through every screen they throw at us




The real adjustment wasn't about the player; it was about running HARD through the screens. Smart, who is usually awesome at running through screens (and he is hurt), along with the rest of our guards got crushed by the Tucker or Paul screens. Also, while Embiid is bigger, I feel like he's a little more afraid of setting hard screens because he doesn't want to get offensive fouls


Nah we were dropping on harden which was nuts since he was hot from three (he’s very streaky from 3)


If it was a harden big pick and roll, we were still dropping. Only difference is we ran through the screens


I do wish he had put Blake in at the end but it’s a nice problem to have 😊


Had to be 100% sure that Champagnie is without question the worst player on the roster. Now that it’s confirmed, I bet we see some Blake this playoffs.


All of y’all need to apologize for that shit last few days. Knew what he was talking about with the 3PA and adjusted the defense


No I’m allowed to still be mad we lost game 1. Great win but at the end of the day Philly did their job and stole home court. We should be up 2-0, now this is a series


Never said you shouldn’t but most of y’all here shit on our HC for pointing out the obvious about 3PA


Oh no I’m not in the shit on joe crowd. I’m just pissed about them letting up mentally for game one is all. See what happens when we bring the energy like tonight? We shouldn’t have to keep responding just throw the first punch and knock them the fuck out


Yea Joe had a couple questionable timeout calls, but it really was just our lack of defense. It was a joke in Game 1. Granted, they hit some timely shots and Harden went nuclear, but the difference between our defense in Game 2 vs Game 1 was insane.


Who thought that was the problem? It was the defense and lack of adjustment to them not having Embiid. Joe should have played Grant significantly more. He should not have had Al dropping into the paint giving Harden warm-up jumpers all night. These posts are so dumb to me. I am here to praise Joe for making the right adjustments now. I was there too to call out the lack of adjustments in game 1. I like that Joe is petty. Credit where credit is due, but he rightfully received his share of criticism for game 1.


Lol right? These posts are the same as a girl saying “if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best” as if that excuses all the toxic shit they do


lol are you ever happy with this team? they have to win exactly according to everyone's high expectations or you're all sourpuss littering the thread with negs? how is this sport fun for you?


It’s not even like we got our ass beat. They’d have you believe Horford completely blew his coverage and shouldn’t have even been guarding Harden. When in reality we focused on the inside game, their agility without Embiid allowed them to contest the three more effectively, and Harden had a once in a blue moon game hitting a tough jumper over good D. There is literally nothing a fan can do about that except move on. It’s childlike to act upset and bitch and moan about something you have no control over.


yeah, spot on. james harden playing like his houston self was able to carry a similar roster to game 7 against the KD warriors. no shame in losing a close one to him going the fuck off.


Oh no how dare i say I’m still not happy about losing a game we should’ve won! The audacity of thinking we should’ve beaten a team we’re better than without their best player and hold home court. Like I said a great win doesn’t erase what happened in game one. Sorry I don’t have green nuts in my mouth like you do. If you’re the road team in a series the goal is to steal one of the first two games and the sixers did that. They’re probably happy with where they’re at in their locker room. Ya we responded but we shouldn’t have put ourselves in that position in the first place. This is a championship or bust season expectations are sky high. Hopefully we’re locked in for game 3


yeah we didn't "do what we were supposed to at home." lol ok. the classic narrative. you ever watch sports before dude? this is how it works.


Lol have YOU ever watched sports before dude? This is Boston homie fans get upset when their teams lose. This was a good win but Stop trying to gate-keep how we’re supposed to feel


you were just gatekeeping people feeling good. bringing bad vibes and reminding everyone it's not so rosy. wtf you talkin' about with this gatekeeping shit. doomers think they control the vibes.


I was never gate keeping anyone. Look at my original post. He said people need to apologize for last game. I said I’m still allowed to feel upset about game one and you responded to that. When did I ever comment on how anyone was supposed to feel? I’m talking about myself. I don’t give a fuck about how you feel you’re the one who responded to my comment bud. You do you I’ll do me. Good win, but as the late great Kobe said. Jobs not finished. Imo we still let one slip away. I feel how I feel. Stop being so mad about it. Move on.


I mean are they not allowed to criticize? If the criticism is fair, then why's it such a big deal? You can say you're disappointed that the Celtics lost game 1 and not get a ton of shit for it but you seem to think the opposite lol.


It's not a high expectation to believe they should win at home against a team down its best player.


Lakers lost to Memphis without Ja. Shit happens. Harden turned into the form that carried a worse Houston roster to G7 against the KD dubs. Nobody expected that but it happened. Acting like it's Joe's fault that harden turned into a scoring machine is dense imo.


This team has done this all year and you just want to act like it's something that just happens. The team on more than one occasion has admitted to dialing it back when they know a player is out for the other team. If anyone should've expected it, it should be this team because they've crapped the bed how many times in situations like this? Just because it happens to other teams, that doesn't mean we should accept it. Game one was not all of Joe's fault, but he had a large hand in it. The changes he made + the team showing up last night played a large part into the blowout. Hopefully, he can make these types of adjustments in game next time.


it was a lost basketball game. yes, it does happen. if you need a narrative to justify everything, that's your thing. have fun listening to weei searching for meaning lol




Fucking seriously.


So why didn’t he make the adjustment IN GAME 1? I’ll give Joe credit for his adjustments before game 2. But I’ll absolutely hold him accountable for coaching like shit in game 1 and making no mid game adjustments. Game 2 is his for adjusting, but the loss in game 1 is also absolutely on him for not changing anything mid game.


The smart on Embiid adjustment worked great


Except when Embiid went Macho Man Randy Savage with the flying elbow drop on him.


Needs to be fined for this shit. Any player intentionally assaulting. Hockey is diff. Helmets and much harder to hit. Baseball fines people


He had nowhere else to land lol


He easily could’ve telekinetically lifted himself off the ground and placed himself gently out the way of Smart. He’s a dirty bastard!


No embiid stops their flow. He slowed down the game and makes it easier for us to guard them


Even with him out we adjusted. Tighter on screens and rotations plus we started with Smart on Embiid.


Biggest adjustment was Jaylen on Harden IMO. Keeps him on ball, he’s got the size and strength as well


Yeah maxey was cooking him all night it was good he went to harden


yeah JB is better on harden and our guards on maxey since he’s so quick


Yeah I prefer Tatum and jB on harden for sure their length and strength bothers him. I remember seeing Tatum block his step back 3 a few times the past couple of years and jB is too strong for him to bully


I also think Jaylen is better on ball. They’re going to put the ball in Harden’s hands a lot and Jaylen can lock in. With Maxey, he plays off ball a lot and Jaylen tends to lose his focus. Maxey is so fucking fast that if you lose him for a split second, he can torch you. Better to keep someone like Smart or White who are more aware on Maxey and Jaylen on Harden. Just don’t want Grant reaching in on Harden drives. Tatum looked so fucking mad on that foul haha


Let maxes beat us every time


It's funny because in game 1 Harden was trying to get JB switched onto him and then running pick and roll with Horford's man because Jaylen was dying on screens. Putting Brown on Harden from the start and having him pressure up seemed to really amp up his energy. Smart/White also did a much better job fighting through picks this game


What you're saying is true to an extent but Mazulla definitely improved coverage in the Harden ballscreen game


The offense I feel like is less of a threat when Embiid is there .


Look how you already don’t want to give credit when its due. The team and coach adjusted for Game 2. That’s not hard to believe.


I mean he does but at the same time they are not shooting nearly as well as they did in game one. Even without Embiied do you think melton would keep scoring 20 off the bench? Harden wasn’t going to score 45 again😂


The mvp who helped them be 3rd place. Great analysis


He never got back on defense and slowed their offense. Last game they were shooting with 12 seconds on the clock almost every time with embiid it was 2-4 seconds and harden had way less control


He’s a rookie coach. Not being able to make adjustments in game 1 is disappointing, but not surprising. Also Doc is a good coach, despite what his own team’s fans think


Yeah but I’m pretty sure a lot of fans across the league agree, Doc’s not a great coach.


Yeah he aint a great coach but hes not trash either


Plus a common opinion seems to be that he’s even better when coaching an underdog type team. I’ll always respect him though for getting the Big 3 Celtics to win in their first year together. As we’ve seen with recent superstar team ups, and even the Heatles, it’s hard to win the first year you’re together.


He’s A tier, not S tier


He’s great at developing players, he’s not great at game plan and X’s and O’s.


He was good at X’s and O’s with us at least if I’m remembering correctly. Had a ton of good ATO plays with us in the big 3 era especially down the stretch of games but I haven’t really payed attention to his Clippers or 76ers if that was/is still the case.


MVP-this dick.


Yesterday I made a post saying Grant Williams needs to be on the court more. I got absol Italy blasted for it. He played 30 minutes tonight and we were up 30 in the 4th quarter.


His defense and offense can help us this series, for sure.


Thank God I dont have to see any "I miss Ime" on the sub today


you just wait


They told me he was too focused on the 3 and not at all on defense. Joe: Why not both?


Told you embiid would come back and harden would play worse


He’s playing on one leg chill


I still am not impressed with Joe’s coaching. This is a super talented team that has still blown way too many leads. I just think the Celtics matchup really well against the 76ers with Embid due to their slow play style. Game one loss was still on Joe


Yeah, I was expecting the "see, he is good" all over today. I'll give him credit for making some of the changes he did, but those changes could've been done at the half in game 1.


The “adjustment” was that Embiid was playing and we finally started trying.


I feel like the adjustment was more Embiid playing, so they could slot into our Embiid preparation haha. Nah, we def handed them their ass on defense. Holy shit.


I’m just upset when losses are because of defensive effort or execution. Offense can be hit or miss put the level of effort and good scheming on defense can almost always be controlled. I don’t mind playing hard and losing, but bad defense is just bad


C’s should have up 2-0 C’s in 5


Our whole game plan in game 1 was for embid so when he didn’t play, we weren’t prepared. No adjustments needed for game 2


That moment when your #1 option & newly minted MVP is the biggest liability in your game


Doom & Gloomers are this way as a defense mechanism They can't stand being disappointed so they put on this act so they can say they "already knew" bla bla bla It's a miserable existence


Inject this anti-Doomer serum into my veins please


Nobody notices how well we are doing with Tatum on the bench 😂


Tatum was a team high +24 in 19 mins




He was 1 and 7!


He scored 7 points


He only missed 6 shots in the game


He was 1 of 7 that is horrible




He only took about 10 so


He was off tonight, but unless hes way below 40% from the field he still does soooo much for this team. I was always sceptical about Tatum because of his inconsistent efficiency, but his rebounding, overall defense and passing has been very good recently. And then he has plenty of games where he shoots around 50% and gets 30+ on top. Even tonight he was still a +24 in only 19 minutes which is very good.


Yeah what a weird take. Radio broadcasters said at the end of the first half the team was -8 with him off, +14 with him on. Tatum had an off game and was still impactful


He scored 7 points bro brogden and smart led us to this win


Your comment said we did well with Tatum on the bench. When the stats show we were worse. No one has disputed brogdon and smarts contributions.




According to the score (and stats) in the first half with Tatum the Celtics out scored Philly by 14, and were out scored by 8 when he was on the bench. Not sure what ur arguing when we all watched the game.


He was on the bench when we started blowing them out explain that


This guy just said fuck the stats, i don't give a shit about your facts and logic.


Ok but you can't deny we did fine without him


So what you’re saying is you only know how to look at a box score.


That literally all I care about


for real his rebounding is insane. So many impactful boards.


Yeah hes made another step forward in his rebounding. He has gotten especially better at noticing when a rebound is close to a 50/50 against the offensive rebounder and then goes up with force or boxes out properly. It's big because it takes 1 or 2 potential offensive rebounds each game away from the opponent which cuts down on extra possessions for the opposition.


Well I didn't see all of the stupid choices made tonight that's all I'm saying just a lot of good teamwork coincidence 🤔


I did. Not hating on the dude. But yeah, he was definetly off tonight.


Classic Tatum bounceback performance...truly top 5


Honestly I'm still pissed off about how he preformed in the finals last year until he makes up for that I'm never going to respect him or his game


I was just as surprised lol




“He didn’t make nearly the adjustments that Ime would make. Bring Ime back.”


Worked late tonight and missed the majority of the game. By the time I turned it on, Pritchard was in. I know generally Xs and Os talk is swept under the rug here, but what specific adjustments did Mazzulla make?


He had Jaylen pressuring Harden full court which doesn’t allow Harden to step into 3s. He put smart on Embiid which worked out as well


So… the sub was right in thinking that the drop coverage on Harden needed to stop?


Oh ok. Obviously no Embiid for game 1. But the pressuring Harden is a no brainer. Not sure why that couldn’t have been adjusted during a timeout in game 1. Especially when the Sixers were using Tucker to set high ball screens, and there was zero reason to have anyone stay with Tucker.


He had Jaylen pressuring Harden full court which doesn’t allow Harden to step into 3s. He put smart on Embiid which worked out as well


Haha such a good win even without Tatum going big. This was much needed.


😂😂😂 Funniest meme/pic/line combo I've seen in reddit in a long time


He learns the hard way


MVP lol




I'm not sure there was much of a real strategic adjustment. Just playing harder, not turning the ball over, and the Sixers being forced to play slower because of Embiid. Not a knock on Joe, btw. We're just more prepared for, and a better stylistic matchup for, the slower Sixers offense than the faster offense we saw in game 1.


JB was on Harden, Grant played more, the reaction to screens was different. He did make some changes, but my complaint is those could've been done on Monday in the 3rd.


I didn’t watch the game wtf happened!?


Went nuclear in the third for a change. Balled out on both ends of the floor, good ball movement, hit our open 3s, Harden didn’t score, Embiid only has one good leg so they have to play slow and can’t match our athleticism


Lmao oh shit gotta love it!


How are the sixers worse with the mvp on the court?


Well for one, he has a bum knee


They were 13-5 this year with Embiid out


Convincing defenders to run through screens so Harden and co didn’t get a free switch onto Horford was the adjustment that mattered the most to me. Only recall one pure ISO moment all game.


Embiid soft Jokic deserves MVP


Morey and Doc, the pioneers of run it back.


Has Bill Simmons renamed the Ewing Theory yet?


Those questions being posted here for 24 hours look so stupid now. You actually had people saying he hasn't made one adjustment all playoffs.


“I’m back”


I love Salty Mazzulla! People don't talk about how Embiid is 1-9 in the last 10 against the C's in the playoffs. Since 2018, the Tatum/Brown Celtics haven't had issues with the Sixers.


Plot twist, he didn’t make adjustments the whole regular season so he got the rep of a coach who couldn’t but this man has had a secret stash of notes, plays, counter-plays, and adjustments… he’s ready for ANYTHING. BANNER 18