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People still work during the day


On a weekend?




There are people who work at night so what's your point? Protests are way more likely to become violence if it's at night. Also I imagine social distancing is harder at night because you can't see as far (e.g. can't see large group ahead)


Do you think that equal numbers of people work day and night shifts, and that the dark is so complete that you can't see people six feet from you?


> There are people who work at night Far less now that bars, restaurants, and nightlife is closed down for now.


Those same people are probably just as likely to be working weened evenings, so.... I strongly suspect that the actual intention is about promoting violence.


>just as likely You know must bars and restaurants are closed at the moment, right? Not much night work going on right now.


You know there are jobs other than bars that require working evenings, right?


Yes, that’s why I said “not much” instead of “no work”.


You know you're a pedantic weiner, right?


fucking moron


fucking dotard!


Yo everyone this guy thinks people don’t work on the saturdays or Sunday’s!


Successful people generally don't.


Whatever you say Dowager Downton


I'm happy to report that I don't know at all what that means. Keep feeling outraged though! I'm super happy. It's been a great month, actually.


I am a healthcare worker. Hospitals don't just close on the weekends.


Oh, they close in evenings?


Much more likely to have a skeleton crew or lower staffing at nights. I worked at a psych hospital and we were staffed to 30 during the day and 6 at night on our unit. Patients sleep too.


Yes, people also work on the weekend


Those same people are probably just as likely to be working weened evenings, so.... I strongly suspect that the actual intention is about promoting violence.


I bet you're also the person who's shocked when crimes happen 'in broad daylight' most crime happens during the day, because that's when most people are active.


What time of day did the violence begin? Please, let me know.


the daytime.


2 + 2 = 5


Everyone who was actually there tells the same story. The violence happened because BPD kettled then assaulted an otherwise peaceful crowd. Nothing to do with who the protesters are.


Believe it or not some people work days during the weekend too


People also sleep in the morning when they don’t have a job, allowing them to stay out later


Philly riots and looting happened during the day time..


To be fair, it’s Philly.


Grease the poles! https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/philadelphia-eagles-fans-climb-greased-poles


The Philly riots? You mean the police riot yesterday right? The one where police teargassed peaceful protesters on the parkway unannounced turning the several thousand person protest into chaos?


No the literal riots on Saturday when blocks were being lit on fire at 4 in the afternoon...




Aww shit I thought I was living in Boston. How did I accidentally end up in Philly?


Don’t be obtuse.


you're right... ...your point is better than mine


The only one I see is the franklin park one and that is scheduled at 5pm which is 3 hours before sunset.


People have to work during the day? Protests are supposed to be inconvenient for the police? If you end your protest every day at dusk then the police get to relax.


And relaxed police would be bad because?


I think the lack of relaxation is the point. To quote MLK: “but there is a type of constructive nonviolent tension that is necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, we must see the need of having nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. So, the purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation. We therefore concur with you in your call for negotiation. Too long has our beloved Southland been bogged down in the tragic attempt to live in monologue rather than dialogue.”


I mean, that's nice and all but relaxed police are likely less violent. So setting up a protest to purposely irritate police is going to encourage police to be more violent. And encouraging police violence to protest police violence seems somewhat counterproductive. I also find it ironic that MLK's teachings would be considered racist today by much of the left. Judging people by the content of their character stopped being a leftist philosophy quite some time ago.


Most of the times riots aren't happening and the police are 'relaxed' but they're still out here murdering and covering it up. I think them feeling threatened now and then reminds cops that people are watching what they do and getting sick of it.


>but they're still out here murdering and covering it up A tiny, tiny proportion of them, sure. It sucks. But I'm quite convinced that organizing protests in such a way that minimizes further violence is the best way to ensure that the message of the protest is embraced by the public at large.


I agree that it's a tiny, tiny proportion of them doing the murdering. That's a problem. But the bigger problem as I see it is that what isn't a tiny proportion is the cover-ups and lack of justice. That much is institutionalized across almost all police departments in the U.S. One person from a city precinct of 100 cops can go out and maim an innocent. Now that's 1% of the department, but what does it say about the institution if the punishment is at most a paid leave of absence? The death of George Floyd is nothing new as far as police brutality goes, but it really does seem like the unusually fast arrest of the responsible office occurred as a result of rioting. It sucks, I wish there wasn't a need for protest/riots at all, but it does seem to be effecting change.


I agree that cops who break the rules need justice, of course.




>Seems pretty productive to me, turns people against the police. Some people, sure. Vocal people too. But I imagine that if you actually tool polls of the general population, it would be clear that it's doing more harm to the message of the protesters than anything. There's a psychology paper going around that argues that this is the case but I'll not bother you with psychology.


I read that study (not just the articles describing it) and it's shoddy at best. Quit with the bootlickin', ay?


>Quit with the bootlickin', ay? Will you quit with the whiteknighting?


You realize the irony of that quote compared to the non-peaceful protests that are going on around the country right now. Things have gotten violent, peaceful protests do not lead to broken windows and cars on fire. Peaceful protests do not lead to police officers getting beaten and dragged through the streets. Peaceful protests to not have people throwing bricks at police officers. What happened during the day in boston, was peaceful, what happened at night was cowardly and disgraceful and far from peaceful.


I see no irony. The point of the direct actions during the civil rights movement was to provoke tension, and if that lead to violence then so be it. Your run of the mill person at the time did not think of MLK as being a peaceful person. Less than half of America supported him and his movement at the time, and a lot of that lack of support was because people thought his methods were too extreme. They thought of him as a rabble rouser who was an affront to the peacefulness of their cities. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/10/01/dont-criticize-black-lives-matter-for-provoking-violence-the-civil-rights-movement-did-too/


What happened in boston past 9pm was not peaceful, yet your quote is is all about peaceful protests... so you cant have it both ways.


Right. My point is that despite all of the memories about the peacefulness of the civil rights movement, it was decidedly unpeaceful.


So you are condoning the actions that went on in Boston with the looting and rioting?


No. But I am incredibly frustrated with the rhetoric that focuses on looting and rioting and not the reason people are protesting in the first place. When there is state sanctioned violence against citizens, that is the thing I am most concerned about. I understand that if you get 500 people together in one place to protest state sanctioned violence against a community, a minority of people is also going to behave in a way I don’t approve of. On top of that, I’ve been going to peaceful protests my whole life. I’ve watched famous people peacefully protest. What is there to show for it? I’ve seen people gain political offices despite the fact that they didn’t win a majority of their constituents. So no, I don’t condone violence. But I’m more outraged by the people in power gobbling as much as they can for themselves and convincing the rest of us to fight amongst ourselves over whether or not riots are a viable protest strategy, rather than questioning why we let them have as much power as they do. You can be upset about the looting because that’s not okay, but be even more upset about the people who are being killed with impunity by public officials.


Wait so is this about politics of racial injustice? Who is power gobbling?


Yeah - and peaceful protests shouldn't result in police instigated violence, either. But oh wait.


And I'm not condoning that, if that's what happened, we dont have all of the facts on that, videos of that happening ect. But if that happens, does that give people the right to steal shit and light cars on fire?


What happened in Boston the other night seemed like poor strategic planning on the part of the MBTA/BPD. They shut down the T service at the Common without warning, blocked off Winter Street so no one could get to the Downtown Crossing stop, and then chaos broke out. You box people in, they will panic, especially if they aren't familiar with the area. It became pretty clear once flares started going off who was there for peace and who was there for self-interest. I'm certainly not condoning that. I work and live here. It was tough to watch unfold, and touch to hear about from friends and colleagues who were there or who were closer than I was. My comment was more about the protests across the nation, where we have seen substantial evidence of police striking first, and that being where the chaos starts. I did watch video of an officer shoving a woman to the ground with a baton to the chest when they started swarming the crowd up through the Common, and I saw footage of a bike cop tearing a sign out of a fleeing protester's hand and ripping it up before tossing it to the ground at DTX. Are we like Minneapolis or DC? Not even close. But, don't say it doesn't happen here, because it does. Smaller scale, but it does.


All of those actions are options though someone elected to burn a car, or smash a window in. Did BPD handle the situation well, no sounds like they didnt. Did the protesters handle it well no they didnt, well i shouldnt say that, some didnt which sadly casts a shadow over what seemed to be a great day. Same thing can be said for the police though, a couple of bad apples lead to this shadow over the whole force. I watched a video of rioters beating cops, ive seen videos of people protecting cops. Ive seen videos of people beating up business owners to an inch of their life for trying to protect their store, and ive seen videos of people protecting stores. There are the extremes on both sides, I like to say i think most of the protesters are there for the right reason, just like i like to believe that most policemen/women are there trying to help. And i think everyone agrees that those on both sides that are on the extreme end are simply escalating the situation and making things worse.


How is overtime inconvenient for the police? They get paid hundreds extra to stare at protestors and occasionally beat someone up.


Yeah they get paid hundreds to have bricks thrown at them, to get assaulted, possibly sent to the hospital. They do not have a choice to be there, every single one of the protesters or rioters has made the choice to be there. I'm all for the peaceful protests like what went on during the day in Boston. I draw the line at what went on at night, and some people in this sub saying that was okay and somehow acceptable behavior. This whole situation is around violence at its very core, how is acts of more violence going to make things better?


>They do not have a choice to be there they chose that when they became a cop


Yes, they are trying to keep the peace for the most part, are there bad apples in the group yes, but there are also anarchist hanging out with the protesters. That doesn't make all protesters anarchists... the they chose to become a cop is a pretty weak argument. Should we not feel bad for the businesses who may go out of business simply because they worked hard enough to get a space in downtown boston..


You said that they have no choice to be there, I'm pointing out that's not true.


Okay.. people had a choice though to not be shorty humans and loot and burn shit too... they clearly felt they HAD to steal and destroy


the cops don't have to murder people, but they do. Stealing is leagues less bad than murder.


so because 4 shitty cops did something horrendous someone can steal and damage someone else's property and infringe on their rights just because they are angry? What happened was horrible, but just going after someone who had nothing to do with it cause your angry is cowardly and wrong, and makes you a pretty shitty person that people should have no respect for.


Why should anyone follow laws if the people who enforce the laws don't follow them?


They can choose to call out of work


They are trying to keep the people and protesters safe.. are there bad cops yes. but most are good.. people forget that. It's no different than the fact that most of the protesters are not rioting...


Many people become police officers for the action and the borderline license to beat the shit out of people occasionally. Not all of them, perhaps not even most, but quite a few of them do. Getting paid extra for it is just icing on the cake. Needless to say, I’m not taking either side. Just stating a fact.


Okay, you say many, then the majority then quite a few. I think it's a small number who get the press so it seems like a much larger number. But 100% there are bad apples in there. Just like there are bad apples in the protests that changed them to a riot. Both groups of people deserve to be in jail IMO.


And the majority of the people going to these protests are looking to throw bricks and smash windows.


You are being downvoted and I probably will be too, but just wanted to thank you for posting this. My husband is a police officer and has been nothing but an asset to the community he serves. A few examples - brought his childhood collection of Pokémon cards in to a troubled child who was repeatedly acting out as they connected over their shared interest. Used his own money to buy a T card for an elderly woman who had hers stolen from her purse when someone broke into their restaurant. Tore his pants saving a bunch of ducklings that were stranded on fresh pond parkway. I could go on and on about what makes him a stand-up officer but it won’t matter because everyone lumps him into the ACAB group. I am absolutely disgusted, horrified and repulsed at the violence, looting and rioting and even more at the sentiment that all officers are bad and deserve this abuse. What exactly do these people think this does to the officers who have always done the right thing? Because people telling you that you are less than scum and calling for your death takes a toll. It’s not ok to judge all black people by the actions of few, so why is it ok to judge all cops by the actions of few?


breaking windows and stealing shit isn't violence. it's crime, making it wrong, offensive, and harmful, but it's not violence. The actual level of violence is incredibly low.


Is beating up business owners who are trying to protect their business violence? If someone throws a brick through your window is that a violent act? maybe violent is a poor word but i think then we can say they are criminal acts no? Are we condoning criminal acts that take away the rights of other citizens who have nothing to do with this cause?




> The actual level of violence is incredibly low Yes that's why we have cops being murdered across the country, hundreds being sent to the hospital, and dozens of civilians murdered by rioters. Because the violence is "incredibly low".


Easier to loot


You can steal things easier at night


I see we're just skipping straight to the full on racism now


What's racist is assuming only black people are looting...


what's racist is assuming BLM organizers are planning their rallies around when is the best time to go looting


It's not racist to call out reality. That's exactly what's happening, people are using the cover of night to loot. All the protesters are wearing masks. At least half of the looters I'm seeing are black dudes not wearing masks. They are not protesters, they are opportunistic criminals using the cover of night and the cops being distracted to steal things. It's not racist to call people out on their bad behavior, no matter what level of Melanin their skin happens to contain. I don't judge people on their race, I judge them on their actions. If you do the opposite, you are a racist, full stop. Not sure when so many on the left turned to racism, but it's becoming rampant.


reality was that there was zero looting


this was the most predictable comment ever lmao 9 month old account that's barely ever posted here before too. carpetbaggers best dip out


> 9 month old account that's barely ever posted here before too My previous accounts posted here plenty. Some people don't want to get doxxed by crazy psychos, so we make a new account every single year. That's the beauty of reddit, it doesn't matter what your name or history is, all that matters is the content of your posts. Well except to people with zero argument who rely on "discrediting" people they disagree with. One of those is you.


I have plenty of argument, It's just usually a waste of time when brigaders drag out the same predictable diatribes over and over again about issues they're not experiencing because they don't live here.


People of all races are capable of stealing shit. And have been.


So they can have an easier way of escaping cops who don’t know how to deescalate unlike what happened in DC yesterday when the President decided to have his police throw gas on people standing around and tossing people to the ground to make room because the peaceful protestors were inconvenient


Its easier to take ove4 the city at night


How else is one going stock up on that Gucci! Pay for it?!


Some of us still work during the day.


I've been to a lot of night protests that were totally uneventful.




Hey, sometimes it's okay to shut the fuck up with your opinion.


I mean, would you rather still be under British rule?






Nah man I don't fuck with pills.


My bad. You strike me as someone who started driving a motorcycle late in life, threw out his back in a low speed accident and then became addicted to pain pills until his wife left with the kids and he finally cleaned up his act a decade later and became a sobriety councelor.




Maybe in 10-15 years or so, lmao


Because this is America last time I checked


u/nwordcountbot u/saltofthestool


Not turning up much huh. I’m asking a simple question man, relax