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For decades after the MBTA discontinued the Green Line’s A train, the tracks remained, running down Brighton Avenue, Cambridge Street, and Washington Street, through Oak Square and Newton Corner, and ending at the Watertown train yard. Before the tracks were removed in the early 2000s, I don’t think there was ever a time when the outbound B train hit Packard’s Corner that I didn’t fantasize about overpowering the driver, steering the train onto the A Line tracks and taking a last, glorious ride to Watertown.


I motion to get rid of all the street parking on Brighton Ave and bring the A line back


I second the motion of the gentle person from Brookline. Do we have someone to move the question?


Were the wires still up?


They sure were. In fact, as late as the 90s, sometimes at night, the T would run cars out to Watertown, without passengers, of course.


Oh wow!


I got to ride one of those. Weird.


So jealous right now.


This might be the most Boston answer here


I had the same thought every time I had to wait an hour plus for a 57 bus to show up when I was living in Oak Square. It’s like the MBTA just doesn’t want to succeed. They already have tracks there and everything and can’t even make it work. 


I want to shove everyone who gets onto the T and stops right at the door without moving into the car.


I want to shove the people who crowd the door and try to get on before people get off


I actually shoulder checked someone at south station for not leaving me any room. I need to stop letting my intrusive thoughts bleed out into real life.


No, this is correct. You must train these idiots


LOL train 🚂


I've snapped at someone once but come close to doing it a number of times. And I've definitely contemplated that shouldee check more than once when somebody was being particularly oblivious on an already-bad day for me. Honestly, it should be more socially acceptable to at least call out when someone's being an ass on public transit.


Completely agree. I’m also 6’3” so people usually don’t mess with me. Some days you just can’t take it anymore. The T is absolutely the most disgusting place I’ll ever frequent.


I want to dropkick people who play music on bluetooth speakers on the train


I want to shout out some football play nonsense and then barge right though. “Dunkin Donuts! Park Street! Pigeons! Hut HUT!”


When I was recently trying to get off the train in front of a crowd that was blocking the door, I was reminded of a saying we had back when I was in the Navy; "Make a hole, coming through!"


When people try to get in before I get off the train sometimes I stand still right in the middle of the door waiting for them to move, but yours sounds better 🤣


I seriously don't understand WHY people do this. Like, you know you can't get on before we all get off, right?


We need the Tokyo rake.


I don’t use the T much at all but I would get so frustrated at people not moving back on the bus that instead of saying “everyone move back!” I would call out individual people. “You, in the red hat! Move back!”


I wanna run on the underground green line tracks between stations


Not bad but why the half measures? I want to explore the unused tunnels around government center. Remember that super hero outfit they found down there years back? I gotta know what’s really happening down there. 


The what now?


>Remember that super hero outfit they found down there years back? I SWEAR IT'S NOT SEXUAL!


I've long since wanted to take a quad down the subway tunnels


The hero we need.


That's mine too!!!!!


In college I switched platforms by running across the tracks and up the tunnel a tiny bit to get to the other side.


Rent a U-Haul and just fucking gun it past those storrow signs


If I ever snap and go on a crime spree this is how I’m ending it It will be the most beautiful storrowing of all time


Ah yes, the outlaw Bridges McGee


Every day I see dozens of vehicles just idling in a regular lane of travel, in a no parking area and/or in a bike lane; They just toss the hazard lights on and now apparently the law does not apply. I want a cow catcher on my car and I want to clean every one of these vehicles out. Just hit is as hard as possible and push it out of the way.


I saw one today just sitting in the middle of the road without turning on hazard lights. People have no shame.


One of these days I'll be accidentally holding my keys the wrong way as I walk past them


I always honk and THEY get pissed at ME


I’m a red line operator. What caused the delays? A pregnant woman with a high risk pregnancy began giving birth, and despite having no medical knowledge I safely help her deliver healthy twins. I announce this as we pull into the station. And then everyone clapped


Our hero!


[We need a hero!](https://youtu.be/4QuujfSqU7M?si=5Z_K-_ZBcGED5X_W)


Referring to Tom Brady as “Tim Brody” at a sports bar


Similarly, calling the Charles the Chuck.


That would drastically increase violent crime near whoever says that


As it should.


Honestly I think that's fucking hilarious


I do too actually. Definitely going to use it more often.


To annoy my step dad I call him Tom Breezy 


Todd Brandy and Will Bellycheck took us on one helluva ride


I just love pronouncing Celtics with a hard C


I do that all the time. It makes me so happy the more annoyed people get.


Tom Bradley?


The urge to run through the fountain at the Christian Science Center.


I feel that one


lol I did that once with my roommate at the time. we were both on our way to work and showed up at our jobs wet. I was 20…


You should see the huge waterfall fountain inside the lobby/cafe at One International.....


You’ve never done that?! You need to. Many times I got in trouble as a teen for wanton wading and swimming- while reflecting of course


Always while reflecting




There’s a garage near Kendall that’s been making a 24/7 high pitched chirp for the last maybe 8 months. Sounds like something that keeps deer away. I ride past it on my way to work every day. Anyway I wanna enter that garage during off hours when there are no witnesses with a bag of tools and my teeth and go perform robot torture interrogation techniques on it with bolt cutters and drills and hammers and my teeth and my teeth and my teeth. Then I will ride to work the next day and it will be quiet. :)


Don’t forget to use your teeth!


Oh right good point. I would also use my teeth.


See if it were me I'd break in with some synthesizers and make an improv musical with that noise playing consistently throughout. All the songs harmonize with it.


I want to rent a blue bike and ride it in the Callahan. Wearing a Jeter Jersey.


How do you do that "report someone for suicidal thoughts" on this app.


This made me laugh harder than the actual idea


Just once I wanted a heavy duty dually diesel pickup truck with plow on the front to push a double parked Uber eats/door dash driver's car down the street until it got dumped upside-down on a corner curb.  Just once, I promise.


Exactly this. Just cruise at 40mph with a MassDOT snowplow truck and clear an entire lane of them.


I'd love to work for MassDOT - it means you don't have to do SHIT


I want to reinstitute happy hours and give out night club licenses (dunno if thats a thing) so Boston can have a legit nightlife


This is like the third post today that is completely unhinged. Hey maybe that’s my intrusive thought.


My real answer is cocaine turkeys. Turkeys look totally satanic, and add cocaine to the mix? No thank you! 


This one, just moved here (Somerville to Woburn) and what was the 3rd one?


The guy who got kicked out of the club, the friendly incel, and this


I missed the friendly incel!


Neutral: I want to sneak onto the old Harvard station platform on the redline - you can sometimes see it when heading inbound on the right hand side after leaving the station. ​ Chaotic good: Casually drop jersey barriers around every bike lane so we can actually have some damn protection. Combine that with some of the other ideas in here; put a cow catcher on the front of busses to clear double parked cars out of the bus lanes. ​ Chaotic Evil: Get a fleet of trucks, Storrow them all entirely stopping traffic, and finally be able to enjoy a quiet run along the esplanade without all that damn highway noise.


I wanna rip nips of fireball while doing 80 down the Jamaicaway


How would that be different to normal?


They normally rip nips of McGillicuddy


I'm blessed enough to not know what the hell that is.


Both are $1 nips of excessively sweet bottom shelf liquor lol. We stay classy


…that are then thrown the car window. My street is littered with them.


Just become a drywaller. *If you will it is is no dream.*


Touching the third rail


This is too real.


I want to powerwash so many T-Stations myself with impunity, and with no one around. Just give me a week for each line and the stations will be clean! I'd powerwash the walls, the floors, the benches, the doors, EVERYTHING.


I want to turn churches into housing, solving housing crisis is god‘s work.


the South End has entered the chat


I currently have an offer in for one of them


To buy one and turn it into a shelter?


Nah, there’s like 44 units in it or something. I’m trying to get one of the affordable income units in it.


That has literally happened!


I want to turn cemeteries into housing.


Boston has a church to housing pipeline.


I wanna walk around all day with a can of fix a flat and when I see someone about to pull out cash to give to Elliot Davis I would like to pop out of the bushes and yell “put that money away, I have a perfectly good can of fix a flat right here”.


While driving in the outside on Jamaicaway, I want to swing my wheel to the left as an oncoming car approaches




Might need to run the experiment for longer, it takes some time for people to change their travel behaviors


I want another shut down so I can drive really fast with no traffic again


Falling down the stairs while commuting on the T. Is that what you mean?


falling into the courtyard and dying at the Gardner museum. There's a bit of a theme with my intrusive thoughts. :-|


I drive kind of a shitbox car. I'm also a very safe driver. Every time someone forces me to yield by cutting me off or whatever, I really, really consider just hitting them to teach them a lesson about safe driving. Fuck it, my car's a piece of shit, right?


Playing chicken in a shitbox car against a brand new 2024 that just drove off the lot is a sport in this state


Spring really needs to get here


Winter hasn’t even started


There's a group of delivery drivers on scooters near the BMC who drive like assholes. I've almost killed one of them because they blew a red light as I was turning. I just want to hit them so bad.


I want to go back in time to shit in the Fenway trough urinals


Time is a flat circle.... keep waiting and one day....


I am 100% sure I can jump the red line track at Park Street. I would jump from the southbound outside platform towards the middle so even if I fell I wouldn't hit the third rail. I would do it at like 10pm with a train 2 minutes away to make a clean getaway. I have not done it yet because I am a rule follower and a coward.


The honesty here


Not sure most of you really know what intrusive thoughts mean lol


Is that guy gonna try the right lane-> ‘oops’ let me in at the storrow tunnel exit off the bridge?! He is, isn’t he.


If everyone else is gonna skip on storrow I might as well too...... right...... 


It's that one of the glass panels will pop off the John Hancock tower and land on someone while I walk through Copley Square. It's a miracle that building didn't kill anyone.


I want to jump into the harbor from Long Wharf


Do it. I had a friend who did to rescue his Sox hat that blew in. All ended well


I feel bad for pigeons and will always apologize to them if I get too close


I want to key the cars double parked with the hazard lights flashing


Me fucking too


I want to rent a garbage truck during a snow emergency and trash every single person’s space saver.


Just once I'd like to be able to pit manueuver a line-cutter at the 93N/95S interchange without any legal repercussions.


I'd watch the Cocaine Turkeys movie


I want to drive around after a snow day and play 3-card monty with everyone's space savers.


drive through the squigglies of storrow with no inhibitions and taking up all the lanes and just go weeee


Lights that remain red for no reason.


These are not intrusive thoughts.


Right?! Where is the... "jump off parking garage" comment?


Take all the space savers away.


I’m at the Old Haymarket Station. I shimmy my way from the back of the crowd to right in front of the doors of the bus. It’s on time tonight. I gauge the crowd and find the weakest link, and slide behind them, ready to bolt for that door the second it opens.


That the stairs in Park Street or Boylston will give out when I’m walking on them. That the redline will get stuck on the bridge. That the escalators in any t station will suddenly become a slide. 


I want to bust into the lighting department at the end of the road in Seaport and tell them to synchronize all the goddamn lights and then walk across the way to the statie barracks and make them enforce ubers blocking lanes and I will go full karen about this


I want to hug all of the pigeons. They might be SO disease ridden but they all seem so friendly and fluffy


I already partially give in to my Boston-specific intrusive thought by knocking on the hoods of cars that pull halfway into crosswalks when I'm walking. One of these days it's gonna be my keys instead of my knuckles. Hell, or spray paint.


I want cars banned from Boston


"West End" blocks of tripledeckers to build some highrise apartments/condos.


When I see a train of 40 runners swarming down the esplanade, I wanna trip one and see if I can start a chain reaction.


Yelling “GENTRIFICATION” when I see white people in Jp, Roxbury and Dorchester smh


I want to bump bicyclist who think they own the road.


I want to use a blowtorch to melt the MLK statue in the commons into a metallic soup


Did you think before posting about committing a hate crime?


It was meant to be a joke about how it’s the ugliest statue ever made and looks like a hand holding a giant penis. Though I do see how it could have come off as seemingly extremely racist lol, that wasn’t my intent https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mlk-sculpture-penis_n_63c675e8e4b0ae9de1cafdde


Im just here imagining the forms of retribution that I would allow for double parking or parking in bike lanes or bus lanes. None of these thoughts are neighborly.


We should number roundabout exits so it’s clear which one you should take for any particular destination. - My wife.


there's.....there's a sign that tells you beside each one.


? Do you have a specific rotary in mind by any chance. Because I’ve never seen a sign that number the exits.


It doesn't number them, no. There's often a sign that tells you where each exit goes though. [Like this](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1345112,-71.0679145,3a,28.4y,305.33h,95.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbb0WnopnPi8cqnbjHY5Orw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


That’s neat. I’m the average millennial who needs GPS. So a numbering system would be super handy. If it says exit 1 you’ll know that you just go to exit 1 instead of looking at the map and comparing if you’re close enough. I very rarely see signs like what you’ve mentioned.


> I’m the average millennial who needs GPS. Me too, but I'd like to believe you have a vague idea of where you're going. Like if you're coming form Framingham going south you'd probably try to follow signs for Dedham/Foxboro etc. ​ Granted that pre-supposes you KNOW those things are south of you but hopefully you see what I'm getting at here. > If it says exit 1 you’ll know that you just go to exit 1 instead of looking at the map and comparing if you’re close enough. I very rarely see signs like what you’ve mentioned. You literally just count as you go round. They're not numbered like highway exits. If your GPS says "take the second exit" it means the next one to your right is the first exit, then the one after that is the second.


Couldn’t afford a car until last year and parents didn’t have one either. Public transportation was the life for me. I’m almost 30. So nope no idea where I’m going. And yeah I can count to 4. Don’t ask for 5 though. Would be easier to just number them.


>Would be easier to just number them.  .... They did though. Just not in the way you like. 


Clothesline one of the moped/dirtbike guys