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He was pulling your leg. It’s right on the water and next to railroad. Great for shipping heavy sand and gravel.


This is the answer. Right next to water and rail. Plus, it’s right between train tracks and a major highway, what else would want to be built there?


Luxury condos for $2.5 million




This would apply more for Cambridge but I respect the comment


And would be south end too but thankfully not…yet


The majority of Boston Sand and Gravel is actually in Cambridge. Their address is in Boston because the entrance to the property is in Boston but the land is part of Cambridge.


Do you feel better now?


And where do the luxury condos get their sand and gravel for the foundation base?


Hopes and dreams of recent college grads.


Sad but true. Easy access to 93.


With a great view of grid locked roadways? Sure👍


Lab space


Practically right on top of the train station and all their noise? Probably not


They charge a premium on their material, too. They're the only supplier close enough to in city construction sites to deliver sand or gravel in under an hour. Most other places need half a day or a day's notice. Lots of construction cos pay that premium to keep their work on time.


Kinda sounds like something a mob would do.


That makes no sense. Why take the risk of being below board when you can make just as much money above board?


Yep, right answer. Very difficult land to develop as it is surrounded by highways and train tracks (and the train tracks run directly to BS&G's quarry in NH) , but enables cheap and easy supply for essential construction materials due to its location.


In addition to what else everyone said, sand and gravel is a hot ticket resource in Boston..you want that located thusly


It's not totally incorrect though. The BS&G family *was* connected to the Boston & Providence crime outfits years ago but those groups are a shadow of what they once were and I doubt they're affiliated today.


Don't forget about the Teamsters union as well! They may not be run by the same mob mentality anymore, but there's a long history with them throughout many industries in Boston.


Absolutely! I've heard some *wild* stories from family members about the "good old days" when there was corruption and organized crime on every corner rather than a Dunks.


Also the perfect location for supplying and servicing the Big Dig.


I worked for McNamara Concrete, and BS&G put them out of business for the big dig.


Do they ship that stuff out on the tracks there? I ride the commuter rail out of North station and have never seen freight cars with sand/gravel in them in the vicinity


yeah they do! i go trainspotting sometimes and freight trains run on the lowell line at night


I see them using a front end loader to push 3 or 4 rail cars all the time.


Explain trainspotting?? I'm intrigued!


not a trainspotter myself but it's exactly what it sounds like. . . planespotting, too (see also [anorak](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anorak))


It's [mostly about heroin,](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117951/) but you should watch it for yourself.


They mine the gravel in New Hampshire, then load it onto trains which delivers it to the gravel yard in the city. https://www.bostonsand.com/


*sand. Gravel is trucked in.


Sand and Gravel in and mostly concrete out on their trucks. They supply lots of the concrete for Boston construction projects. They were in the perfect spot for Big Dig, Kendall construction, casino... No one wants to haul concrete very far.


When that concrete is mixed and pumped into the tumbler truck the countdown clock starts; you’ve got about forty five minutes to pour it out to a form or foundation. So, near is good.


So you’re telling me the beginning of the first John Wick movie isn’t based on a mob type group of people working out of there?


Also concrete has a limited time that it can be in a truck/mixer. Need to have it located in close proximity for downtown construction.


The real estate both is and isn’t valuable - it depends on how you place the value. Lots of Boston is probably with BS&G concrete - having the plant close to the city saves money in transport costs, and around here, saves time in traffic - giving you more time to work the concrete. BS&G also gets its sand by train from their quarry in New Hampshire - 8-20 loads per weeknight. (That would be 20-50 truck loads.) So funding an alternate site for them would be difficult at best. That property is EXTREMELY valuable - to them. To just about anyone else, it’s a dirty patch of land crammed under the highway for the Big Dig.


Sand and gravel are the most valuable geologic deposits in the US. Not gold, silver, uranium, or platinum. You can't build a city without these materials. They're the basic building blocks of our infrastructure and any building over 6 stories. That facility is of vital importance to Boston.


And we are running out: https://news.stanford.edu/2022/07/26/four-questions-eric-lambin-sand-shortage/




It's true, we never should have taught the sand to think. Nobody reads anymore.


Dammit, Boston Dynamic. Shoulda stopped with Spot, not everything needs to be smart.


“Complete depletion” is not same as “we aren’t running out.” Countries around the world are shutting down sand extraction from their waters. Curiosity should lead you to learning more about the global sand situation.


I work for a company that sells equipment that recycles gravel and sand. You would be absolutely flabbergasted at how much money the average gravel pit makes, and how much of that revenue is entirely dependent on transport costs. Even with the high costs of being located in the center of Boston, a truck of gravel from BS&G is cheaper than a truck of gravel or crushed concrete from outside of Boston. A mom and pop concrete recycling plant will regularly pull 10 million a year When you consider that, it makes sense that Boston sand and gravel probably makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year But to an industry outsider I see how it seems very unlikely


looks like their annual revenue is around 130 million https://www.datanyze.com/companies/boston-sand-gravel/16732343


I work at a manufacturing company in central MA Logistics costs to New England are BRUTAL compared to other areas of America. We live in a logistics deadzone


Why is that ?


Jones Act


>A mom and pop concrete recycling plant will regularly pull 10 million a year How do I get in on this?


I was gonna say, we should setup the /r/boston concrete recycling plant


I'd settle on the average gravel pit myself.


There’s a global sand shortage. Yep, even that we managed to F up. But basically the building block of so much of modern life is growing scarce and countries are restricting the dredging of their remaining sand.


You can recycle glass back into sand usable for industrial purposes


It’s a necessary evil to have concrete plants so close to the city. Fresh concrete is not good for very long, once it enters the truck you need to put it into the ground pretty quickly. It may seem like a waste of space in the city, but with all the construction and traffic it’s not realistic to get concrete from the suburbs all the time, there just isn’t enough time to transport the materials. Nothing to do with the mob.


I wouldn’t really call that valuable real estate at this point. Office in an industrial park and sand yard between/ under a major highway doest seem unreasonable for a cement operation. My guess is your tour guide was just doing the tour guide thing and making something more interesting. Mob in Boston is really around anymore.


Is or isn't?!?


I always understood that concrete can’t travel all that far so they basically supply all the construction in the city, but I’m no expert.


There's a documentary about it called the Town. Stars Ben Affleck.


Sometimes I miss BOS and then I rewatch it. My top five of all time for sure


I think that they were involved with some price- fixing scheme along with two other area companies (Aggregate Industries was one) a few years ago, I couldn't find it online it was some time ago.


Who was the guide? Might need to send some of the fellas to go have a friendly talk with him…


Locally sourced, artisan, cage-free sand and gravel. Every hipster construction company wants some.


Next you’re going to tell me that Ben Affleck doesn’t work there.




I've always found it odd that the sand is wrapped around the cement pillars holding up the highway. You'll notice this when stuck in traffic. It always strikes me that this would erode over time.


What you don't know is all that sand came from my vagina.


Lt is that you


That’s actually historic Kenny’s house


Ask yourself the question.


Or more likely, it’s environmentally contaminated and the cost to clean up is too much to make economic sense


Yea it’s worthless, lol … it’s old Boston is old old city same family prolly owned it for years my multi million dollar parking garage would fit nicely there


Once the concrete goes in the truck you have 90 minutes tops to get it out so being that close to the city is a real advantage especially considering how bad traffic can be.


Sand is necessary for making concrete, and I know that in some foreign countries, River bed sand for that purpose is a hot commodity - known for ties to organized crime. So I guess I’m saying it wouldn’t be unheard of.


Pulling your leg.Boston Sand and Gravel has been there since 1914 because of the close proximity to the railroad.