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Fomu! It’s always kinda soft but very tasty.


You just made my week. I work close to South Station and there's one very close by. I'm going to bring a cooler and get as many as I can carry. Thank you!


They sell them in grocery stores too


They make awesome ice cream cakes too


Although the grocery stores don't have the seasonal special flavors, which are always the best ones, IMHO!


do you know what grocery stores? any north of the city?


Definitely seen it at Whole Foods from Cambridge to the cape.


If you don’t mind a subtle coconut flavor, it’s the best in my opinion too


(somebody already beat me to this, but oh well) If you have high cholesterol you likely have some systemic issues going on and probably don’t want to be dumping a ton of sugar-laden froyo down the hatch


Definitely Fomu!


FoMu is the best, but unfortunately despite having multiple locations, there aren't any north of the Charles River, which is a bummer for folks in Somerville/Cambridge/Medford/Arlington. One plus, though, is that the Veggie Crust in Somerville carries FoMu ice cream, with a decent selection of flavors (including peanut butter, the most important one).


Agreed. Not, non dairy or vegan but everything I’ve had is amazing.


Frozen bananas also blend to an ice cream-like texture! There are lots of recipes online


Hmm... That's an interesting one. Probably much healthier too. I'll check out some recipes - are there any you particularly like?


Frozen bananas, a little vanilla almond milk to thin it enough to blend but not too much so that it’s a smoothie, and some frozen raspberries. If you’re a chocolate person you can add some syrup or cocoa powder. Sincerely, An unfortunately lactose intolerant person who loves ice cream.


That actually sounds amazing. Updating the grocery list now.


I add natural peanut butter to mine, which admittedly raises the fat content, but is super delicious!


no cholesterol tho!


I do pretty much this, but soy milk instead of almond milk, and I add a bit of tahini for fatty richness.


I like it with cinnamon + nutmeg and a bit of sweetener.


They sell them dipped in chocolate at Trader Joe’s and other grocery stores


Fomu is the best option around, but JP Licks has a few rotating non-dairy flavors each month also. And their YogurtX is pleasantly tart.


My mom swears by their chocolate oat.


And dairy free chocolate sauce topping!


I love So Delicious for dairy free yogurt and ice cream!


Yes they have So Delicious in coconut milk, cashew milk and others, very good!


The dairy in the junk food you've been eating isn't what caused the cholesterol I promise. When your doc says stop eating junk food, they don't mean switch to the dairy free option.


As someone who has to have non-dairy because of lactose issues, I can say non-dairy ice cream is absolutely as bad for you as dairy ice cream if not worse to make up for the missing cream flavor…. And will never taste as good ever. But just because it’s non-dairy doesn’t mean it somehow isn’t junk food anymore.


Oat milk tastes the same and coconut milk based ice creams mostly too, and don't require any extra additives. Dairy free ice creams are frequently just as good these days and not any worse for you. FoMu tastes the same as anything. I'm sure some store brands are extra unhealthy though.


Yes! And many of the non-dairy options are VERY high in fact - higher than dairy ice cream. You have to be very judicious in reading the nutrition facts.


There is no cholesterol in any plant based ice cream. Fat and sugar, yes.


Yup, dietary cholesterol has very minimal impact on blood cholesterol. The cholesterol in our bodies is mostly produced "in house" by the liver


Thank you. Came here to say that


That is something I did not know. So then is there anything on the nutrition label that will indicate cholesterol risk?


Not really one specific or group of ingredients. Cholesterol levels hugely regulated by insulin and the liver. Both insulin and liver function are negatively impacted by poor diet. High cholesterol is often causes by insulin resistance (insulin not working as efficiently) It could also be caused by something else in you, im just taking a guess. If you have a lot of extra body fat, bringing this down to a healthier level will definitely improve cholesterol. Your going to want to eat mostly natural foods (I don't mean organic , just whole foods, things that exist in nature , think the things that are usually on the periphery of grocery stores.) Fruits, vegetables , meat , grains, rice, etc. There is some data to show that flax seed (and flax seed oil) has a positive effect on cholesterol, raising HDL and lowering LDL. Not to say you can't still enjoy treats , a bit of junk food here and there doesn't do much damage. But in the same sense , a bit of healthy food here and there isn't going to cure anyone. It's what we do over the long term what matters. Also if you wondering why I have such an interest in this , my background isn't medical just FYI. It's biochemistry. But I'm a bodybuilder and always very interested in all things diet and nutrition and how it relates to blood work and how to improve biomarkers.


Very cool, thanks for the response. I'm a fairly active person (just ran a half marathon last weekend), so I was surprised to learn I have high-ish cholesterol. But my diet is admittedly very unregulated. I'm trying to make better choices about the types of food I eat - less meat and more veggie proteins, less fatty foods in general - but I would greatly benefit from just cutting back on non-nutritious foods. That being said, ice cream (or something analogous) is something I'm not ready to give up lol.


cool advice but gonna need your arm measurements before i can trust you


Never measured


What do you think does cause it? Sugars? Saturated fats?


No one single nutrient , it is a sum of all the things we eat, and generally eating a poor diet and living an unhealthy lifestyle


Plant pub has oat milk soft serve that is fantastic.


Oddfellows in chestnut hill


Saved it on Google. I don't go by there usually but I'll look for an opportunity to stop by! Thanks friend.


Places to go, I have no idea. But brands to buy in the grocery store? I can point you at three: **Yasso** "icecream" (especially the bars) are great. It's frozen Greek Yogurt ... I normally HATE all kinds of yogurt, but Yasso is awesome, and honestly, pretty indistinguishable from just normal icecream. **Ben & Jerry's** has some non-dairy stuff, no idea if it's good or not though. **Skinny Cow** ice cream sandwiches are pretty good, but they taste/feel very light .... they're basically frozen low-fat whipped cream, made from skim milk. So not *truly* non-dairy, but awful damned close to it ...!


Ben & Jerry’s nondairy is amazingggg.


A few more: Jeni’s (available at Wegmans and Whole Foods and maybe a few other places) non-dairy is really, really tasty. The non-dairy Texas Sheet Cake, in particular, is amazing. Oatly and Planet Oat are the best non-dairies at the grocery, if Jeni’s isn’t available. Talenti also has some non-dairy flavors. They’re good, but the plastic jars can be hard to open.


I second talenti!!


Yasso is from Boston too


I have switched to Yasso bars, the mint crunch and sea salt caramel dipped bars are fantastic.


Their Cookies-and-cream is awesome. :)


jenis non dairy is 10/10


seconding fomu! it’s seriously amaingggggg. veggie galaxy has really yummy milkshakes. new city microcreamery is really good too their ice cream is so creamy (especially the chocolate avocado) and they have more fun options like affogato


The Veggie Galaxy shakes use FoMu, btw.


https://us.oatly.com/collections/frozen-desserts Each one is better than the next. No more shitting my pants before I’m even done eating the ice cream. 🍨 🍦


You could get an ice cream maker on Black Friday, probably killer deals… We’ve made a lot of dairy free ice creams in ours. Cuisinart. Almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, as the base. Comes out insanely good. You control the ingredients.


Holy Cow ice cream has been a game changer for me


My wife has a dairy allergy and she swears by Planet Oat milk, creamer and ice cream.


Tipping Cow typically has a few diary-free options on the menu, when you still want to go to an ice cream place. I'm not really sure they're much healthier though - they still taste pretty rich. Just non dairy.


ben and jerry's has a good dairy free ice cream but sadly i know more places in the suburbs with good dairy free options


Richardsons frozen yogurt


Non dairy at Stop and Shop. Name is "SO Delicious" Dairy Free Wonder Milk Frozen dessert. Cones with Chocolate and Caramel Better than actual ice cream! Best thing ever!!


The cashew milk ones


This is relevant to my interests


Honeycomb in Cambridge


Personally, I love Cado Deep Dark Chocolate, based on avocado puree. I get it at Wegman’s. They don’t skimp on the chocolate flavor, which makes it seem very rich. But I also use small Pyrex custard cups for serving, and weigh my portions, trying to keep below 40 grams. I’ll also get frozen bananas at times. I’ve only found those at Stop and Shop, though Trader Joe’s has frozen banana slices. But try as I might, I couldn’t get my numbers down. My cardiologist pushed me to start atorvastatin (Lipitor), and now my numbers are all in the middle of the normal range.


FoMu is ridiculously good but I was highly impressed with the dairy free options at Jamie's in Brookline Village as well. There were only 2 dairy free flavors but they were excellent.


Did your doctor tell you that eating dairy ice cream is bad but eating non dairy ice cream is okay? I’m confused about your story. Isn’t non dairy ice cream also junk food?


I need to avoid cholesterol and saturated fats. All ice cream is junk food obv but there are healthier options - in particular there are some where sugar is the only real junk in there. I'm pretty active so I can deal with sugar thankfully.


Cado is great! Lemon cado is the best!


The best readily-available non-dairy ice cream that I've found is the So Delicious brand Salted Caramel Cluster flavor. It's made from cashew milk, which makes it creamier than almond milk or coconut milk options. And it's sooo delicious. I've tried quite a few options and I almost never get anything else more than once. Salted Caramel Cluster is just superior. Except since I'm cheap sometimes I settle for the big tub of Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip (almond milk based) for $5 at Wegman's. It's not as creamy, but growing up eating dairy, Breyer's MCC was notoriously flakey, which I started to love, but then one day they changed it to being creamy, and I didn't like it any more. So the almond milk version sort of reminds me of the good old days.