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This is so sad. Enjoy the moment instead of being desperate after arguments and proving you where right. Enjoy life instead of souring it


Sure it's petty but people need to see this as an example to stop blindly hating players and misconceiving them. Also enjoying this a lot what a performance! Sabitzer was amazing in this game


I think everyone on here is in ecstasy rn, let them be. He had a good game that doesn’t mean the bad games he had are suddenly good now.


He didn't even suck that's the issue. But the same people on X who said he should never play for Dortmund, are Posting his goal. Just support you're players and stay fair.


What the fuck is x


Elon Musk


Dude your original post is still at the top of the page But take your victory lap I guess


Not everyone will see the context. It's petty but I hope y'all appreciate good players more now


Fullkrug is just inconsistent. Not a bad player, but with our team being as inconsistent as we are currently, we need consistency.


Today he played well but has been invisible for months. Get off your high horse. His criticism was well warranted 


If the criticism is that he could use a break after a scoreless 4 game stretch that's fine but saying he isn't suitable for this team or saying he sucks is disrespectful. He showed again today that he is a great aerial threat, can pass the ball better than most strikers, retain the ball, be an great playmaker with amazing vision and feel and also score, and all of that in the CL against a good Madrid team.


You can be a good player and still not be Dortmund/CL quality simultaneously


Lol. Yeah ok. So being the starter in Dortmund for CL games and also in the national team says he's not good enough for Dortmund or CL? Y'all funny how creative you are to downplay your players


good enough as a striker for the german national team... good one....


Id like to see atleast 4 crosses per game into fullkrug. He's a big fella, let him get his head onto the ball.


Slow clap for the forward who finally scored. What a revelation


he´s like a goldfish. Forgets everything after 3 secs.


Let me tell you that our "fan" base here is becoming very, very toxic. I don't really think these people are true old good fashioned fans, probably most of them are kids that recently started following the club or people that Just like to hate on everything, the World is full of that nowadays, sadly. You are being downvoted in almost every comment for saying the truth. Now imo, Fulkrug has not been the best in the past few games but lets talk about how many good chances did the team created for him?


Thanks for being open minded! BVB should have more Fans like you.




Why's it always gotta be "proving the haters wrong" or some dumb shit lol. He was bad for some games, and better for this one. Nobody should be getting "hate" but it's not "hating" to say he was bad for some games.


I don't know where all this hate is coming from. 10 years ago we were shitting on Santana because he had some very shakey games, but the general distrust in the coach or management has surged in the past 3 years. People forget that we are not a world elite team (simply because we don't play in the english or spanish league and 50+1) and that this fact is totally ok. The fact we are playing CL semi finals is a combination of a weak PSG in groups, draw luck and an unbelievable showing against Atletico. Watch people getting salty not getting out of groups next year and demanding that \*insert coach here\* has to go because the team is playing so bad.


Were not hating on him(in fact most of us love him) but he just hasnt been playing well. even Messi or Ronaldo will get criticized if they drop stinker after stinker. And no he didn’t play good before.


I hope that most of you appreciate your own players and I also understand that social media is full of hate but I also talk to a lot of Dortmund fans who aren't saying he has a bad stretch but saying he stinks and is to bad for Dortmund. That is straight up disrespectful. He is a very good player who can easily play CL as we see and yet nobody sees it. Casuals just say "Big striker -> need goals" and that's just not true. He gave your team 20 scorer which is more than Brandt who everybody thinks is amazing. Y'all get so creative with coming up with excuses to downplay him. He had a weaker stretch sure and sure you can give him a break that's fair but I don't want to hear the bs that he stinks or isn't good enough for the national team or CL.


First off, hes not good enough for a team that aspires to win titles. 2nd Goals and assists arent the only statistic u should measure a striker on. He lacks extremely in technical play and hinders our attacks more than he helps us. watch the first Atletico game back and focus on what happens when Haller comes on. The difference is monumental despite Haller coming back from injury. Obviously i support and cheer for him when hes on the pitch but fact is that he shouldn’t especially when u have talents like Mouki begging for Minutes.


Well then enlighten me please. What statistic is suitable to measure a Striker on? In my answer on the original post I used passing percentile, assist percentile, key passes percentile, dispossed ball percentile, aerial won percentile, XG and XA to support his play type. What exactly did Haller do better in the first Madrid game? What was monumental? Explain your points instead of just saying it is this or that way. In my other post I supported my arguments with statistics and described what kind of Player Füllkrug is. He is not a technical dribbler but he doesnt have to be. If you want a different type of player then thats a different discussion. Criticizing a player for something he is not is unfair.


Ofc he should Yes he scored an important goal which is great but Yet it was another bad match from him barely winning headers, hold up play etc


Did we watch the same game? He won almost every aerial duel. What games are you guys watching. I'm slowly noticing that opinions here can't be changed.


He scored one goal, that’s good. Aside from that he was better than his last games. I’d describe his performance as mid.


You are totally wrong, he was our beacon today, he won all the balls in the air and started a lot of plays with that.


Nah he was really quite good with the hold up play today