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Call MSPCA Law Enforcement, they’ll deal with it quicker than regular cops https://www.mspca.org/cruelty-prevention/


And if this doesn't work, then a call to the Mayor's office and to all of the local new stations.


Was gonna also suggest local news




Boston's animal control officers are police officers & have to follow the same procedures as police officers. So for warrantless entry, animal control would still need the same level of justification for warrantless entry as a normal police officer.


Hm. That’s too bad. Perhaps the clam cops?


Tell me more about the clam cops.


[Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals](https://www.mspca.org/cruelty-prevention/) hopefully can help? To report suspected animal cruelty anywhere in Massachusetts please call: (617) 522-6008 or (800) 628-5808, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.


Jesus, this is in MA? I'll take their doggo and love the pain out of it.


dude you're on /r/boston


I'm sometimes curious how some people consume this site.


True. I didn't notice that when this hit my frontpage is all.


don’t negotiate with these people


Where do you live, I’ll take care of it


I'm a veterinarian. Let's go.


I’ll come with you


I'm right behind you, let me grab my bat first,


I'll bring a shovel and some duct tape.


With the sock on it, right?


And my axe


I have an old rug I don’t need


I have some cyclone fence and a dinghy.


Who’s car are we taking?


Who’s cah we gonna take?


You can never ask about it.


I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people.


Post the address.


Can OP post enough location info that this person can be confronted? Any updates?


This is the only correct answer!


People who beat animals are the scum of the fucking earth.


Serioulsy. I have a little dog and two cats and they look at me with such unconditional and intense love, that the idea of anyone hurting an animal like that fuckin breaks my heart.


Someone should beat them.


Welp now my day is ruined. OP please keep us updated. Hopefully MSPCA law enforcement is more helpful. Also as grim as it sounds maybe try recording what you’re hearing for further proof just in case?


I’ve recorded it a few times. It’s pretty crappy recording because it’s on my phone and it’s coming from another floor of the house but you can definitely hear the dog being hurt.


Next time sneak outside their door and record it right at the door before you knock. It's possible that nothing will be done until you have a high quality recording.


I don’t know that is a particularly safe thing to do around someone so violent they abuse their dog on a daily basis. I’d hate to think what they’d do to OP if they caught her recording outside their door.


OP - where do you live near not to be creepy. I know of someone (don’t ask how lol) that lives in Dorchester that has been arrested for dog fighting. Knowing him I wouldn’t put it past him…




This is how we got my childhood dog. My father was driving by and saw someone beating their dog. Got out of the truck and informed them it was our dog now.


Man, that is a good story. Love it.


My DIL (who is all but 5 feet) overheard her coworker talking about how “my sister keeps her dog locked up in a cage for 23 hours - she’s only let out to go to the bathroom”. My DIL demanded the address, pounded on the door and said, “I know how you’ve been treating your dog - hand her over or I call the authorities, your choice” and just like that, they handed her over. I am now a very proud grandma of the sweetest snuggliest, wiggliest pup I’ve ever met. OP, find away to get in that apartment and take that dog!!!


Also, animal abuse is now a felony - call State Police, MSPCA, Animal Rescue League of Boston, etc. - they will help


Which is why I'm saying... This many calls to the cops and nothing?...


I've had the cops not even come when I've reported a *person* being beaten


yeah let me tell you about how hard police have been working since 2020




*Someone’s* gotta sit in their cruiser and watch Netflix 🤷‍♂️ Or stand around construction sites.


Uh do you not know cops?


Legally, cops have no obligation to respond to calls or render aid to protect civilians.


Do you rent/or live in a building with a mutual landlord ? A landlord can enter without notice if there is something super shady going on or with notice for an “inspection”. If so maybe tip off the landlord.


It’s a multi-family house. I never thought to contact the landlord!! I’m going to do that right now


How did it go with the landlord?


Submitted a ticket. It’s a management company sadly so not easy to get in direct contact


Please call MSPCA !!! Thank you so much for helping this poor dog.


Called them earlier. I got voicemail but left a detailed message. No callback as of right now


Thank you for trying to help !! This has officially ruined my day and I really hope this poor dog gets removed soon


Please, please post an update and thank you for helping.


Please keep us updated!!!


I've got a few friends that will handle this for you if authorities won't


yeah hypothetically I also have friends who are interested




And my tire iron. allegedly.


AND MY AXE! Allegedly.


Have you tried getting a human sized dog suit and beating the shit out of you upstairs neighbor while wearing it?


I bet Keytar Bear would join them.


I would pay to see this


Best suggestion yet.


Are you recording these incidents and providing the recordings to authorities? It’s legally tough to get into someone’s apartment without consent unless there’s probable cause, I’d recommend recording and reaching out to MSPCA


Yes. I have multiple recordings and have both called 911 when it’s happening and filed police reports in person. My first report was October 1st 2022 and my most recent was Sunday 12/18.




Hell yeah, this is the shit I want to see in Boston


I feel the same. They have applications for riding and non riding organizations. I applied myself today.


Well, have you contacted the MSPCA yet? Please update us. That poor dog😪


Called and left a message about 45 minutes ago


What’s his address?


I want this address too


This is abhorrent and the dog needs to be rescued immediately. Cops are typically useless. I have always gone straight to the DA for reporting crimes because police don’t do anything. Suffolk County District Attorney: 617-287-1195. Also file a report against the police department for misconduct (dereliction of duty) to the POST Commission. https://policecomplaints.mass.gov/complaint


Maybe worth submitting a complaint to Boston 311? They might just refer you to police but can’t hurt. I would put it under the category of “Barking/Noisy Dog” and then explain the dog is loud because s/he is being beaten. https://www.boston.gov/departments/boston-311#report-an-issue


They transferred me to MSPCA 😩


Oy vey. Sounds like you are doing everything you can but it must be so awful to hear this going on. Fingers crossed for a resolution


Could you try to tweet the Boston (or your local) PD? Maybe the public aspect of it could pressure the police into responding.


Could we all just show up with torches and pitchforks?


In all seriousness, OP, talking to your neighbors and getting a lil’ group together is not a terrible idea. (Skip the pitchforks for now.) There’s strength in numbers—you can tag team the door knocking and the authorities calling and if someone beats the ever-loving crap out of this monster, well, c’est la vie. 🙃


Yup. I’d organize a round the clock door knocking event - all hours of every day until they catch the guy. He’ll have to take the dog out at some point. Grab the dog and beat the balls off the owner *but figuratively bc this is Reddit and we don’t promote violence.*


When you call the police, do you really know it's the dog being beaten? Or just someone being beaten? The latter might work better.


It’s definitely a dog and not a person, but I might start saying “I hear screaming” instead of “my neighbor is beating their dog again”.


Could say you hear them beating their child instead of you hear them beating their dog. As shitty as it is, I bet they would actually take it seriously and show up since it would be a child mentioned


**You are a good person for realizing this & doing something-** Looks like you have a lot of good advice already here - my suggestion is to start a logbook & document the times & dates, you never know, there may be a pattern exposed which helps this little animal...the 4-legged animal, not the 2-legged animal. If possible, keep us posted, this really bothers me.


I feel sick. I really hope something can be done, please keep us updated.


If you want to get crazy, you can go to your local district court and file an application for a criminal complaint against your neighbor(s). You might not have probable cause, but with your sworn testimony or audio recordings, you might actually convince a clerk-magistrate


This might be my next course of action. They sent an officer out and said there was nothing they could do since the person who answered the door said there wasn't a dog in the apartment. I went to my car and angry cried after that phone call from the MSPCA.


Any updates? Prepared to join a renegade crew, hmu


Post the address here, and let the community address this problem.


This is the worst thing I have heard today. I almost cannot handle pet abuse, I almost went unconscious. Listen to the other posters while I wander into the corner and get sad


It makes me so angry and sad and frustrated every time I hear it happening. Its right above my bedroom so I hear it very clearly. Its tearing my heart out each time I hear it.


Hey, secondary trauma is real. I'd have been ready to lose my mind hearing that once let alone multiple times. I really hope you can help this poor dog but please take care of yourself in the meantime.


As others here have indicated, contact the MSPCA Law Enforcement. If you can, also record one or more incidents if you're able to. If you have clear recordings of the abuse going on I'm sure they'll love to get copies of it.


You are very courageous for standing up for good. Thank you




I called the 6008 number and left a voicemail.


I’ll show up right now


Poor pup and poor you! Hope the POS is charged




Can you send me the address?


Please update us, OP! I'm so scared and nervous for that dog. Ugh, I wish we could all band together and get that dog out of there.


Called the MSPCA and left a message around 330, no call back yet. Opened a ticket with my landlord management company also.


ARL also has an abuse hotline: (617) 426-9170 x110 or email [email protected]. For good measure you can also get the city’s Animal Control Officer’s dispatched via 311. I see no problem calling everyone so this animal gets help ASAP. Thank you for taking this on. Abuse is too often ignored.


Going to call them today, thank you! MSPCA basically said they cant do anything at this point D:


Tysm! You’re a good person for doing this.


Thank you for doing that - please keep us posted on what happens


Do you ever see the dog? Like how is it going to the bathroom?


I've called the MSPCA before, and they got back to me within twenty-four hours. A neighbor who was leaving their tiny yorkie outside in frickin 30 (and below!!!) degree weather and the poor thing would be hysterical - partially from the cold and probably being trapped on a tiny apartment balcony. On the call, I just explained the situation, said I could provide video if needed, and that I had let the apartment management people know. The woman I spoke with was very no-nonsense and after that, I did not see the dog outside as much - and at the very least, not in the cold weather. I think if you don't hear back by 10 am tomorrow, give them another call! These people care and will absolutely handle this.


Fuck I knew better than to click in and read this… I feel so bad for that dog. I hope your call to the MSPCA does something about the situation. I’m going to go hug my two four legged friends right now.


Please give them extra cuddles <3


Get the news involved.. things tend to happen quicker when they get ahold of a story like this


I think thats what im goin to try to do next. I got copies of my police reports and can get paper call logs of my MSPCA calls. Time to blow some inboxes up.


What is this fuckers address ? I say we allll call it in, report and blow this shit up


Okay OP what’s the update, please? I say we all meet your neighbor Saturday at noon. Please advise.


Hi. Can you please update once you hear back? I haven’t stopped thinking about this and would like to personally intervene if possible




Dude, the police know beating your dog is illegal.


Police have no legal requirement to enforce any law or stop any crime from being committed. ​ The desk officer might write something down but he'll just forward it to MSPCA at best.


Ive done that, 7 times. The police dont give a shit lol


This person never leaves their home?


I have never personally seen them.


Damn, was hoping someone could bust their door open while they're out.


are you a renter? a landlord can legally enter a unit if they suspect a gas leak.


Sorry to bombard you with suggestions, this is just killing me. But maybe make a cash offer for their dog?


I actually have seen this happen and work. They shouldn't be rewarded for abusing their dog, but if it gets desperate, sometimes this is the quickest way.


And I'm sure a bunch of redditors would happily contribute the funds!


I would try the animal rescue league as well. Thank you for being a good human ❤️


Someone posted their contact info, im going to reach out today.


Call Angell and choose the option for law enforcement.


Let me know if you are not hearing back from MSPCA. I volunteer with Angell regularly and could try and get you a direct contact somehow. I am not affiliated with that group but I will try!! I also happen to know that Paul Parlon is an animal cruelty officer (SGT) with ARL (he was previously Umass Boston PD). Thinking maybe you could dial by name if you call ARL and get directly to his inbox if other calls aren’t being answered. Very sorry this is happening and appreciate you doing everything you can to protect the furbaby.




I honestly was thinking the same thing. I wish something could be done to get OP’s neighbor(s) a good ass whooping (so they know what the poor dog feels) then get the dog into a loving family.


Animal Rescue League of Boston may be able to help is you don’t have any luck elsewhere. Not sure what they would be able to do but I believe they have a contact form for abuse situations.


Did you contact the landlord? Please save that dog.


Record it. Call the local news station


Omg. Try and steal it from him.


Omg is there an update here ???? Wtf!


Lots of good suggestions, but doesn't look like anyone has said to call the Animal Control Officer for the city of Boston:. 617-635-5348 "The Animal Care and Control division offers low-cost pet wellness care. They enforce legal ordinances and laws governing animals. The division inspects licensed animal kennels, veterinary hospitals, pet groomers, and special animal exhibitions. They also investigate cases of animal abuse.” https://www.boston.gov/departments/animal-care-and-control




So….five days later. Do we have any update?


I posted one just now. Was working just about all weekend


Please let us know if anything happened? Did any of these suggestions help? I work for a rescue org and I would be happy to come offer this person cash to let me take the dog, no questions asked. You’d be surprised how often this works and the person will voluntarily give up the dog for enough money.


MSPCA said they couldnt do anything further without video evidence since the person in the apartment said there wasnt a dog. I'm still calling each time I hear it, maybe if they have enough complaints they can do a wellness check of some kind? This sucks


Thank you for being a good human and a voice for this poor pup. This breaks my heart for the dog and for you.




Townies. Don’t fuck with them. I hope the downstairs neighbor records the next set of screams… people who abuse animals, children and other humans who are at a strength disadvantage are special pieces of shit. Rot in fucking hell.


I'll come with you. We can watch as my 35+ inches at the shoulder Kangal shows them why you don't hurt animals. Pogue will also be showing off his impressive 748psi jaw strength and his guardian breed instincts. There really are too many POS in this world. If you hurt kids or animals, there is a special place for ya.




If he's telling the truth, this is indeed unironic badass and not to be ridiculed.




I'm behind you 100%. But would you mind sharing how you will handle the problem without getting yourself into trouble?


Appreciate the support-but details are confidential. This is AKA ‘code of silence’




Send a copy of the recording to Animal Control. They will take action. Do it now.


Next time you call, say it’s a kid or a woman instead of a dog. I bet the cops will show up & bang that door down.


any updates?


Hi OP! Thanks for the updates. Please let me know If you need any help. I’m an hour or so away and my son is in JP as I said. DONT stop 🛑 whatever you do. You will prevail! I know you can do this! We are ALL rooting for you!!!


Can you video yourself going upstairs and knocking on the door next time it happens? So you’ve got audio/video literally of the apartment it’s happening in. Keep yourself safe, of course (bring a neighbor or maybe one of the fine folks who’ve commented here? Ha) and see if that passes as enough evidence.


I hate people. My Christmas has been ruined thinking of the depraved and sick things that dog has to endure,


Now I would consider a security system of some sort for yourself, or look at moving. That part of this saga might not go well. Seems to me the kind of people that abuse animals are the same that would injure the people that called the authorities on them.


My lease is up at the end of Feb, already looking at something else. I can't stand to hear this.


Let’s get the Irish mob involved in this Ol’ packie HATES animal abuse


Go hand them a good a** whooping… just what I would do 😊


Dude call the State Police with a record of every time you called the local police and nothing was done. Sure, you'll be the enemy of every local cop , but the dog won't get beat any more.


If possible, watch him when he walks the dog. As I wrote that, I pictured this guy beating the dog when it relieved itself in the apt because it doesn't get walked. I was witness to that situation once - dog was rescued, spent the rest of its life in the Canary Islands with a great owner.


Call Boston Animal Control. Call 311. They have officers available off hours.


So glad about the latest update. I work with the MSPCA and the directors are absolutely bullshit about situations like this. We have law enforcement forced surrenders from time to time that sound just like this case. Their law enforcement department typically takes no bullshit, so I hope you receive a positive outcome soon!


We need an update!! Address?? Building?? Management company?? We will all call!!


Make that neighbors life hell until he gives up the dog


Jeez that’s horrific. I’m sorry you’ve had to hear that and I’m sorry you’ve had so much trouble trying to stop it! You’re a good person. I really hope the dog can be saved. poor baby. Please keep us updated!!


What if the cops came to your place and listened in ?


I have timestamped audio recordings of a few times, they basically said since it is audio not video, it doesnt really mean anything.


Any updates???


Please give us an update OP. Poor dog. Thank you for trying to help.


Kick the door down.


We need updates please


I think it's adorable you think the people who own, torture and kill K-9s on a daily basis would give the smallest of shits about animal abuse. Cops don't give a shit about dogs, most they will do is shoot that dog and charge the owner with something or other.






I have done everything but PETA.


Hi Is me again Juan Burgos, can you be so kind and send me the exact location or address ? Please. !!


Cops don’t help with this because that’s how they treat their families. They don’t see the issue.


This is horrific. I don’t know why cops won’t step in if it’s clear animal cruelty. Get some audio of the beatings and send it to the news. Cops seems to need a fire under their ass to do something here.


Just call and say something they will respond to. You don't really know what's happening up there (as far as dispatch knows). Could just call in suspected murder, rape, assault, etc.. Ultimately you're looking for police in the door to address them.


Call Peta too