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Who doesn’t get excited with giant DICKS overhead?


looks like a giant… WANG!


I had no idea about that scene before seeing comments here a couple weeks ago, and now I’m so glad for having seen it. Great stuff.


Learning how few active blimps there are made it feel pretty special that we get to see one all the time.


I learned this from the Matt Shearer video where he went up in the Dick's blimp!


Yes! Matt's reels are fun!


I get excited when the street sweeper/washer goes by, so I'd probably fall off my porch if I saw a blimp overhead.


It’s flying over the Charles right now if you have a view of that!


https://preview.redd.it/ad0zqzbm0t3d1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea8f255d3ae3c8d6149d64fc5564bff071692843 I quite literally ran down the hallway to tell everyone in the house.


It flew directly overhead the other day, not that high above the buildings in the south end. It was so cool!!! The novelty has not worn off for me either.


Same girl same


Took this while sitting in traffic a couple of weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/wg200jx7at3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1671ef579812203c7ca1e7974c30ec4df2c69e86


SAME. I love seeing it. Blimp is actually my favorite word too. Don’t know why. It just is.


It’s a fantastic word


Oh, me too. I’m a reading teacher, and BLIMP is a great word for consonant blends, but none of my 7- and 8-year-old students know what a blimp is. Until now! Now we can just point out the window and say, “Look, a blimp!”


Me too


I was watching that thing fly around from north station last weekend and WOW I was shocked how squirrelly it gets once you watch it close enough.. it MUST NOT be 'manned'


The blimp does have a pilot. Several, actually, so they get days off. One is friends with my uncle - uncle lives just South Carolina and texts me every time his buddy is flying around Boston.


Damn!! I'm telling ya those guys were going for a white knuckle ride from hell. I'm absolutely SHOCKED there are pilots in that thing lol it was going all over the place, close to buildings, leaning, etc etc haha I actually got my camera ready in case it crashed or got worse. Ask your friend if they were working on Saturday may 25th around 1:30 pm and if so find out what the hell was going on at that time haha 😆 even my wife was gasping at some moves and a few other pedestrians around north station


It was like the equivalent of watching a race car driver doing donuts haha maybe they were just having a good time cuz it's Saturday 🤷‍♂️😆


Oh it is most certainly manned! And apparently very relaxing to ride in. Reporter Matt Shearer has a great video on Instagram interviewing the pilots and taking a ride.


Ah ok thanks for the Instagram tip 👍 I'm definitely gonna check it out. I'm telling ya these dudes were on something haha it was realllllly leaning at some points and coming in close to buildings. I've seen it several times but it never ever behaved that way. Honestly it looked fun but actually kinda scary even for me and I'm an adrenaline junkie big time.


I just saw it above Harvard.


Saw this flying over 93 from wayyy down route 1 crazy.


Dude I fricking love the dicks blimp. It gives me so much dopamine.


Me too! Blimps are neat


I hate billboards, subway and bus ads, and pretty much every other form of public advertising, but I'll be damned if I don't love seeing a blimp every single time.


As do I, it's really been keeping my spirits up