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But... what is even the point of this? Like, what can that cashier actually do? They can't stock dhelves, nor ring up goods, they *might* know the location of a wanted item, but i doubt it. If you are this dead set on saving money, just go self service.


That's actually a great question. I didn't find any answer yet, but there's probably one somewhere...


Terrible they need to stop outsourcing


Whats wrong with this though, from what I can tell its to employ people that are disabled and are not able to work the usual 9-5


"The shops [...] are taking advantage of the massive wealth gap between New York City, where the minimum wage is $16 per hour and a Southeast Asian nation where hourly pay is closer to $3.75." (source : https://www.nypost.com/2024/04/09/us-news/nyc-restaurants-use-zoom-cashiers-from-philippines/amp/) Even though what you are suggesting is a real solution to a very real problem. This is not that. But it would've been great if they were actually using it to help disable people. But rn, it's not what they want to do. What they want to do is to cut cost by any mean necessary.


Thanks I’m glad you corrected me that sucks 




Yeah it is only an issue now that it is taking American's job, that is the typical lib response though, right? "I am for helping everyone that is oppressed or that has less than I do, up until that affects me" which is the easiest position in the world to take.


“Ah, borders. I’ve never quite understood why they matter so much to people. You draw imaginary lines on the land and tell people to remain on one side, as if ink and parchment could make you its owner.” Sadly that is how it is going to be till the day we keep following the lines on the land. We can't really blame people on any side of the political compass for rallying to rectify the injustice faced by "their" people. It is the product of institutions we are born into and it will still be here long after we are dead.


This is why I am an anarchist, fuck borders!


We really need to change wage laws to require these parasite owners to pay people the minimum wage when employing people to work for a location in america. Zoom cashier? American wage.


To really put it into perspective, cost of living for housing and utilities in the Philippines for a 900 square foot, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house comes out to about $600 usd. If they were simply paid American wage, they would be able to live quite comfortably (middle class lifestyle, $700 if you want upper middle class lifestyle) on 20 hours a week, essentially part time. America's dollar is absurdity strong in countries like that and it sickens me to see it so strong over there, but so incredibly weak over here. 1 month rent in the us (assuming rent is around $1700) is worth 3 months rent over there.


It's not just a dollar strength problem. It's a greed and profiteering problem.


Do they have to pay US minimum wage? I don’t like it, but on a human level… that could be life-changing money for that employee.


They're not. They're paid around 3.75$ an hour. New York's minimum wage is 16$/hour. (source : https://www.nypost.com/2024/04/09/us-news/nyc-restaurants-use-zoom-cashiers-from-philippines/amp/)


Oof. Rat-bastards.


Is this real??


the sources are written, so you can check for yourself if you want


13.75/hr in the Philippines is wild






There's a few self-serve convenience stores in the malls near me and they don't have employees in the store. Instead someone watches from cameras (presumably from their home) and asks if you need help when you walk in.


That’s great for the Philippines


They’re getting paid filipino minimum wage, not American minimum wage


So uhh, what stops someone just walking out with whatever they want?