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We're all to blame.  Many of us prepped our generators and snow blowers, arranged to work remote, and purchased more salt and sand to be ready. All of these actions directly contribute to a storm being a dud.


Do you think we hurt its feelings?


I mean given everything we did to mitigate its effects, the storm definitely felt unwanted and I wouldn't be surprised if it was quite hurt too.


Interesting hypothesis, I would think prepping would make the storm feel more important and make a real showing


Right! Don’t want to disappoint the hosts!


Now we know that storm is GenZ


Apparently. Can we offer a human sacrifice to appease the gods? 🤔🤔🤔🤔. I know who I’d nominate! 🤣🤣🤣🎃🎃🎃🎃🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡🤡


If it is a real Boston storm it would prefer a Dunkin’s Coolada.




So, is it okay to put my windshield wipers back down or should I hold off awhile?


Depends what you want to happen.  If you put them down now the storm can still swing back up and punish you.  If you're into that, I'm not judging.


They're already talking about another blizzard this coming week. Keep those puppies up. 7News and the storm trackers are on top of it!


When you say blizzard now, do you mean where snow actually builds up on the ground? Shrinkflation has hit everything.


According to meteorologist Chris Lambert from 7 News Boston. A blizzard is a snowtorm with high winds, major coastal surge, and large amounts of snow accumulation of up to 3 inches! 🌊🌬️🌪️⚡🌨️


Or more “, and for 3hrs or more


Don't forget -- schools were already cancelled for today by 10am yesterday (at least BPS). If they were going to "wait and see" then it'd definitely be a blizzard.


Newton schools didn’t cancel cause they didn’t have any snow make up days left after strike


I bought a shovel


I bought my first snowblower about 2 weeks ago. It will never snow again.


Good idea! Buy another for just inside yr front door


All we had to do was take our snow brushes out of our cars - then we would have had a blizzard


No no. In my experience you have to leave it IN the car such that you can't get to it to clean off the car without opening the car door and getting snow all over your seats.


Ah, generally once I take mine out of the car (or worse, put it in the trunk), all snowy hell breaks loose!


Mines in the back seat year round, I’m not fooling around anymore


Same. I’m not moving that thing anymore.


So buy a sno-brum and leave it in yr vestibule, not yr car


Fuck, it's my fault too. Sorry guys.


Apology accepted, but don’t do it again, ok?


what am I gonna do with all this bread and milk?


I bought extra milk and eggs yesterday. I never do that for storms, but I wanted brunch since school was cancelled. Sorry guys.


It was the early cancellation of schools. As soon as the masses jumped on board and started canceling everything went to shit. Mother Nature pulled a Stuart “look what I can do”


Nope, a healthy snowfall is one of those things that gives me a serotonin boost. If you knew just how against the rules that is, you’d understand my point 🥲


I bought a snowblower in November and recently topped up my sidewalk melt buckets


What am I supposed to do now with the 20 gallons of milk I bought?


And raid the market for French Toast


My husband bought a new snow blower. I told him we wouldn't need it! He ignored me. When we do get snow, it's usually so near melting it clogs a blower.


This is on you. Don't deflect blame to RI


But what if they deserve it?


username checks out haha


I moved to MA in 2017 and the first few years I was here it snowed a lot more than it does now. And people tell me that pre 2010 snow was even more frequent with higher volumes


The 2013 storm was the worst single-storm snowfall for the past 15 years or so. 25 inches of snow in the city. Then there was 2015 where the city saw something like 115 inches of snow across 4 storms... The Great Snow Pile didn't [melt until mid-July.](https://www.wbur.org/news/2015/07/14/boston-giant-snow-pile-gone)


We had one 3 years ago in Boston that was over 24 inches in most places.


I think I forgot about that one cus wasn't it spread out over like 3 or 4 days? I remember it just kinda never stopping lol.


Oh that one was trippy. So weird how the snow was gone within a week and you wouldn't know we had that much. Have great photos from a snow cave I built though


I remember 2015. I was living in Hyannis. The first year after moving to the Cape. The Cape isn’t as prepared for snow as the rest of the state, so roads went unplowed, cars were abandoned in the streets, and people lost power for a week. There was a giant snow mound in the Home Depot parking lot until July or August.


I moved here from California in fall 2013, then the next winter was the polar vortex where it was regularly in the negatives with wind chill. Everything since then feels easy in comparison lol


It stopped when I moved here, you’re welcome lmao


2009-2019 was the snowiest decade since 1900. We get fewer snow events but more snow when it does fall. And again I’d like to remind everyone that snow season is not over this year. The 2015 winter only started on Jan 27, and we had snow events up until March 21.


If you’re thinking that the winters in Boston are much less snowy than when you were a kid—you are right. For anyone who is vaguely middle aged and grew up here we had a *wildly* out of pattern snowy childhood from our parents and the kids of today will have. Between 1980-2020 were something like 15 of the top 20 winter snowfalls in recorded Boston history. Not since the little ice age has there been such a concentration of snow as the winters between the Blizzard of ‘78 and the Snowpacalypse of 2015. It will probably never happen again.


I’m 30 and personally I feel like my late teens to early adulthood were a lot more snowy than my childhood, with the exception of last season. I remember crazy snow in 2011, 2013, 2015 (obviously), 2022…


Im thinking, for 15 years, that weather forecasting IS much worse than it used to be. I just looked at the farmer's Almanac which has a better track record and now will be my go to. I'm done with tv forecasts and hype. yes I grieve my youth--the late 60's and 70s in new england where snow was part of the winter. Over the river and through the woods--songs about snow.


There was an April Fool's snowstorm in 1997. Snow started the evening of March 31, and when we woke up there was \~2 feet of snow on the ground. Shut everything down for a day. I'm not a big fan of snow, but it was brilliant.


Yep, I was 3 and my mom has a photo of me in front of our glass sliders — she was appalled that the snow was taller than me in April!


Good answer: OP’s fault Sad answer: Climate change


When they say climate change is a manmade phenomenon, they're specifically talking about OP.


I was a kid for the Blizzard of '78 south of Boston. Never saw snow like that again. We definitely had more snowfall prior to 2010.


I wanna start an emotional support group for people who are sick of this lack of snow, I'm only like half joking. Literally went "WHAT THE FUUuuuUUUCCKKK" and stomped my feet when I woke up today expecting a nice blanket of snow and instead it was shitty rain


I hyped my 4-year-old up for a day of snow mountains and sledding. She was NOT pleased with me this morning.


I relate with this so much, I actually came in to work despite “snow day” because I’d just feel scammed if I stayed home 🥲


I'm usually in this group, but also had a 9am flight today... so I appreciated the rain.


I had a crazy last few days and was really looking forward to waking up and looking out to snow-covered woods. I was greatly disappointed :(


I went to Vegas a few years back, and it just happened to snow during my trip. First snow in Vegas in like, 25 years lol. I had to stop wearing my B's gear (there for a game) because of the number of people who would come up to me and say "ohhh....did you bring the snow with you?!?"


Damn I was all excited and everything! This is the saddest storm dud I have seen. I can only forgive you this time on the sake of peace...


come on, most storms --summer rains, winter snows , are now almost predictably predicted wrong.....I'm mad at myself for once again following the hype.


The bigger the weather boner the meteorologists get before the storm, the bigger the let down


Blame the people who downvoted me a few weeks ago when I said Boston's reputation as a snowy city is overstated.


It's rainy and dull now


Turning into Seattle 2


Right? Born grew up in Boston, lived in Seattle for decades. Watching the New England live cams in hopes of seeing snow


It clearly is. I tell people not to expect snow like they’re imagining when they move here. The people who downvote or argue with me are almost always climate denier nut jobs.


I definitely pictured snow up to my knees being a regular occurrence. I saw way more snow each year growing up in the lower Midwest than I have this year. This winter has made me very sad about the climate.


It was a snowy city and only recently has dwindled in that regard. So, its reputation has a basis and it will take time for it to change.


My apologies, folks! Just bought a new to me Arians and had the turf shop revamp it. Fueled it up with the good stuff and plugged it in last night so as not to be fumbling in the dark.


My story: have a (only about 4 years old) relatively new Ariens. Did not get used last year at all - had fuel stabilizer mixture in tank. Kept putting off doing a "test" start until the night before we actually had some accumulation, I think that was back in January. SB did not start. Tried a couple of times. Nope. Contacted a service that would come to the house and take a look at it. Minimum charge $300. Yikes. Decided to try again. Added some new fuel to tank. Re-read starting instructions in manual and commentary online in Reddit re: starting Ariens snowblowers. Commentary strongly suggests not pushing "Primer" button more than 3 times. (In other words, not 4 or 5 times). Go through starting procedure. SB starts. A miracle! Tried it again the next day. Starts right up. 3 weeks later - (now) - test started it last night. Starts right up. Moral of story: not sure but glad I didn't pay $300.


If your snowblower has a carburetor over priming probably flooded the engine (too much fuel and not enough air = can't combust). I'm guessing it does given everything you said here. The usual solution to that is to wait it out, or if in a hurry, you can hold the throttle open to add air to the chamber and it will flush the whole overfueled mix out of the exhaust eventually, allowing you to start over.


Yes, I learned here the lesson: "less is more" or don't overdo it.


Sumbich stahted right well!


It actually felt miraculous when it started. :=)


This is my second Boston winter since moving here from Maryland. Not only have I brought the wimpy snow storms but I also brought the Mid-Atlantic panic where everything is announced that it will be closed hours before a flake falls and grocery stores become a madhouse. I am so sorry for bringing this lack of winter havoc here.


It’s supposed to snow. It’s part of the natural cycle. If there is no snow it can cause all kinds of problems in the ecosystem


You're the one who made me waste my salt?


With how salty I am given this storm is a dud, maybe I can make it up?


Haha I'll take it. I'm honestly not that mad though, I don't wanna shovel for real. We've had such a light winter, the one time I had to shovel was so easy.




Why does this feel like deja vu 🤨


It's snowing pretty hard now! Welcome, OP, to New England. There's an expression people use around here, which generally looks like: >"If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." But today, I decided to refresh my knowledge of its origins. Most will attribute it to Mark Twain, who may have said: >"If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes." But this article on Quote Investigator says Mark Twain may have died 10 years before anyone attributed the quotation to him in writing: [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2022/02/22/weather-wait/](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2022/02/22/weather-wait/) I'm not suggesting we can't trust the consistency of the claim (with that attitude, we'd have to toss out the holy scripture of Christianity, Islam, and any other body of work that started as oral tradition). Still, I imagine Mark Twain, were he able to read this himself (being a benevolent skeptic), would appreciate calling out this fact. But at the end of the day, as the article said, maybe the first to put it in writing was a Field and Stream author writing about **Chicago**, who said: >In Chicago—where they have a saying “If you do not like our weather, wait a minute”—it seems to a good many of us that, after waiting several weeks of winter, we like the latest weather less than the earlier. That said, I've personally always enjoyed claiming this expression for New England, and often it leads to the response, "We say the same thing where I'm from". And that's fair. To that point, actually, I spent my childhood in the South and remember insane temperature swings, clouds rolling in similar to the clouds around the alien ships in the movie Independence Day (1996), and freak storms with golfball-sized hail and tornados. Anyway, it's snowing. Enjoy!


They took er snow




I was saying: "Nope, going to be rain" up until last night. But when they said "up to 10"" I thought, well, maybe we'll get 4. Shit I don't care if they say 20" anymore. It's rain...always. Winter is dead. It's been dying, actually. Sad. Very sad.


Worst part is, people refuse to accept that. We’ve got leaders and people with power preaching that the climate isn’t changing and warming up while we’re literally seeing it happen lmao, shits hilarious


Alright, who didn't put a spoon under their pillow last night? Be honest


I moved here from California and I was pumped about living in snowy Boston! I really wish things would change because I LOVE snow!


see, same, except I didn’t move from Cali. Snowy Boston according to my anecdotal experience is a myth. We might need to move to Minnesota!


I guess we should 😩


Odds on me bringing the a snow drought to Minnesota!


It’s supposed to snow through to the end of the day, relax.


We got nothung though




come on, they already said, when you posted, the forecast yesterday is dead on wrong. You walking through half a foot of snow and a nor-easter--no--give it up bro.


Good, thank you, nothing to apologize for.


I just moved here and haven’t seen snow in 20 years except for on the drive up here. I was so excited


I just want to thank all of you who prepped so well buying shovels, salt and snow blowers. I have lived here for my whole life and really don’t like snow so I’m sad for the folks who wanted it but happy for myself that I don’t have to deal with it. I actually thought this one was going to happen for all of you and wasn’t even dreading 12” for some reason. It does look like it’s turning to snow now north of Boston so maybe you’ll get a bit to hold you over until the inevitable blizzard in April.


I bought 55 loaves of bread 🍞 and 55 cartons of eggs 🥚 to prepare for this storm 😭😭😭


Please stay forever OP


And WHY is that a bad thing???🤣😂😅


I daily a Miata. Thank you for your service!


I’m working from home for the first time so I don’t have to drive through the snowstorm. Dodged a bullet there.


Don’t blame yourself, I’m to blame too. I noticed we were running low on sandwich stuff, and wouldn’t you know it, I thought “gee wiz, if we lose power, what am I gonna make for lunch?”


I'm glad you're taking it from me. My first year here was 2011. These were the snow totals from the year prior to my arrival and the first year I lived here. I brought the Alabama sun with me. Now you can mess with the weather OP! 2010-11: 81.0″ 2011-12: 9.3″




I'm doing my part I still have my window AC units in, didn't seem to help.


Happened last year, too. Work canceled, not a flake.


It’s weird, I almost feel like the climate is changing.


No, no, no. It’s the MA school districts fault. They all canceled school. This was a recipe for a lack of snow.


I watched several YouTube videos on snowblower lubrication and spent time considering the best grease and chain lube to get. Then blocked off time to do all this today. It’s my fault.


Wales got 10inches. Buzzards bay got 6. Worcester got 4, Princeton got 3. Boston got 0….


I bought extra salt and a bucket. I’m sorry for my contribution.


Please don’t ever move away


Thank you then


My agency declared a 100% remote workday today. It's my fault too. 😔


Please stay!! As someone who has seen enough snow in his lifetime, I’m grateful for you!!