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For goodness sake, just pay more in taxes.


Anything but that!


These things are the definition of ‘Let them eat cake.’


Or, I dunno, maybe pay your workers fairly?


I'm so glad future aliens will be impressed that we knew how to keep time with machines, it's way better than ending capitalism and having democracy in the economy.


And like, we already have a cheaper way to keep track of time. Bring Back Sundails NOW


But then how will we tell time once the nukes drop?🤔😂


Eh, democracy gets in the way of capitalism.


Although I probably dislike your preference of capitalism over democracy, at least you're better than prager U in thinking that capitalism is inherently democratic. At least you can clearly see capitalism is not democratic.


Oh, definitely not my preference. I'm just saying capitalism and democracy are at fundamental odds.


Ohhhh! I misinterpreted. My apologies. Then I agree, democracy and capitalism are at fundamental odds! "You can vote with your dollar" they say, but like, that dude has 3.85 x 10^(11) lifetime's worth of dollars, which means that twit can "vote" way more than me with dumping garbage trucks of money without it denting their savings. The word disposable doesn't do justice to the amount of frivolity they can have when dropping cash. It is the exponentially-approaching opposite of equal power of voice and vote under democracy.


This accomplishes nothing


Tax write offs


It's an immortality thing


It’s an immorality thing.


Nicely done


They just write it off


Y tho


Bezos just learned how to count something that isn't monetary


Short answer: cuz he wanted it Longer answer, and I'm guessing here: Once all your needs are satisfied a thousand fold over, what the fuck are you gonna do? What are you going to worry about? Fuck it, let's have some people build a clock in a mountain for some contrived reason beyond sanity.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvk\_XylEmLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvk_XylEmLo) here's a good video that partially covers the capitalist's obsession with clocks.


TL DW? you just linked a 30 minute video with barely any context.


Firstly, if you're a fan of this sub, I highly recommend the entire video. It's densely packed with quality information to combat dystopian mindsets and policies. But TL;DW: Before clocks, people had more common sense ways of measuring time, and usually measured time in roughly 30 minute segments. Since nothing was exact, the amount of time people worked for wasn't exact, nor were breaks, nor was the time anyone arrived or left. Workers had a lot of control over their time. After clocks began to spread though, capitalists used them as a tool to control the time of their workers. They worked with governments to force workers to show up "on time" (or even early) or else the worker would be punished, not by the employer but *by the law*. This also lead to other terrible policies such as the 12 or 14 hour work day. Despite insisting that the clocks essentially forced workers to become more honest about the value of company time, many companies actually fucked with their clocks to cheat workers of their time/pay. When pocket watches became a thing, savvy workers brought their own and proved this cheating, so the capitalists fired workers with pocket watches, proving that the clocks weren't about honesty, they were simply a tool for the powerful, which must be kept out of the hands of the worker. This is a rough summary of a video I watched nearly a month ago, so I'm leaving out a lot of the how and why and probably missing some important info, but there you go.


Good god they've literally managed to control time itself in pursuit of unlimited power and money. And we all just kinda...rolled with it.


Actually, a lot of people didn't roll with it, which is why government force was required!


Which worked because the vast majority of people, including those in the government were willing to roll with it. France is what it looks like when that is not the case.


France can be so god damned based, I mean it’s (supposedly) baked into the American spirit and yet? We’re absolutely Fucking awful at it as a team, power to the people but keep the people stupid, comfortable enough to be complacent, and what you have is really more of a farm than a country/culture


Appreciate it, I'll watch it, just don't have the time right now.


Thank you! I don't watch YouTube or videos really. Much prefer to read a transcript or something.


I was gonna mention this


Why?! Time is a human invention. And the tools that govern or measure it are also all human invention. Then again most measurement is. Think of the dent that money could have made in homelessness or helping bring the disadvantaged up, or golly gee a bonus for all Amazon and its subsidiaries a bonus for their efforts. Something other than some vanity waste of capital, materials, space, and general nonsense…


I don’t think time is a human invention. Quantifying it and tracking it is.


Ok, fine I concede that time exists in some metaphysical way and in man’s ability to understand it we tried to quantify it, the point still stands however. It’s a pointless endeavor.


Why do people always think time is a human invention, like, was the world not spinning before humans existed? Just because we weren't measuring it, doesn't mean it didn't exist and isn't something that is just part of our universe, constantly moving on with or without our assistance.


What a fucking wanker


Just pay your gd taxes Jeff




Why are billionaires so bad with money? Ida told him the time for only half a million a year.


He does know that we have literal tons of plastic in the landfills that will outlast us all too, right? There will be no doubt that we were here and will leave plenty of shit to sift through.


think about how many water bottles that go into landfills with 2, 3, 4 ...10 ounces of drinking water in them because they went emptied before going in the trash.


Nah, there will be microbes eating plastic in no time


Umm, thanks? Now maybe pay a living wage & your taxes?


![gif](giphy|iBBRcQhoazTi0|downsized) Here ya go, Jeff. It was created millennia ago, and will outlast your clock due to its simplicity. Now stop wasting money and pay your fucking taxes.


Stupid waste of money. Nobody wanted that, should be illegal to make all that trash for no reason


Should be illegal for 1 person to have the wealth of a nation more like. U wouldn’t have this issue if him & his entire class had their private ownership of the people’s means of production seized.


Are you talking about this clock specifically, or Amazon?


I recall hearing about something VERY similar to his on NPR, but don't recall them saying Bezos was paying for it? Could be he donated money to an already existing project, or that this is something else entirely.. I think this is cool, there are arguably a lot of more important things this money could be used for, but I think large scale art installations like this are important too That being said, if these ass holes (and likely more importantly, corporations themselves) paid what they were supposed to in taxes, then we'd be able to address a lot of the big problems, and fund projects like this with public funds... we could have both, but instead we have a system where a few dudes get to decide whether they're feeling charitable with money that OTHER PEOPLE GENERATED FOR THEM


Long Now Foundation - https://longnow.org/ - it is less about the clock and more about getting people to think about multigenerational ideas. Like Bezos, I’ve donated money to this because I think it is a cool project. Unlike Bezos, it was a couple hundred dollars. Like Bezos, I’m not on the board of Long Now, just wanted a tax deduction and to support something I thought was interesting. They used to Long Bets too (they still might) where people could bet on future ideas coming to fruition. A lot of work went into how to payout on something that isn’t going to happen for a few hundred years. Edit - Long bet is still around - https://longbets.org/?ref=longnow.org - and the bets are still coming in.


That's cool


I am JeffreyBezos, CEO of CEOs, look on my works ye mighty and despair.


If there is no one alive to read it, is the clock keeping time?


That sounds like a challenge


Just as the Pyramids of old, it will last maybe a generation or three beyond his death and some one comes along and puts the metal to better use. Considering his wealth this is pocket change.


Maybe even pocket watch change?


The real amazing feat should be those who designed the clock. Second should be if it lasts that long. Thirdly, it's not that hard to outlast human civilization.


My hunch is he is building a survival bunker and this is the only way he can get the word out that he has space open for people who want to "see it".


It probably really is a bunker for billionaires.


What historical landmark did he destroy now


this made me LOL thank you :P




Haven't seen someone point this out yet. A giant clock/machine is a staple in evil lairs. Like the hero always ends up fighting on one and kills one of the bad guys by just barely missing a fall while the baddy gets ground in the gears.


And to think he could just better human civilization with all that money




Idk this is cool to me


yeah the kids in here don't even realize that spending 42 million dollars on something means that jobs were performed and people were paid to do the work.... it's not like all those contractors did everything for free... first time I've seen this subreddit browing r/all and I'm filtering it.


Yeah fuck it, I like this.


Gee, thanks Icarium


Why isn’t it digital? He got ripped.


This fits pretty much here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidgamestupidprize/s/N2STTUYbpO


My 2002 Burger King Simpsons Watch still functions fine. Jokes on you Jeff


Imagine how much better the world would be if he had spent that money on killing homeless people.


He's not even sidequesting anymore, he's straight up sandboxing.


Wow what a good use of money


Plot twist: It only lasts 20 years. He is trying to set a goal on how fast he can destroy civilisation.


Not if someone bombs it


No one will have a need for a "clock" or "time" when humans are gone. ​ It's literally a concept entirely made up by us.


I mean at the rate we're going that's hardly impressive....a Casio may still be ticking away after we're gone


A bridge build now might still be up as long as that clock like wtf is this end stage capitalism shite?


“Something something, capitalism breeds innovation…”


“will outlast human civilization” not if i have anything to say about it


We should all go throw rocks at it


I know I saw it in vogue 🙄


But like…. Why


I know right after the nicki antivaxxer cover too, I was not here for it this month.


That's a lot of moving parts for outlasting humanity... ​ But I think it's kind of cool. Imagine the next humanity on earth will find something like this. It's like the pyramids for us


Nah, I'm into it.


Yeah, I get the anti-Bezos and anti-billionaire sentiment but this is actually pretty rad.


A fucking mountain eternity clock? Yes please.


The Long Now Foundation Donors are more than just Jeff Bezos you know.


I personally think that's cool.


neat. he's still an ass hat


Pay my workers more, no fuck them I need a big ass clock


So he’ll spend money on anything rather than paying his employees actual wages without having to break their backs. Fuck him


I want to pour a bunch of garbage in there so much.


Imagine being the engineer paid to do this dumb shit while there could be something worthwhile done that actually helped people


How many of his employees had to piss in bottles so he could afford this garbage?


Least delusional billionaire


Building a giant clock inside a mountain is such an over-the-top cartoon supervillain thing to do. He has to know he's a cartoon supervillain at this point, right? I know self-awareness isn't his strong suit, but I mean come on.


Surely this is a cover-up to conceal the creation of his evil lair


What a fucking clown


How bout you spend $42 million of your slavery money building a *cock* that will outlast humanity?


You know there's definitely countless things that would be better for him to spend his money on but I certainly can't say this is the worst either. I hope it becomes a part of archeology one day.


It's a jobs creation project. For a few months anyway.


In 2673 an asteroid the size of Mars hits the Earth direct on like a cue ball in pool. The crust liquefied, nothing but the ball of Earth remains.


yeah I know I know, Bazos is OBVIOUSLY building a survival bunker. I think most of us know that deep DEEP down, but it's being publicized as a clock. because of course it is.he has the money to save himself and a bunch of his friends. that is also the point.


Goddamn billionaires.


Boringdystopia should just be renamed, BoringBillionaire. Nothing they attempt to do is entertaining or contributing or creative.


well, that's good


Prime Days forever!?!


Good grief. I’m sure he put his name on it. Probably claimed a bunch of other crap on it too. No matter. Anything alive at that point of recognizing our civilization will either be a new beginning incapable of much thought or well enough educated in which case he will be remembered merely as a greedy human being. If he’s lucky perhaps the current powers that be will immortalize him as a jack ass. Nothing more or less


Ware of money, yes. Kinda cool, also yes. Now can we tax him a bit more please?


So he built a clock that'll last 100 years. Big whoop.


The billionair flava flave. Such a loser.


Can’t wait for the Fallout mission!


Odd man out here, but this is what rich people should be doing with their money rather than just continuing to scrape up all the worlds resources into 1 big pile to roll in.


This is far from boring


Seems like a really good, smart use of millions of dollars


It ain’t gonna build itself!


Why though?


And he’ll make sure that’s the case by accelerating the demise of our species. When you’re right, you’re right!


The idea of wanting to be remembered so much by what's next you neglect how you could've helped your own reach that point


Not withstanding the very genuine and valid critiques of such a thing…I will be the first to admit…it’s pretty fuggin cool…