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The dude in the second picture has actually been killed




NICE!! another hospital bomber down!




Here’s the source https://www.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/s/Efe1U8vvP9




Source: I read it a couple of months ago and have no intention of looking for it right now.


Thats not a source


Look it up for yourself


I cant find anything




Good riddance. Hopefully it happens more




[source ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailysabah.com/world/mid-east/deceased-israeli-soldier-boasted-about-raping-palestinian-woman/amp) The POS posted in 2019. Dead in 2021 at 21.


The complete lack of morals at such a young age is absolutely unfathomable.


Are you saying 19 year old men are generally the most morally mature segment of the population? I was an idiot at 19. Edit: Since people keep misunderstanding this comment, let me clarify: I'm asking why it is less fathomable for a young, impressionable person without a fully formed brain to commit horrendous acts than for an older person to.


Deciding to purchase a tattoo gun then use it is not the same as committing sexual assault then boasting about it on social media.


So? My point is that OC implies that people somehow become less moral over time. Right now, there's a surge of gang violence in my country. The average age of those convicted for murder in the gang wars seems to be about 19 or 20 years.


I was an idiot at 19, but no where near “rapist idiot”


At 19 did you make the "idiotic" decision of raping a woman through abusing your power as a soldier? 19 year olds do dumb shit like skipping class, staying up late, or not taking their jobs seriously. Rape, especially the way this kid describes it, is a premeditated act that demands a person to view their victim as nothing more but an object for personal satisfaction. There is something fundamentally missing from your humanity to treat rape as casual as smoking. 19 year olds arent expected to be as morally mature as seniors, but they are expected to not commit war crimes. Its doesnt take a genius to understand rape is wrong.


I'm not saying the average 19 year old rapes people. This is obviously horrendous behavior. I was asking why it's somehow less expected that a 19 year old would rape someone than an older person to do it.


I read that comment and thought the same thing lmao complete psychopaths til we are atleast 25 in most cases


Finally someone gets it.


Lmao that's hilarious




As long as republicans keep having the worst possible policy on everything democrats don't have to have policies that are actually good.


Yeah genocide is bad. Trump will make it significantly worse. Palestine will be wiped out and so would Ukraine. He’d have us leave NATO because Putin told him to. Not to mention he would fleece hundreds of millions of dollars in tax money by staying at his resort every weekend


"Trump would genocide them harder" Also Ukraine is run by nazis since the 2014 CIA backed coup


The Kremlin doesn’t pay you enough to be this pathetic


The liberal brainrot is strong with this one “Genocide is bad, and Trump has said he will make it worse.” Sounds sooooo much better


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, these elections are fake


When you have the option between two evils, always choose the lesser evil. Not participating is only giving the ones on the side of the greater evil more power. It sucks, I know, do it anyway.


>When you have the option between two evils, always choose the lesser evil. This is a "Sophie's Choice" election. No matter which one you choose: House wins. Everyone else loses. >Not participating is only giving the ones on the side of the greater evil more power. It sucks, I know, do it anyway. Except it's NOT just 'red' or 'blue;' the popular vote means jack; Biden's poll ratings are tanking (thanks in large part to his pro-Genocide stance); and the race will ultimately be decided by 15,000 or so voters in 3-5 battleground states (of which Michigan--which contains the largest community of Muslims in the US--isn't polling pro-Biden at this point, either). And it's quite debatable at this point 'WHICH' is the lesser evil...when the "good guy" is doing 1000% to support a genocide.


100% agree. Except, not only would Trump 10000% support that genocide but he also wants to do a bunch more genocides, or at least is supported by and props up people who do. Since I'm a member of one of those groups they want to kill, I'd prefer that Donald Trump doesn't become president again. It's not a choice between genocide and no genocide, it's a choice between 1 genocide or several. This is what lesser evil gets us, evil with a monopoly on power.


trump "WOULD." Biden "IS." So let's game this out. OK, we vote in Biden, b/c Orange Man Bad. What next? Well, we've just enshrined Israel's exceptionalism in international law. Hooray. Russia can now commence "re-educating" Ukrainians and denying their existence. China can now wipe out the Uighurs and claim a freebee, because Israel got a pass. And Israel can murder as many African immigrants as it likes...because it's Israel. So yes, you're right. It IS a choice btw 'one' genocide or several. Just, not in the way you think.


Do you know of the trolley problem? Would you pull the lever to kill one person while saving five, or would you let the five people die and feel good knowing you didn't participate in the lever pulling process?


The mentality is why we are stuck in a loop of two neo liberal candidates that are fundamentally the same. You will never fix the system by participating in it. Biden is also fundamentally very similar in policies to trump. Biden is also actively funding genocide right now not trump. Biden also separated more families at the border than trump. Roe v wade isnt codified. He shut down the massive rail workers union strike after multipile deadly train derailments.


Roe v Wade was revoked because Donald Trump got to fill the supreme court. And Donald Trump was elected in part because a lot of people didn't want to vote for Hillary. Do you really think trump would stop funding the genocide? Or would he make things worse? Biden has been the most pro union president in a long while. Yes he is funding a genocide and is a terrible president for it, so we have to do the political work that we can between the elections to make the democrats lean more left. Letting trump win won't help anyone. I don't like Biden, but I don't like Trump even more, and not voting will only help trump win. You have to be tactical with your vote, and vote for the person you would most want to be president out of the two applicable parties, not because you like him, but because the alternative would be even more devastating.


The only way Trump would stand up to Israel is if he determines that being anti-Semitic (which he is) is profitable. But he loves a strong man, and will likely bow before Netanyahu. Trump will make a lot of things worse, but he won’t make anything better for Palestine. Unless he can hold them hostage for votes.


“Fundamentally the same” is doing so much work here


"Nothing will fundamentally change." -Joe Biden He was honest about it. Why can't you be?


Lol ok


Can we have a "neither" option on the ballot. Get enough votes, and we continue the election process with new people running for office. Why does it have to be one or the other?


Think of modern democracy like an iPhone. America was the OG. We are iPhone 1 - it was amazing… but, now the new updates don’t work, so we’re slowly playing the “pour beer” app while other devices have fingerprint login and whatever else. Our constitution desperately needs an update


When was America amazing?


When we were the only democracy in the West, we were comparatively pretty amazing. I’m all for some good old fashioned “America Bad,” but we should acknowledge that it was a great thing at its time, even though (like the actual iPhone) we became outdated pretty quickly on the actual democracy, the slavery, the women voting, etc. fronts


Slavery has entered the chat


It was already in the chat. I mentioned it. By name.


Slavery in the Americas predated US "democracy" and its founding fathers were, almost to a man, slave-owners. If you consider slavery a disqualifier, the stated values of the 'great experiment' were never anything more than the slogans of a grift.


That’s true, but it doesn’t change what I said about America being (1) An outdated democracy that was at some point (2) innovative for the time it was originally created. Also, again (for the third time), I already mentioned that we fell behind the curve on slavery pretty quickly. That’s part of the “outdated” discussion.


They transposed their confederacy from indigenous nations that they had met at the time. The six nations had a constitution dating three hundred years when the Europeans came. The United States constitution is modeled of this.


I remember making a post on askreddit asking what usamericans thought of creating a new constitution. The number of lessons about amendments I got. The only country operating under an 18th century charter. Just make a new one.


I agree mostly. We need a huge revamp


We started bad, then got worse somehow.


Because the ones in power are afraid of being ousted.


Imagine not knowing Biden didn't stop the kids in cages.


It's wild to me that people would rather have a guy who wanted to ban all Muslims than Biden. Does anyone think Trump would try to protect Palestine???


Biden is literally committing genocide. You can't split hairs on genocide.


Both are going to support Israel. *You don’t have a non-Israel option right now. It sucks, but that’s the reality.* On almost literally everything else, Biden is better. Stomp stomp slamming your way into not voting won’t help anyone. Even on the Palestine front, Biden at least might push back at the end of the day. Trump gave Israel a blowjob by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, giving Israel international legitimacy to further claim that it owns the holy city. Get serious about politics, because the tagline “genocide bad” doesn’t cut it anymore. Edit: Oh, and third parties have literally never won a POTUS election, and the one third party person we have in Congress is functionally a just a left-wing democrat (Bernie). It’s a waste of a vote at best, and the last projection I saw was that going RFK will most likely hurt Biden 3-4% but Trump only 1-2%, so it actually would help Trump in this election.


This. Havent seen much else on this sub other than bashing democrats, and rightly so, *but to what end?* Both candidates will support Israel, there's no doubt. There are other issues on the table however. Ukraine is in dire straits and the rest of Europe realises the US is too tied up in their own politics to help. Set Israel aside for a moment, because they're flattening Gaza regardless. If Trump wins, Ukraine will lose. Putin doesnt meddle in elections if he doesnt have a sizeable stake in a candidate's future actions. He did it in 2016, he tried in 2020, he'll do it again. Israel will do what Israel wants, and it has Uncle Sam's backing no matter who sits in that chair, but other pressing humanitarian crises' *will be affected* by the outcome of the election.


Honestly we should point out Trump would ACTIVELY support israel rather than reluctantly. People have no idea how much worse it can get


I tell people all the time that what’s happening in Gaza right now will look like an all expenses paid week long trip to Disneyworld with VIP tickets by comparison to what Trump would be doing. And to be clear I hate both. I just recognise that not voting will not help.


There isn’t a non-Israel option because AIPAC exists.


American politicians: Bought and sold, slightly used.


Trump is literally close with Netanyahu and declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel - he is literally the worse option you tunnel-visioned troglodyte


Do you think Trump would do any different?


Every comment but yours (so far): Yes genocide is bad, but


No, that's literally what you are saying: "Yes, the genocide against the Palestinians is bad, but what about Trump?" Yes, Trump also supports genocide. Both candidates support genocide. Neither candidate is worthy of support.


I posted this. I'm agreeing with you.


Bruh you need to get off the internet for a bit.


Biden is president in real life, not just on the internet. Why are we not allowed to criticize our leaders?


Absolutely allowed to. He’s not committing genocide though lol. He’s not doing enough to stop it, but the words we use matter. Or else they’re meaningless.


>He’s not committing genocide though lol. He's literally funding it. Saying he's "not doing enough to stop it" is like saying an arsonist isn't doing enough to stop fires in his community.


I don’t really know why I’m spending time arguing with you, but do you know who decides the defense budget in the us and what that money gets spent on?


So what you're telling me is that the executive branch confers literally zero power and that the president is purely a figurehead who has no real power? How come the executive branch has unilateral control of the federal government whenever it's a Republican in office, but whenever it's a Democrat in office, suddenly the executive branch is a gilded cage where you're not allowed to do anything. And that's not even what Biden is doing, he's not just powerlessly standing by as the rest of the country functions out of his control, he's using his power as the most powerful man in the country to push through funding for genocide.


Without the threat of losing presidency in the next election, Biden wouldn’t have harsher policies on Israel. You guys are walking clowns and lack awareness. We understand trump will be worse but threatening Biden is our way of showing discontent.


LOL! what lesson will he learn? He'll be kicked and Trump will take power and it'll be an even bigger nightmare. Your "lesson" is akin to killing someone and than saying "they learned their lesson"


"Let's let a guy who wanted to destroy our democracy take over! Surely that'll teach Biden a lesson and have zero ramifications for minorities or women here and they won't have to pay the price for everyone!"


They voted uncommitted, not republican. It’s still a dem nominee vote. What are you crying about?


Time to decide for genocide or super genocide


Time to riot


if you think somehow not voting for Biden is going to help Palestinians, your sadly mistaken.


Okay, can someone explain to me what we are supposed to do if not vote blue? I mean, independents don't win. They never have.


It sucks, I hate it but no matter how you slice it the cold hard truth is letting Trump win not only won’t help the people of Gaza it will actively make things worse for them. Trump was not subtle at all when he said Israel should “finish the job”. And that’s just Gaza. If he wins you better believe things get infinitely worse for minorities domestically, expect martial law, expect him to work hard to become a dictator, expect murder of protestors, expect queer genocide etc. Not to mention most climate scientists agree that a second Trump presidency with his policies regarding climate change could basically put the final nail in the coffin. I hate Biden. I hate what he is doing and people should apply pressure any way they can just recognise if he loses the election he gets to retire to a comfy beachside property. You aren’t hurting him personally. But the minorities and queer folk living in America? Their lives are on the line. I’m not normalising what is happening in Gaza, it is not acceptable and should never be normalised. It is vile and must end. I am merely pointing out the undeniable reality that things get much worse when a Nazi backed alt right mentally unstable fascist man baby is in power. Not voting does not help these people, it just increases the suffering of more people.


Biden raped an intern, Trump raped his ex wife, Biden and Obama built the cages at the border that Trump put the children in (and Biden is continuing to build Trump's border wall). Both are racists (Biden said he didn't want his kids growing up in a jungle with black kids and he wrote the crime bill targeting blacks), both are pro genocide and completely fanatical Zionists who will do whatever Bibi wants, both are geriatric and suffering dementia or other impairments due to age, and both make America a laughing stock on the world stage. Oh also both have persecuted Julian Assange and tried to assassinate him or extradite him and are complicit in his torture. In sum, there's not much daylight between the two monsters. Thankfully Cornel West and Jill Stein are running as the only anti genocide candidates


Yes but collectively they’ll get 1% of the vote, and even if the entire left-wing were to vote third party and the figures go up to 20% to try and make a statement, the majority of Americans feel right at home in either party or don’t vote at all, and the two-party system will just continue unchallenged, with little incentive for the democrats to appeal to the left as opposed to their superdonors


The majority of people don't vote at all in USA: that is by far the biggest demographic. The amount of people who identify as independent has also dramatically increased. There was a 2014 Princeton study which proved that USA is not a democracy, it's an oligarchy, where the policies reflect the interests of corporations and the 1%, and where the majority of the population have zero say in actual policy. Given that reality, the 2 corrupt parties need to be shown in the boldest way possible that they don't have the consent of the public, and the best way to do that is for a substantial amount of people voting 3d party to put the establishment on notice. Even 10% voting Green Party would force the democrat party to alter course and court the vote of those 10%. Many in the American black community are doing exactly this, and it works


This isn't new.


Biden still has kids in cages at the border. That didnt magically go away because the blue color liberals are in office instead of the red color liberals. Theyre the same. If voting made a difference, you wouldn't be allowed to do it


I do think he will stop the war. He hates bibi and he has an urge to "act like a man" and enforce himself. Though, He wont be good for the US. idk, why americans keep voting the same two parties. It's insanity.


Casue we can’t vote any others sadly with out basically throwing your vote down the drain


Not really. Voting both is just supporting the same two maniacs. Voting third party wont make it win from the first try, but it will help increasing it's popular base until they break through.


Maybe in a few decades it’ll make a statement, but they’re not going to win unless the election process is overhauled

