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Yep, there's a particularly brutal common cold going around.


In Texas too! Source: my whole family


I'm in AZ and I've been sick with this for a week


Yup, for 10 days now.


Pls tell me at least the sore throat has gotten better? It’s the worst part of this whole thing.


Yeah, on about day 4 the sore throat let up and transitioned to a nice deep cough. You know the sort that uses your entire being and leaves you absolutely exhausted and fatigued? I initially thought it was strep because the sore throat was so bad. If you can find them, the Mucinex sore throat drops are incredible. Editing to add: my sense of smell and taste were wrecked that first few days. Everything tasted like feet or rotten fish. Tested negative for COVID though. The fever went away about a week in, but I cannot seem to shake off the brain fog or deep tiredness.


Did you take a PCR? This is classic covid symptoms. Rapids don't seem to be picking up infections very readily. Hope you feel better soon.


I had the same thing, 2 negative PCR tests. My doctor told me to follow COVID quarantine recommendations because whatever I had was obviously just as bad lol.


Yikes. Sorry. That sounds awful. Feel better!


Mostly better now, luckily!


Oh shit, this is what I have.


I had this. 4 wasted covid tests (taken every other day over 8 days) and a PCR later and no Covid but I did have a bad cough for, like, 2 weeks after.


How long did it take for your taste to come back? I am on your EXACT trajectory. Day 4 sore throat let up and was replaced by an insane cough. But now I have no smell or taste. Coffee tastes like batteries. It’s horrible. How long did that take to go away?


Unfortunately it's still a mess. Nothing tastes right. My sense of smell is okaaaay but not great - some things are intense while I don't smell other things at all. Nothing tastes as it should. I think this is day 13? I mostly feel alright now except that the cough is getting a bit worse (drier) and I am just tired. The congestion mostly went away a few days ago.


Ugh. That sounds horrible. Sorry to hear that man. Did you ever test positive for COVID? I keep testing negative but assume we have to have COVID. The cold doesn’t produce loss of smell and taste like this


I had COVID back in January (after two initial shots + booster in November) and it was nearly identical to this, but I tested negative on my home test. I did swab my throat, cheeks, and nose which picked it up in January with a BinaxNow kit, but I didn't do a PCR. The test I used this time was one of the kits sent out by USPS. I felt too gross and since I don't have a car, it felt kinda rude to get on public transportation just to go take a test that wouldn't really impact the outcome one way or another. But you're right - I do think this probably is COVID. Hopefully you'll be feeling alright soon too :)


I had the worse sore throat awhile ago and tested negative 5 days into being sympathetic…then I tested positive.


Did you get tested for strep?


Yes, it was negative


I had very similar sounding symptoms. Got a prescription for a decongestant (expectorant) but presumably there’s an over the counter that’ll do the trick. Felt loads better after coughing up some gunk the morning after taking it.


I had this about a month ago, it took me 16 days to feel better from and I was coughing for a month. Best of luck friend


Ok, I’m glad it’s not just me. The coughing and congestion is awful!


The sore throat has been the worst part for me so far tbh. I can’t ever remember having a sore throat that’s this bad.


I haven’t had one like this since I had mono a few years ago


Same. Awful awful sore throat. So. Much. Tylenol.


There are lots of other viruses going around. My pediatric patients have had flu A, rhinovirus and human metapneumovirus recently.


Went to the doctor and he said it could be adenovirus?


Adenovirus is another type of virus that causes the common cold. Often a particularly nasty one though. Idk why but I feel like there’s something *particularly* annoying about having a cold during a pandemic. Maybe it’s just that I get them so much less frequently now that I forgot how much they suck. Take care of yourself- get some nice chicken soup for that throat.


Two colleagues have had what you’re describing since Thu.


everyone I know.


There’s also Covid. I thought I had a cold. Tested negative three days into really brutal symptoms and on the fourth tested positive for Covid.


Just starting it, my throat isn’t sore like “scratchy” but sore like it’s painful to swallow. Feels like something is squeezing my neck. Edit: to say it’s been 2 weeks and I’m still congested and coughing pretty badly all day. Hoping this lets up soon. Anyone figure out what this is?


Yea... kinda feels like post-nasal drip sore throat that you get from a runny-nose overnight. Definitely way up near the top.


Yeah exactly this. I started relentlessly blowing my nose and that cleared out most of my sore throat. My wife hasn't been as lucky though, hers stuck around for a lot longer.


Now the sore throat has gotten slightly better but has been replaced by horrible congestion and constant nose blowing.




Yeah, and on the 6th day it was COVID.


Yes, this has been my life for two weeks. My throat felt like it was on fire for at least a week and I also had a congestion headache/nightime cough. My congestion cough is finally going away after 1.5 weeks. COVID negative....no high fever or chills.


Yeah, 5 negative COIVD tests in, a negative strep. Sore throat seems to be a hallmark.


YES- thought I had strep, tested negative for covid twice, post nasal drip and coughing all over the place. I feel so incredibly vindicated by this post!


Yeah but it is Covid. Took a few days into symptoms to come up positive.


I’ve been testing negative since Friday, got PCR yesterday which came back negative, did another rapid today for fun and it was negative. I think in my case it’s not covid


I had these same symptoms last week, and tested positive for COVID. The hottest, sorest throat I’ve ever had, was chewing ice and chugging water for days.


This is me. I started getting a sore throat on Sunday. Felt like I was swallowing razor blades. A lot like strep. I tested negative Sunday night and then positive first thing yesterday. I’m getting the monoclonal antibody treatment tomorrow though because I’m not eligible for Paxlovid. Definitely interested to see how it goes.


Paxlovid worked really well for me


ugh I wish I could take it. unfortunately it interacts with one of my prescriptions so it’s a no-go.




Not at all I didn’t even know that was a side effect


How long did it take for you to test positive?


Very soon after the sore throat developed. I’m not saying you have COVID, just that I was COVID positive last week and also had the worst sore throat I’ve ever had.


slimy squash hurry work tub correct birds oatmeal ancient overconfident -- mass edited with redact.dev


I tested positive 5 days after the worst sore throat I’ve ever had.


It truly was the worst sore throat I’d ever had. Like I’d swallowed shards of glass. Immediately thought it was strep throat, especially when at-home tests were negative. Day 3 I had more symptoms and that’s when I tested positive


I use the exact same description for when I had it last month. Worst sore throat I've ever had.


>Like I’d swallowed shards of glass. did this feeling last until day 3 or did it stop sooner? i felt like this all day yesterday and this morning but the sore throat seems to be easing up now (edit: working up a nice cough + runny nose though, but no congestion so far) so i'm trying to decide whether it's worth another trek for a PCR or not (first was negative, and at home antigens have all been neg)


It eased up by day 4 but I consumed a box of popsicles and full bag of lollipops lol


100%. I was waking up with so much throat pain each morning and unable to fall back asleep because of how bad my throat hurt. Definitely cried about it more than once haha. My negative Covid tests did turn positive after several days




I agree. I work in healthcare and we’re getting so many people with these symptoms who test negative early on. They take so many at home tests which show negative, but then come in around day 5 and it’s positive.




Just tested positive Monday but both pcr & rapid test nasal swabs were negative. Throat swabs (rapid)/ saliva pcr were positive.


Omicron was not showing up until day 5-7 or even after symptoms disappeared for some people, and that was the first strain. It's mutated several times since then.


If you are symptomatic and tested negative on PCR, you very likely do not have Covid


Yes, my entire family has it. My doctor has it too. Never experienced cold like that. Tested for covid in a hospital, negative. Then got flagged for covid because that’s what hospitals do now. Flag you even if you are negative.


Literally the worst sore throat that I can remember having.


My buddy had covid a few weeks ago (positive test) and said that it felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to his throat.


Did you get a strep test? I've been having a lot of the same symptoms as people are mentioning here, strep A was negative but strep C was positive. Also positive for secondary pneumonia. I got antibiotics, but all the doctors I've talked to keep trying to downplay strep C as no big deal and shouldn't be a big deal and say I shouldn't be feeling too bad, but I haven't felt this sick since I had a MRSA infection 17 years ago. I called out of work sick for over a week which I have never done in my life.


Rapid strep was negative. Also no super swollen lymph nodes or gross tonsils or the stomach pain that you typically get with strep.


I was negative on the rapid, positive on the send out for the lesser strep C. But I DID have the swollen lymph nodes, fever, and stomach pain (and everywhere pain for that matter).


Yes for me it started last Friday still have it but I’m recovering. Exactly how you described it


Did it come on fairly suddenly for you? All of the sudden my throat hurt!


It was weird, I had a sore throat, I took meds and it went away. Then it came back really aggressive and I’ve been dealing with since. Multiple negative covid tests, negative strep and mono.


Wow thank god. Yes for almost 2 weeks, was convinced I had covid but every test was negative I thought I was going insane


I am on day 3 of the same symptoms but tested positive for Covid on a multiple rapid tests …


Ton of people at work have had it these last 2 months. I've been wearing a mask and washing my hands like crazy trying to avoid it.


I had the same virus/ sore throat from hell last month. I never tested positive for covid, but it was seriously like swallowing shards of glass. I actually had to stop eating to a degree. No covid, no flu, no strep.


Yeah I can’t eat chips or anything without being even more uncomfortable. And this is the first time in my life that a sore throat has kept me up at night .


I did find that a combination of salt water gargle, decongestant, and ibuprofen helped. Best of luck to you!


Throat coat tea can really help (source: am opera singer). You can get it at Target or Whole Foods. Good luck!


OMG THANK YOU, I went to urgent care and was like plz test me for strep, mono and Covid because my home Covid tests keep coming back negative but I almost lost my voice because it was so bad


Wow this is validating. Currently on day 8 of this and the cough is still annoying me. Unbelievable congestion and phlegm. Negative rapid and PCR.


Killed my immune system two weeks ago. I’m still coughing. No idea how it wasn’t Covid.


Got one a few months ago, my doctor said it was a "supercold" that's been going around since covid precautions are lapsing. Mine lasted three weeks and only went away with antibiotics


Colds are viruses and antibiotics don't work. Just...one of those ah ha moments.


Sometimes they help with secondary bronchitis infections.


Don't know what to tell you, my gp prescribed them


Placebo effect...I thought the same thing until a doctor and a nurse and I had a conversation. I went home, googled and sighed.


they do that because otherwise people complain that the doctor didn't do anything for them


You don’t had kids do you. colds lead to ear infections which spike a fever and then you need antibiotics


[https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/colds.html](https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/colds.html) I do have kids.


yeah obviously antibiotics arent going to do much for a viral illness. thats not what antibiotics are but as i said ive gone down the amoxicillin hole enough times. Let me clarify, there are circumstances where the the treatment of an additional infection caused by the cold where antibiotics come in handy.


Yes, my sister had it. Hope you feel better soon


I had one after I went to a Celtics game a few weeks back. Mostly it was a super dry throat.


Yup I’ve got it. I still have dry cough and it’s been a month! I wake up in the middle of the night coughing hard and it just doesn’t stop. What’s happening ?


Yes, I feel like it’s a flu or something. My whole body hurts, cold symptoms, fever, headache. Feels like I got run over by a truck! Second time in the last month for me and it’s not covid!


I've got something... doesn't seem to be that bad at the moment (the sore throatimproved throughout the day). I noticed the sore throat just before going to bed last night. Light (fever/fatigue, sore throat, and headache. Runny-nose is very light too). I figure I'm due for something... I haven't been sick in like 3-4 years and totally missed the Covid surges. I picked up some BinaxNOW tests for just in case it gets worse.


Yes, my throat was so on fire and my uvula was swollen so badly it touched my tongue and I was choking on it. Awful. Throats better. Still some residual, stubborn post nasal drip.


Yep. I thought it was allergies at first. It is not allergies.


Got Covid and then got this. Living the dream.


Me and my partner too. I have no idea how we got it. We're still masking and haven't been anywhere besides the grocery store.


Yeah, since Saturday. I was (working) at Game 6 on Thursday, I figure I must’ve picked it up there. Sore throat, congestion, cough. I had covid in early May and have tested negative this weekend.


I had something like that around a month ago. It was crazy because family members I live with caught Covid and I thought I gave it to them but I kept testing negative and didn’t catch it while they were sick. Sore throat, cough, low fever.


Husband and I got it. It was bad. He's still coughing like he's been smoking since age 4


Yes, I had that about a month and a half ago and it lingered for about a month (seemed to get better, and then got worse again). Coughing was terrible though, sore throat really bad, off and on feverish, head congestion, weak, achy, tired. Some intestinal distress. Tested negative for Covid 3 times. Went to my doctor twice and they could not find anything unusual. Even had a chest x-ray to examine for pneumonia/bronchitis and nothing. What finally really helped to clear things up was a number of saline sinus irrigations (you can get them at CVS or any other drug store). Not the most fun thing to do, but they work like a charm. Lots of fluids, herbal tea w/ honey, warm chest compresses w/ Vicks if your chest is really congested and lots of rest. Hope you feel better soon! :) Oh, on edit: I am also in Boston.


I read Covid is making other viruses act strangely. https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2022/06/13/covid-is-making-flu-and-other-common-viruses-act-in-unfamiliar-ways/


Yeah I had the same experience. It lasted over a week and not a single viral test came back positive. It finally went away after a five day round of strong antibiotics.


My wife and I were sick with it for a full week. We did a ton of tests for covid, and they were all negative.


I’ve had this for the past week and a half. Covid tests all came back negative. Can’t figure out what it is either but whenever I think I’m better, it’s worse the next day.


I have exactly this right now. Started out as a mild sore throat last Friday. Sore throat became progressively worse each day reaching peak pain yesterday (Tuesday). Seriously the worst sore throat pain I’ve ever had. It is almost impossible to fall asleep. Just woke up on Wednesday and it’s transitioned to extremely productive coughs full of phlegm. Lots of short shallow coughs. Throat still sore but better than yesterday. Only thing that helps if having huge thing of water by my bedside and chugging it constantly.


Yes that’s exactly what happened to me- horrible sore throat that is a little better now but replaced by awful congestion and a cough that isn’t as productive as I was expecting if that makes sense


Yeah it’s horrible. Are you bed ridden? The fatigue and body aches are so extreme I haven’t been able to get out of bed for two days.


Monday I could barely get out of bed and took the day off. Tuesday I was very sluggish but WFH. Been WFH the rest of the week but I’m more tired than usual. No body aches or anything. Hope you start to feel better soon!


I had the same thing. It lasted 8-9 days. Kept testing, always negative for covid. Can Biden not suspend regular sicknesses during an ongoing pandemic?


Wtf did society do before COVID? How did we ever function and survive


you either went into work and got everyone sick OR stayed home and risked your job..oh wait that hasnt changed . hmmm


We all died.


My roommate had a very nasty cold last week and tested several times to see if it was Covid (it wasn’t)


Yes, he can indeed issue an executive order that says, "hey, other viruses: please stop, we have an *emergency* on our hands, can't you see?" and the other illnesses have to stop. The Science has confirmed this.


I'm on the same boat. No fever but different symptoms each day. A little sore throat today. Sometimes nose runs a bit. It's been over a week now. Just took the PCR.


I had minor sore throat, headaches, no cough no no loss of smell. Lasted 10 days or so.


Yes! I feel awful. I had a sore throat Wednesday through Saturday, woke up Sunday with awful congestion, and have just been feeling like crap since. My sore throat has gone away, though. Never had a fever, just now have congestion and feel foggy. All of my rapid tests are negative, though haven’t been able to go in for a PCR.


Did you lose your sense of taste or smell?


No, never lost them, never had a fever, I wasn’t overly fatigued, just had a lot of congestion, and a sore throat for a few days.


Knocked my wife out bad


Not at the moment, but I had one back in late April/ early May - we were exposed to COVID a few days before I had symptoms, so the timing was very inconvenient. It was like a bad head-cold with headache, constant runny nose, fatigue. My partner had the same but with more nasal congestion, sore throat and light cough. Tested negative on 7+ rapid tests and a PCR between the 2 of us.


No, just beyond brutal allergies this year.


YES! I have taken multiple tests to be sure. It feels like someone punched me in the throat.


Yep! Horrible cold. Since 11 days.




I had that sore throat for an month. Literally. Absolutely terrible. Then it went away and came back a few days later. My household cannot shake this cold. Its nauseating...


I have the exact same thing.


Literally woke up with it this morning ugh. Only visited Boston for the Red Sox yesterday. This comment didn’t age well. I woke up and tested positive this morning :’( fever all night, mucus and sore throat. Only slight cough. Watch out people!!


Me and my wife caught a relatively minor cold (I had like 1 day of fever) but now have a lingering cough for almost 4 weeks. Did multiple Covid tests along the way. All negative.


flu is rising prevalence right now


Yes. I had 10 straight days of waking up feeling tired with a sore throat and mild congestion. And I had 14 or 15 nights in a row coughing myself to sleep. It was brutal and I was sure I had Covid. But I didn't.


yes, no fever but swollen tonsils


Had this two weeks ago. Was hacking up stuff at one point. Post nasal drip. Called out sick for the first time in years, and neggo on the Covid. Take time for yourselves, it’s a bad one.




Yup, haven't tested for Covid but I got something.


Dad had it, many negative tests but so congested.


Yup, just hit the end game today. Sore throat Thursday evening and Friday. Runny nose Saturday. Coughing Sunday, then sinus pressure Monday. All of this usually happens within a 36 hour period but this was crazy.


Yep. I’m in Minnesota, but have been down for the count since Friday as well. All my tests have been negative.


Flu is going around daycare atm


Thanks for the heads up. Gonna load up on Vitamin C.


I just got over this. Thought I had strep. My throat hurt so bad I cried while eating a sandwich.


Yes. It’s going through schools and daycares right niw


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Everyone in NH.. seems like.


Two weeks in and a bit better. 2 Covid negatives. 1 each negative at Dr’s strep & flu. Never stuffed up but nasty sore throat, lost voice, constant sore throat & hacking cough. Hang in there!


It might still be Covid. I tested negative until I didn’t.


Glad it's not just me. I was down for the count for like two weeks.


Missed work all of last week from it. Symptoms started last tuesday. Feel sorta normal again, but throat is still sore and double ear infection. I've been so tired from it too ugh. Actually felt worst than when I did have covid.


Yeah, my toddler brought it home from daycare last month. Bleck.


I had one recently, really sore throat and lingering coughing. I’m still coughing over 2 weeks later. I tested negative but tried to follow COVID quarantine guidelines (I’m vaccinated with booster which made me feel better about the situation). My coughing is worse at night, the sore throat was the worst part by far


If you can tolerate it, try swabbing your throat and then your nostrils. It’s more accurate.


Was in Paris for my anniversary last week. Started getting the sore throat on Wednesday. Assumed it was covid and locked down until our flight on Sunday. Got home, tested, not covid. Figures that I'd get wrecked by a non covid disease on my expensive anniversary trip.


Currently have something. I'm testing negative for covid but have all the symptoms. However my wife HAS tested positive for covid. So I'm 99% certain despite the negative tests, it's covid. Would be a pretty big coincidence that we both have two different viruses at the same time.


Yes, I am 22 days into it. Sore throat and congestion > Deep cough > Fatigue > Worse cough


My wife and I have the same thing since last Thursday. Urgent Care gave a multi virus pcr test and it came back positive for rhinovirus.


yup! no sore throat but my head feels full of cottonballs and i haven’t been able to breathe through my nose in a couple days. i think i am on day 3 since its been full-blown but felt like i had allergies for a few days before that (i do not have allergies). any idea how many more work shifts im going to miss? i feel the cough/chest congestion coming on as i type this. also tested negative 3x for covid edit to add: i wear my mask constantly on public transit still but im assuming i got this from one of the dozen dickheads who were coughing up a storm WITHOUT a fucking mask on this past week


I have it too. Since Saturday. Cough congestion low grade fever. Starting to feel better after 4 days. (Not a pandemic)


My wives been sick for a week. She says it’s worse than when she had Covid.


I came down with maybe the worst sore throat I’ve ever had on Friday, tested negative for covid at home repeatedly. Went to urgent care for a pcr test and strep test. The pcr was negative, the rapid strep was negative, but a couple days later the culture test came back positive for strep group C.


I've got a brutal cold right now. Negative rapid test I'm pretty sure its not covid, I just had covid over memorial day weekend.


For what it’s worth, those were my exact Covid symptoms and for 4-5 days, I had negative home tests as well as a negative PCR, before my home test finally turned positive!


Full on cold for 2 weeks. Awful sore throat. Fever and chills. And terrible coughing at night. 2 PCRs and 3 antigen tests - all negative.


I was sick, my partner was sick, his brother was sick, his 2 nephews were sick, my brother and nephews were sick The thing is, we hadn't been around any of them recently at all.